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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. I got a collection of colorized baseball photos so I decided today to create a gallery of them. I had time to do this because I didn't watch the Yankee game since I didn't want to get aggravated again. The link is RIGHT HERE. Some photos are very big so you have to scroll down to see the entire thing. Let me know which ones you like the best. Right now I got to say the Polo Grounds one from 1921.
    I bet these were tough to make. Excellent work!
  2. Hey! I'm with you since I agree with you.
  3. Oh, you are getting closer! To our experts in here: Can it be his video card?
  4. Is it possible? Yes. But whoever does it is going to have a lot of work to do. A lot. This was done in Mvp 2005 because the announcing of Kuiper and Krukow were awful and one guy spent 3 1/2 years making the Legends of the Booth mod which replaces Kuiper and Krukow's words with Vin Scully, Ernie Harwell and Mel Allen. It's a joy to listen to those guys instead of the other two. Can it be done for 2k12? Beats me. But it will take a lot of work.
  5. Mods make the game look better and enhance everything that EA sports put into the game. Better uniforms, stadiums, portraits, cyberfaces, etc, etc. But they do not make the game run.
  6. Doesn't it drive you nuts when you have to do all this stuff? All you want to do is just play the game. Good luck man.
  7. Wait a minute. Now I know I need to wear glasses all the time but I could swear that last screen grab is of Jeter in a Red Sox uniform.
  8. Well that's true. And another plus is that the original Gamebase account here is a Contributor.
  9. They've been doing that for years. I don't think those Gamebase people ever had an original idea yet. All they do is grab the mods here and give themselves credit for finding it.
  10. Updated to 4-17 ...It's almost hard to believe that baseball season began two weeks ago today. So much has been going on these past fourteen days and as usual some of it's been good to see and some of it hasn't. During the first week of play all the talk was about Colorado's Trevor Story. All he did was hit four home runs in his first three games and that was good enough for some people to hand him the National League home run title right there. He's calmed down a bit since then (three K's yesterday against the Cubs) but he's doing a great job for the Rockies and should hold down the shortstop position for them until Jose Reyes gets back, providing he doesn't beat up another woman along the way. The team that I am pulling for to fall flat on their faces this year along with the Boston Red Sox are the Kansas City Royals. Yeah they won the series last year and if you forget that for one second they'll be only too glad to remind you. They'll even be wearing special gold uniforms on all of their Friday home games for the remainder of the year just to soak more money out of the farmers and rednecks and to rub it in the noses of every visiting team that comes to Kansas City. Not even the Red Sox when they finally won in 2004 came out with gold uniforms. Speaking of the Red Sox, why is David Ortiz allowed to wear a hoodie during the game when no one else can? I don't think the Padres are as bad as their first three games showed (all shutouts) and while I don't think they can win the division they won't be pushovers either. The Yankees on the other hand are. I had no faith in them coming into the season and I didn't believe one word when the team was being praised when spring training was going on. I am not going to let this team give me an ulcer. I've had one of those and they are not fun and these guys aren't worth the time fretting over. And yet, that's what I'll do. I just hope I don't spend too much of my time doing it. It's nice to know that slugs like Mark Teixeira and Carlos Beltran will be off the books after the season is done but what worries me is who will be the next group of overpaid has-beens to take their place? Let's see...now we can't have any catcher's collisions anymore and sliding into second base now is equal to betting against the house at a casino. You know you're going to lose. Best thing for a runner to do is take a right hand turn into right field so he doesn't get in the way of the shortstop or second baseman. Then hope for a wild throw. Because if you slide in the bag you're gone. Baseball made those two middle infielders as off-limits as the NFL has made quarterbacks. Cough by one of them and you got a fifteen-yard penalty. I'm afraid to find out what they are going to do to baseball next. ...Sometimes, well most of the time, those people at ESPN are ridiculous. The NFL schedule was released last week and when that happened every fan went to check for themselves how good or bad they thought it was. That's what I did when I made a beeline to the Raiders page to see first-hand how the NFL screwed them again. And they did because Oakland has to play three of their first four games on the road and three of their last four games on the road. Trust me on this you only see them pulling this with the Raiders schedule. Looking it over and mumbling and grumbling about it was one thing but then I read where some ESPN writer, who obviously had nothing better to do, wrote a piece where he gave his game-by-game predictions for next season. Really? And how the hell do you do that with a straight face? Of all the organized sports I believe that football is the hardest to predict week to week because of the high rate of injuries. Are the Patriots a different team without Tom Brady and a few of their offensive weapons? Of course they are. And you never know if one of