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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. What are you talking about? Just download the mod and when you install it it will give you the option to install the game in English and Spanish. Just like in all the other Caribe releases they have done in the past.
  2. That was my response to this: I didn't call HIM anything. I said it about anyone who wants to get these games for free or have someone upload it for them. And you knew damned well what I was talking about.
  3. So do I mcoll but this guy wants HH2004 for free. No excuse for that.
  4. Hahahahahaha!!! Yeah, but this guy still wants it for free. I got HH 2002, '03 and '04 on my XP laptop. Well worth the time playing them.
  5. That's still too much for these cheap SOB's.
  6. What the hell are you talking about? You were given the link for it. Get a job and go buy the damned game.
  7. Updated to 8-30 ...I wasn't too broken up when I found out that C.C. Sabathia could miss the rest of the season. With the way this guy has been pitching he hasn't done the Yankees any good yet and here we are almost at the end of August. He has won seven games for the Yankees in the past two seasons while making twenty-three million dollars each year. Talk about stealing money. The funny part of all this is that he is due for a two million dollar raise next year so maybe he can win five games next year. It's no secret the Yankees got hosed in this deal but they did it to themselves so no one's going to feel too bad for them. I sure as hell don't. The best thing that Sabathia can do for the Yankees as they head into this stretch run is to stay off the mound for them because every time he was pitching you never wondered if he was going to implode. It was always what inning he was going to do it in. ...I don't give a damn if the Yankees scored fifteen runs the other night. Their hitting lately has been terrible and I don't see it getting any better and when the season is over and they look back on it this time they can't blame Kevin Long. ...And the MLB waiver deadline expires tomorrow. It will be interesting to see if the Yankees make a minor move to replace Sabathia on the roster. Then again teams may think they are desperate and will try to take advantage of it. Just once I'd like to see teams trade with the Yankees like they deal with the Red Sox. Sure, we'll take whomever you want to give us. You guys take what you want. ...The YES Network at times leaves a lot to be desired in terms of programming and nothing says it more than their replay of Yankee Classics that they broadcast from time to time. I've had YES since they started in 2002 and I think I've seen every Yankee classic game and that's not that hard to do because they recycle the same ones over and over again. The no-hitter games (Righetti, Gooden, Wells and Cone) the Ron Guidry eighteen strikeout game, the 1978 playoff in Boston, opening day from 1996 against Kansas City when it snowed, etc, etc. Don't misunderstand me they were all great games to see again but enough is enough. You can't tell me that they can't come up with any other games than the handful they keep throwing out there. ...For me, when the calendar turns over into September that is as depressing as being stuck on the east coast in the middle of winter. September means summer is almost done and we can see the end of it. The same for baseball season. Wasn't it recently opening day? September means the return to school and even though I've been done with it for years now I still get that brief couple of seconds of dread when August is no more. September means I have to start looking for my warm coats again and the hope that I washed them before I put them away at the end of May. September means the return of pro football and that includes all the crazy fans who hang around sports bars who have to out-drink and scream louder than everyone just to prove that they like their team a lot more than you do. September means that the Christmas displays and ads are not that far away. September gets a bad rap and I may add a well-deserved one. ...A lion who lived in the same national park as the famed Cecil the Lion charged a walking safari tour last Monday and killed the safari guide who was in charge of it. The animal unexpectedly charged the photographic safari group and the guide managed to get everyone away to safety but the injuries he received from the lion proved to be too much and he died later in a local hospital. There's only one thing I don't quite understand here. This guided tour took place at the Hwange National Park, a park known for the home of some of the fastest and dangerous predators in the world. Why take a walking tour in a place like that? Your camera won't protect you if something really wants to get at you. ...Somewhere in Africa by now that lion walked back to his pride and told everyone there that he got revenge for Cecil and he was feeling pretty good about himself until someone told him that he got the wrong guy because this one wasn't a dentist. ...Madden 16 came out for the console users last Tuesday and based on the reviews I have read this game has once again made its usual disappointing impression on football fans everywhere. This year's new gimmick to make you shell out another sixty (and up) dollars is new passing controls for you to master. You can have your receiver go for an 'aggressive' catch where they try to make a spectacular catch, a 'possession' catch where they try to make the catch but at the same time playing it safe and finally a 'run after catch' which is a catch that as soon as it is made the receiver quickly turns upfield for more yardage, which by the way is something they should be doing on just about every catch they make. But, that's what EA is selling this year and people will buy it. If EA ever came out and said that the only thing they will be doing in next year's game is updating the roster people will still pre-order it. When you are the only game in town you make your own rules. ...Because two more fans were carried out on stretchers last week (one in Detroit and one at Wrigley