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Everything posted by Playball335

  1. Homer, you may want to check this link out for a free method of removing (center channel) vocals from digital audio tracks. http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Vocal_Removal
  2. Neither. Put in a directory outside of both of these directories. For example I have the following folder for MVP 88. D:GamesMVP 88.
  3. Problem is a windows security protection on the program files folder. I recommend installing to a folder like games/MVPxxx. I have no issues with Windows 7 doing this.
  4. I was just going to ask if anyone knew of a source for hi-res photos. Kyleb, is it safe to say that if a player has a portrait in the current beta that is an accurate photo of said player. If no know source can be had I will have to use pics from milb.com and upsize and sharpen them. Also, are 1x portraits being used for the minors? Thanks!
  5. Is there a list of portraits that are still needed? I will try and help, will have to dig into my archive (brain) to remember how to do portraits as its been quite a while. :-)
  6. Make sure you save your dynasty first (if memory serves me correctly)
  7. I had similar trouble last year and reinstalling DirectX did the trick.
  8. I could help with portraits and could provide FTP space if needed. Do we have hi-res sources at our disposal for the porraits? I also have some cool (at least I think so) home plate logos, ala MLB Network that I would love to have in the game, if anyone can point me in the right direction to get them in. Also, help wherever else I can. Thanks to all that are stepping up in this effort. MVP is still top dog!! :-)
  9. Lot of keepers! Will owners be able to hold on to players indefinitely? I run a Football league and we keep three and they can't be the #1 or 2 picks from prior season. This helps keep things competitive. If an owner have a team in a league that afte initial draft isn't strong enough to compete, that owner will most likely eventually drop out, kind of like being the Royals or Astros fans. :-) Is there a cost? If within the rules there is a chance ALL owners truly have a chance from season to season, and cost is low (single dad, sorry), then I'm in. My nephew had me join a league and I took over a below average team and due to his rules, I NEVER have a shot at getting in the playoffs every year.
  10. I'm interested, depending on scoring rules and $$. :-)
  11. Thank goodness the MVP community has you!!!
  12. What controller are you using ming? I am using a 360/pc controller.
  13. I get the same thing. Nvidia 8800GT
  14. Make sure when installing the game, you right-click on the setup file and "Run as Administrator".
  15. Sorry. I was watching MLB Network 30 teams in 30 days spring training and he had no mustache!!! Whatever works I guess. :D
  16. Isn't "Gibby" moustache-less?? Top-notch work as usual Jogar!! :clapping:
  17. Keep up the great work! These will go nicely with the new 2011 roster set! :-)
  18. Are these global changes also incorporated in the file that controls generated rookies (can't remember the actual file name)? If not the mod would only be toned down for single season play. Looks great though!
  19. I have been piecing together your work as well, so that I could have a nice condensed pdf version. :-)
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