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File Comments posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Two things wrong here.

    1. When you want to take screenshots of your uniforms make sure it is a shot that people can clearly see the uniform. This one here is terrible. What a lot of people do is get a capture of one of the infielders standing with his arms by his side so you can see the front of the uniform or a screenshot of the pitcher after his follow-through.

    2. If you want someone to do your cleats for this uniform you should not just tell them there are pictures on the internet and to just google them. Get the pictures yourself and post them in here so it saves the modder time. Make it as easier on them as possible. There is no way anyone should go hunting around looking for these pictures when you've already seen them and could have saved them some time.

  2. Wonderful mod Jim and Dennis! Thank you very much for creating this total conversion mod because the 1941 season was such a great season for major league baseball. It was a privilege to be able to assist the both of you with this and I thank the both of you once again because your work here has been so good for so long that the two of you should be thanked and recognized more often.

    Thank you again for making Mvp 05 the greatest baseball game ever made!

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