Field in Chicago) after being hit by baseballs the talk about putting up nets that extend beyond both baselines was brought up again. I'm not sure what these two people were doing before they got hit by the ball but my guess would be that they were not watching the game. Let me give you an example of what I mean from a game I went to a few years ago. I was sitting in the box seats on the first base side and we had two close calls and they both happened in the early innings. Both times right-handed hitters were up and they swung late on a pitch and lined the ball foul into the first base stands. It made everyone scatter and luckily no one was hurt but another foot one way or the other it would have hit someone that wasn't paying attention to begin with. All around me people were on their cell phones talking to someone or checking their messages. One girl was reading a magazine and one kid brought his iPad. They could have easily been hit and they wouldn't have known about it until it was too late. I guarantee something like this happened to one or both of these people but they just were not as lucky as the ones I observed. There is enough time for you to use your phone if you want at a game. Just do it between innings or during a pitching change. When the game's going on you got to be aware of where you are. The problem is people don't pay attention that much anymore and that's on them. ...It's not many times that I agree with Curt Schilling but when the guy is right, he's right. He posted a graphic that compared "extremist Muslims" to the Nazi regime. All it said was that 'it's said that only 5-10% of Muslims are extremists' and it went on to say that 'in 1940 only 7% of Germans were Nazis. How'd that go?' What did he say that was so wrong? The point he was trying to make was that a very small percentage of the German people were able to take control of that country and lead it into war. You can compare this to the large number Muslims who have never been involved with ISIS and want nothing to do with them. But because this country is so politically correct Schilling immediately deleted his post and began apologizing because God forbid he offended a terrorist. ESPN punished Schilling by removing him from broadcasting the Little League World Series last week. They did it because, well, who knows? Maybe they didn't want any of their broadcasters having opinions that may offend a group of people even though that group is doing their best to destroy America. All Cris Carter had to do was give an on-air apology after he told the rookies in 2014 to get a fall guy that they can trust to take the blame if they get in trouble. That's all that happened to him but with Schilling they had to suspend him. Like him or not this is the reason why Donald Trump is so popular now because he says what is on the minds of many people out there because he has no fear of the PC watchdogs that have been controlling everything for a long time now. Hell, even Sarah Palin made sense when she defended him and attacked ESPN. The only thing Schilling did wrong here was not stand by his comments because he was 100% right. ...Because of two separate movie theater attacks this summer Regal Cinemas will begin checking bags in movie theaters. They admit that it will inconvenience many people (and it will) but it's easy to understand what they are trying to do. What I don't understand is with the exception of women's purses why would people bring in bags to a movie theater anyway? They can frisk me all they want but in the winter time I go to Walgreens to buy the movie theater candy there because it's a lot cheaper. As long as they don't take away my contraband Milk Duds I am good to go. ...The mayor of New York and the Governor of the State of New York may not agree on everything but they are unified when they say that women posing nearly naked for photos with tourists wearing only body paint and a thong in exchange for cash are breaking the law. With the exception of a Mormon family visiting from Utah who passed out from the shock no one has complained about the practice. ...Too little, too late, Dept: The NFL had plenty of time to elect Ken Stabler to the Hall of Fame before he died last month but they never got around to it. Last week the Pro Football Hall of Fame said that Stabler was one of the two senior nominees for induction and that could come as early as next year. Big deal. Stabler's last year in the league was in 1984 so they had plenty of time to give him this honor when he was still around. He played for Oakland when the Raiders were a team to be proud of and he deserved a lot better. ...There's a country called Uzbekistan (yeah, I never heard of it either) that has their own airline that is aptly named Uzbekistan Airways and either they have a lot of overweight people there or they are just trying to make a buck any way they can because besides the common practice of weighing a passenger's baggage they are now beginning to weigh the passengers themselves on upcoming trips. Lot of luck of that happening here because as soon as someone feels that they are charged for being too overweight you'll have another lawsuit to read about. Can you imagine if they did this with football teams? The only guys that would be considered underweight would be the kickers and punters. ...Walmart showed once again how they are always thinking of their customers when they announced that they would stop selling the AR-15 and other semi-automatic rifles in their stores. Big deal. If they actually thought about the safety of their customers they wouldn't have sold them there to begin with. ...There is an online petition going around to stop some retailers from selling Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costumes that feature a knock-off of the same white dress that he/she/he/she flip a coin wore on the Vanity Fair cover a few months back. The transgender community is protesting the sales of this because they say it promotes transphobia by reducing Jenner to a stereotype. Sorry, too late for that. As soon as she puckered her lips after applying lipstick for the first time all bets were off.
