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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. ​ That probably does not bother them one bit.
  2. ​ There's no climbing allowed around here.
  3. . I never thought I would have to post this. This is depressing.
  4. ​This is where reputation points would have killed him.
  5. ​You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Now I'm not mailing you that Yankee hat.
  6. Dalton Pompey Devon Travis Kevin Pillar
  7. Odubel Herrera Addison Russell Christian Bethancourt Jace Peterson
  8. ​ You got lucky cancelling that order. You would have gone nowhere with that. I wonder why someone would attempt to sell it like that?
    Excellent work and life-like player images.
  9. ​You are 100% right ​EBay sellers have been feeding off the success of this site for years now.
  10. Ten stars for cyberface work here.
  11. ​There is a section for MLB The Show already.
  12. Updated to 4-26 ...This should be an interesting week. I am looking forward to this Thursday the 30th because that is the day RBI Baseball 15 is supposed to come out for the PC. I want to finally see for myself how good or bad this game is. ...Willie Nelson is planning on introducing his own brand of marijuana to capitalize on his life-long association with pot. "Willie's Reserve" will be grown and sold in Colorado and Washington, where recreational pot is legal. Of all the celebrity endorsements out there this is one where I have no trouble believing the guy behind it is one hundred percent behind the product. Nelson went on to say that he is going to work with the best growers in Colorado and Washington to make sure his product is the best on the market. I bet he will. He'll go as far as sampling each shipment to make sure of it too. ...David Ortiz received a one-game suspension for arguing about a strike call in a game against Baltimore last week. He was thrown out of the game from having a tantrum and throwing his equipment and what was most surprising about this was the game was played in Boston and the umpires still threw him out. And just as startling he received criticism for what he did and this time it didn't come from me first. Orioles broadcaster Jim Palmer applauded the umpires for finally throwing this hothead out of a game and Ortiz got upset at Palmer because he thought he "was one of his guys" which is something I highly doubt because Palmer played the game clean. Even Chris Russo, a guy I usually can not stand, was all over Ortiz on his daily show that is on the MLB Network. That's not saying much. I'd agree with Vladimir Putin if he saying bad things about Ortiz. ...That didn't take long, Dept: There's already been complaints about how Hanley Ramirez is playing left field for the Red Sox especially in Fenway Park and how he is loafing out there. My question is why is this even being brought up? The Red Sox and their fans already should have known this before they even signed him. This guy was lazy during his years in the National League and he's going to be the same way now that he's in Boston. They simply better get used to it. ...The NFL released their 2015 schedule last week and the first thing I do is to check what the Raiders have up against them this time around. The second thing I do is check out the Thanksgiving Day games and once again football fans that day will be getting screwed so make sure you have dibs on a comfortable chair wherever you are going to be because these games are going to be bad. The early game is the Eagles visiting the Lions. The Lions always do their best to make the game as boring as they can and they always succeed. The middle game has the Carolina Panthers visiting Dallas. Another who-gives-a-sh** game. Put some money on this one. The Cowboys will win because they are going to get a controversial call in their favor. Finally the night game has the Chicago Bears visiting the Green Bay Packers. I admit this one looks like a good game but with the 8:30 p.m. start on the east coast people will be so stuffed on turkey that they won't be awake for it. ...AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd made a surprise guilty plea on charges of threatening to kill and drug possession at the opening of his trial in New Zealand last Tuesday. Rudd had previously denied all allegations against him before this but as soon as he learned that the band wanted him to accompany them on their latest tour he changed his mind. And they say Malcolm Young was the one with the dementia. ...A Pakistani man and his father have been arrested and charged with murder after setting the son's wife on fire for leaving the house without asking his permission. Before I go on read that sentence again because I am still having a hard time coming to grips with how inconceivable a reason this is to do this to someone. Never mind the fact that you shouldn't do this in the first place but the logic involved in making these people do this is demented to say