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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. ​There was no reason to make this request in two different threads.
  2. Kershaw's face looks exactly the way it was after he gave up that home run to Madison Bumgarner.
  3. ​You install this patch with TiT. Install in the same directory as Mvp 15.
  4. ​That's right. I'm not going to guess. Since he's brand new he could be talking about any mod. He could be talking about installing Mvp 15 or some new portraits or stadiums or whatever. Or he could be talking about the EA patches. I don't know. That's why I said I am not going to spend any time guessing to what he wants until he gets back here. Can you understand this or should I try to look for a funny picture to include in my post to get my point across? I don't mind helping the guy but I want to know what I am helping him with first. And by the way since he posted this in the Mvp area there's a good chance he is not talking about 2k12 here.
  5. You guys are assuming that is what he is talking about but until he gets back here we won't know and I am not going to spend any time guessing.
  6. ​Patch mods? What are you talking about? And you don't provide any information on what mod or mods you are having a hard time with so it makes it impossible to guess what you mean.
  7. Thank you to MarlinsMY and BigRog for answering the question.
  8. ​Are there classic stadiums in 2k12?
  9. The guy's been working on this for years now. When he's done, he's done.
  10. ​The Asian community has made some great mods. I'm talking about the ones I use for Mvp. They made an Asian baseball mod last year that is a blast to play. I think I play it as much as Mvp 15. Years ago they made another Asian mod that is not hosted here anymore and there are a lot of good mods for Mvp that are made by the Asian guys. ​That's what I was trying to say this morning. Look at it this way. All you guys are going to be doing is downloading a mod that you probably already have installed on your 2k12 game. It will be your work, scottybilly's, etc, etc. all rolled into one and packaged differently and when you open it up it will be nothing that you haven't seen before.
  11. What in the world are you talking about?
  12. ​This isn't the first time these guys have pulled something like this either. ​No it's not hard. When they try to pull something like this you don't approve the mod and you tell them why you are not approving the mod right away. Don't hold their God damned hand and hope they don't get mad. They've done this stuff before in the past when they stole stuff from Mvp modders and the 2k modders. Is there a bit of language barrier? Sure there is, just like with the Caribe guys. And let's not forget that the Caribe guys took a lot of the stuff the modders made here and claimed it as their own. But nothing as blatant as what this Korean group does. And there is no way you can tell me that there isn't one of them that can't understand English and that means they know exactly what they are doing. ​I'm sorry, but you are 100% wrong. ​You know how to twist it around, don't you?
  13. Updated to 5-31 ...An eighteen-year-old kid, whose age must have been bigger than his I.Q. but probably not his shoe size was arrested after successfully evading police and then getting caught because he went back to the scene of the crime because he left his hat behind. What got him on the police's radar at first was when they caught him running a red light and when they went after him he pulled into a driveway and took off before they could catch up to him. It's not like the guy was being chased for holding up a liquor store or something like that but from the way he ran from the police you could have fooled them. While the police were still at the place where he ditched his car and took off he went back there to search for his hat and after giving a detailed description of the missing cap he was arrested for running the red light, avoiding arrest and leaving the scene of a crime and for aggravated stupidity. The good news is that he got his hat back. Now he just needs a head to put it on. ...All the Oakland Athletics needed to do to start playing better baseball was wait for the New York Yankees to come to town. ...This "Dancing Man" guy just proves that anyone can be a viral star. You just have to be in the right place at the right time even if you are just like this poor guy who was doing nothing but minding his own business. ...A Sacramento man was sentenced to more than twenty-eight years behind bars for the near-fatal stabbing of a doorman outside a nightclub because he was angry about a bad drink and poor service that he got there earlier that evening. Maybe I'm not understanding his reason for doing this but why take it out on the doorman? How does that make any sense? That's like if you go to the movies and the film you saw wasn't as good as you hoped it would be and on the way out to your car you stop and beat the snot out of the ticket-taker. Same thing. Have fun in jail! ...Always get a second opinion, Dept: First responders who rushed to a Milwaukee high rise building who were preparing to take the body of a man pronounced dead to the morgue got the surprise of their careers when the guy suddenly began moving and breathing. When they arrived at his residence they found the man at the foot of his bed and he was cold, pale and rigid and knowing that not even a hot shower would have helped him in that state, they called the medical examiner and notified the man's family of his