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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Sounds as if this is exactly what I was trying to explain to him last night.
  2. WHEN IT IS READY!! It could be for a number of reasons that it has not been uploaded yet. Maybe he's not 100% satisfied with it. Maybe something came up that demanded his attention instead of something like this. Maybe he was away all day with his family for Easter and isn't home yet. I could go on but you get the point. When a mod is released it is up to the modder and not someone who spams a thread waiting for it. I am here to ask you to just show some patience. Thank you.
  3. Updated to 4-5 ...Here we go! It's what we've been waiting for ever since the Giants wrapped up their World Series championship last October. Baseball is back and if those three words don't bring a smile to your face nothing will. Tonight the season opens up at Chicago's Wrigley Field as the Cubs host the Cardinals on ESPN at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. You're going to want to tune into this game because this will be one of the few Sunday Night games that do not feature the Yankees or the Red Sox. The very next day is when everyone else joins the party with fourteen games scheduled. The Blue Jays and Yankees start it off at 1:00 p.m. and the final game begins at 10:05 p.m. with the Rangers visiting Oakland. And if you are a DirectTV customer you get a free preview all week (April 6th - April 12th) of the MLB package. Good news for me and bad news for my remote. After this awful winter Opening Week could not have come any sooner. ...I am really looking forward to this upcoming Yankee season. While I am not going to even try to guess how good (or bad) they'll be one thing that we don't have to worry about is going through another farewell tour. I bought the MLB Audio package for $19.99 so I will be all set this year as I'll be able to enjoy myself in here and yell at the Yankees all at the same time. I'm ready, I really am. I've been training all winter for Opening Day by screaming at photos of David Ortiz and hitting him with pitches in my Mvp exhibition games. Now it's time to see this murdering SOB get his and I'll be cheering for the first pitcher to hit him with a pitch. Let's go! ...I pay as much attention to what goes on with the Milwaukee Brewers as I do with my next-door neighbors and how many times they take out their garbage. But I do like that little mascot they have named Hank the Dog. That ballclub gave him a lot of love last year when he walked in their training facility malnourished and half-dead. It didn't take long for the Brewers and their fans to get attached to him and they gave him a home and he's a happy and healthy dog because of it. As a dog lover this story was a happy ending. To top it off over the winter Hank won the Dog of the Year award. I was surprised. I thought my dachshund was a shoo-in. ...Boston Globe reporter Dan Shaughnessy, the man that David Ortiz referred to as "the reporter with the red jheri curl" in his article on Derek Jeter's Player's Tribune website responded to him with an article that he actually wrote in the Globe last week as opposed to Ortiz' ghostwritten piece that was made with his blessing with a few swear words thrown in here and there to make it sound authentic. Shaughnessy addressed everything that Ortiz brought up and made him look like the lying, whining, selfish and overbearing athlete that he is. It really wasn't that hard to do because telling the truth is something foreign to this guy. You've heard that saying two ships that pass in the night? That's how Ortiz is with the truth. He never gets close enough to it to actually know what it is. ...I've been pretty active in the shoutbox for the past few days because I have been watching some videos of MLB The Show 15 that someone has been posting on Youtube and these short video clips have not put that game in a good light. In fact if I were a PS3 or PS4 owner I would avoid purchasing this game no matter how tempted you may be to get it. One video had a batter hit a foul ball down the third base line and the umpire signaled that it was foul but the batter must have decided that the ball was really fair and he ran around the bases for a home run. Another video showed a triple play being made that never should have happened. The batter tried to bunt but he popped it up and the catcher caught it. This by the way was the only legitimate out of the play. Then the alert catcher threw the ball to second base because the runner was just standing between second and third base doing nothing. It looked like he was waiting on an ice cream truck. The shortstop then threw the