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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. I'm very happy for you. Seems to me you got a good plan and goal you are striving for. Best of luck always!
  2. You get her something special that you can afford and that comes from the heart. That shows you care and you are thinking about her. But I am sure you already know this. Sometimes the expensive thing isn't the right thing.
  3. I just finished last night playing a few games of NEO GEO Roms on my XP laptop. That stuff was fun
  4. Well my friend you may not have found your answer yet but that is the thread to keep an eye on. You didn't need to make this one.
  5. Probably so but you would be surprised at how many times this actually has happened around here. I remember one guy about eight years back who thought he had to re-install the game each time he wanted to play it. True story. I am not to sure what is going on with you though. This shouldn't be an issue at all.
  6. Updated to 9-13 ...Ok, here we go. NFL week one. Nothing can compare to Opening Week in baseball and the NFL even knows this but they do a good job nonetheless. Any of you that have the Sunday Ticket again this year will be in football heaven. I had it for a few years and there was no way I wanted to be bothered on a Sunday from September to December. There's a free preview for everyone this week thanks to DirectTV with the important game naturally being played out in Oakland at 4:30 p.m. as the Raiders host the Bengals. I just hope it's a better year than last year for the Silver and Black. ...Just wonderful. Nathan Eovaldi will miss the rest of the regular season thanks to inflammation in his right elbow. The way these pitchers get injured so easy is mind-boggling. ...There is a Dunkin' Donuts shop up in the state of Maine is offering free coffee for life to Richard Berman, the federal judge who lifted New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady's suspension. I'm sure this won't be the first perk thrown at this guy. Pretty soon he won't be paying for anything when he steps in New England in the future. I don't know though, if they made me that same offer I would pretend he was innocent too. ...Because of her refusal to serve alcohol in accordance with her Islamic faith, a Muslim flight attendant has been suspended by ExpressJet airlines and will not be allowed to return to her job until she can deliver whiskey upon request just like she has done in the past. When she first was employed by the airline she wasn't a Muslim and that meant she could serve drinks over and over again like any other normal flight attendant. A couple of years ago she converted to Islam and immediately started looking for ways for her new religion to get her out of every day assignments. When she found out her new faith not only prevented her from having a little nip from time-to-time but also forbade her to serve it too, she ran to her employers and they allowed her not to serve it provided it did not get in the way of her other duties. That worked out for awhile until she started passing off her other work on her co-workers. All of a sudden getting a bottle of water was going against the Islam faith. Same for getting a blanket for a tired passenger. She had no problem sitting down and reading a magazine. Her co-workers said she got pretty good at that. That must be one of the requirements to convert to Islam. To be as lazy as possible in every way possible. She may just have whined herself out of a job. ...David Ortiz hit his 499th and 500th home run down in Tampa last night and he did it in typical Ortiz-like style. With his gold jewelry purposely on the outside of his uniform these two home runs helped lead the Red Sox to a 10 - 4 victory over the Rays. Both of the home runs he hit off of Matt Moore were practically identical. Two meatball pitches that to his credit he did not miss and when he hit them he made sure he posed at home plate so the photographers could capture the moment because someone in Boston will buy those shots so they can sell 8 x 10 photos of it. Then he ran around the bases so slow that if you were there you would have had time to buy a hot dog and use the facilities, not necessarily in that order. The guy that caught the ball in Tampa said he wants to remain anonymous and has not decided what to do with it yet. Good for him. Make Ortiz stew a little bit. You don't want to know what I would have done with that ball had I caught it. ...If any of you out there had any bets about Mark Teixeira not playing an entire season it's time for you to collect because we won't be seeing his face in a Yankee uniform until next February. That's because a new MRI revealed a fracture in his leg and it will take up to three months to heal. Fantastic! He should be good to go some time in December. That should be just perfect for him because that will give him plenty of time to slip and fall on the ice and get hurt again. ...There is one thing that puzzles me about this. Teixeira had a few MRI's done on him before this last one and the Yankees have been saying for weeks that it was just a bone bruise. How the hell can their medical staff miss this? ...I don't know who Roberta Vinci is but I want to thank her. I actually had to google here because as of two days ago I have never heard of her. She is the forty-third ranked women's player in the world but on Friday she beat the number one ranked Serena Williams on her first appearance in a Grand Slam semifinal. Williams had this match won in her mind before she stepped on the court. Too bad for her Roberta Vinci thought otherwise. ...This may have happened in Texas but two San Antonio high school football players gave an official in one of their games last week the Boston treatment as they blindsided him from the back and knocked him to the ground all because they thought he was making a few bad calls against their team. High school football is a religion down in Texas just like cheating and bending the rules are in Massachusetts but this time those kids went a bit too far as they were suspended