death. Just about the time that the body was being prepared to be shipped to the morgue is when he started to move around. That's understandable. The guy probably overheard where they were taking him and that alone got him moving. The moral of the story here would be (and I'm sorry, I can't resist) not to be caught dead in Milwaukee. ...ISIS may be doing a lot of terrible things around the world and it just seems that their madness and brutality is increasing as the months go on but I think that the most frightening thing they are doing is convincing people to willingly join their cause. A woman in Sydney, Australia abandoned her two children with a babysitter earlier this month and never returned as she fled to Syria for a new life with ISIS. To me that is the side of these people that worries me the most. ...Before most people start boasting about their family tree, they usually do a good pruning job. Which explains what Ben Affleck is trying to do when he asked the producers from a TV program exploring his family tree to remove a relative that was found to have owned slaves back in the 1860's. Well Ben he wouldn't own any today, would he? Wether this guy was a slave owner or a moonshiner or a bank robber is irrelevant now. It's been over one hundred and fifty years and I don't think anyone has to answer for what someone in your family did or did not do over a century before you were born. People are so paranoid and politically correct these days that they are apologizing for crap that their family did back in the 1800's like they actually had something to do with it. Maybe he can look on the bright side of it and he can make a lousy movie about this. It certainly would not be his first. ...A teenage boy in Montana accidentally shot to death one of his two friends when they were outside his window in the middle of the night trying to wake him by knocking and throwing pebbles at his window. The kid woke up startled and when he saw two faces in the window he got scared so he then grabbed a gun that was in the bedroom and fired through the window. If this were an intruder he would have done his job well but the shot he fired hit his friend square in the head and he died shortly after taken to the hospital. Right now the local police do not know if they are going to file charges or not. I can't think of any reason why this kid shouldn't be prosecuted. What the hell is he doing with a loaded gun in his room in the first place? How the hell is he going to explain that? What the hell did he think was out there, a killer moose? And his friends could have tried calling him on his phone instead of resorting to the old-fashioned pebble throwing bit. What the hell, that's the stuff I used to do to get my friends to come out at night and that's how they got me out. It was a senseless accident but more than that it was stupid. ...You're hired! You're fired!, Dept: A twenty-seven-year- old single mother from Dallas got herself fired from her new job at a day care facility because she made a post on Facebook that she hated working at day cares and also hated being around a lot of kids. Doesn't sound like a good fit for her. It's like someone wanting to join the fire department but doesn't care to fight fires or ride in the truck. Her new boss didn't think that she would have been a good fit either so he called her at home and told her not to bother coming into work now or ever because of what she wrote on Facebook. She made sure the local news stations there heard about it and she told one of them that she "really needed" the job and didn't mean to offend anyone. Well, now she really needs to go look for another job. She's old enough to know not to post these kind of comments online because they always come back to hurt you. Then again maybe she doesn't. ...An Apple watch? What the hell for? ...I had to laugh last week when a mother down in South Carolina had to keep her kids inside the house because a ten-foot alligator was walking across their front lawn. The kids thought it was a "cool thing to see" but of course they said that with the doors and windows locked behind them. If I had seen an alligator on my lawn the next thing that I would have on it after it left was a For Sale sign. ...It happened in Florida, Dept. (part 143): A man in South Florida is suing his hospital for emotional distress because after he had his leg amputated it was thrown in the garbage with his name tag still on it. What the hell did he expect the hospital to do, prop it up in the corner someplace? I would understand if he had emotional distress had the hospital amputated the wrong leg but that's not what happened here. I see a nice little settlement in the future for him and all his distress will suddenly disappear in the wind. ...I would have paid anything to see the look on the person's face when they were dumpster diving as they pulled out that leg. ...Like most people I have caller ID on my home phone and I use it to avoid sales calls and relatives, although not necessarily in that order. So you can imagine my surprise last Thursday afternoon when the phone rang and when I looked at the caller ID I was startled to learn that I was calling myself. There I was looking at my name and phone number while the phone was ringing and since I wanted to hear what I had to say I answered the phone and almost immediately regretted it. I was telling myself that I had just won a trip to the Caribbean and all I had to do was press 9 on my phone to talk to an operator but it never gave me the chance because I hung up on myself right after I