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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Wow man, we should pin this thread. Rglass was here!
  2. Questions correct: 8 / 10 You took 60 seconds to complete this quiz. Total score: 740 Only two people playing this on a daily basis.
  3. That kind of threw me for a loop too. Consider this thread locked. And to the original poster: You joined up here in 2009 and it took you this long to make your very first post here. I'm hoping your second one comes with a little more thought behind it. You've downloaded enough mods here to know there are support threads for them. There was no need to make another thread.
  4. I don't think he jumped on you at all. And as far as rglass95 answering your e-mails you may as well forget that. He hasn't been seen on this website since December of 2011.
  5. Easy one today. Too damn easy. Questions correct: 10 / 10 You took 45 seconds to complete this quiz. Total score: 955
  6. That's the same attitude that I have towards this. I'm just hoping for the best.
  7. Updated to 3-15 ...Pablo Sandoval showed everyone last week that fitting into his new team in Boston was going to be no problem at all. All he had to do was tell everyone that it "wasn't hard at all" to leave the Giants because of the way San Francisco general manager Brian Sabean talked to his agent. Have you ever noticed that ballplayers are the most put upon and overly sensitive group of people you've ever seen? They want you to grovel to them while at the same time hand them a one hundred million dollar contract and if they don't think you are bowing and scraping enough they'll find another team to do it for you. They love him now in Boston basically because he hasn't been there yet but he'll learn quick enough that those front runners have no patience at all. ...It is such a nice thing that people are doing for the man who lost his wife only hours after she gave birth to quadruplets. They have already raised over $330,000 for him to help raise his four kids and more money continues to come in. That's an impressive amount raised and he's going to need every penny for his brand new little army but no amount of money is going to give him a decent nights rest for the next couple of years. ...I am still having a hard time believing that Jon Lester plays for the Cubs now. ...The quickest way you can get a light to turn from red to green is before you leave your house make a sandwich and wrap it in wax paper. When you're at the light try to open up the sandwich. Before you can get the sandwich out of the wax paper the light will have turned green. Works every time. ...This one is Dept: I am amazed at what people think they can get away with these days in an age where video can be recorded so discretely and uploaded within seconds if you desire to. That's exactly what happened to a fraternity at the University of Oklahoma that is no longer in existence because someone had the sense to record some of their frat boys singing a racist chant as they were taking a bus ride somewhere. What happened after everything hit the fan and splattered all over the wall was not surprising at all. The university severed all ties with the fraternity giving a reason of "zero tolerance" for matters such as this. Zero tolerance is another way of saying let's wrap this up as fast as we can and distance ourselves from these people as quickly as possible. And then the speeches and online articles that expressed "surprise" that something like this could happen here in anno domini 2015. What these people don't realize is that no matter how good of a speech you give or how well you write about how wrong this was it's not going to change anything. Fifty years from now another incident will pop up someplace else. And it's going to happen one hundred years from now. It's also probably going to happen a year from now. It's how some people are. There's a difference between writing how you want things to be and the way things really are. It's called fact and fiction. ...But this one isn't, Dept: Anything that ESPN's Stephen A. Smith says either makes me shake my head or laugh at him or both. The latest bit of nonsense out of him is that he implied that Philadelphia Eagles head coach Chip Kelly is <shhhhh> a racist because of some recent roster moves that the team made and because of those moves he believes that Kelly does not want black players in his locker room. Considering the fact that 68% (or more than 2/3rds) of the NFL players are black Smith's logic once again escaped me. But that's how it is these days in the media. All you have to do is mention or just imply that magic word racism and you'll make headlines. This is something that Stephen A. Smith knows all too well because he's made a career out of it. ...Last week I wrote about the experience I had at the dentist and now over a week later I finally am starting to feel a little bit better. It's not that I have a low threshold for pain (well I do, but not this much) but part of my gum had to be cut in order for the tooth to be pulled. I ended up getting three stitches that day and it didn't hurt a bit because of the novocaine but once that wore off all bets were off. I ended up getting a prescription for something called hydrocodon-acetaminophen