the least. What kind of thinking makes someone resort to doing something like this only because the woman went out one day to visit her sister without first asking her husband if she could? Can you imagine if this happened in our country? We'd never have a divorce problem anymore. All the wife's got to do is go to the supermarket without you knowing about it and the next thing you'd be doing is picking up some kerosene. But this really happened and it happened to a woman who was only twenty-five-years-old and because of an innocent visit to her sister she received burns to eighty percent of her body. She mercifully died of her injuries not long after she was set on fire. I can not imagine the pain this poor woman was in or being that kind of person that had no trouble doing this to her. ...FOX Sports hired Pete Rose as a guest analyst for the MLB on FOX pregame show on FOX and FOX Sports 1. If someone had to hire him it figures it would have had to be these people because FOX is as bad for baseball as Rose is. Don't worry if you are not totally familiar with Rose's impressive statistics on the back of his baseball card. He'll be sure to remind everyone of how many hits he got and how many batting titles he won until you'll be able to recite it in your sleep. ...And don't get any ideas that baseball is softening with their stance on Pete Rose by allowing him to participate in the 2015 All-Star Game festivities in Cincinnati on July 14th. They are doing it because they don't want the rednecks in Cincinnati to riot before the game gets under way. Who are they kidding? ...When Johnny Manziel left rehab recently he made sure to apologize to everyone, even the cab drivers just in case he didn't tip them enough. He also apologized to the entire Browns organization and to the fans that he let down. Not really though. Browns fans knew he was going to fall on his face so they weren't really let down. ...A Burger King employee was arrested for selling meth out of the restaurant while working the drive-thru window and when she was on break she sold them out of her car. She did everything but deliver them to your house. The management at the restaurant became suspicious when no one was coming into the place to place their order and instead would wait patiently in their cars to go around through the drive-thru. Then when one person was coming back three times a day to wait in line just for a small coke they knew something was up. When the police arrived they searched her car and found scales, plastic baggies and five grams of meth and just like that another promising career in the drug trade came to an end. ...Competitive eating has always been something that has been sort of fascinating to me. It's not that I ever wished I was able to do it (although I can knock off two bags of popcorn pretty fast) but just reading about what some of these people can do is amazing. It's like when they have that hot dog eating contest in the summer. There's always a skinny Japanese guy who empties out an entire supermarket full of them and if he doesn't win he gets pretty close. Last week they had another eating contest down in Texas and this time it was a woman who came away with the five-thousand dollar grand prize as she ate three seventy-two-ounce steak dinners in a shade under twenty minutes. If you're keeping score that's over thirteen pounds of meat. I saw a picture of this female vacuum cleaner and was surprised at what I saw and then at the same time not really. If you were expecting the winner to look like Honey Boo-Boo's mother you would have been wrong. The winner, a woman named Molly Schuyler is a tall, thin woman who looks more at home in front of a Ceasar's salad and a yogurt than three steak dinners. But that's not all she put away to win her five grand because she had to put away three steak dinners and not just the steak. That meant she had to eat three baked potatoes, three shrimp cocktails, three salads and three rolls in order to win. She turned down a fourth steak because she was sick of the taste and not because she was full. If I ever went out to dinner with this woman I would insist she pay her own way. ...A man visiting Florida from England was thrown into jail for one day and fined five hundred dollars for urinating in the ice machine in his hotel because he was so drunk that he could not find his room. And he wouldn't have because he was on the wrong floor. Besides, with all he heard about Florida before he got there he probably figured this was something people did all the time. ...As if I needed something to confirm my low opinion about Florida before I finished up my posts for this week an idiot down there happily obliged me. Then again what else would you call an eighteen-year-old kid who captures a four-foot cottonmouth snake and after catching it kept it in a pillowcase and when he let the snake out of its confinement he tried to kiss it? I wouldn't exactly say this guy is Harvard material. The bite