finished my sales pitch. And what made it even worse was that I found out my voice sounds exactly like a woman. ...At Chicago's O’Hare International Airport last week a stewardess on a Spirit Airlines flight decided to pose for photos inside a jet engine while passengers were boarding the flight. One of the passengers saw what she did and instead of asking someone on the flight crew about what she did or have them ask the Captain about it, they decided the best thing they should do is call a local TV station so they could make a big deal about it and in turn they could get their fifteen minutes of fame. Whomever this person was made sure to tell the TV people that they were "concerned" about what they saw the flight attendant do but again it should be noted that they weren't that concerned to let the Captain know about it. The TV station came first. Some people are just not happy with their lives unless they are complaining about something. They never said who this person was that phoned in this story but I hope in the near future that someone turns them in for something just as meaningless. ...Former 49ers and Bears defensive lineman Ray McDonald had a busy week last week as he managed to get himself arrested two times for a domestic violence incident and for violating a restraining order that was issued from his first arrest. The reason why he wasn't arrested for a third time was because he simply ran out of time. ...You could not blame the Angels at all for being a bit confused after they found out that Josh Hamilton hit his first two home runs of the season -both of which occurred in one game- on his return to the Texas Rangers last week. He was with them for two seasons and for all that time just mailed it in as he never came close to do anything as exciting at that at any time as a member of their team. ...The reason why it is so easy for me to root against the Washington Nationals is because they have overrated Stephen Strasburg and over-inflated Bryce Harper on their team. ...I can't help but recalling some guy paying $16,000 for a Strasburg baseball card a few years back. I bet he's been congratulating himself on that lately. ...Dustin Diamond, who played the highly-annoying Screech character on Saved by the Bell got himself arrested during a Christmas Day altercation last year when he was in a bar with his girlfriend. Somehow a fight started and Diamond pulled out his knife and in the confusion one patron was stabbed. When Diamond was asked to explain himself in front of the judge he explained that he only pulled out his knife because he figured it would "take the fight out of people." And I bet all this time you all thought he was just acting like an idiot on TV. Turns out he really was one. ...In many ways Miami Marlins owner Jeffery Loria reminds me of former Oakland Athletics owner Charlie Finley and if anyone who remembers when Finley owned the A's this is in no way a compliment. At least Finley's A's won despite of him.
  14. ​What do you mean what roster? It's a beta version of this mod. Download this and you'll see his preliminary roster. The final one won't be set until he is finished.
  15. I have been here a long time and I can safely say this is one of the strangest threads that I have ever seen.
  16. There's quite a few pages missing from this thread too.
  17. ​I swear you must sit around at night thinking of new ways to make this game harder to play.
  18. ​If you made this post in another thread you had no reason to start a new one for the same problem. So please do not do this again in the future. I have no idea what you mean by Mvp 15 automatically installing. It doesn't work that way. To install this mod you have to start the installation process yourself. Questions: Why are you uninstalling the game? Why are you installing two different patches? Just install patch #2. Patch 3, 4 and 5 are roster updates and you don't need that.
  19. Updated to 5-24 ...Due to technical difficulties in the forum last week there was no Random Thoughts thread because of the problems with the website's upgrade. Trues has been working very hard to fix the problems associated with this move and has spent many long hours trying to get everything back where he wants it to be. I have not talked to him in a few days to get the latest update but I would guess he is not done yet and when we find out for sure that this upgrade is finally behind us I think we all should let him know how much we appreciated his hard work during this time. ...What the hell? It didn't take long for the Yankees to hit the skids, didn't it? ...And by the way I can not get used to those Yankee moustaches. They look terrible. Maybe now that they are not winning they'll start using their razor again. ...I must admit at first I was very surprised to learn about how hard the NFL lowered the boom on the New England Patriots but after thinking about it a little I have to say I really wasn't. The NFL has been the victims of some bad press for awhile now and that's something that they can only blame themselves for so when this latest scandal popped up they had to show everyone that they meant business. I sincerely believe that if the Ray Rice incident would not have occurred the commissioner would have been a lot more lenient on the Patriots and nothing would have happened to Tom Brady. But since it did they had to take a different route. The Patriots were fined one million dollars by the league. That's like one hundred dollars for you and I. They'll know it's gone but they won't cry over it. They also lost their 2016 