from both the team and the school and in all probability will be facing criminal charges because the referee that they leveled is actively searching for a lawyer. When he finally delivers his hit to them at least they won't be blindsided. ..The Patriots just can't get a break, not that they deserve one. They finally skated away from Tom Brady's suspension at the last minute and even if they came out and admitted what everyone knows about them deflating footballs, who's going to touch them now? Thousands of school children across New England learned a valuable lesson this summer as their favorite team and player taught them how to screw the system and influence judges. But these guys just can't get a moments peace, again, not that they deserve one. Last week ESPN (reluctantly of course because this is a New England team) had a story about how more involved Spygate was with the Patriots a few years back and considering what we already knew about it that's saying something. During pre-game warmups the Patriots would send an employee into the visiting locker room to steal the play sheet that had the first twenty or so plays that the visiting team planned to call on offense. They'd also have employees go to the visiting team's hotel and look around for their playbooks or scouting reports. Most people would consider these actions disgraceful and reprehensible. In Boston they consider this commendable. ...If I were John Farrell of the Boston Red Sox I would be a little worried right now. Since he's had to leave the team for the rest of the year to deal with his lymphoma, which is a cancer of the immune system, the Sox have been playing better baseball under bench coach Torey Lovullo. Since the Red Sox have always been known as an organization that cares only for themselves Farrell could find himself without a job to go back to after the doctors clear him to return to work and if this happens it would not bother them one bit. ...Free agent pitcher Johnny Cueto may be pitching right now in Kansas City but his attitude is fourteen hundred miles to the east in Boston and by the time the year is over with his body should be there too. Last Tuesday there was a much publicized and talked about event that Cueto said that he would attend. Among the main attractions was to be a Cueto look-alike costume contest where people were to dress up as Cueto going so far as to wearing his signature long dreadlock hair. The winners were supposed to get the opportunity to meet Cueto one-on-one but it didn't turn out the way they wanted to. Instead they all looked at each other and realized how ridiculous they looked dressed as Bob Marley if he were a baseball player. Cueto could not even apologize to the fans directly, he had to have his agent do his talking for him. He explained that his client regretted not being there but obviously not enough to take the time to say it directly. If this guy wasn't made for Fenway Park no one was. ...50 cent filed for bankruptcy two months ago but in the history of anyone who has filed for chapter eleven, he has bounced back quickly and with a vengeance. He is just about finished adding the final touches to the brand new home he built over in Africa and from the looks of it it would put any Hollywood mansion to shame. I'll tell you one thing if I ever file for bankruptcy I wish I end up as broke as this guy. ...Sarah Palin called the Black Lives Matter protesters 'dogs.' She was a hell of a lot more generous than I was. I am someone who believes in All Lives Matter even though somehow that remark will get turned around and viewed as racial. ...I have been blown away and at the same time impressed with all the kids around my niece's age (twenty) who just don't say they like 80's music - they actually love it. I didn't think they would with all the garbage (well, mostly) that is out there today. She listens to everything like Motley Crue, Ratt, Def Leppard, Dokken, etc, etc and she tells me her friends do the same thing. Last year I gave her all my LP records and just the other day I found out she is a minor celebrity now because of the albums I gave her. I had one hell of a collection of LP's including imports from Australia, Japan and England that I got from a world-wide known record store around here called The House of Guitars. For example I have the Australian albums of the early AC/DC albums. They are quite different that the ones released here in the States. Along with these albums I gave her imported 45's from Japan and albums that came out on picture disc. For example here is the picture of Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast on picture disc that she has. Now the reason why I bring this up now is that the kid is actually listening to these albums instead of listening to the songs via MP3 or CD. From what I gather vinyl records have recently come back in style and I really don't know why. I may be showing my age here but the reason why I like 80's music is because I actually lived through that decade to really appreciate it. CD's came out in the early 80's and by 1984 were getting very popular. They were more expensive then they they are today because they were brand new and you also had to have a CD player to play them on, something many people did not have. The selling point for CD's back then were that they were supposed to sound "crisper and clearer" than the vinyl records and I suppose they did because in a few years no one was making and selling vinyl anymore. Now I hear that people are saying they prefer the sound off of the vinyls. I don't get it. All I know is that my godchild is going nuts over my record collection that I had when I was her age. Good for her. ...I can't wait until later this year when Concussion is released. It stars Will Smith as the neuropathologist who discovered chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) which is a degenerative brain disease brought on by repeated head trauma. He discovered this literally by accident when he was doing the autopsy on former Steelers center Mike Webster. This ought to make the suits in the NFL offices very nervous.