and while I can't pronounce it I can tell exactly what this oblong-shaped white pill does. You take two and before you know it you become a little bit dizzy, loopy and tired. For me it was mostly tired. I slept ten hours without even knowing it and it would have been more if the dogs didn't have to go outside. Luckily I only had to take them for a few days because my jaw was starting to feel a lot better on its own. Good thing. I didn't want to sleep away the rest of the month. ...Somehow I don't think the Detroit Lions are going to miss Ndamukong Suh as much as people think they will. ...Every time Brooke Shields name comes up I can't help of being reminded of something that she said some years ago. "If you're killed" Shields said, "you've lost a very important part of your life." Read that again. She actually said this. Thanks for the pearls of wisdom Brooke. Wow. ...Last week the Coast Guard had to rescue a man after he tried to walk from Detroit to Canada across Lake St. Clair, which borders the United States and Canada. Fortunately for the man the Coast Guard spotted and caught up to the guy about one and a half miles from shore and when rescued he was suffering from hypothermia and was disorientated because before he was picked up he was walking in circles after losing his compass an hour or so before the boat picked him up and he didn't know what direction to walk in since he was standing in the middle of a lake with nothing around him but ice. What the hell did he expect to see out there, a hotel? I wouldn't be surprised at all to find out that alcohol was the reason why he decided to make this trip because a stunt like this always sounds like a good idea when you are talking about doing it in the safety of some bar. Then after he sobered up he saw where he was and that's when the panic started. Good job by the Coast Guard. Now this idiot's on dry land. That means he can think of another stupid thing to do. ...Seattle police and the Seattle Mariners are looking for the person who threw an egg at a woman who was standing outside a bar because he hit her in the head and knocked her unconscious. The egg struck her behind the ear and she collapsed to the ground and was taken to the hospital for observation and later released. The police are looking for this individual to arrest him for what he did and the Mariners want to find him because you got to have a pretty good arm to knock someone out with just an egg and they want to see what he can do with a baseball. ...I read an article last week about an IT guy in Texas who goes dumpster diving and he states it nets him an average of $2,500 a night. I'd love to make that much a night but I am going to have to just keep looking because there's no way I am going to jump into a dumpster and look through garbage. With my luck I'll have a hard time getting out and then while I'm in there I'll discover that a family of rats was there first and therefore they'd get first dibs of everything there. ...I almost hate to bring up Kanye West again in this thread because he is such a no-talent loser. He's a legend in his own mind and he makes such an easy target to tear down. To be fair to him this time it's not his fault that I'm bringing his name up this week. Some people on e-Bay got the bright idea to sell air from one of his recent concerts. It was originally listed for $60,000 but was removed because apparently the seller sobered up. It's now re-listed for the more reasonable price of $3,500 and to sweeten the offer the seller is including a hat along with the bag of air. In all likelihood I am missing something here because who the hell is going to spend that much on a baggie filled with air? Does it come with a certificate of authenticity? It should also come in a sealed glass case so you can look at it all you want without touching it and that way when your friends come over to see what you spent thirty-five hundred dollars on at least it will look good. For those of you who can't put together that amount of money to buy that air I have an idea. Grab a few of your favorite zip lock bags and head to the closest steam room or sauna near your house. Fill the bags up with the hot air you get from there. It will be the same hot air you'll be shelling out $3,500 to. ...Stop the presses, Dept: For the past few months now I have been having daily protein drinks and while I am far from an expert on this stuff I have found out through trial and error that any of the flavored protein drinks out there (decadent chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, etc) taste terrible. My favorite has quickly become this one that I get from Amazon that comes unflavored and to me that tastes the best. Packed with twenty-five grams of protein you can't go wrong. My problem was that when I mix this with milk I can never shake it up well enough because I don't own a blender. Then after searching Amazon for awhile (which is something that I have been doing a lot of lately) , I found something called a BlenderBottle that I bought from there that shakes up the powder like it was in an actual blender. That's what the web page said it does but since I am naturally skeptical I didn't believe it but I decided to take a chance and buy one of the twenty-ounce ones because the