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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. These new people don't read the rules. And like you said, it's a pirated version that you actually have to pay for to get. Yeah, you can download it for free but the download time is purposely slow. You'll be able to finish War and Peace before your download is finished.
  2. Thank you Jim. And I just want to say that there was nothing sarcastic about my answer to one of our newest members. The guy said he was unsure of what mods he needed to upgrade his copy of Mvp '05. Since we both have been here for a very long time you know as well as I do that this is a question that is very hard to answer because of our wide variety of mods here. He didn't say if he was a fan of the modern game because if he did I would have told him to try out Mvp 15 and then get the latest rosters for that. Or if he was more of a fan of baseball's past. I would have told him to look at Total Classics Phase 10 and the other season mods. Either way I would have just ended up giving him too much information about what mods to get. "Get this one vieextreme and then this one and this one and this one, etc" It would have been too much. I have given the same answer to people over the years that I gave to him. Go to the download section and see for yourself. There's so much there. Even people who have been here awhile should spend some quality time there because some of the mods that are buried there in the back pages are hidden gems.
  3. I'd love to see the finished product for this mod. You guys have been doing a great job.
  4. We have a download section here. It's called Downloads. Go there and go to the Mvp 2005 area. There are literally hundreds of mods to choose from. Download and read the directions that come with the mod.
  5. Mvp 15 mod Washington (CPU) at Pittsburgh (Y4L)
  6. Gather around everyone I have a little story to tell on this very cold Sunday afternoon. You're going to laugh. Last night I decided to play a little Mvp '05 and I randomly picked the 1941 mod to play my game in. I had the computer take the Philadelphia Athletics (64 - 90, 8th place) and I took the St. Louis Browns ( 70 - 84, 6th place.) Only six games separated these two second division teams. So, I begin the game. And by the fourth inning I am noticing something. Elden Auker is pitching a no-hitter. He is hitting his spots and throwing strikes. Auker wasn't that bad a pitcher in his career and played for two pennant winners in Detroit in the 1930's. His opponent in this game was Phil Marchildon. This is a guy who had great stuff and would have been a big winner with a better ball club. So, these were the two guys on the mound and these were two pretty evenly matched teams. You will notice that there are no screen captures for this game and this is something that I am still kicking myself for. You see, I forgot to turn Fraps on. And that is why I can not show everyone the fine running catch by Browns outfielder Joe Grace and Roy Cullenbine's triple to left-center field that set up St. Louis' first run. There were other screen shots and they were all lost because I got so involved with what Auker was doing that I became only concerned with that.. Finally the ninth inning rolled around and I took a break to check out the shots I had already and well, I don't want to say I cried but I came close. I turned on Fraps for the top of the ninth and recorded the game's final batter. I have been playing MVP since it came out eleven years ago and this is my sixth no-hitter I threw. You got to play a lot of games to do that. One video. Sorry, that's all I had. Elden Auker retires Philadelphia shortstop Al Brancato for the final out. Auker no-hit the Athletics 2 - 0. The final out of Elden Auker's no-hitter.
    I am thinking about going back to one of my earlier reviews of Daflyboys/Gordo's rosters and just cut and pasting what I said from there in here because it's always the same. That's because his work is always the same. Outstanding, accurate, attention to detail, etc. You can't ask for more. Thank you!
  7. Take your time. If these ingrates can't even be bothered to come in here and say yes, please or even yes then don't rush it on any account.