  7. What I liked most about Bo Jackson was that he was a very humble man. He went out and did all these things without bragging. I admired him for that.
  8. When other people post their opinions in here it makes this thread so much more enjoyable. So for that I thank you. This thread is all about random thoughts and opinions of just one person. They are things that I noticed throughout the week and I write down my opinions on them. A lot of times I like to try to get a laugh out of what I write down and some of my favorite targets are anything that happens in Florida and the politically correct. And baseball. That's true. And it's also in our left hand. The next time you are out just observe all the people that walk around staring at their left hand because they are afraid they may miss something on their phone. I voted Democratic. I don't get into that around here or anywhere else. If someone on here wants to give me hell for voting Democratic I'll just shrug it off because I don't pay attention to it that much. You see, I don't see a big difference between a democrat and a republican. I don't know Hall of Fame Politics either and if there was such a thing I wouldn't know anyone who was in there. And I still say Schilling was right. This is exactly why I have never joined Facebook. I have family members ask me over and over to join it so we can "be friends." I say to them I thought we already were. Then they tell me it is the best way to stay connected. I ask them what is wrong with the phone? People have let me look at their facebook accounts. And I have seen the same information that you have just mentioned but it doesn't seem to bother them because they are constantly updated with what their friends are doing right now and what they might have for dinner. You know, the things you really need to know.
  9. The answer is no they are not and yes you can get them back but it will take a lot of work with Mvp Edit and you have to know how to do it. Or you can just download other mods that have them in there.
  10. Why I waste my time with someone like you I will never know but if you bothered to pay attention for five minutes you would see that I "go off" on the Yankees a hell of a lot more than anyone else around here. I can think of two people right away who would vote for him. I agree. I bring it up occasionally in this thread when I think I can make a joke about it. Other than that reason I have no use for it.
  11. Updated to 9-6 ...If the fact that Donald Trump or any of the other Republican candidates that are running for president disturbs you then hold on because it's going to get worse in 2020. Kanye West, who is probably the most unqualified person ever to hold a political office, announced at the MTV Video Music Awards that he will be running for president five years from now. I have no trouble believing that he was serious about this too because he treats everything that comes out of his mouth as a holy proclamation. Who's really going to vote for him anyway? The Kardashian and Jenner families will out of obligation and a few others scattered across the country who don't know any better. My God can you imagine Kim Kardashian as the First Lady? ...Johnny Depp's daughter last week announced that she was "sexually fluid." I don't think I even want to know what that means. ...We had a lot of talk in the shoutbox last week about that poor guy who fell to his death in Atlanta during the Yankee series there. Some of the posts said to add more nets to provide more safety and while that makes sense to say, how you will go about doing it is another thing. Alcohol played a factor in the man's death and that makes it in my eyes completely on him. I still feel bad about what happened but I think he'd be around right now if he laid off the Budweiser during that game. ...One final thing here. Every time I watch a game from Fenway Park I say a little prayer that no one falls from the Green Monster seats they have in left field. I've never been there and I am sure the Red Sox put up some pretty good precautions but you just never know. And I hope we never find out. ...I should go out in my backyard tomorrow and look for a four-leaf clover because I'll find one. Or I should run out to 7-11 and buy a lottery ticket because I'm sure to win. Or maybe I'll make a bet in Vegas on this year's Super Bowl winner. That should be no problem. I'll even provide the score. I feel I can do these things and more because the day I found out that Tom Brady was suspended for four games I knew that somehow he was going to beat the rap. Oh, I celebrated and gloated about it and did a little dance. Anytime a Boston sports icon is knocked down a few pegs is cause for a major celebration in my house. But I just knew that it wasn't over because I could tell by the look Brady's face. He wasn't that worried and that's what worried me. Sure enough with more than a week before the start of the NFL season the Patriots found a judge who overruled commissioner Roger Goodell's original decision to suspend him those number of games. All of a sudden that judge, a man named Richard Berman, does not have to worry about having the money to send his kids to college. That burden was lifted off of him the minute he made his ruling public. The NFL plans to appeal the decision but why bother? The Patriots can always find another judge who wants to send his kid to Yale. ...I love watching Steven Seagal movies. That guy can kill twenty or thirty