  8. You're right, that's how it has always been. I had a lot of roms and emulators that I got many years ago and I'm pretty sure I still have them somewhere. 8 bit Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Neo-Geo, etc. I got them from a long-gone dead website called Emux.com. I feel I can share that now because that website has been gone for many years now. Maybe some of you remember it? If EA thinks we are now turning the other way for this they could make things hard on us. They have lawyers and money. We don't. That's why we should never permit this. See my above response. Besides the downloaded/pirated version of this game is not as stable as the store purchased one. There are problems in the warez one that people who bought the game do not have.
  9. Today one of our community members, DeuceBlades, lost his father suddenly. I would like to reach out to Deuce and his family during this time to lend my support and sympathy to them. We are a baseball community here and at the same time I like to think of us as a family too and I made this thread so you all can come in here to give your regards to Deuce and his entire family.
  10. Updated to 8-23 ...I went to get a haircut last week which is really no big thing. There's not that much to talk about when you go to a place like that. You just sit down in the chair and let them have at it and then you're done. Except for this last time. When I was waiting my turn to get my cut two black women and a kid came in and one of them wanted to know if she could get a cut too. The barber explained to her that it was not a unisex salon but the woman didn't care about that. She wanted to have her head shaved completely bald. From what I could tell by just looking at her she had a very nice head of hair and I did not understand why she wanted to go around looking like a cue ball, but to each his own. I wanted to hang around to see the end result but I didn't so I'll just have to use my imagination on how it turned out. It would have been hilarious to see her change her mind once half her hair was laying on the barber shop floor but I was long gone at the time if anything like that happened. ...There are only a couple of weeks left in the International League season and for the second year in a row I have not managed to make it out to the ballpark at least one time. It's not that I don't have time for it because I do and the admission prices for minor league baseball is a lot more reasonable compared to what people who see major league games pay. I promised myself I would go to at least one this season. It has not been because of laziness but because of something else. I have developed a fear of crowds and I have no idea when or where I picked that up from. That's why I have been staying away. Not fun at all. ...It was reported last week that David Denson, a minor leaguer in the Milwaukee Brewers farm system, has become the first active player in professional baseball to reveal that he is gay. Well good for him but there was a guy named Glenn Burke who played for the Dodgers and Athletics in the 70's that had him beat by over thirty years. Never let the facts get in the way of a story. Denson struggled for a long time coming up with the right words to tell his teammates and when he finally did he found that many of them already had an idea that he was because he was the only guy on the team with an autographed 8x10 of Michael Sam hanging in his locker. ...Last Friday Super Mega Baseball was released for the PC. It's a game that generated a lot of interest here on the site and if you want to check it out for yourself here is the link for the game. Right now it is only $16.99 and you can get it at that price until August 28th. I am going to hold off on getting it until I get some feedback from other people in here. Two things I don't like about it already is that it will take one gigabyte of hard drive space to install and secondly you can't order the game and have it sent to your house. You have to purchase this game on Steam and that's something I'm not too familiar with. And if this game can be modded then I won't hesitate to shell out the money. One can only hope! ...If you ever wanted to know how much junk you accumulate over the years just try cleaning out your garage. ...At the end of last week MLB announced a new domestic violence policy that the commissioner has full authority over. This means that the next time Miguel Cabrera hits his wife because he went 0 for 4 in the game the players union can't cry about it when he gets arrested and suspended. Same for that OJ wannabe over in Boston because he's nothing but a ticking time bomb. This policy also covers sexual assault and child abuse cases. MLB put this in place because like everyone else they have seen the NFL players hit their spouses and girlfriends just as bad as they hit their opponents. Here's hoping this new policy is never used. ...In the latest issue of Sports Illustrated there is an article about the contract talks