ball to first base because the runner there was standing between first and second waiting for the same ice cream truck. Triple Play! Hey, at least the graphics are good. That should count for something, right? ...Ervin Santana signed a four-year fifty-five million dollar contract with the Twins over the winter and was projected to be their number two starter but not for awhile. That's because baseball is giving him an eighty-game ban for testing positive for the steroid Stanozolol. Stanozolol by the way is one of the few steroids that Alex Rodriguez did not take. Maybe next time. So Santana's going to miss half the season. So what? Who's going to miss him? He also had to throw in the fact that he didn't know how the Stanozolol entered his bloodstream or when it happen. He should ask David Ortiz. He hosted a lot of wild parties down in the Dominican over the off season. There's more steroids at Ortiz' house than there are M&M's. ...Some people are questioning the Angels about why they are so upset that Josh Hamilton was not suspended by Major League Baseball after relapsing again with drugs and alcohol over the off-season. Wouldn't you? This worthless piece of sh** is making twenty-three million dollars a year and the team has no idea when he'll be back. He hasn't played in one spring training game and they still have to pay him. And people still wonder why they are upset over this decision. While Hamilton is still on the injured reserve list or whatever list they put him on, if he decides to visit Colorado or Washington during this time he will fail every drug test for the next five years. It's legal there and he knows it. ...With the season about to start we have been getting more people signing up on the site and when that happens the phony accounts increase too. Trust me, I know. I see it first hand. I decided to compile a short list of some of my favorite phony account screen names here to show everyone. Keep in mind that I did not make up any of these names. 1. Mybackupaccount (I got to say this is my favorite.) 2. Accountnumber2 (In case he forgot his first one.) 3. Letmedownload (This guy made so many and was caught so many times he started to wear down after awhile.) 4. Secondaccount12 (Followed by thirdaccount12. It figures.) 5. Random1account (The same guy who made accountnumber2 made this one.) ...It's the twentieth anniversary of Hardball 5 by Accolade and because of that I was playing a few games every day last week. For a game that came out in 1995 they did a pretty good job. Now I'm a huge fan of Mvp '05 but check out this screenshot. These guys let you save instant replay shots in a game made years before the Mvp series came out. I'd love to have EA explain this. Accolade closed up shop in 1999 and that's too bad because they made some really good games. ...Derek Jeter intends on opening up a restaurant in the Tampa International Airport called The Players' Tribune Bar & Grill. He plans on making it a sports lounge that will serve an upscale menu. One of the dishes they plan on serving there will be something called a "Jeter Burger." How original. A hamburger. Something like that should really make it upscale. Other possible dishes to be introduced will be Posada Enchiladas, Pettitte Pulled Pork and Rivera Rump Roast. As an added bonus the customer will be provided with an iPad so they can read Jeter's media site The Players' Tribune. If the meal doesn't make you sick the website will. ...I was surprised to see a letter from Verizon in my mailbox last Monday especially since I bought out my contract last December and am no longer a member there and as I told them back then when I did my buy-out I had no plans on joining their network ever again. So you can understand why I was curious to find out what they wanted from me now. Dear Customer, Your Verizon Wireless statement is now available for viewing online. Our records indicate that all wireless lines on your account have been disconnected. Your current statement is $0.00. While you can still view and pay your disconnected account online using My Verizon, you will need to log on using your user name rather than your former Verizon Wireless phone number. Please note that any future bills will be sent to you in the mail. Sincerely, Verizon Wireless So what Verizon did here was send me a letter that my account is still disconnected and that I owe nothing, just in case I was wondering about it. Oh well, they are the ones that paid the postage. ...A twelve-year-old girl from Boulder, Colorado was arrested last Monday for poisoning her mother twice because she took away her iPhone. A few weeks ago the girl made her mother a smoothie and poured some bleach in it. Her mother noticed the smell of