first-round draft pick and a fourth-round pick in 2017. They should have lost their first-round picks for the next three years. Finally Tom Brady was suspended four games for his participation in this and for his refusal to answer questions when the interview process was going on. He should have had the entire year off because this isn't the first time the Patriots were caught cheating. He's appealing this decision but that was to be expected. I hope they add a few more games just because he is wasting more of their time here. This is what happens when they cheat, get caught and lie about it. Serves them right. ...A lot of lawsuits that go on these days are laughable and are not worth the paper that they are written on. But then you read about one that makes so much sense that you just can't help but pull for the person. There's this lady in California who had a job that required her to travel across Central California for her employer and her bosses told her to download an app for her phone called Xora which clock in and out, fill out forms and log trips while she was traveling. It also tracks the locations of all the workers via GPS while constantly sending that information back to her boss. What's more, she had to have her phone on at all times, every day with no excuse. As soon as she found out that this app was able to do all of these things she deleted it from the phone and when her employer found out they deleted her from their payroll. She is suing them for invasion of privacy, wrongful termination and unfair business practices. I hope she gets it. If these people want to track her twenty-four hours a day then they should pay her for all that time too. ...An elderly man in his seventies was evicted from his assisted-living facility located in a Philadelphia suburb because officials there found a prostitute that he was trying to hide from them underneath his bed. To be fair there is only so much TV you can watch and crossword puzzles to do until you get bored and when that happens you mind begins to wander. The guy got the money to pay for the hooker because he was able to get around by himself a lot easier than most of the other people living there so he would go out and buy liquor for anyone who wanted it while only charging a small handling fee. So it's hard to say what got him into trouble with the home. Sneaking a guest in his room so they can break in the mattresses good and proper or the booze runs? ...I finally have something that I can compare Pedro Martinez and Jorge Posada to. Both have new baseball books out and I can not put one above the other to say which one I would definitely not read. From what I read in this Daily News article he was upset and angry about how he was being played in his final season as a Yankee. He doesn't say that he was practically useless in 2011 and that if he wasn't part of the "Core Four" he would have been given his outright release that year. That's how bad he was. I devour baseball books but they have to be about people that I respect or that I am a fan of. I wouldn't read Posada's book even if someone gave it to me. ...Only in China, Dept Where else would you go mall shopping and run into a wild boar? That's exactly what happened last week when a children's clothing store had to be evacuated and locked because a young female boar somehow got in and started trashing the place while it was looking for a way out. The poor boar was completely lost because she was looking for the food court and that happened to be at the other end of the mall. Order was quickly restored in the mall when the boar was tranquilized by a veterinarian and taken to an animal rehab center. In China that is a code word for butcher shop. ...George Zimmerman's luck is so bad that if he was sitting in a room all by himself drinking coffee he would still find a way to get himself arrested. ...The School of the Art Institute of Chicago gave Kanye West an honorary doctorate for what they said was his "transformative, genre-defying work." Just like that all credibility of their PHD program went out the window. If this guy can now walk around calling himself "doctor" then we all should be able to. ...What's next, Kris Jenner for sainthood? ...And before I go any further here I want to thank the people at the Billboard Music Awards for censoring Kanye West when Dr. Blowhard was singing last week. It was the first and only performance of his that I thoroughly enjoyed. ...Michael Sam signed a one-year deal with the Montreal Alouettes of the Canadian Football League last Friday because he could not hook up with any NFL team after Dallas cut him last October. Montreal is a laid back accepting city and he should do fine up there but if he ever decides to pick up a hockey stick and taking up that sport as a hobby that's when they'll send him back to the States. ...Not this time, Dept: A North Carolina police officer sued Starbucks because he suffered third degree burns when he said that the lid on his free cup of coffee popped off and it spilled all over him. He sued Starbucks for $750,000 so they would have to pay for the medical fees and his emotional suffering. Jurors however did not agree and ruled in Starbucks favor. If this guy was looking for a quick sue-for-money scheme he should have tried something else because someone already pulled this back in 1992 and the woman that did it won a goldmine from McDonalds (2.9 million dollars) for spilling coffee on herself while in a parked car. And that was only twenty-three years ago. The public has short memories for a lot of things but not