between Derek Jeter and the Yankees back in 2010 which at one point were a little tense. I don't know what purpose it served to bring up what went on back then now because Jeter's not even playing anymore but it did tell a lot. If you recall this was the very first time the Yankees showed any backbone concerning Jeter where they actually treated him like a ballplayer instead of a God. I remember reading the Yankees telling him that if they did not like their offer he was free to look around to see if he could get a better one. In a sense they called Jeter's bluff and he stayed right where he was as they gave him another three-year contract with an option for a fourth year. Looking back they should have let him walk because he was a shell of his former self even though everyone around him still viewed him as the player he was during his first few years in the league. The article stated that during the negotiations Jeter asked Brian Cashman who he would rather have playing shortstop and to Jeter's surprise Cashman told him Troy Tulowitzki and was prepared to mention some other players but Jeter heard enough. Even though Jeter got his contract extension with a nice raise he was still resentful that the Yankees were prepared to let him walk. Then again, where was he going to go? He never would have been able to take over a team the same way he made the Yankees do what he wanted for his entire career there. ...After everything I have been reading about Dave Dombrowski going to Boston the entire American League may as well not even show up for the regularly scheduled games next year because everything this guy touches turns to gold and because of that the Red Sox should win 150 games next year. They can't be expected to win them all because a handful of games will be lost on bad calls by the umpires. If this guy is so good why didn't Detroit do everything they could to keep him? And by the way good for Ben Cherington who told the Red Sox while he was packing up his stuff and walking out the door that he did not want the token title they were prepared to give him. ...It is still unclear why he did it but some nut who was wearing a very realistic looking bear costume went up to a mother bear and two cubs trying to catch fish in Alaska last week and began harassing them. The guy took his life in his own hands as he began jumping up and down and actually got within five to ten feet of the two cubs but Momma bear wasn't too concerned because the guy looked too much like her unemployed brother-in-law to pose a real threat. ...Sometimes you read what people do and you say to yourself that there is no way you can make something like that up but then you read about it and you say to yourself there you have it. A couple in Pennsylvania decided to take their pet five-foot long boa constrictor for a swim last week (hey, it's been hot here on the east coast lately!) and somehow during the course of the swim the snake slithered and swam away. What did they expect it do, swim around in a circle and come back out and towel off? The snake has not been found yet but it's only a matter of time. As soon as someone hanging around the water starts screaming uncontrollably that means the snake turned up. But not to worry because the owners of the snake describe it as "very friendly." So friendly it will squeeze the life out of you. ...Anything but that, Dept: I'm not sure what this guy was thinking here when he made this decision. Maybe he saw one too many prison movies and it had a lasting effect on him but all that's clear is that a twenty-year-old kid from Texas walked into a courtroom facing an assault charge and left a married man. Seems as this guy got into a fight with the ex-boyfriend of his girlfriend a few months back and was arrested on a charge of assault causing bodily injury. When the case went up in front of a judge he was told that he would get probation if he married his girlfriend within thirty days, write Bible verses and attend counseling. If not, he would go to jail for fifteen days. Being that he was such a worldly guy who knew what prison was like since he saw The Shawshank Redemption and Cool Hand Luke more than a few times and wanted no part of it, he quickly got married. I give the marriage six months or whenever he gets into his next fist fight, whatever comes first. ...Another week goes by, another alligator story. And as another commentator in this thread said a few weeks back you can not blame the alligator for doing what is natural to them. A woman from Orlando, Florida decided to go swimming despite being warned by her friends not to because they observed a few alligators swimming around the area recently. Since there is no sure-fire way to fix stupid, she decided to go swimming anyway and it wasn't long until one of those gators that her friends saw earlier grabbed her and pulled her under. She lost count on how many times she was pulled under but it gave her friends time to come to her rescue and pull her out of the water, but