was so severe that he was in critical condition when he was taken to the hospital but fortunately for him doctors there are expecting him to make a full recovery. That's good news for him. When he gets out he can go find an alligator to make out with. ...A kid in over in the state of Washington wanted to ask a girl to the school prom so he strapped fake explosives to his body by wearing a vest filled with paper-tube props to look like he had a bomb attached to him. The kid did not have a bomb and had no intention of hurting anyone because he held up a sign that said he was "da bomb" to impress the girl to get her to say yes. The good news for him was that the girl said yes but the bad news is that he won't be able to attend the prom because the school suspended him for five days. Whatever happened to going up to a girl and just asking her? ...Bernie Williams formally and officially retired at a news conference before the Friday night Mets - Yankees game at Yankee Stadium. Big deal. Williams' last year in the major leagues was back in 2006 and he's retiring now? His bat retired three years before then. You could tell the guy was pretty old because not even the Yankees were going to sign him to a free-agent contract. That's because Carlos Beltran is already taking up enough dead space on the team. ...If Josh Hamilton does find his way back to the Texas Rangers how many of us here would have ever expected it? And how are those fans going to react to him if and when he gets there? This is the same guy who said not long after he signed with the Angels that Dallas was always a football town first. For some reason the people there got upset with that comment. The Angels are reportedly supposed to eat $65 million of the $83 million still owned to Hamilton. They'll do anything to get rid of this bum. ...I did not watch the Bruce Jenner interview with Diane Sawyer on Friday night because I am not interested in watching train wrecks but I could not avoid all the articles about it on the internet the next day since they were all over the place. I think the funniest one was about his ex-wife Kris Jenner when someone pointed out that she had "no comment" on the interview. Either she was upset that someone else in her family was getting more press than she was or that she was worried that when he finally gets done with his transformation he will end up looking better than her.
  13. ​This was out before years ago. Homer just re-uploaded it to the site.
  14. The reason why I have not updated this thread in over a year is because I was finished with it and was not planning on adding any other names to the list that I already had here. I covered the download area very well and was able to give some well-deserved attention to some people who have left their work behind for everyone here on this website. But after reading what you wrote last night I realized you were right and an update to this thread should be done to include Rising Sun. Thanks for the suggestion. Rising Sun uploaded his first mod to the website in 2013 with this Beard mod that updated the portraIts of some Red Sox players to show them with beards. After this was uploaded the mods seemed to keep coming from this very talented and diverse Japanese modder. He may never see this tribute in here to him because he does not post in the forums due to the language barrier but he deserves it just the same. Although he has made a lot of portraits and cyberfaces this is not all that Rising Sun is known for. He has five pages filled with uploads here and a quick look at what he has in there shows he is much more than these two things. Right now his work is primarily on the upcoming Mvp 15 mod and with contributions from people as valuable and talented as Rising Sun that mod will end up being a very popular download once it is available here at Mvpmods. Overlay 2014 Nolan Ryan Cyberface Portraits for Mvp 14 Volume 1 (8 volume set) New Portraits for Mvp 14 Volume 1 (6 volume set) 2014 Gloves and Mitts Bats and Gloves AL Futures and NL Futures Uniforms Biloxi Shuckers Uniforms Jon Lester and Chris Iannetta Update (This was his third Lester cyberface update because he kept on making improvements on it.) New Portrait for Mvp 15 Opening Day 1 (Set of four)
  15. ​Good eye man! It was here yesterday. But like they said it'll be back.
  16. ​How would we know who gave us a thumbs up or thumbs down?
  17. ​ Every day has been an amnesty day. We have always had it set up that if you have a duplicate account all you have to do is message us and I will suspend the duplicate account and your primary account will not be affected at all. The person will not be suspended at all and the matter will be considered closed.
  18. ​ Wow! It is very nice seeing you again. Now don't be a stranger.
  19. Yeah I was trying to get rid of it but it got no interest so I put it away. It really is a nice book if you are a Tiger fan or not.
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