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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. ESPN has some good quality photos of the players but I am not sure if they are the right size they need. Those are actually Press Box photos unless I am mistaken.
  2. Then you may as well consider that your last post.
  3. KC what I remember most about when we first got the game was how invincible Fuzzone was during online play. Do you remember the guy that did the most damage for him? Luis Rivas of the Twins. This guy was lucky to hit .220 in real life but for Fuzz he was Ruth, Gehrig, Dimaggio and Mantle rolled into one. I played him quite a few times in online play and I was lucky to come away with a win only once. Barely.
  4. Don't worry about it bud. School resumes tomorrow and he'll be busy once again.
  5. Updated to 2-22 ...For the original members of this website Tuesday, February 22nd 2005 was a day we were looking forward to for months because that was the day that Mvp Baseball 2005 was released and shipped by EA Sports to video game stores everywhere and the rest, as the saying goes, is history. It wasn't until the very next day that people in here were able to get their hands on the game and some of us to this day have still not been able to let go of it. I had a day off from work two days later so I made a bee-line straight to Gamestop and happily paid $29.95 for my own copy of what would become video game heaven. It did not take long for the modders to take care of the first problem that a lot of people were reporting and that was the choppiness issue in the game. The reviews were genuinely positive and besides the aforementioned choppiness the main complaint was that people couldn't find it in the stores at first. Initial impressions of the game can be found by looking at this thread right here. The only regret that I have about this game is that EA lost the rights to continue making baseball video games that very same year to 2K sports. I sometimes imagine what these guys would have done had they been able to mod a few more years of EA baseball releases. This will always be the best game I ever owned. Ten years. It just flew. ...Similarly 2K sports released their first baseball PC game on March 3rd, 2009 with MLB2k9. I highly doubt when 2019 rolls around anyone will look back fondly on that game or any of the versions that followed it. *** ...Last Tuesday Alex Rodriguez posted a hand-written letter of apology to the Yankees, major league baseball, the player's association and the fans for his actions that lead him to be suspended for an entire season. Skeptics out there -and there are many, myself included- have been saying that this apology means nothing and they won't ever believe a word he says. That's fine. I do think he made the right move by penning this letter of apology instead of having a news conference because after watching enough of these player press conferences where they apologize for something each one gets phonier and phonier. I did this...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hurt anyone...any questions?....goodbye. He's going to get booed no matter what and especially in Yankee Stadium but baseball fans have short memories. Selective ones too. If he starts hitting the ball like he knows he can the boos will start to die down. If he starts hitting some game winning home runs they'll die down even more. He'll start hearing cheers again from people who dismissed this apology he made back in February. And if it turns out that he is a major contributor to help get the Yankees back to the post season and has a productive October like he had back in 2009 you'll see the cheers drown out the boos. Hell, I'll be one of the people cheering if this happens. I just want the Yankees to win because it's been hard watching them over the past two seasons because it seemed at times they were more concerned about keeping Captain twenty-million happy than winning games. He's done his apology. Let the sportswriters say what they want. Now I want him to take out his frustrations on a whole bunch of innocent baseballs. ...The Yankees home opener is on April 6th and Derek Jeter will unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) will not be in attendance because he will be out of the country. The first thing I thought of was what will Michael Kay do now? He'll bring his name up three or four times every inning if he is there or not. It's probably a good thing that he won't be attending because the camera would be on him more than the game and the Yankees don't have to fall over themselves to keep him happy. ...I am all for anything that speeds up the pace of a baseball game and it will be interesting to see if the new rules that are going to be put in place this season will work or if they will tossed aside after awhile. What they really need to do is try these rules out first in Boston because if it works there it will work anywhere because the Red Sox deliberately try to make the games longer and longer each year. ...Justin Verlander says he has put on twenty pounds of muscle this off season with the hope that this will in