not until the gator left a lasting mark that she will carry with her for the rest of her life as she suffered a lower arm amputation below the elbow. Because of this woman's inability to heed warnings and thick-headedness, the gator was captured and killed by Florida Fish and Wildlife officials. The next time I bet she won't go swimming when she isn't advised to but then again you never know. ...It was discovered last week via DNA testing that former President Warren Harding did in fact have a love child. It seems as if there were rumors about it for decades now but the tests proved without a doubt that Harding knocked someone up while his wife was having a tea party. Harding died in 1923. Does it really matter now if he did this or not? Who gives a damn? ...A couple were married in Algeria recently and everything was going just fine for them until the morning after the wedding when the brand-new groom woke up and took his first look at his brand new wife and when he did that he got the shock of his life. It seems that this was the first time that he laid eyes on her without her makeup on and he was so surprised that he originally thought the woman was a thief. After she convinced him that she was his wife that is when he got mad. He is now suing her for £13,000 (a little over twenty thousand dollars) for fraud and “psychological suffering”. This guy is making it sound like he married someone who looked like Ashley Judd and woke up the next day with someone who looked like Ashley Olsen. The man said that he was deceived by her as she used to fill up her face with make up before their marriage. Women have been known to do that. They want to look their best and there is nothing wrong with it. I'd like to see what this guy's mug looks like. Chances are he has no room to talk. ...For all the excuses to hold a contest this one really got my attention. Down in Key West, Florida they hold an Ernest Hemingway look-alike contest each year just because they can and a retired air traffic controller took home this year's award with his resemblance to a white-haired and white-bearded Hemingway. It took this guy fifteen years to win this contest but he finally did it. He said what held him back in the past was his hair still had some color to it. That's perseverance for you although I have to wonder who the hell would want to look like Ernest Hemingway anyway? ...It is apparent now that when Subway cut ties with Jared Fogle that they knew what they were doing because the turkey-and-vegetable sub guy is expected to plead guilty to charges related to child pornography very soon now and with that it will mean some jail time. Nobody confesses to child porn unless they did it. Personally I don't understand the thrill some people get out of this because there are so many beautiful women out there who are over the age of twenty-one but that's how my eyes see it. Fogle's wife is not even waiting around when the dust settles because she's already filed for divorce. It's amazing how quickly you can lose it all.
  11. Don't concern yourself with this any longer. I hope you get your questions answered.
  12. You are not brand new here. You should know better and just by looking at this thread on this page you would have known what it was about.
  13. NO IT DOES NOT GO HERE!!!!!! Do you see what this thread is about? It's seven pages of reviews for every total classic mod that has been made. This is not a support thread for your questions.
  14. Did you read his post? He told you where to put it. DATA\DATABASE folder
  15. Then you didn't follow the directions properly. This works for everyone else.
    With all the upgrades we have had on this site it is too bad we couldn't increase the rating system here to give ten stars to people who really deserve it. If that were the case our man Gordo would have received ten stars with this latest mod. I don't know what roster version I am going to try out first so I grabbed all three. All I know is that like his previous work this will be well worth it. Thank you for all your hard work on these rosters over the years.
  16. NO. GO BUY THE GAME. No one is going to upload their CD's just so you can have it. What is the matter with you? You already admitted you are a damned pirate and now you want someone to give you a copy of their game. Go to ebay and see what they have there. If they don't have a game for sale now they will soon enough.
  17. No. You can warm up anyone you want to, even a starting pitcher. It is up to you to put the people you warm up in the game.
  18. From E Bay: Link 1 (So far so good pricewise) Link 2 (EXPENSIVE!!!!) Link 3 (You won't believe this one) Link 4 (This guy is out of his mind)
  19. That's because mods for Mvp 2004 have not been made for many years. Then you are out of luck. Take care.
  20. Try going to www.mvpmods.com. They might have something there
  21. That downloaded version causes so many more problems doesn't it Jim?
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