price was reasonable. It only took me one time using this to see that this actually works and now that I have been using it for the past two weeks I don't know how I could have lived without it. Imagine, a product that actually lives up to its advance notice. Who would have thought that was possible? ...Part-time Yankee first baseman Mark Teixeira is concerned about the playing condition of Yankee Stadium because two soccer games are scheduled to be played there before the Yankees travel north to open the season on April 6th. It could be that the field will be a little beat up before the Yankees arrive but this shouldn't bother Teixeira at all because by the time May gets here he'll be on his first sixty-day disabled list stint. ...A soccer player from Michigan was sentenced to eight to fifteen years in prison last Friday for fatally punching a referee to death during a recreational league game last year. Recreational as in amateur. As in it's just for fun and you aren't getting paid to run around in those silly looking soccer uniforms. It's unsure if he will be serving his time here though or anywhere for that matter because the man is from Lebanon and since he still is not a United States citizen he could be deported back there and if he does he may not be looking at eight days in jail let alone eight years. In Lebanon it's understood if you go a little crazy during football matches and if someone ends up dying that's ok provided that it doesn't interrupt the game. ...What I can't get past is that these guys were amateurs and if you get worked up that much there is something wrong with you. I used to be on a softball team with one guy who I swear had two different personalities. Away from the baseball field he was one of the nicest guys you'd want to meet. But the on the days we had our games you could throw that out the window. He would get so worked up about the game that you couldn't even talk to him. "I'm getting ready" he would say. Getting ready would be punching his glove, twisting and pulling on his hat and pounding his bat on the dirt. And good luck getting near him when he was doing that. As soon as the game started he would get on the umpire right after the first strike was called against our team or the first bad call, whatever came first. He knew how to channel his inner Billy Martin and Earl Weaver better than anybody and just like those two legendary managers he was thrown out of many games. But he never got violent with anyone or the umpire. That's why he's a free man today.
  8. These people that do this NEVER bother to ask if they can use your mods or even tell others where they got the stuff from.
  9. Can you give me the link for this?
  10. Well, ok. I sure would not want to block access in here for the wrong person. If you find out let me know. We have had the same problem from another group of users too.
  11. Who is this guy? And correct me if I am wrong but he is taking work from you and other modders on this site. Obviously you don't seem to mind and that's fine but what about the other modders?
  12. Topic moved to the Buy, Sell & Trade forum. Good luck.
  13. Amazing how sometimes one program can screw something up and the other one doesn't because both of those programs do just about the same thing.
  14. I'm telling you man you do great work. 2k12 is lucky to have you. Good work.
  15. Don't bump your posts. And this is not the thread to request other cyberfaces especially for someone who has been retired for six years.
  16. Updated to 3-8 ...It was kind of hard last Tuesday watching baseball for the first time on TV because at the same time the Yankees and Phillies were playing to a 5 - 5 tie there was another storm coming down outside my window. It's hard to be in a baseball frame of mind when you haven't seen a blade of grass since December. Sure, winter's going to end just like it does every year as the calendar moves forward like we all know it will but it's hard to watch your favorite team pitching and hitting and running and sliding when all you're doing is lifting and throwing snow. This coming week we are supposed to get a break and the temperatures for a couple of days are predicted to be in the forties. That should make a few people pass out from shock. If this ends up happening my baseball fever will finally start to kick in. ...I have never been on Curt Schilling's side and this goes back to the days when he was in the Orioles farm system and I had a chance to see him live and in person. But setting aside that he played for the Red Sox and that he wore a phony bloody sock to inspire his team eleven years ago, what some people have been saying about his seventeen-year-old daughter last week crossed the line and then kept going. All Schilling did was congratulate his daughter for being accepted into college to play softball and that's when some people on twitter said they were going to "welcome her" to school next year in their own special way if you get my drift. It did not take long for the messages to become more suggestive and vulgar and Schilling understandably was upset. I don't know what he can do legally to go after these people but I wish him nothing but luck. There are some things you just don't say and it shouldn't matter who you are and what you do. ,,,Down