bleach coming from her smoothie but she assumed her daughter just washed out the glass and there was still some bleach left in it. She drank the smoothie and it made her sick for awhile but she recovered. Then last week the same bleach smell was coming from a carafe of water in her bedroom and this time she asked her daughter about it and she told her that she was trying to kill her for taking her iPhone. I would not want to imagine what could have happened to this woman had she taken away her daughter's internet access too. The girl was arrested on two charges of attempted first degree murder. I don't even have to follow what happens here because I already know. The junior psycho is going to receive counseling and then after some time passes she'll apologize to her mother and everyone else for doing something she didn't mean to do. No matter what that mother isn't going to forget. If I were her I'd put a padlock on her bedroom and never allow her daughter to fix her anything to eat or drink again. And by the way when she's eighteen? There's the door. Use it. ...Damned if Burger King was being on the level all this time. Last week I wrote that they were releasing a new "Flame Grilled" cologne in Japan on April 1st. Many people thought it was the makings of an April Fool's joke but sure enough last Wednesday that cologne was sold at the fast-food chain's stores and by that evening the entire supply was sold out. Six months down the road if they announce they will be selling French Fry body wash and shampoo we probably should take them at their word. ...There was a rockslide in Columbia about a week ago and after the landslide a humanlike scar appeared on a hillside that some are saying is the face of Jesus Christ. Some landowners that live near the formation are now charging two thousand pesos (around seventy-nine cents in U.S. currency) for anyone who would like to see it in person. For a couple thousand more pesos they'll let you stand right by the cliff so you can have the chance of getting hit on the head by a falling rock just like they did. ...Try as I might I can not stay up to watch late-night TV. I've tried to but before long the next thing I am aware of is the sun coming up the next day. Just once I'd like to watch the Jimmy Kimmel show because just based on the youtube clips of his show I'm missing a lot. ...It's true that when you get older you get more tentative and cautious about doing things. At least that is how it is with me. Especially after I read where dozens of riders were stuck at the top of the famous Cyclone rollercoaster at Coney Island on the first ride of the season last Sunday. The cars stopped at the ride's eighty-five foot peak and the passengers had to be escorted down steps by park personnel. I wasn't even there and I got queasy. Not too many years ago I used to spend a lot of my summer days down at the amusement park and when we purchased all-day ride passes we were in heaven. There's a famous ride there called the Jackrabbit that I once went on ten times in one day. Now I can not even walk past the damn thing. That's because I am not that comfortable with heights. I wasn't back then either and every time I rode on that coaster I never took my hand off the bars and when we started the descent down my eyes were always shut. But at least I did it. Now you couldn't bribe me with a new car to get on that ride just one more time. ...Finally, Happy Easter today to all of you.
  4. Give that post a +1 One question. Who the hell are the Las Vegas Bandits?
  5. I had a feeling that this project would be looked at favorably. I especially liked the part where Hory and everyone who helped were given credit in this front and center. The guy spent eighteen months making this mod and he was very proud of it. With good reason of course.
  6. All the instructions you need have already been provided.
  7. Good question. I have been reading about this game and there is no explanation as to why we have to wait an extra month. Well if we have to then we have to. At least the baseball season will help us pass the time.
  8. I agree. By the way you were one of them that was killing this game before it came out. I'm willing to give it a chance. I am hoping we both will like it.
  9. Yeah, supposed to be coming out today. I am very anxious to see if anyone in here got it and what they think of it.
  10. That's very nice to know DJ. Knowing stuff like this makes what I do in here worthwhile.
  11. I watched the very first Wrestlemania in 1984 when I was still living in Hawaii. I saw it for free. Roddy Piper was my all-time favorite. Thanks for responding in this thread. I always say that when others throw their two cents in it makes for a better read.