them will be ready to play from one week to the next. The guy who wrote the article about the Raiders said they were going to lose the first game against New Orleans because Drew Brees "has not thrown an interception against the Raiders in 209 passes dating to 2003." So it's a sure thing that Brees will be playing? And if he does it's also sure that he won't throw an interception? It's also possible that a team can win a game without picking off a pass, something that the writer of that article would find hard to believe. I've never been someone that was into predictions. I just hope for the best and hope that they can win as many games possible. Of course if you look at it like that you wouldn't have a column to write. ...Johnny Manziel has a lot of time on his hands now ever since the Cleveland Browns told him to pack his things and leave. And every other team in the league that was smart enough not to draft him is avoiding him out of common sense except maybe for the Dallas Cowboys who would sign anyone just as long as it meant it would get a few more people to buy tickets to sit in their overpriced stadium. Manziel and a friend of his rented a $4.5 million house in West Hollywood for two days last week and luckily for the renters it was only two days. If it was more they would have ended up tearing apart half the house. They did manage to smash an expensive glass table and a bathroom door. Someone must have drank so much that they smashed through the door because they couldn't hold it. There was plenty of wine at the party and some of it people managed to drink. The rest was spilled on the rug in such large quantities that along with the cigarette burns, the rug has to be replaced. Along with all of this the broker who rented Manziel the house also found evidence of drug use when she went there the day after Manziel and his friends were to have left the house. She is demanding $32,000 from Manziel for damages but that's just a rough estimate. The woman who rented this house to Manziel now must know how the Browns felt when they put their faith in him. What the hell did she think he was going to do, have a Madden tournament on the PS4? If this guy keeps it up they won't even let him play in Canada. ...When you stop to think about it North Korea is really helping this country out and what's even better they don't know they're doing it. Those good ol' boys from Pyongyang have once again nabbed another American idiot who decided that hey, if I can act like a dumbass back home I can do it here. Wrong. Otto Frederick Warmbier, a twenty-one-year-old student from the University of Virginia traveled to North Korea on a backpacking tour and while he was there he decided to remove a political banner from the hotel he was staying at. The guys in those oversized hats don't like when that happens so when Warmbier was getting ready to leave the country they came up to him and told him not so fast, we want a few words with you. Warmbier's trial only lasted one hour and that's because it was getting close to lunch and they didn't want their bowl of rice to get cold so they got it over with nice and fast. Fifteen years of hard labor. Wham, bam, pass the chopsticks. I have no sympathy for this guy. Not one bit. And if someone asks me if I think that the punishment was kind of harsh I'd agree with them. But then I'd say what the hell is he doing there in the first place? There's no place to go backpacking here? Or in Canada? Any American who goes there and is detained there put themselves in that situation. And then they act surprised that they're held prisoner there. We just have to hope that North Korea never figures out that they are really doing us a favor. ...Not too long ago two men from the Spokane, Washington area escaped from a nearby state psychiatric hospital. It caused quite a stir because both men were considered armed and dangerous. One of the guys was quickly caught fifteen miles from Seattle at a Starbucks when he went ballistic over what they charged him for his coffee. He's now back in his rubber room with a few extra locks on his door courtesy of the hospital. That was their way of welcoming him back. The other guy was caught on camera buying a bus ticket using a phony name but he was more resourceful then his buddy because somehow he managed to get out of Washington state and did not pop up again until he hit Massachusetts. To be precise, he landed in Boston and was picked up by Boston's finest when he was loitering outside Fenway Park on Opening Day last week. Criminals always make a mistake that leads them to being caught when they commit a crime and crazy people do something to draw attention to themselves to let people around them know that their elevator does not go all the way up to the top floor. This guy was walking up and down Yawkey Way screaming about how great the home team was but what did him in was that he thought the Orioles were the good guys. And even though some people tried to straighten him out he kept right at it until two cops that were observing him from a distance finally stepped in and pulled him aside for his own good before someone decided to shut him up by busting him in the nose. And when he started being belligerent to the police, they arrested him and took him away. It wasn't until they got to the police station that they realized who they arrested. And that's how the second guy got caught. One witness said that had he been rooting for the Red Sox instead of Baltimore they would have never been able to tell him apart from any other fan at the game that day. He hid out at the right place. He just picked the wrong team. ...Any comparison you think I am trying to make between an armed