people faster than I can drink a glass of water. ...The Cleveland Browns can't catch a break with Johnny Manziel when they got good news and bad news last week concerning him. The good news was that they found that he has tendinitis in his right elbow. The bad news is that he still should be ready to start the season. ...Look at what Francisco Cervelli is doing for the Pittsburgh Pirates this year. Can't blame the Yankees for missing the boat on this guy because he spent more time on the disabled list than out on the field. But I have to give him credit because when he finally got his chance he proved he was good enough. It's too bad he couldn't have done this in the Bronx. ...I don't know, there's just something about Mark Teixeira that brings out no sympathy from me. Maybe it's because the guy is always injured and is never in too much of a hurry to return to the lineup. I know this latest injury wasn't his fault and it could of happened to anyone. I say this to myself over and over but every time this guy gets nicked it is always the worst possible outcome. ...I predicted it two years ago when he first broke in and now he's finally proving my point. Jackie Bradley, Jr. has finally turned into the dirtbag that I always said he would be. ...Remember the guy back in July who set off a firecracker on the top of his head just for fun? We all know how that turned out. Well it seems as if he has a younger brother down in Texas and if this guy isn't his brother he ought to be. A nineteen-year-old idiot decided to make a social media selfie of him posing with a gun accidentally discharged the weapon and shot himself in the neck, killing him instantly. I won't dispute that this was a senseless tragedy. This kid didn't even have a chance to live but that doesn't take away what he did. Why take a selfie with a loaded gun? Don't you check to see if it is loaded just for safety's sake? Never point a gun at yourself (or anyone else) for any reason. That's the first rule that is drilled into everyone who owns guns and every gun owner knows it. Except of course for this idiot. ...Not that I have had any experience in the matter but usually when someone is released from prison after serving his or her time they leave willingly and with a smile on their face. Well, usually. Some guy in Arizona who was arrested on a meth possession refused to leave after he served his time. Officers had to forcibly escort him away from the prison as he was kicking and screaming all the way. That sometimes happens when someone is first brought to jail but never when they are let out. After a bit of struggling they finally got the guy away from the facility but he wasn't giving up that easy. He saw a semi-truck parked near the building and he ran over to it and tried to steal it. This guy really wanted to get back inside and as soon as the prison guards caught up with him, which was pretty easy since he didn't run from them he got his wish. He's now back inside on a burglary charge and the only thing that is bothering him now is what he is going to do to get arrested again when his time is served again. ...It must have been something about Arizona last week that brought the nuts out because usually this stuff seems to only happen in Florida. A woman in Phoenix went grocery shopping last week and she was in such a hurry to get out of the store and go home she forgot her two-month-old baby boy in the shopping cart in front of the store. At least she didn't forget the groceries. Luckily an off-duty police officer spotted the baby and brought him into a business to get him out of the heat and to keep him safe. For the entire forty-minute ride home this woman had no idea that something was wrong and it took one of her other kids to ask where the baby was. By that time it was too late and that forty-minute drive must have seemed like forty hours to her. Police initially said that no charges would be filed against her but now have changed their mind and now they have slapped a misdemeanor charge of child endangerment against her. What does she do? The only thing she can in this situation. She ran to social media pleading her case and she cried at just the right moments with enough emotion to get people to feel bad for her. Unbelievably some people actually fell for it. I would have to except for a few things that probably didn't seem so important to her at the time. What kind of mother completely forgets to strap her two-month-old infant into the car before taking off? What kind of mother takes that forty-minute car ride home without looking in the rearview mirror to check on the kid while she was driving? Say, he's been really quiet for these past twenty-five minutes. I wonder why? And finally what kind of mother is she when her three-year-old exhibited more common sense than she did when he asked where the baby was? But I give her one thing, she knew how to cry on cue. At least the infant was ok. ...Evidently ESPN wasn't quite done with Curt Schilling after a post that he made on Twitter comparing Muslim extremists to Nazis. They originally suspended him for one week of Sunday Night Baseball and for the rest of the Little League Championship series. But now after Schilling sent an e-mail to a website called Awful Announcing to respectfully point out how they misinterpreted him, ESPN has now suspended him for the remainder of the season including the playoffs. I feel bad for the guy because when he comes back at the start of next season