  12. Updated to 3-29 ...No Fooling, Dept: Burger King announced last week that they will be releasing a limited-edition fragrance of a grilled beef burger-scented cologne that will only be sold in Japan on April 1st. Burger King swears that this is not an April Fools joke. They are only making one thousand of them and they are calling it the "Flame Grilled" fragrance. It will only cost you five thousand yen or if you want to pay in U.S. money it'll run you about forty dollars. I'll pass. The first guy that sprays this stuff on him will have every stray dog in the neighborhood follow him home. ...Hmm, C.C. Sabathia should buy a few bottles so he can spray it on himself before he goes on the mound. With the smell of burgers all around him maybe he'll pitch better since he hasn't done anything so far this spring. Just a thought. ...I have not pulled any April Fools jokes in a long time ever since I hid one of my wife's favorite stuffed animals and it almost got thrown in the garbage by mistake. That was it for me. But I was part of a good one many years ago and one that was so good that it should have been an April Fools joke but we did it in February. One year the parents of a kid in our neighborhood took a vacation to Florida and that is all we were hearing out of him even though he wasn't going. About a month before they left his parents were drilling it into him that no one can be at the house, no parties, no noise, etc, etc. Even though an adult was going to be staying at the house he still said it. That's when one of us had a great idea. If there weren't going to be any parties there at least we could make it look like there was one. This guy always came up with good ideas. It was me. The plan was for the four of us to gather as much beer cans and cigarette butts from our houses and save them. This was back in the seventies. People weren't listening to the surgeon general yet. We put the collected beer cans in a plastic bag behind a garage and saved the cigarette butts in baggies in our house. The night before his parents came home we all went inside early and went to bed but not before setting our alarm for one o'clock in the morning. His folks were coming home on the redeye at 3:00 a.m. and we had to get ready. We gathered the beer cans and bottles (there were about twenty-five) and placed them all over the front lawn and porch and on top of the car roof. Then we sprinkled the cigarette butts all over the driveway and porch. Imagine what that looked like. Now imagine what the kid's father thought when he saw it. I could only imagine too because I was home in bed when they got home just like everyone else was. When we were questioned about it our parents swore we were in the house all this time. The other major prank I was a part of happened one year when another family went to Florida, this time for the February recess vacation week. That meant the kids went too. Back then most of the garbage cans that people used were made out of aluminum and the week that those people were in Florida we had a pretty bad storm. Someone (not me this time) came up with the idea that it would be pretty funny if we'd take their garbage cans out of commission for awhile and place all five of them on top of their garage roof. Now as all of you who live in the snow areas can attest to once it gets dark people stay inside and rarely come out until morning. That's when we went out and a couple of guys climbed on the garage and a few others tossed up the garbage cans and that is where they stayed until the snow melted almost a month after they returned home. The kid that thought this up was a real Eddie Haskell type. He even went to talk to the lady of the house to tell her that he saw "some kids from around the block" on our street one day and maybe they were the ones that did it. Truth is, some kids from around the block were on our street. They were on their way to the movies. ...Poor Pete Rose. He's doing his best to try to get back into baseball and now former teammate Tony Perez is backing him 100%. Perez was known for his big bat and ability to drive in runs. Other than that, nothing. That includes having a brain in his head. ...The Family that fights together, stays together Dept: In an impressive display of unity a mother, a stepmother and other relatives of a twelve-year-old boy that was being bullied for the past two months. After continued attempts to the school to have them do something these women walked into the school cafeteria one day last week and confronted the two girls that were harassing their son. Aside from some pushing and shoving it wasn't much of a confrontation but so far the results have been positive - the kid has been left alone. As usual the school was no help at all. They said they were following protocol by interviewing each of the students and people that were witness to the bullying but that doesn't seem to hold a lot of weight when you stop and think about it. This kid's been going through this for the past few months. Faster interviews are conducted in Washington every day. It's too bad that these people had to resort to this because now they have to worry about facing charges for dealing with those two kids their own way. Schools continually look the other way when someone has this happen to them. It's a miracle that parents don't handle it this way more often. And if they do, good for them. ....In a spring training game against the Angels last Tuesday, Prince Fielder of the Rangers stepped up to the plate and immediately noticed that the Angels put the shift on against him. I'll show them Fielder said to himself and that is exactly what he did. He dropped a perfect bunt right where the third baseman should have been playing and easily beat it out for an infield single. I think the Yankees should lock Mark Teixeira in a room and make him watch a video of this play two or three hundred times until it becomes clear to him that he is allowed to hit the ball to the left side without having anything held against him. ...Another week and another