and dangerous mental patient and Red Sox fans is....uh, let me get back to you on that one. ...Ever hear of Greyhound, Dept: Here's another sob story about a family of Muslims moaning and groaning about being mistreated. I'll wait here so you can grab a Kleenex and then I'll continue on with this narrative. The family in question is demanding a formal apology from United Airlines after being removed from a flight at Chicago O'Hare International Airport. The airline states that the reason why they were taken off the flight was because of concerns about their child's safety seat which did not comply with federal safety regulations. In other words it was too big and bulky and it was a hindrance to the other passengers. The only regulation this booster seat met was for the Muslim family themselves. They didn't care about anyone else on the flight except for the comfort of their future bomb maker. United didn't put up with it and they told them so. Good for them. If anyone had an oversized safety seat that they didn't care got in the way of other people the airline would have removed them too. But these people believed that the only reason why this happened was because they were Muslim. You know, you really got to feel for these people. They're always picked on. They never bother anyone. Right? ...This one's kind of shocking. There's this little girl from Detroit who at the age of seventeen is all of 4-foot-8 and weighs 95 pounds. From the description of her you wouldn't think she would be capable of putting a hurting on anyone over the age of four but as the saying goes don't judge a book by its cover. This little munchkin goes by the name of Roksana Sikorski and she will be quite busy for the next ten to twenty years because that is how long she will be in jail for attempting to kill her entire family because her twenty-four-year-old boyfriend said it would be a good idea if she did it. This girl would have fit right in with Charles Manson's little family. Their little plan got all messed up because as she was cutting her brother's throat with a fish filet knife he was able to get away from her and while he was running away he screamed like he never screamed before and hopefully never will again. Once the whole family and everyone within a three mile radius woke up, Sikorski dropped the knife and ran outside to her boyfriend and the two lovebirds got the hell out of there as soon as they could. They didn't get far because the whole neighborhood was awake and the police quickly apprehended them. If she serves her full twenty years she'll be thirty-seven when she gets out. What I want to know is how someone that size is going to survive a prison term? A strong wind could throw her twenty feet if she doesn't watch it. And as she'll find out the inmates will throw her even farther than that.
  11. That is the issue. You don't just jump into a game and expect to master it just like that. Just keep practicing and learning from those videos and before you know it this no-home run problem you are having will be a thing of the past.
  12. How long have you been playing this game?
  13. Thank you Jim for the answer you provided here. I know you had to spend at least 45 minutes researching this. You are a good man.
  14. Now I don't own 2k12 as everyone in here knows but what I do know is that the best way you can learn to hit and hit with power in 2k12 or in any other baseball game is to practice. When I first got Mvp 05 I used automatic fielding because I wasn't good at fielding grounders or going after fly balls. Now I strictly use manual fielding and nothing else. It just took practice. Same for hitting. I didn't start out clobbering the ball but now I am ok. Just give yourself time.
  15. That Jeferomer knows how to make a uniform.
  16. Gordo's right. Many years ago there was a Mvp league on this site and we did a few things that helped the IP to IP connection. Like Gordo said you would have to have very close or identical installs. This is what we did to make it run a lot better. 1. We made sure that the same rosters were used. That means if you have Gordo's end-of-season rosters still installed and your opponent has his spring ones you will run into a problem. 2. For league play we used the stock stadiums (the original ones that EA provided when you first install the game) because those did not have all the detail as the modded stadiums have. Don't believe me? Check out the default stadiums one day. EA didn't spend a lot of time on them. 3. If you have a datafile you had better be sure that your opponent has the same one. 4. While it is true that the closer you are in IP to IP play we did have people that lived out of the country that played Mvp and they did just fine. In the league I am talking about that was played here we had a guy who lived in New Zealand (Hory) who was a member of the league and I continually played against a guy who lived in Scotland (Mark) and we had no trouble.
  17. What the hell? Now you're in San Diego? How did you get out of Pyongyang? (By the way I did my basic training in San Diego. It's a beautiful city.)
  18. No, I'm old-fashioned. I only wear the cap that they wear out on the field. No Yankee hats for me that are green or gold or yellow, etc, etc.
  19. A couple of things really quick. 1. I didn't like those Padre uniforms when they originally wore them. Those colors are not that good. 2. Look at the Yankee and Red Sox hats. Who is going to shell out money for that? 3. Never mind, people will. They got to have the latest of everything. 4. What I am waiting for is someone in here to request that all 300 of these uniforms be made for the game.
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