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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. ​You could if you want but he hasn't been here in over three years so don't expect a quick reply.
  2. ​The link that I posted was a five-year-old link and it is long gone now. The modder who made this does not have his mods on this site so I can't and won't post the box score extractor on here. No one else can either. It's tywiggins mod and he owns it.
  3. Well Jed I think you nailed that one. Greinke's always got a stupid look on his face in real life and there was no reason why he shouldn't look like that in the game too. Great work.
  4. Who is this guy? Wait, don't tell me. Doesn't really matter. But we already have a youtube thread. So Leroy Jenkins would have been more at home there.
  5. ​Nothing wrong with it. Just download it and extract it.
  6. ​He said he's shooting for the All Star break but life does get in the way. I do understand what you mean though.
  7. Oh for the love of God.
  8. ​What do you mean? Which ones do you think are not up to standard?
  9. BigRog that is your opinion and I really thank you for it and for coming in here and posting. I wish more people would come in here and do it too because this is not my private thread and I doubt that people here agree with everything I write anyway. As far as the deflating of the footballs goes I'll be honest with you. If I was under oath I would have to say I would agree with you. I was just happy that it made the Patriots look bad because I don't like them.
  10. Updated to 5-10 ...Tiger Woods and Lindsey Vonn are no longer together after they confirmed last week that they have mutually agreed to end their three-year relationship. Where does the time go? Woods said that he hasn't slept for three days since he and Vonn broke up and I believe him. He's probably making up for three years worth of lost time as he chases down every blonde bimbo around him. ...The defense for Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is doing everything they can to make the jury feel bad for him but they seem to realize that it is a lost cause. They went as far as flying in an aunt from Russia, who by the way may never return home now after she learned we have hot and cold running water here along with sliced bread. She tearfully explained on the witness stand that as a young boy he cried when a character in the movie The Lion King was killed. If that doesn't make you reach for the closest Kleenex box nothing will. The same kid who cried for a cartoon character's death still has not shown a bit of remorse from what he and his brother did in 2013. Why this trial is still going on is something that makes no sense to me. ...Major League Baseball had the Dowd Report and the Mitchell Report and now the NFL has the Wells Report. That is a two-hundred-forty-three-page document that confirmed what everyone outside of Boston already knew. The Patriots deflated their footballs so their quarterback Tom Brady could have a better grip on the ball and what is just as bad Brady knew about all about it, which is something that Brady has been denying all this time. As someone who has hated all Boston sports teams for his entire life this is nothing new to me and not surprising in the least. Boston teams would go as far as sending their own mothers down the river if it meant a better chance to win a championship and then try to look innocent while they're doing it. I love you and all Mom but I really need to win this game. Nice knowing you. Brady's got nothing to worry about in Boston because they'll never turn on him. These are the same people who have been worshipping David Ortiz for years now with his constant steroid abuse. You think deflating a football will matter to those people? They won. That's it. Go deflate every football you see Tom just as long as you win on Sunday. That's all we care about. Go inject yourself with as much juice as you want Papi. Just as long as you keep hitting home runs. What a sports town that place is. Their motto should be "Cheating allowed - and encouraged." ...What a lousy week it was for Boston sports fans. And what a lovely week it was for me. Even though I seriously doubt anything bad will happen to everyone's favorite quarterback Tom Brady it was still nice to see the media report the truth about him. And to top that off, ESPN fired columnist Bill Simmons, who was probably the worst sportswriter ever to sit in front of a keyboard. Simmons could not write an article without bringing the Yankees into it somehow and always in an insulting way. Even if they had nothing to do with what he was writing about I would always find a Yankee reference in it. An article about the Alaskan Iditarod? He'd find a way. The Masters Golf Tournament? Why not? That guy had one running joke and it finally went stale. ...Finally, the Red Sox have not been pitching well all season so they fired pitching coach Juan Nieves because they had to have someone to blame. This of course is supposed to fix everything. ...If this sounds like a criticism of Minnesota Twins outfielder Torii Hunter, it isn't. He is in the twilight of a very good major league career and all people seem to want to bring up is what he says off-the-field because he has his own opinion on things and because they happen to differ from what the politically correct crowd sees as acceptable, he gets in trouble. Hunter is the guy who said a few years back that having an openly homosexual teammate would be tough to deal with and would be difficult and uncomfortable. Does anyone honestly think that Hunter is the only ballplayer that feels that way? Hunter was the only one that said it out loud and because of that he's looked at in a bad light. Now before the big Floyd Mayweather - Manny Pacquiao fight last week he got himself in trouble again for rooting on Mayweather and saying that what he does in the ring is strictly business and what he says outside the ring has nothing to do with him. Go ahead, find something wrong with that. If you can't let me help you out. Mayweather has a history of domestic violence and that is what the offended police - you know, the people that live and breathe to find something wrong with everything that someone says? Gotcha Torii! We're going to say you don't care he beat a woman. How could you? That's what they turned this into. All Hunter did was show support to the boxer that he wanted to win the fight. It had nothing to do with condoning his personal behavior. After Hunter made that post on twitter he quickly deleted it but it was too late. Someone already saved it. That is one thing he should have never done. Keep it there and that's it. Because as soon as he removed it he had to go through the exhausting chore of trying to explain himself and apologizing for something that didn't need apologizing for. How many apologies do sports stars and celebrities have to make on twitter before they realize the best thing for them is to not be there. And that's what he did. He said he was done with twitter. Good for him. Now he can have his own