  8. Updated to 2-7 Special Super Bowl and football edition. ...I don't know about you but I am thrilled that today is Super Bowl Sunday. This is the most hyped sporting event ever and if you don't happen to fans of these two teams all you are really going to care about is if the square you bought in your Super Bowl pool pays off for you. The NFL Network bragged that it had 88 hours of Super Bowl coverage last week and maybe forty-five minutes of it actually had something to do with the game. They had live coverage of the Broncos landing in San Francisco and they almost made it sound like a CNN-newsworthy event. Here's comes Peyton Manning now. He's wearing a light blue suit. By the time the game begins tonight you're going to know all there is to know about when Manning has breakfast, what he has and why he says no to Cheerios. ...That's another thing that has changed for the worst too. The start of the game here in the east. 6;30 p.m. is kickoff and by quarter after seven I'm so bored with it that I check to see what's on the Hallmark channel. I have to get accustomed to them talking about the game right now and not Peyton Manning's opinion on Cheerios. Part of it is because the Raiders aren't in it but after all these years you'd think I would be used to that. Years ago, and this is back when Oakland was good, the Super Bowl would start around 4:00 p.m. here on the cold side of the country. There's no reason why they can't start it at this time again because people will watch this game any time it is on. The halftime show back then wasn't as long either. Now each halftime show has to try to beat the one from the year before. I predict within ten years we will see these go over the one hour mark. ...If you are a fan of the Cleveland Browns you have to like how the off-season is going so far, although that will not officially start until around 9:30 p.m. tonight when we find out who won Super Bowl 50. They finally went out and got themselves a decent coach in Hue Jackson, a man who given the time, resources and patience can turn things around for that team. That is saying a lot because people are so used to quick fixes but that's what they've been trying to with this team for awhile now so why not give Jackson the time to do his job? He did a great job in Oakland a looked like the perfect fit there. I don't know why he was let go after the 2011 season. He was replaced by Dennis Allen and all the Raiders did under him was continue to lose. The second thing Browns fans can look at positively is that next month when the new league year starts Johnny Manziel will no longer be on the team and although Manziel can or will not realize it, this is all his fault. There were times that Manziel showed Cleveland how good he was and why he was a first-round pick for them but what he did off the field since joining the Browns overshadowed everything he did on it. Giving Manziel the boot was Hue Jackson's first move in his rebuilding process. Nothing like starting a new era of Browns football off with a bang. ...I think it's great news that the Chargers will be playing in San Diego next season and I hope that it will be for many more years after that. Those fans support them very well just like the Raiders fans do up in Northern California. If the Raiders leave Oakland I don't know if I will watch the NFL again. I've lived through this happening once already. ...Too Much, Too Little, Too Late, Dept: Oakland's Ken Stabler was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame yesterday. All I got to say about this is that is it about time and why couldn't this happen a year ago? Stabler has been retired for over thirty years now so there was plenty of time to get him to Canton so he could enjoy it personally. Stabler died last July of colon cancer and now a member of his family will have to represent him this year when his name is announced. It's good that he is finally in but it makes me wonder why they had to wait until now to let him in the door. ...Oh yeah, the game. I am an AFC fan and as a rule I root for their representative in the game unless New England is playing or if it is another AFC West team. So by default I am rooting for Carolina. What would really make this game worth watching is if Peyton Manning does something at the worst possible moment to make the Broncos lose. Throw a key interception in the fourth quarter, fumble the ball, over throw a receiver on a key third down play. I'm not picky. And if he wins or loses he'll still get his Papa John's pizza on Monday.
  9. Jim it is good to see that he realizes this mod was a work in progress and I am sure that whatever you do for this mod will make it look a lot better. I personally think this was his big mistake, releasing the mod in this state. Nobody needed to see this mod before he was 100% ready for it to be downloaded and the way it was released to everyone it was no where near 100%. Stecropper was helping him out here so I am sure he saw this before any one of us did. Maybe. It doesn't make any sense to me to release a TC mod before it is ready to be seen by everyone especially when you know it isn't ready.
  10. I agree with you. But nobody put his work down with the intention of putting him down, let alone myself. And I don't want to hear from anyone otherwise that I did. One more thing. No one went up to him and told him he should leave this website. That was his own idea and choosing.
  11. You did something similar for Sal and that turned out well. And take your time with this too. It is not like we don't have anything else to occupy our time here. Look what Gordo did for the global editing in TC 10. I'm anxious to see what the subtle differences are in that.
  12. I never said the game could not be improved. I also said it had great potential. 1971 was a great year for a total classics mod. I was pulling for him.
  13. But you could see how the novice user would get confused? And fifteen minutes? Not bad. The installation for this could have been better. But take that away for a second. Forget about the installation issue. Another big weakness about this mod is the roster ratings. The first team I look at is the Yankees and while some of them look ok some of his ratings are highly questionable and one I found was laughable. Roy White has a speed rating of 99. Anyone who saw White play knew he wasn't close to that. Ron Blomberg has a speed rating of FIVE. That's 5. And Mel Stottlemyre? Pitcher Mel Stottlemyre has a speed rating of 99. These are issues that could have been repaired but now that he is gone this mod may as well be deleted. And that is too bad. It had potential.
  14. I gave his mod a very honest and fair review. You can judge for yourself right here. He also got upset because he mentioned that he couldn't seem to win on this site and I asked him who he thought was out to get him. The mod needs work. A lot of it. But it does have potential. And I am not kidding if you want to try it out.Set aside a long time to install it. A LONG time.
