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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

    This is already in my Mvp 15 directory. Thank you for a very simple but good looking icon.
    Nice picture of Mariano Rivera but there's too much going on in the photo. You got the YES Network logo there, which is unnecessary. The Yankee logo doesn't even fit well in the photo and the 652 saves is much too big. This isn't a put-down. This isn't me making fun of the work. This is an honest review. If you are happy with it then you ignore what I wrote because it's only one person's viewpoint. With that I have to add this disclaimer. The opinion here does not share the views of any other member on Mvpmods. If there is a problem with this review I will immediately remove it.
  1. ​It is not just you Jed. There is a temporary problem with uploads to the site and Trues is trying to fix that. As soon as it is fixed their will be an announcement.
  2. ​What did I just tell you in the shoutbox? The download on this site DOES work. I tested it out myself when I downloaded it from the Chrome and Firefox browsers. The problem is not on our end. That's it.
  3. ​And you said more than enough.
  4. ​You're not dating yourself at all. For a lot of these mods now Jim has created an installer that takes care of everything for you. If I recall right the only mod that required you to install it with TiT was the 2008 mod that Kraw was in charge of. The installer that Jim makes is just another way to do it.
  5. ​What you are doing is not going to work. ​If you are trying to say we all have a wild side then of course you are right. But like that guy? I like to think most of us have a bit more common sense than Ramirez. The guy only toned it down in the major leagues after he couldn't hit anymore.
  6. ​The mod is done now. All that needs to be done is the installer. Your work would have been welcome because I remember how good it was years ago.
  7. ​Good. Nothing wrong with keeping this mod classy.
  8. ​Then you ran TiT incorrectly. There are many topics already made on how to install, run and how to use TiT. Search the forums.
    Jogar you are a true professional.
  9. ​I was just about to say that. Thank you. Stretch63: I suggest you spend some quality time in the download area. You will be pleasantly surprised.
  10. Total Classics 1993 Continued A close one here in Toronto.
  11. There is a new member of the Total Conversion family and this contribution is from someone new to Mvpmods. Some of you may know him from his work on the NBA series from 2K sports, Hawk233391. Through a series of PM's with me Hawk was so intent on using the 1993 Chicago White Sox to play a dynasty with that when he found out we didn't have that team anywhere on the site, he went out and did something about it. The closest we had was the 1994 White Sox which can be found in Total Classics Phase 10. That was fine for Hawk but he still wanted the 1993 edition so he went about making Total Classics 1993 which you can download by clicking right here. The first thing you will see is the installation of this mod is a lot different then what you are normally used to in a total classics mod. Namely, there is no installer. But that's not a deal breaker because it is an easy mod to get up and running if you follow these simple steps. 1. As always, have a clean copy of Mvp 2005 available. 2. Extract the TC 1993 file and then run the explodeme.exe file. 3 You will then get the DATA folder for TC 1993. Cut and paste that data folder over the one in the clean copy of Mvp that you have and you are all set. The first thing that usually stands out in any conversion mod is the music the modder chose to include and while Hawk's choices were very good and each song complimented the mod very well, what caught my eye was the tribute to Hory for his work on his 1994 mod that was completed all those years ago. It would have been easy for him to just thank Hory in the mod description that is on the website but he included his thanks and appreciation on the main page in the game where it could not possibly missed by anyone. After all that it was time to pick out two teams so I could test out the '93 mod and I randomly chose the California Angels visiting the Toronto Blue Jays at the Skydome. The Blue Jays were tough back then and with players like Rickey Henderson hitting on that artificial turf in Toronto he was a tough out and he showed it in this game. But Chili Davis of the Angels was no slouch either as he hit two home runs for California. The first got the Angels closer to Toronto after the Jays took an early lead and the second one was a lead off shot in the ninth that gave them a well-earned 7 - 6 victory. The game plays well, looks good and is a welcome addition to the total classics experience on our website. Thank you Hawk! Welcome to Total Classics 1993.