for the count, Dept: On Thursday I had to go to the dentist to have some much-needed dental work done on myself that I had been putting off as long as possible. For the past few weeks I have had a dull, aching pain in my lower left tooth, a pain that I usually get when I find out relatives are coming over for an extended stay. I arrived there a few minutes before my 8:00 a.m. appointment and I told them that I was there because a filling fell out and that's why I was having this occasional pain and sure enough after an X-Ray was taken they found out that was the case but instead of just being able to fill the tooth again and send me on my way they said I had to have a root canal or if I didn't want to do that they could extract the tooth. The price of a root canal was north of eight hundred dollars and to get rid of it all together was around two hundred. Since I am fiscally responsible and also was acutely aware of my surroundings (another way of saying that I am terrified of the dentist) I chose to have the tooth erased from existence. The dentist that I go to is a nice guy. He's patient and kind and lets you know exactly what he is going to do. It's not his fault that I almost pass out before I sit in his chair. I don't know why but I've always been that way. My niece turns twenty on the last day of this month and when she was a little kid my sister made it off limits for me to talk her daughter about going to the dentist because she didn't want me to scare her. Much to her credit this approach worked because today that same kid can go into a dentist's office and not feel anxious and rattled like her not-so-brave godfather. The tooth took over an hour to come loose. It was like a fish that didn't want to be reeled in from the water onto the boat. When it was all done I staggered out of there, paid my bill and went home. I think I would have been in less pain had I been mugged in a backlit alley than I was after the novocaine wore off. ...Leonard Nimoy's death last week reminded me of all things a baseball trip that I took with my cousin and three of his friends to Toronto in the early 1980's. This was back in the days when you didn't need a photo ID, a birth certificate, a passport and three letters of reference to enter Canada. All five of us piled into a car to catch an afternoon game between the Blue Jays and the Oakland Athletics. The ride up to Toronto was fine and full of eager anticipation of the game and what seats we would be able to get when we got there. Toronto had a last place team that year and their was no chance that this game was going to be a sellout. The only time Exhibition Stadium was sold out was when the Yankees were in town or when they were giving something away and that's why we were confident of driving all that way to see a game without having tickets. The game itself was a good one and Oakland came back to win it in the late innings and after the final out we packed up and headed home. This is where Nimoy comes into the story. While we were driving home on the QEW (the Queen Elizabeth Way) instead of talking about the game one of them brought up Star Trek. As soon as that happened I knew I was in for a long ride home. I was. The four people I was with were 95% Star Trek fans and 5% baseball fans and giving them 5% was being generous. These guys quoted Star Trek episodes word for word. An argument began because one guy thought a certain episode was "the greatest" and the others didn't. Spock seemed to be the favorite character for all of them because he was mentioned more than anyone else. It was three hours of Star Trek hell and I learned more about that show than I ever cared to know. One year later they went on another baseball trip to Toronto. I had a good excuse as to why I couldn't go with them. I was already three thousand miles away at boot camp in San Diego. ...If any of you guys feel left out of all the fun New England has been having with their record snowfall this year there's some good news for you but of course it's going to cost you. Some idiot in Boston is packaging up snow in water bottles and is shipping it across the country for $19.99. People who live in the northeast part of the country unfortunately can not take advantage of this great deal because while the snow that is outside on their lawns and driveways may not be Boston snow it is in fact snow and they don't need any more of it. So if you live out in Los Angeles and have never experienced snow now is your chance. Or if you are a transplanted New Englander who lives in a warm weather area that misses this yearly reminder of home sweet home for some reason, there you go. However, for $19.99 there are no guarantees that the snow will not turn to water before the FedEx guy delivers it to your door but if you really want to throw your money away there is a more expensive option that will cost you eighty-nine dollars and that will give you six pounds of snow shipped in a Styrofoam container. This comes with a guarantee that the snow will not melt. With six pounds of snow you can make a midget snowman or enough snowballs to pick off your neighbors and cars that pass by your house. Use your imagination and have fun! ...Oh, and if you do end up ordering this and you see that some of your snow is yellow