opinions and avoid the aggravation. This is what has me worried about the Mvpmods twitter account. I am not suggesting that what happened to Hunter is going to take place here. But I'm not positive because who really knows for sure? This is social media at its most dangerous. There are too many people out there who sit back and wait for someone to say something so they can quickly construct the mountain to place on the molehill. Just because this is a baseball gaming website does not mean we are not subjected from the worst that twitter has to offer. ..A family from Austria went to Cuba last week and visited Cuba’s Jardines de la Reina archipelago where they saw a small eight-foot alligator in the water and the tour guide, who must have something against Austrians, told them it was OK to snorkel with the crocodile because it was so small. I don't know about you but an eight foot crocodile is enough to keep me out of the water. First the father jumped in and started swimming around with it and because dad did it his two sons had to jump in too and it quickly turned into a photo opportunity with a reptile. Luckily for them nothing happened and they were able to get out of the water with all their arms and legs where they should be. This is probably the only time I would have felt bad for a crocodile because if it would have started biting everyone around it it would have been hunted down and killed. They posted the pictures online and got their fifteen minutes of fame but all it did was to tell everyone that they were idiots. Lucky, but idiots just the same. ...The Mars company, which makes M&Ms, Snickers and Twix, came out last week in support of recent government recommendations to limit sugar intake and label sweets with the amount of added sugar they contain. In other words they wanted to inform consumers to not eat that much of their product. Great, now I find this out. ...Prince released a tribute song called Baltimore on Saturday in remembrance of the protests over Freddie Gray's death in that city. It's too bad though. Not that he wrote a song about this but it's too bad that he's the one that wrote it because no one listens to his stuff anymore. ...A Michigan woman, who probably should be in line for the dumbest reason to be put behind bars, has been sentenced to three to seven years in prison for opening fire at a McDonald's restaurant after workers twice failed to put bacon on her burgers. What happened was she went through the drive-thru in February of last year and ordered a burger with bacon on it but as she drove away she discovered that they forgot to put bacon on it. So she complained and she was offered a free meal for her trouble. That should have been it but apparently the people that work at that McDonald's must not be too bright because the next bacon cheeseburger she was given was missing the bacon too. That's when she decided that enough was enough. She went outside and began firing at the building and luckily for everyone concerned she didn't hit anyone. I guess it's safe to assume Mcdonald's couldn't get an order right if their lives depended on it. It's a good thing she didn't go to Wendy's and order the Baconator. Who knows what she would have done if they forgot her bacon in that thing. ...What is it with these fast food places that make people nuts? If you've ever been into a Burger King you know they serve breakfast up until a certain time and then they switch over to the burger menu for the rest of the day. I've been in there before when I've just missed breakfast and since I think it is too early to eat a Whopper I just get a coffee or an orange juice and leave. There was this guy in Connecticut last week who just could not accept that he could not have his sausage and cheese croissant sandwich when he ordered it twenty-five minutes after they stopped making them. After the cashier told him this he told her that he felt like pulling out an uzi submachine gun and shooting up the restaurant. Soon after that the police were called and they felt like charging him with first-degree threatening and second-degree breach of peace. What's the problem here? Don't they have Denny's in Connecticut? They have all-day breakfasts. If he would have went there he wouldn't be needing a lawyer right now. ...During the Tampa Bay - Montreal Canadians playoff series in Tampa a fan was arrested on second-degree misdemeanor charges for carrying his gun into the facility. It would have been a felony charge but the guy who owned the gun had a concealed weapons permit for it. He said he didn't mean any harm by it because he was just going to fire off a few rounds in the air when the Lightning scored a goal. You have to keep in mind that this is Florida. This kind of stuff makes sense down there. ...Then again fans in the Boston Garden bring in knives, shivs, corkscrews, broken glass, razors, etc, to root the Bruins on. And if they happen to win, even better. ...In a little more than a month now Jurassic World is going to be out. If there was one movie made for 3D it is this one. ...Bryce Harper hit three home runs in a game last week against the Marlins which meant that he finally was able to beat Mike Trout at something. After three mediocre seasons Harper finally had one good game. If anyone thought this guy was obnoxious before he hit these home runs just watch how he's going to be after he hit them. ...If looks could kill, Dept: If there was one person on this earth that I could kill it would be Rachel from cardholder services. Well, maybe I wouldn't kill her myself. I'd send her to Syria and spread a rumor that she's a Christian. That will be the end of that. This broad leaves messages on my phone letting me know that she can help me lower my credit card interest rate. One call is enough but this woman gets around faster than the flu. One day she is calling from one area code. The next day, another one. I don't pick up the phone anymore so I hope she takes that as a sign we are breaking up. I'm not sure if any of you have come across her yet but these calls are a scam and they are illegal. There is a website called NoMoreRobo that will help you deal with these type of calls and what's best about this is it's free. I can't use this service right now because this is not available in my area but as soon as it is I am jumping on it. I just feel bad for the people they fooled with this. ...Sometimes you really have to wonder about some people's luck. There was a woman last week who made it on to The Price is Right as a contestant. She went as far as winning her pricing game and was able to meet host Drew Carey and she went home winning a sauna and a treadmill. It's no shame winning these two things. I mean I certainly wouldn't turn them down but the woman that won the treadmill is in a wheelchair and does not have any legs. She's going to get as much use out of that treadmill as a bald guy would if he won free haircuts for a year. ...Finally, happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there. Wether your mother is with you or not just thinking about her shows you care.