idiot says something on twitter that ends up biting him faster than he can find the delete button on his computer. A college baseball player after learning that Disney is planning on making a movie about the life of Little League World Series star Mo'ne Davis fired off a tweet calling the decision a "joke" and also called the fourteen-year-old a "slut." I wonder if he thought that no one would notice? Well, they did and Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania wasted no time in telling him to take his glove and go home. This young girl could have remained silent but she forgave him and asked his school to reinstate him on the team. They said they'd take it under advisement. That means it could go either way. I'd have him publicly apologize to her before considering anything. ...Before I go on let me ask everyone in here who spends time on twitter. Has anybody ever benefited from one of these tweets? What I mean is does anything good come out of this social media outlet because all twitter seems to do is suck out all the common sense that people have and leave them with nothing except what gets them in trouble, fired or kicked off a baseball team. ...Jarred Cosart could identify with this. Because of what he wrote on twitter, Major League Baseball is now investigating him for his possible ties to gambling. It's bad enough people say stupid things on there but you also have to worry about who you say it to - even in a supposedly private one-on-one conversation. That's what happened to Cosart when he was talking to an online gambling expert. For some reason that guy decided to make that private conversation public and now Cosart has the baseball suits from New York anxious to talk to him. There's no proof yet to say he did or didn't gamble but since it was on twitter it was enough for baseball to look in to. ...Moving on... ...If at first you don't succeed, Dept: It took them awhile but the Somerset County (Pennsylvania) court system finally got their man who skipped out on jury duty eleven times in the past two years. He was arrested in the courthouse when he was there attending a child custody hearing and the judge presiding the case said it was ironic that he managed to show up for this and not any other time. Well, maybe so. What I find almost unbelievable is the amount of times this man was called for jury duty and that he is only thirty-two years old. With luck like that he should play the lottery. ...Michael Sam, who is one of the most famous busts in NFL history keeps on making news in his attempt to win a roster spot for next season. Last week he said that gay athletes play in the league whether he's a part of it or not. Yeah, maybe so. Trouble is they can play. Sam can't. ...Maybe William Shakespeare had people like David Ortiz figured out when he wrote Methinks thou dost protest too much over four hundred years ago. That was his way of describing someone that keeps on denying something about themselves to the point where you start to think they actually did it. There have been whispers and accusations about Ortiz using steroids ever since he joined the Boston Red Sox in 2003. After spending parts of six seasons with the Twins where he did absolutely nothing, he became a legitimate home-run threat and elite player overnight after joining Boston and has been a fan favorite there for twelve seasons, partly because those people have such low standards. With all the success he's had there he has still had to constantly defend himself from steroid accusations and last week he "wrote" an article on Derek Jeter's Player's Tribune website entitled The Dirt where he addressed these allegations. This time the words were right from him and as Jeter himself promised, they were unfiltered. Big deal. Who could tell? Just like in every article there's been about him and this subject he was defiant, he constantly swore and went to great lengths to explain that everyone was wrong about him and if you didn't get the message from him the first time he said it he made sure to go over it a few more times in the article. I have another saying that I think is just as appropriate here for Ortiz. Better to remain silent and be thought a cheater than to speak out and remove all doubt. ...You know who Ortiz sounded like in that article? Lance Armstrong. ...Talk about avoiding a bullet that had your name on it, right Amanda Knox? ...Finally my thoughts are with the families of the victims from last week's Germanwings crash where the co-pilot purposely locked the captain out of the cockpit and crashed the plane into the French Alps. Why is it that people who are so intent on committing suicide always seem to manage to bring others along with them when they finally decide to do it? ...And yes, the first thing I thought of when I heard about this was the damned Muslims struck again.
  13. If it were up to me it would be a yes but I'm not the modder.
  14. Using the 1941 mod. Brooklyn (NL vs. New York (AL.) Game played in classic Yankee Stadium by paulw.
  15. Consider the topic moved now for you. Good luck.
  16. Couple of quick comments. What makes you think getting this game from Amazon or eBay is shady? Your friend will be doing you no favors if he can hook you up with a pirated version of this game. This version of the game may look like Mvp 2005 and play like it but once you start installing mods on it then you are going to have issues because there will be compatibility problems. Besides, if you have a pirated version you get no help in here. Remember that. As for finding the game, good luck. Check in the buy and sell area on this site to see if someone is selling one. And as far as eBay goes there have been a lot of people who have purchased this game from there and have had no problem.
  17. I am glad you were finally able to upload this.
  18. Well, why can't you? It can be done and you have the people for it. What I would do is see how the Mvp guys do it. Updated images, music, rosters, uniforms, etc. Those guys took Mvp baseball 2005 and made it their own.
