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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Base Up! Rosters are the roster name that Gordo has given to his set of rosters. If you want to use the roster to play against the CPU download this one right here. Be sure to have Mvp 15, which you download from this site too. Goodnight now!
  2. CPU vs CPU is the computer playing against itself. All you do is sit back and watch it just like you are watching a game on TV. You will find that Gordo's rosters are very accurate and the results are very similar to real life. Manage only is when you are able to call the shots. Do you want to send up a pinch-hitter in the 6th inning? Or do you want to get someone warm in your bullpen because your starter is getting knocked around? In manage only you get to have this option. In CPU vs. CPU you don't.
  3. As the saying goes a picture is worth one thousand words. This is one of the Indians playing against the White Sox yesterday in Chicago. It should have been the Browns vs. the Bears.
  4. You're probably right. This idea of mine isn't perfect but it does provide warm home games for fourteen of the fifteen scheduled games. It's got to be a lot better than having games played in New York in early April for example.
  5. We've seen already how stupid the schedule has been since the season began. The Yankees should have no business opening up this early at home because of the cold. Same for the Indians. The eastern teams should all start in better weather for the good of the players and fans. I wrote a letter to MLB about this some time back and it was completely ignored. Here's what I wrote. Let me know if you think this is a good idea or not. Dear Mr. Manfred, I have been a baseball fan for many years now and for me the best part of the season has been Opening Day. Looking forward to that has helped me get through many winters here in Central New York. However, once the season starts many of the games that open up on the east coast in places such as Philadelphia, New York and Boston are met with near freezing temperatures that neither the players or fans should have to put up with. My solution is this. Start the season for the first week to ten days down in the south and out west and in places where there is a dome. There are thirty teams and it would work out well. Here is a list of where you can open up at and the weather would be more than cooperative. Los Angeles San Francisco San Diego Arizona Milwaukee (domed) Miami Atlanta Anaheim Oakland Texas Houston Seattle (domed) Tampa Bay (domed) Toronto (domed) That's a total of fourteen. The next southern city would be Washington or Baltimore. Or, if you want to return to tradition, allow the Cincinnati Reds to open up the season. If this was done it would eliminate a lot of rain outs and make the players and fans a lot more comfortable. Opening Day is meant to be enjoyed in the sunshine and not during a threat of snow where your fans are dressed up as if they are attending a NFL game. Thank you.
  6. I believe this overlay is part of the second patch that was never released. It is a good looking overlay though.
  7. It has been asked before. S E A R C H the forums.
  8. Just what I was thinking. "Hey honey do you want to come and watch a Lifetime movie with me?" No, I'm playing Total Classics!
  9. Hey I might be able to answer that question for you, at least I think so. We have had a lot of server upgrades over the years, some of them which have happened when you were here last and some recently. When these upgrades occurred some files that were previously uploaded were lost and what I mean by that is when you go to download them you would get an error telling you that the file could not be downloaded. I have sixty DVD's full of mods that I have collected from this site and what I will do is check the database out to see if I can help you.
  10. Yes but like KC said it is very cheap on Amazon. Take a look right here and you'll see you can own it again for a very cheap price. We also have some downloads for this game right here on the website. Not a lot, but not bad.
  11. Hahahahahaha. Oh man these people crack me up Jim. Good work.
  12. No, but we do have a hell of a search function here.
  13. If you think about it they are already here. Mods have already been made for the 2006. '07, '08, '12, '13, '14 and 2015 seasons. Search the download section.
  14. He probably had to go to the bathroom.
  15. And it would blow their minds too. You can always make it yourself. There's an idea.
  16. All this means is that they will be wearing non-collared shirts to the ball park when they get eliminated in October.
  17. Ok I am going to be the first one to say this. This guy's a tool!
  18. But to be on the safe side, attend mass and say a few Our Father's just to be sure.
  19. I got to agree with this here. Let's take a glance at what Laroche did last year during his first year in Chicago. He played in 127 games and had 12 home runs and drove in 44 runs. He struck out 133 times and had a .207 batting average. In other words the guy did nothing. By him retiring -and I don't believe for a second that he will go through with it. Why? Do you think his wife will let him walk away from thirteen million dollars? There you go.- he will have done the White Sox a big favor. They can easily find someone much cheaper to replace him and chances are that person will be more productive.
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