  11. ​If you are saying that this stadium is from 2008 or that you got it from the 2008 mod then that's not true. This Yankee Stadium was not completed yet in 2008 so you could not have got it from there. I'll try again. Who's mod is this from? I have a very good guess who made this but did you get permission from him to do this? Probably not because you didn't say so.
  12. ​Then you didn't follow the directions.
  13. Do you really expect the CPU to make a mistake? If your throw is off or late that is what will happen.
  14. Did you make this or is this Dennis James' work and if so did you get permission?
  15. ​Thank you and also welcome to the website. I am hoping you can get the game installed but it may be hard to do because of a scratch or a read error on the disk. It's true that occasionally some people here sell their copies. in fact, last week we had a guy sell his copy. But it doesn't happen a lot. Your best bet is to monitor eBay for someone selling theirs. You can check Amazon too but you will discover that the people selling it on that site really jack the price up. This is a ten year old game and it isn't cheap. That is because of all the mods we have here for it. If you can get it for sixty dollars or below that then that means you are getting it for the average price.
  16. Mvp 15 Continued Close game so far in San Francisco. Nice look at the overlay included in Mvp 15. Very well done.
  17. Two days ago the Mvp 15 season mod was released here at Mvpmods. It's a milestone mod because it marks the tenth anniversary of Mvp baseball and for those of us who have been here for the entire time we witnessed for ourselves the dedication and love for the game that each modder gave to this game. This mod could not and would not have been made without the leadership skills of Kyleb. He's the same guy responsible for the organization of the popular Mvp 12 and Mvp 13 mods. If you enjoyed playing those two mods then this one is something you are going to want to download right away. Mvp 15 can be downloaded by clicking on this link right here. If you noticed on the front page there is already a patch for this mod. The contents of the patch were to include more cyberfaces in the mod that did not get included when the mod was being packaged. Along with the cyberfaces the rosters were updated and a new stadium was included. So be sure to grab that along with the mod because it is a necessary part of it. As I have always said the installation of these mods are quick, easy and painless and that is thanks to Jim825 who once again created the installer. Because of so many new people here I'll briefly go over it here. You'll need a clean copy of Mvp 2005. Install patch #2 only and then extract the Mvp 15 mod. You'll see a file called explodeme.exe. Run that file and then direct it to where you have that clean copy of Mvp installed. Once you have it installed you can then install Kyleb's patch #1. You need the Total Installer Thingy program for this. And that is that. Start the game! The first thing that grabbed my attention when I started the mod was an introduction that I literally have not seen in ten years. It was the original EA Sports video that they made that advertised what was waiting for us in Mvp '05 when we got into it. It immediately whisked me back ten years as I remembered online games I used to play against members who are no longer here. I thought it was a nice touch by Kyleb and a fitting look back. Once you get into the main menu and look around a little bit you'll see the fantastic artwork done by KCCitystar. You'll see more of his loading screens as you play more games. He's also responsible for the jukebox music which fits this mod perfectly. You could not have asked for anything more. The game I chose to play was the Chicago Cubs at the San Francisco Giants. I used the Cubs because of all the hype (deservedly or not) that they received over the winter and the Giants because they are the defending champions. Before I decided on these two teams I scrolled through the others and the choice between modern and classic uniforms for each team is very even with the exception of teams like Arizona because really what kind of history do they have? If you have a good set of speakers I suggest you turn them up when playing this mod because the music that is piped in between batters is phenomenal. A few times I got a quick called strike on me because I was listening to it so close. There's so much more to go over in this mod. The audio is picture perfect and the cyber faces are so good that you want to play against each team to see what guys have been made on each team. That's what I plan on doing in the coming days. If I can give this mod more than five stars I would. I just want to thank every modder who had a hand in Mvp 15 and to every modder who has been a member of our website. You guys are the greatest. Screenshots. Ten years of Mvp Baseball. It flew by. Welcome to Mvp 15!
  18. There is a thread for this though right here.
  19. ​Hahahahaa. A four-year-old thread is given life again.
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