turn help him be more successful this coming year because 2014 was the second-worst season of his career. Well, good luck. He's a good pitcher and has great taste in women. I have to give him that. But from what I've seen at least ten pounds of that muscle went right to his head. ...The Red Sox posted pictures of Fenway Park last week as it was covered with seven feet of snow. Since the pictures were taken there's a chance that there is more there right now and that's not necessarily a bad thing for them because they know if they wanted to they could get rid of all it in one day. How? Easy. All they need to do is invite a few thousand people to come in the ballpark. Maybe have David Ortiz there as a meet-and-greet guy. He can make some snowballs for the kids. With all the hot air those people from Boston have a couple thousand of them in one place will get that snow out of there in a hurry. ...At least this time major league baseball can't blame Alex Rodriguez for making them look bad. They're doing it all themselves. It must be slow in the commissioner's office right now before spring training officially gets under way because baseball is suing a finance website called Wallethub over the use of their logo which happens to be a W. I had no idea that baseball owned the letter W and now I want to know who owns the other twenty-five alphabets. The lawyers for baseball claim that Wallethub's use of that letter in the alphabet will confuse the hell out of fans of the Washington Nationals and Chicago Cubs. For the Nationals, they have a curly W on their hats and home uniforms and for the Cubs they use the W on a giant blue flag that they wave outside of Wrigley Field after a Cubs victory. The Cubs only won forty-one home games last year so this flag was rarely seen. Wallethub's use of the W looks nothing like the Washington version or the W on the flag that the Cubs use. It's a plain white block-style letter W with a green background. There you go. I can clearly see how Nationals and Cubs fans would think that this website has something to do with their team. Anyone who thinks that probably couldn't tell the difference between a Ferrari and a UPS truck. If baseball really wants to go after someone they should try Walgreens. I'm sure you've seen their logo. It's practically a dead ringer for the Nationals and even my wife who knows very little about baseball pointed that out one day last summer when we were driving around. That's Walgreens. But baseball's going after Wallethub. I wonder how much it is to own an alphabet? I'd like to buy a vowel. ...Every time I see one of those Duck Dynasty guys I imagine some barber who would be willing to do anything to get them to sit still for a haircut. ...Proving once again that there is a buyer for anything, someone paid over $1,500 for the cast that Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III briefly wore last year after dislocating his ankle. Money well spent. Whomever bought that thing better put it in a glass case or something because if that doesn't happen that cast will clear a room awfully fast. ...Dodgers closer Kenley Jansen underwent surgery last week to remove a growth from a bone in his left foot and is expected to be out for eight to twelve weeks. Perfectly planned. Now he misses spring training. How the hell do you not notice a growth on your left foot? Just like Josh Hamilton he didn't want to have his off season fun time interrupted by having surgery and since this will get him out of spring training, even better. ...Police discovered that surveillance video taken from a bus showed that the car driven by Bruce Jenner that was involved in a fatal accident in Malibu, California was caused by Jenner. How do you like that? He may not be a woman yet he sure as hell is driving like one. ...It was so cold around here last week that Niagara Falls was completely frozen. That didn't stop people from visiting there even though the temperatures were below zero. Those people are extremely courageous or out of their mind. Take your pick. But at least one of them took a good photo of all that frozen water. ...Pass the lies and hold the sugar Dept: Last Friday morning I fought -6 degree temperatures to attend a breakfast with a bunch of people that I used to work with. It's something we do every three or four months just to catch up with each other. Some are still working and others, like me, are retired. The breakfast did not start out too well for me because I told them I would get there a little early to get us a table and I did just that except that I went to the wrong restaurant to wait for them to arrive. (There are two breakfast spots on the same stretch of road where I live with similar names and I happened to choose the wrong one. This is something I'll never live down.) I look forward to these meetings because no matter what job you have or what job you have now your co-workers are the most important part of your stay there. They brought up stories that we have been telling for the past fifteen years and they get funnier each time they're brought up. Some were about me but a lot of them weren't. The one that they