  19. Updated to 3-22 ...Last week began with Pete Rose sending a formal request to new baseball commissioner Rob Manfred to be re-instated into major league baseball because hey, twenty-five years is enough when you're guilty. Besides that, he has an entire new line of official Pete Rose memorabilia he wants to sell but he can't do it unless he manages to get his ugly mug bronzed at Cooperstown. The commissioner said that he will listen to Rose's request because it's part of the obligations under the major league constitution to do so and furthermore he will give this matter his "due diligence." That's the polite suit-and-tie way of saying go to hell. That being said I hope Rose gets all the due diligence that's coming to him. ...The beyond-annoying Taylor Swift posted a picture of her leg last week after her cat gave her what looked to be a three-inch scratch on it. Can't be too hard on the feline though because the cat probably was forced to hear one too many of her songs until she just couldn't take it anymore. ...Bristol Palin is back in the news after she announced that she had gone out and got herself engaged. That kind of stuff happens in Alaska too. Who knew? I thought all she did was get drunk at parties and punch people out while reminding people what her last name was. Her fiancé is no slouch either. He's a U.S. Marine veteran who received the Medal of Honor in 2009. Well, best of luck to them. Especially to him. I got a feeling that after two or three months of marriage he'll want to go back to the middle east for an extended tour of duty. ...What the hell is going on over in India? Last week they raped a seventy-one-year-old nun because she happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when a group of men decided to rob a school. When they entered the school and demanded money the elderly nun stood up to them and told them to go and that's when they let her have it. That country may be dirt poor but they sure know how to develop rapists. If I were a woman and I had to go there for some reason I would be afraid to get off the plane and I only would unless I had a team of body guards. Can you imagine if some of those guys over there were turned loose in the Playboy mansion? They'd have a stroke. Maybe that's what they should have anyway because of what they did to that nun. ...There's a new book that came out that's about a woman who takes a year off from her marriage to sleep with strangers. She's frustrated that she can't have a kid and her husband went off and got himself a vasectomy when she was out complaining someplace and when he did that she decided to go on her year-long quest of anything goes. And from what I read in the book review anything did go and it was a very fast year for her. Monday through Friday she was out doing God knows what and on the weekends she would return home to her husband. Either this guy was whipped beyond belief or that he treated the weekdays as a vacation. If hookers ever decided to start their own farm system they probably wouldn't stray too far from what this woman did. ...For those of you who were around this website around three years ago you may recall me bringing up something that happened near where I live that created a lot of national attention. It was when those middle-school students were verbally harassing a school bus monitor near the end of the 2012 school year. You can see exactly what those kids did to her by watching this ">youtube video right here. The reason why I am bringing this up three years later is because one of the kids that took part in the abuse of that school monitor is now in high school and apparently has not learned anything after all this time. This time it wasn't a bus monitor but instead it was a special-needs student. The three kids trapped the boy in the bathroom and forced him to hold his crotch while drinking urine from the toilet. What a sense of humor this kid has. And he's only getting worse. One of the excuses people made three years ago was that the kid was only twelve. Now they're saying he's only fifteen as if that's supposed to explain everything. The only thing that is going on now is that there is an online petition to expel those three kids from school because all the school district has done so far is talk about zero tolerance while shuffling a few papers. At least the town of Greece police are doing something about it. They charged the three amigos with misdemeanor counts of endangering the welfare of a child. One of them also was charged with a felony count for recording the incident. One of the mothers of the kids that were arrested said that the entire incident was blown out of proportion. She was serious too. I don't know what is going to end up happening because the school district is being very secretive about what they are going to do but if they take the attitude of kids being kids and think that if they send them to some counseling they are going to be making a huge mistake because before this little bast*** gets out of high school he's either going to pull another stunt on someone who can't defend themselves or someone's going to kill him. ...Two female tourists from California were arrested in Rome for carving their initials into a wall at the city's ancient Colosseum. They also took a selfie to record what they did. It gets better. After they were arrested they apologized for what they did and they did not realize that was they did was such a serious thing. Of course it's not. Maybe they'll build another one in a few years. Wait until the Italians find out that Amanda Knox was the ones that sent those two there. ... A thirty-two-year-old woman was arrested in Florida last week because she got naked and sat outside a Dunkin' Donuts as a dare. She told the police that she was doing this as part of a pledge to a