  12. Updated to 5-3 ...I don't want to jinx any of the pitchers in the Major Leagues right now except maybe the pitching staff of the Boston Red Sox but Tommy John surgeries have been way down this season and I think that that along with the lack of rain-outs we have had this year this has been the best news of this young season. There's been a couple of no-name pitchers that have gone down but other than that lady luck has been with the pitchers so far. Although I am sure if you ask Adam Wainwright or Brandon McCarthy they would look at me like I was nuts. See you in 2016. ...Masahiro Tanaka on the other hand could be a different story. Last Tuesday the New York Yankees placed him on the fifteen day disabled list even though they expect him to be out much longer because he was diagnosed with a mild Grade One strain of his right forearm and tendinitis in his right wrist. He's lucky his shoulder wasn't sore because then they'd have to cut the whole arm off. As cautious as the Yankees are I don't see him coming back until around the All-Star Game. Maybe David Price was right when he said that his injury was from pitching in that thirty-four-degree day in Detroit the other week. No matter what the Yankees are that much more vulnerable, and it didn't take long for that to happen. ...If C.C. Sabathia has a sudden turn-around for the remainder of the season we may be able to thank Krispy Kreme for it. Maybe this is why he was so good in Boston the other night. Those guys had a promotion last week where if you bought a one dozen donuts you would get another dozen for free and they will match you dozen-for-dozen. I can not go into a Krispy Kreme myself because I don't trust myself in there. Those glazed ones they have are so good you can knock off a half dozen of them before you know they're gone. Those guys should watch it though because with the money that he has he can put them out of business in one day. ...If the Yankees had to play in Baltimore that day they played the game where no fans were allowed in instead of the White Sox, Alex Rodriguez still would have found a way to get booed. ...Just when I begin to take a couple of steps back to try and see Red Sox fans as just people who happen to like a team I can't stand, one of them does something to make me re-think my opinion and just like that I'm hating them all over again. You can blame a son of a ***** named Mike Shuster for this because he's the guy who caught Alex Rodriguez' 660th home run ball that he hit into the Monster Seats at Fenway Park on Friday night. Part of the reason why he wants to hold onto the ball is out of spite because that pinch-hit home run gave the Yankees a 3 - 2 victory and part of it is to see how much he could squeeze out of Rodriguez. MLB.com interviewed this guy and he was talking about how lucky he got to catch the ball because he's a Red Sox fan and that he came to the game ten minutes late because of his job. The guy looked like a homeless bum and his job must have been holding up a sign at a street corner that said "Will Work for Food." No where in the interview did he say what he was going to do with the ball but he made sure to tell the newspapers that he had no intention of returning the ball. Even the Red Sox themselves tried to offer him things for the ball but he said no. If he thinks the Red Sox would have done the right thing and give the ball back to Rodriguez he is not much of a fan because they'd hold it for ransom too. I'm glad he hit that home run and he hit it at the right time because it helped win a game. But it's too bad it happened in Boston. He would have had a better chance getting the ball back had he hit it someplace else. Then again, what else should you expect from that fanbase? ...Well, it's official now and it's still a little hard to believe but Josh Hamilton found his way back to Texas and is a Ranger again and the Angels couldn't be happier about it. They wanted him gone so bad that they paid a division rival, a club that they face nineteen times a season, sixty-three million dollars for the next three years to go and play for them. And what did the Angels get in return? The Rangers have to give them a player to be named later or cash considerations. In other words do what you want just as long as you take him. Give the Angels a player with two broken arms. They'll take him. Or throw a few bucks at them before the season's done. That'll work. Or if the Rangers don't even want to go that far the Angels will let them off the hook with an I.O.U. that they would never been too concerned about collecting. ...Tell us how you really feel, Dept: A blogger at SB Nation who covers the Angels was permanently relieved of his position as lead Angels blogger after a blistering post about Josh Hamilton. The post was quickly removed but not before someone was able to capture it for posterity. This guy held nothing back. He called Hamilton a "coddled hillbilly" which if you think about it is true. You could just feel his hatred for Hamilton in every word he wrote. I think he was removed from SB Nation because he held nothing back when he went after Hamilton and they were worried that Hamilton would sue. This just goes to show all of you who think I am over the top with my hatred of David Ortiz. I'm not even in this guy's league. And in case you're wondering I don't want Ortiz or anyone else to die a violent death. I'd rather see him spend the rest of his life in a maximum security prison with no possibility of parole. ...A fan in Wrigley Field had to be hospitalized last Monday night when rookie infielder Addison Russell swung at a pitch and the bat flew out of his hand and hit someone that was sitting a couple rows behind the Cubs' on-deck circle. The fan is ok now and even though it has been almost a week now he probably still