  15. Danc, you have nothing at all to feel sorry about. He chose all by himself to have his account deactivated. If you read my review of that mod it had a lot going for it but it also had a lot of problems too. The installation of that mod was the worst I have ever come across. Hey, we have other season mods, right?
  16. No it is not. They have very good instructions over on their site. You need the NHL 2004 game from EA first.
  17. Introducing Total Classics 1971! That is the splash screen you will see when you start up Total Classics 1971. It was uploaded here yesterday by BRobby05. And before I get going and say what I think of it I should like to point out that there are a lot of good things about it and some things that need to be worked on. Usually this is the place where I provide the link for the mod just so if anyone is interested in downloading it they don't have to go too far to get it. But in this case he has uploaded the mod in five separate parts and you need to download all five of them to have the mod work properly for you. The five parts of the 1971 mod are as follows. 1. 1971 Audios. 2. 1971 Stadiums and datafiles. 3. Balance of Stuff 4. Data Folder folders. 5. Other files for data folder. It does not matter which one of these five parts of the mod you install first because they all have to be installed so grab yourself a cup of coffee and start unzipping. No, wait. Check that. Better make yourself a pot of coffee and a few sandwiches and shut the door and turn your phone off because this is going to take awhile. You want an example? This is a screen shot of the contents of the 1971 Audios file. It's in thirteen parts. You have to unzip all thirteen of these things and then overwrite them in the correct place in the mod. And this was just for one of them. Remember, you've got four more to go. I did it because I have time to do it. I recently had knee surgery so I have time to do this. If not I wouldn't have bothered and that's too bad because when I got into the mod I saw the great potential of it. But because it is in five parts and all the uncompressing you have to do most people are going to stay away from this and I honestly do not blame them. I won't sit here and tell everyone that but you had better set aside more than a half an hour unzipping all five of these folders. I did it once and I will never do it again. Novice MVP users will get easily confused and other MVP users who do not want to devote all that time to the installation will say forget it. If you decide to do this have a clean copy of Mvp 05 and then go from there. Good luck. Once I got in the mod the introduction videos and the splash screen were the two things that really impressed me the most. Then I got to the loading screens and the best thing I can say about them is that they need some work. The background colors stand out too much. Take a look. The uniforms were in their wrong slots but I am sure that is a hard thing to keep in order. I chose for my exhibition game the Chicago White Sox (cpu) against the California Angels (me.) There was another uniform problem as the White Sox visiting uniforms were the wrong ones from what they wore in 1971. Just take a look at the game screen shots and you will see. Some of the players need to have their ratings fixed too. Wilbur Wood, a knuckleballing lefthander had a stamina of 26. This is a guy that would -and did- pitch both ends of a doubleheader. He had a lot more stamina than that. Even C.C. Sabathia has more stamina than that although no one knows it anymore because he is always being lifted in the fourth inning. Ok, moving on. BRobby must be a country music fan because the jukebox is loaded with country singers like Johnny Cash and Lester Skraggs. Playing TC '71 was like playing baseball with Hee Haw on in the background. Hey, the guy likes country so it's fine. Getting into the mod and playing it was fine. Some of the players in the game are assigned the wrong faces but that can be fixed. I enjoyed playing the 1971 mod. I give him credit for making it because I know how time consuming it is to create a season mod. The good thing is that everything that I mentioned that should be fixed can be fixed. This is not the worst Total Classics mod that was released here. Many of you do not remember this but when the 1927 mod was released it was the worst one by far - and only because of the things it lacked. For example when you played the Boston Braves at Brooklyn's Ebbets Field against the Dodgers you would have displayed Atlanta at Los Angeles instead of Boston at Brooklyn. With some nips and tucks that mod became a very good top of the line mod. So can this one. Screenshots from 1971 TC 1971 between innings overlay.
  18. Oh for God's sake. Who is out to get you on this website?
  19. This isn't a bad question and it is one that has been brought up every so often over the years here. No one knows what EA is thinking or if they will bother with this again. I would love to see them release it again because more people can get it and there could be a revival of this game. Secondly it would put a stop to the people who are trying to sell a copy of the game for a few hundred dollars.
  20. There are other problems with that hoodlum pirate copy too. Since Hoodlum released that damn thing eleven years ago people have been downloading it and they come in here and ask for support because they wonder why it doesn't work right. Now that you have a real copy of the game you are all set. Good for you!
    If this is Gordo's work it is five stars automatically. Great job man and thank you!
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