dance troop. This sounds like something more a sorority would pull instead of a dance troop but she did it so I guess she's in. She was charged with indecent exposure and after appearing in court she was released on her own recognizance. Of course she was. One can only imagine how many pictures were taken of her. ...I challenge her to repeat what she did at another Dunkin' Donuts. There's one about a mile from my house and if she needs directions I can help her out with that. ...The Toronto Blue Jays probably can't wait until spring training is over because it has not been a good one for them at all. First they lose one of their star pitchers for the year and along with some other nagging injuries that they've had to deal with they now have one more thanks to outfielder Kevin Pillar. Pillar sneezed so hard that he suffered an oblique strain and is out of action for ten days. The same thing happened to Sammy Sosa eleven years ago but he was a shell of a player at the time. He would have got hurt had the guy next to him sneezed instead of him. Fortunately for Pillar he should bounce back before March is over provided he stays clear from the cayenne pepper. ...In a move that is sure to win him the Husband-of-the-year award, Kanye West (there's that name again in this thread - sorry) posted eight nude photos of his wife Kim Kardashian on his twitter account last week. Now if anybody else did that to his better half they'd be in the doghouse until hell froze over. Not this guy. When she found out about what he did she was thrilled and thought what he did was "cute." In case you haven't seen the pictures for yourself they are pretty tame as far as Kim Kardashian is concerned because this time she has her hands and arms strategically placed to make you want to see more. What for? A five second search for nude shots for her will fill in the blanks nicely. I get it. These people crave attention. It's like a drug for them. But she has a kid now and there are rumors that she wants to pop out a few more. No matter how many kids she ends up with they better have some pretty thick skins because after she is old and grey and the camera doesn't love her like it once did, schoolboys will be printing out photos of her famous backside and handing them to her daughter to get signed. What a family. ...I wonder what goes through the minds of actors when they are watching TV and an advertisement comes on and the voice-over announcer says that the testimonials in this commercial are from "real people" and not actors. I know what he means, but still. ...Derek Jeter's in Japan right now for an upcoming charity baseball game he is participating in with former teammate Hideki Matsui. The game is for the benefit of the survivors of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. On Thursday he attended a sumo match and ran into a bit of bad luck. One of the wrestlers flat out never heard of him but fortunately the other one did, but just barely because he thought Jeter was a catcher. I'm surprised Jeter didn't take the first plane home. ...The season is still a couple of weeks away but that hasn't stopped Major League Baseball from talking about the last day of the season already. They announced that they scheduled every game on the final day to start at the same time to maximize the games that day in the event that multiple meaningful games go down to the wire. Ok, fine. Great idea. But the season flies by as it is. There's no need to talk about the last regular season game yet. ...Never mind with the end of the baseball season. How about fixing the beginning of it now by starting the season in Cincinnati with a day game that started before any other game on Opening Day? That was another tradition that they had no problem killing either. ...So the Mariners reassigned Jesus Montero to their AAA club in Tacoma? Who didn't see that coming? ...ESPN the Magazine conducted a poll among major league players recently and one of the questions they asked was who did they think was the most overrated player in the game? Forty-one percent of the votes were cast to Bryce Harper of the Nationals. I think the players were being generous. It should have been double that amount. ...A woman in Iowa last week took a shower last week to help ease the severe stomach pains that she was having and while she was in there she gave birth to a baby girl. When the woman's husband found out what happened in there he told her that showers were now out of the question and that she would have to take baths from now on. ...There's a guy down in North Carolina whose neighbors have been complaining about him for years because he stands naked at his front door several times a week. He doesn't do anything but stand there but that's more than enough for them. They've even gone as far as taking pictures and videos of him to show to the police but the police have told the homeowners association that what he is doing may be annoying to them, they can not bring charges against him because he is doing it on his own property. The cops did say that if his twenty-something year old daughter decided to step in and stand by the door for awhile they would come down right away to investigate. ...Say what you will about this but it's a sure-fire way to avoid all door-to-door salesmen. ...Good for Ashley Judd for going after another bunch of idiots on Twitter for the nasty things that were said to her when she was tweeting during a Kentucky NCAA tournament game. They let her have it with every vile comment they could think of and none of them had anything to do with the game itself. And people that know me still look at me funny when they ask me why I am still not on Facebook or Twitter. I have no intention of having direct contact with people like this.
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