enjoy telling over and over about me is my famous "altercation" with a nun. There's an old saying that there is a nugget of truth in all talk and that's exactly what this story is based on. Truth plus a healthy mixture of imagination. I was getting ready to go outside and right before I was about to open up the door to go someone called my name and I turned around and I bumped into a lady and when I say "bump" I am even exaggerating a bit. I turned, we barely made contact and that was that. It's not like she lost her balance or was knocked into a wall. I quickly said excuse me and I apologized to her and she smiled and said it was no problem and then we both went our separate ways. That would have been the end of it except someone saw what happened and he happened to know who the woman was. She was a nun at one of the nearby Catholic grammar schools. A couple days later he happened to see her and he mentioned that he saw what happened and the woman said I was very nice and apologetic to her. Now comes the part where the story got fabricated and because of that, grew wings. The guy that knew the nun came into work and asked me about it and told him what happened but he said to me that the nun told him I banged into her without saying a word and kept going. As the years have gone by I have progressed from banging into her to knocking her down, kicking her and doing it all over again. I'm sure the next time this story is told I will have had cleats on and I will have done a dance on her. A healthy imagination is good even if the story's about you. Am I looking forward to the next time I hear this story? You bet. There's nothing like good co-workers. I had them when I was working and I have them here now. ***The views and opinions expressed in the random thoughts thread this week concerning a certain baseball video game are those of the writer himself and do not necessarily reflect the views and position of the website itself. Any assumptions made by any individual are not reflective of Mvpmods.com.
  6. Yes. You need to have TiT in the main directory of the mod you want to install something in. Example: You have the Mvp 2013 mod and you want to install a portrait. TiT must be in the Mvp 2013 directory. Do this for every mod you have installed.
  7. I remember you had a couple of leagues that you posted about in here. We also had one on this site when the game first came out and some guys played IP to IP from the game. Even Hory was in that league and he is from New Zealand.
  8. Yes, she's her cousin. Now that you got the stadiums you can really enjoy any one of the season mods that are available. Enjoy yourself!
  9. Hey, I know what Mardi Gras is down in New Orleans but the he described it it was something that is unique to wear he lives. Mardi Gras may sound similar but there are differences so maybe I should have just said that from the beginning. Despite this mix-up I am sure Sabugo still understood what I meant and when he finally passes out tonight he can come back here and tell us more about this thing.
  10. Sabugo all I can is that after I read this that this Carnival thing sounds like FUN. A few other things too: Your father sounds like a funny guy. There's no way I'd cross dress either. I consider cross-dressing as bad as wearing Red Sox gear. Four days, lots of fun and people enjoying themselves. What a wonderful thing to look forward too. Never would happen in this country.
  11. Apocalype I have a request for you if you don't mind. Whenever you come in here and post pictures of the work you guys do at your site you always seem to pique the interest of more people on this site to go out and get NHL 2004. And it's no wonder why, your group of modders have improved that game in every single way possible. Can you tell these guys why you guys chose to concentrate on NHL 2004 instead of the previous or later years? I believe you explained this once before but that explanation probably got lost in all the screenshots that you've been posting. By the way, post more! Thank you!
  12. Enough of this. This thread's about the Mvp 14 mod and support for it. Stop hijacking it with this subject. If you want to pursue this then make a request for this type of roster.
  13. I love it when you come here and update us on what's going on with this game. You guys do outstanding work over there.
  14. Then I suggest you search the download area for the guy who made one last year and then ask him to stop whatever he is doing at the moment and make this roster lickity split. And not for nothing it should read people on here are sort of mean. Which by the way is no where near the truth. I can name a lot of people that would go out of their way to help someone even it it means putting in a lot of time doing it. It was the way you requested the spring training roster that caused a bit of a problem. It's not the worst thing that's happened here so don't be too concerned about it but what this comes down to is the modders here created mods because they enjoy doing it and it makes the game more fun to play. They do not make mods because someone out there feels they are entitled to have it.