has a pretty bad headache. When I read about this I immediately thought of an incident involving Cory Snyder at Silver Stadium almost twenty-nine-years ago. Snyder was playing for the Maine Guides then and after a tough at-bat where he ended up popping out he threw his bat in the direction of the visitor's dugout. Unfortunately for Snyder that is not where the bat ended up because the pine tar from the bat stuck to his hand and the bat went flying into the box seats behind the Guides dugout and it cut an old woman's lip and broke the nose of her granddaughter. So on one at-bat Snyder ended up going 2 for 3. This was a perfect opportunity for a lawsuit and these women did not let it go by. They pressed charges and Snyder was arrested and they ended up filing a 2.3 million dollar lawsuit against him. Fortunately for Snyder these two greedy cows didn't receive anything when a judge dismissed the charges during the 1986 off season. ...A Catholic school in Michigan dismissed a twelve-year-old girl who was diagnosed with leukemia and because of that was not able to attend school regularly. They said they had concerns about her attendance and academic performance but according to her mother she was on track to pass all of her classes despite being so sick. That's the part that puzzles me. It's not like the kid is staying home because she can't put the Playstation down. This is a tough disease for anyone to fight especially for someone this young. And nothing against Catholic schools but those places make you pay through the nose to go there. I'm surprised they are turning away money. Somehow I think this kid will get back in there. It makes no sense keeping her out for reasons like this. ...Pedro Martinez has done his best to re-invent himself ever since he was able to sneak into the Hall of Fame this past off-season. You can argue that he had a great career and won three Cy Young awards but the fact remains that he only won two hundred and nineteen games. Divide that number up over his eighteen-year career and that's about twelve games a year. But what is done is done. Pedro's got a book coming out because I have no plans on reading about the world according to a hotheaded headhunter. I did read an excerpt on the book where he said that his biggest regret in baseball was throwing Don Zimmer to the ground in the 2003 playoffs. When he did it and for a long time afterwards he couldn't care less about what he did to Zimmer but in the book it's now the thing he regrets most. Amazing. Well, at least this book will sell in Boston. I just wouldn't count on it any place else. ...I got e-mails periodically all day on Friday from the Oakland Raiders website telling me who they chose in the draft and they also gave me the opportunity to purchase the jerseys from all the new draftees. They're always thinking of me. ...For some reason Roots, the miniseries which aired on ABC television in January of 1977 and was one of the most successful miniseries' is going to be remade and will air sometime next year. The original series earned thirty-seven Emmy nominations and they took home nine of them. This remake has almost impossible shoes to fill and they'd probably do a better job re-airing the original series. I wouldn't mind because I never saw it when it was on back then since I was too involved in mid-term exams. ...Proving that the Chinese have nothing else to do except make crappy imports, they are mad at Katy Perry because she wore a sunflower dress during her performance in Taiwan and they so serious about it that they may ban her from playing in China. The Chinese think that by wearing that dress Perry was making a political statement. That's because last year protesters occupied Taiwan's parliament in response to trade agreements with China because they thought that China had too much influence and the sunflower was used as a symbol of what the protest was about. The end. So, now she can get banned for wearing a yellow dress. While they are at it China just might ban sunflowers too. ...The stepchildren from a woman who died in an automobile crash involving Bruce Jenner sued him for wrongful death, claiming they have suffered enormous damages. Enormous damages? Never mind you lost a loved one. Write us a check and we'll be ok. These people will end up getting money from Jenner's insurance company. They'll offer them something that they can live with so they don't have to go through an expensive trial and possibly a large settlement. And when it's all over they'll make Jenner take a driving course with a trained female professional so he can learn to apply his makeup and drive safely at the same time. ...Things have been quiet on the Bill Cosby Accusation Tour for awhile now but last week it started up again when an actress who appeared on the final season of The Cosby Show came up with some new allegations against him. It's nothing that you haven't heard before. It's just someone else saying it. But this one had to add that Cosby gave her a death threat because the last time she saw him he told her he didn't want to see her anymore and she was "dead to him." Pretty terrifying all right. Buy another lock for your door. I don't know if Cosby did anything that is being said about him but these people accusing him of it are anything but believable. ...The next thing we'll see is women coming forward saying they were scared for their lives because they watched his show for all eight years it was on.
  13. ​Everything will be provided.
  14. ​Maybe if everything comes together on time and there are no problems I believe those guys can push up the release date to somewhere around Thanksgiving.
    It looks exactly like the Yankee left fielder. I've always enjoyed your work Homer. Thank you very much.
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