ESPN will have whipped him so much that he'll be a shell of what he once was. The first thing I'd do is get him off twitter. I've been saying that about every famous person who has landed in hot water because of that damn site. I believe that there are more people in this country that agree with the post he made but they are afraid to admit it. I agreed with it and I could care less who knows it but since I am not famous and well known nobody cares. The guy deserved better for saying the truth and ESPN should be ashamed of themselves for putting him through this. There is one thing I want to know about this. I get that the PC crowd is hurt, angry and insulted about Schilling comparing Muslim extremists to the Nazis. What I don't understand is which group did he insult? ...The Philadelphia Eagles cut Tim Tebow even though they were saying he was doing a good job in training camp. I don't think this is the end for him because I think he'll resurface on a Canadian team or another NFL team will give him a shot. If someone like Geno Smith of the Jets can be a starting quarterback before he got hit in the jaw then this guy can do the same thing. ...A few months back I wrote about some guy who broke in a lady's house and began baking a potato and then when out to rake her leaves before police came to take him away. I didn't think that would happen again because the object of breaking and entering is to do it without being detected and I was sure that other would-be robbers were not going to make that same amateurish mistake that this guy made. Wrong. A woman in Pennsylvania awoke to strange noises in her house last week. They were strange because she lived by herself. When she went to check it out she found that a guy broke in and he was taking a shower and doing his laundry. Police caught this guy fairly easy too because his cloths were in the dryer and they were only half way done as he was taken away on charges of criminal trespass, disorderly conduct, loitering and mixing colors with whites when he did his laundry. ...I've never heard of the Ashley Madison website until they had their website compromised but it's not like I would have went there anyway. I couldn't hurt my spouse like that although millions of people obviously disagreed with my opinion on that. You could make a good case for saying it was their fault for signing up on a site like that but I don't think we have the right to expose an affair especially now with people committing suicide because their names have been released for everyone to see. I wouldn't want something like that on my conscience. Everyone has their own reason for doing things. Somehow those guys are going to get caught and that website is never going to be the same. Thirty-seven million people? No wonder why people don't stay married these days.
  12. I got to admit, this guy makes sense.
  13. Get mad all you want. Since you've been here you have done nothing but expect other people to do your work for you. There is a BIG difference between someone saying 'I've been searching for awhile for ..... and I can't seem to find it' or 'I've been trying to do .... and I have run into some trouble. Does anyone have any suggestions?' That is not you. You are 'will someone do this for me' and 'will someone find this for me' And you also continually use the shoutbox to ask your support questions even though (1) there is a header above it saying don't do it and (2) you've been asked many times before not to. My personal impression of you is that you are lazy and you are content to have others do your legwork. That will only get you so far around here because other people will pick up on that too and decide to ignore your pleas for help too. I have less patience compared to them so I beat them to the punch. One final thing: Don't tell that guy to shut up especially when he wasn't wrong. That isn't done around here
  14. I really have to say that's a hell of a post. It makes a lot of sense and it should be the standard for everyone who posts in here or makes threads. Unfortunately there are a lot of these type of people in here and since we are talking about the original poster here he is one of the people that make threads like this again and again. Another thing that bothers me about this guy (and I am sorry to use him as an example here) and others like him is that he wants you to do the work for him. Do we have ..... here? What is the link for.....??? Where can I find....??? We have a search feature here that can answer these questions but it is easier for them to have others do it. That is what annoys me just as much.
  15. I consider myself lucky that I saw baseball like that.
  16. If one of the voices in that video is familiar to Yankee fans it should be. That's the late Frank Messer who was a Yankee announcer for many years.
  17. Again,you assume. I can recall in the not so distant past where members here have sold their copy of the game in the 30 to 40 dollar price range. People do not sell their game here a lot but when they do there seems to be better deals here than anywhere else.
  18. Why don't you go and God damn search the forums for posts that I have made about what I thought about Clemens going to the Hall of Fame before just assuming something? And don't give me that crap that because they are Yankees it made it ok.
  19. No problem. That is how it's been since the first one in 2007. Same for the WBC mods too.
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