for something like this. ...A senior North Korean defector who had a high-ranking government job there told interviewers that Kim Jong Un gave orders for his aunt to be killed last year around this time. That this guy is a brutal dictator is one thing but now we find out he is cheap as all hell. If he didn't want to send her a card for Mother's Day that's one thing. But to kill her? When his family has get-togethers they must hope that he never shows up. ...Another American idiot illegally entered North Korea recently and is now facing serious charges and prison time for illegally entering the country through China. This time it's a twenty-one-year-old college student named Won-moon Joo, which means jackass in English. Unlike the other people that North Korea has detained this guy said he actually wanted to be arrested. (I told you his name meant jackass.) He said that by being arrested some great event could happen and that it could have a good effect on the relations between North and South Korea. What this event was he did not say. He probably didn't think that far ahead. ...If I were Kim Jong Un for a day the first thing I would do is electrify the fences so the idiots from America who want to make statements can't get in the country and buy a few dozen rottweilers just in case someone gets past the fence. ...A woman from Nebraska filed a seven-page document that detailed her lawsuit against all homosexuals on behalf of God and Jesus Christ. This is the last thing Bruce Jenner needs is another lawsuit on his hands because he has enough to worry about. She's serious too. She wants a federal judge to rule on whether or not homosexuality is a sin. I just hope this woman is not too offended when this gets laughed out of court. ...As announcers and writers love to point out, baseball managers are hired to be fired. Unfortunately that is true because it's easier to fire one guy than half the players on it who aren't worth much to begin with. Add to the mix an owner who is one of the worst in baseball and you can understand why Miami Marlins manager Mike Redmond did not sign a long-term lease to rent a home in the Miami Metropolitan area. And it's a good thing because Jeffrey Loria fired Redmond and bench coach Rob Leary, presumably because he did not like the way Leary was sitting in the dugout during games. The Marlins were 16 - 22 on the season at the time of Redmond's firing, which is hardly time to raise the panic flag especially when they are only in the middle of May. Loria replaced Redmond with a guy named Dan Jennings and if you never heard of him you are not alone. Jennings was Miami's General Manager which just goes to show you that no other baseball manager who is currently out of a job wanted this one. Jennings never played in the major leagues or the minor leagues. I hope he doesn't get too comfortable. ...Bristol Palin announced that her upcoming marriage to former U.S. Marine Dakota Meyer has been called off. Wether he knows it or not right now he dodged a bullet bigger than the ones that were shot at him during his time in Afghanistan. ...The funny thing about that shootout in Waco, Texas where nine bikers died and eighteen others were injured was the reaction that a lot of people had when they first heard about what happened. They were surprised and shocked that something like that took place. What the hell for? They're bikers. What the hell were they going to do when they got together, have bible readings? ...Why does the NFL constantly tinker with their rules? ...I went to Lowe's on Friday afternoon and the cashier that checked me out must have previously worked at a fast-food place because she was as smart as the people who seem to work there. I had one item in my cart, a 27x45 piece of plywood that I planned to put under a small ottoman that I own to give it support. She looked at it and then she asked me what it was. I immediately wanted to say something funny like "it's a lawnmower" but I thought if I said that I would have confused her even more so I just said it was a piece of wood and I left it at that. That didn't help at all because she then asked me what kind of wood I had. I said I don't know but I hoped it was from good stock. That answer didn't help either so I told her to call the guy over in lumber and he'll tell you that the wood that I have is really wood and I'll pay for it and go home. So she calls the lumber department and I can hear the guy on the phone laughing because he had to confirm that what I had was wood. That was the funniest $18.50 that I ever spent.
  20. ​ ​ Funny you should mention these two mods. Both should be completed and ready to be uploaded sometime around the trade deadline on July 31st.
  21. ​No. And by the way this is my fault for telling you to look at the '69 mod. Just disregard that because I did not realize I was posting this response in a 2k12 thread. The mod I was talking about was for Mvp 2005. My apologies for any confusion.
  22. ​I guess you have to look closer. The AL and NL All-Star teams are included in the 1969 Total Classics mod. That mod has been on this site for many years now.
  23. ​You do not need to install all five patches. Patches 3, 4 and 5 are roster updates and you don't need that. Install up to patch 2 in the main MVP directory.
  24. ​EVERY EA Sports patch for this game is on this website. Search the download section.
  25. ​Yes it is but that is the special Mvp Caribe edition that Ty made for just that mod and that one has been there for a few years now.
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