return it immediately for a full refund. ...Every time March 5th rolls around each year it reminds me of John Belushi who died on this day back in 1982. When you think of unlimited talent and a senseless way to leave this world you have to include Belushi. The guy was one of the best and I still miss him. ...Toronto Blue Jays pitching prospect Daniel Norris has quickly become one of my favorite players. He's twenty-one-years-old, lives in a van and sleeps on the beach with a great view of the ocean. He also throws a 96 mile and hour fastball and is left-handed. That figures. Good for him. He lives his life the way he wants and is getting the most out of it. How many of us can say the same thing? ...Good for Sean Penn for telling the uptight politically correct people where to get off. ...The debate last week about whether a dress was white and gold or blue and black just goes to show that you can't take anything that you see on the Internet seriously. Take for example that "free the nipple" campaign that is going on now. I have no idea how that started and at the same time was unaware that the nipple was being held against its will. The things I miss. I think if these people really want to make a big splash for their cause they'd have Kate Upton publicly support them by displaying hers. If that happens the internet really will break. ...People like Lloyd McClendon irritate the hell out of me. I don't like anyone that plays the race card and I certainly have no use for anyone who does it to make himself look like some sort of crusader. McClendon has it in his head that he is "carrying the torch" because he is currently the only black manager in the major leagues and if you read between the lines of what he's saying he implied that the other recent black managers in baseball were fired just to get rid of them. Not even close to the truth. The Reds fired Dusty Baker in 2013 because they finally figured out what the Giants and the Cubs already knew: that he was a terrible manager. Bo Porter got fired in Houston because he had lousy teams and they didn't win. How many white managers has the same thing happened to? Answer: a lot. And Ron Washington wasn't even fired. He resigned because of personal reasons. So McClendon is left and he wants the world to know about because if he ends up getting fired like every other manager he can pull out this excuse from his back pocket. He also had to throw in his observation of the lack of black players in the game and while it may be true there is certainly no conspiracy behind it. Black players have been in this game for over sixty years now and they have thrived and made the game better along the way. If kids today decide they would rather play football or basketball it may be unfortunate but it's their choice and no one is locking them out of this game. They just chose to do something else. McClendon should spend his time trying to get his team ready for the season instead of reminding people that he's a black manager and a representative of the black race. The fact is most black people probably don't know or care who he is and if he really wants to carry the torch for them he should get out of baseball and follow the paths of Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, Jr instead of shooting his mouth off and playing it safe while writing out lineup cards. ...Yankees general manager Brian Cashman said last week that when the Yankees get around to retiring Derek Jeter's number the "captaincy should be retired with it" and no one from this point on should be considered for the role of Yankee captain because Jeter was “so perfect” filling that position. This was just about the time I heard enough because I realized Cashman was serious. I'm not saying that Jeter didn't deserve to be the Captain or that he was a good or a bad one but to say that no one from this point on deserves a shot to be the team captain sometime in the future is ridiculous. Who knows if there is another worthy Yankee captain out there right now somewhere? Or maybe he hasn't been born yet. To say that to this unknown kid that he can't be captain is wrong just because his name isn't Derek Jeter. When does the bowing and scraping to this guy going to end? ...Now if this is Cashman's way of saying that no one on the Yankees current roster could be captain he's right. Somehow Captain Mark Teixeira does not have the same ring to it. I think if this is what he really meant to say he could have done a better job. ...It's that time of year again. Turn your clocks ahead one hour tonight. It's just another sign that spring is really on it's way.
  17. Questions correct: 10 / 10 You took 62 seconds to complete this quiz. Total score: 938
  18. Questions correct: 8 / 10 You took 66 seconds to complete this quiz. Total score: 734
  19. Dennis, beautiful pictures from a beautiful mod. Who can ask for more? I was really impressed with one of the images you posted and I hope you don't mind but I downloaded it and took out the word "SHOW" from the image with a program called Inpaint. Take a look. I think I will mail it to a friend of mine who is a huge Ruth fan.
  20. Thank you for uploading your first mod to the website. I'm sure the 2k users here will enjoy it.
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