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Everything posted by innuss

  1. Thank you so much. Like both of you, I spent way too much time loading, reinstalling, etc trying to get this to work. I gave up about two months ago & then I saw what you tried so I had to try it myself & it worked!
  2. I use classic pitching & hitting & it is very similiar to MVP 2005. Dennis is right about the two modes which involve too much joystick jockeying for me but luckilly, you can use classic pitching & batting.
  3. innuss


    Great work & a hint for anyone who has trouble installing this incredible roster. I was trying to find the application data to install the roster but could not find it. Well, after a 1/2 hour of frustration I did a search for app. data folder & found out that you have to make sure you go into control panel under folder options under the view tab and make sure you have checked the show hidden files, folders and drives. My machine is a Windows 7 recent build & that setting was turned off by default.
  4. Let me know if & how you get the year changer to work. I could never get that to work even though I tried the suggestions that were posted elsewhere. Thanks!
  5. I shut down my machine last night & when I got home from work I figured I'd try again. Will, much to my surpise, I was able to play a exhibition game. I saw the resolution was at 800 by 600 so I changed it to 1280 by 1024 & it worked. I then used the resolution changer to put it at 1920 by 1080 & I got the same crash as before. I then restarted my CPU & the game & I was able to play a exhibition game at 1920 by 1080. Unfortunately, this little restart trick hasn't worked w/ the schedule changer- I'm still stuck in 2005 but that's much better then not being able to play at all:)
  6. I'm hoping that one of the experts here can help me out. I've had a XP machine for years but last month jumped on the W7 wagon & had a new computer built. I had tried getting the schedule updater to work but I never could. I hadn't played a game on the new machine yet. So while watching my M's have their home opener against the Angels I decided to play a game but I had the same exact problem that RoadRanger is having. I have a Windows 7 pro 32 bit machine. I have the orginal game disks. The game runs fine w/ a clean install & patch 3 & 5 applied. After I've installed MVP 13', I try to play a exhibition game & it crashes as Roadranger describes. I have tried admin mode, compatabilty mode, etc. I have installed the game on the desktop & in the orginal c:programfileseasportsmvp2005 folder & I get the same error. Here's where the 20013 file is located:Desktopnew folderMVP2013. I then click on the explode me file & navigate to where MVP 2005 is located. It overrides a couple of files but then the game will crash. I'm probably missing something that is obvious. I haven't tried 2012 or any of the other Mods yet. Ideas?
  7. Hey Redbeard, Thanks for the quick reply. I have searched all of the threads regarding this & it looks like it works for some & not for others. I tried what you had suggested w/ the clean install, MVP patch 3, MVP patch 5 & then MVP 2013. I've moved the schedule all around (desktop, C:easportsmvp2005) & have tried running it w/ admin mode & all I get is 1 or 2 seconds of the command prompt & then it goes away. I was running XP up until two weeks ago & never had any issues. Everything else works fine & maybe someone will figure out a work around, Do you think it would be possible (if a 2014 mod is released) for the modders to have the season automatically start w/ the new year (2014) or would that be a violation of some sort? Thanks again.
  8. I'm having a issue w/ schedule updater that I hope someone can help me with. When I ALT-TAB out of the game to update the year to 2014, the schedule updater loads for two or three seconds in the command prompt screen & then goes away. I have reinstalled the program, tried the 2008, 2009 & the regular schedule updater. I have tried running as administrator (Windows 7, 32 bit). I have installed netframework 4.51 & the other Microsoft files that might be required & nothing has worked. I have the 2013 season from last year that is the default schedule so I guess I could simulate a whole year to get to 2014 but that would create other issues. Any ideas? Thanks
  9. Thanks!
  10. Hi all, I just ordered a cd copy of this game. I wasn't going to get it but when it was patched I decided to grab it off of Amazon- I like having physical copies of my games. The most important thing for me being a long suffering M's fan is that I have the Astro's in the AL, so I should patch the game 1st & then install Wuld's rosters? Any other essential items that I should get? Is there a stadiums mod that has them all or is it best to go stadium by stadium? Are there any scoreboards that are compatible w/ the patched version of the game? Thanks!
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