  15. And this year if you want you can make a spring training roster. Just saying.
  16. Updated to 2-15 ...In upstate New York today the predicted high is supposed to be zero degrees and then tomorrow our luck is supposed to turn for the better as the thermometer will jump up ten degrees. Ice on top of ice. I can hardly wait. But I can't complain too much about the situation because what we've been going through in Central New York is nothing like what Boston has had to put up with. For the third weekend in a row they got blasted with snow. It's probably karma for what they did to those footballs. ...Here we are, spring training reporting week! The World Champion Giants are one of five teams who will have pitchers and catchers report before the rest of the slugs when they open camp this coming Wednesday. I may not be a Giants fan but I respect how they operate. The Yankees, figuring they have less to prove because they're the Yankees, open up two days later. **** them. ...This week Hot Tub Time Machine 2 will be coming to a movie theater near you and if you did not get a chance to see the first one I can confirm that the movie is as dumb as its title but somehow it still ended up being a funny movie provided you check all reality and common sense at the door. ...Last week Iggy Azalea ordered a pizza from Papa John's using her personal phone number and somehow her number was released to the public and she was flooded with calls and text messages from people. Most of them asked why she calls herself Iggy because if you take one look at her face you'd call her Ick. What she was mostly upset about was that she didn't end up getting her cardboard-tasting pizza for free after their screw up but I guess you can't have everything. Honestly I could care less about her but her name sticks out for me because I had an uncle with the exact same name who is long gone now. That Iggy was a straight off-the-boat Italian who hardly spoke English but we never had a hard time understanding each other. That Iggy made his own pizza and when he did that he made enough to feed an army or his entire family, whatever came first. He died suddenly in the mid 1970's. Damn this Iggy for making me think of him now. ...Come on in, the water's fine Dept: A Japanese national was killed by a shark when he was surfing on the east coast of Australia when the shark zeroed in on him and tore off both his legs. He never had a chance. His friends who were surfing with him at the time brought him to shore as fast as possible where they tried to stop the bleeding with tourniquets but since both legs were gone the bleeding could not be controlled. The sad part is that this all could have been prevented because less than twenty-four hours before this shark scored his direct hit, another surfer was mauled by one in the same area. I get it. This was the old this-will-never-happen-to-me attitude and this guy had it right up until the time he felt a sharp pain in both his legs. The sharks must view the waters around Australia as their version of a buffet line because whenever they are hungry they never have to look far to get a bite to eat. Anyone who surfs or swims or water skies in the ocean in Australia is plain asking for it. ...Three young Muslims were shot to death in their apartment near the University of North Carolina campus last week and I am ashamed to admit now but when I first heard about this I was very unconcerned. Then after I was finished with my knee-jerk reaction of disliking anything Muslim I found out what really happened to these three people and my uncaring attitude towards their religion and their beliefs quickly disappeared and I saw them for what they actually were. Just kids. Of the three people that died the oldest was only twenty-three and the youngest just nineteen. All three with their lives ahead of them and every right to lead them as they see fit. This was not a hate crime. Instead, it was a crime of stupidity but that didn't really matter here because in the end three lives were lost that should not have been. The man who shot these three young kids didn't shoot them because they were Muslim. He shot them over a parking spot and now this guy is going to have the rest of his life in a jail cell to think about what he did to these three kids that included two girls whose beauty was only matched by the radiance of their smiles all because he wanted to park his car in a certain spot. No, this wasn't a hate crime no matter how much the media would like to have it be one. This wasn't about religion or race. This was about an insane individual who valued a parking spot over three young lives and to me this makes what he did just as bad as what ISIS is doing. ...Kanye, Kanye and nothing but Kanye, Dept: Leave it up to Smiley to draw attention to himself in any way possible and last week he put in some serious overtime to get this done. The king of self-importance has been teasing his public (his wife, her family, a few body guards and a couple homeless people) about his new Adidas sneaker collection and after one look at it the first thing I said was that he should have tried to market something else because the only thing that he proved here was that he is a terrible designer. If it was his intent to have the appearance of the shoe match his personality then he nailed it because it was ugly, uninteresting and laughable. The shoe looks to be made out of suede and and I have to wonder how quickly that will get ruined the first time someone walks around in them when it's pouring out. I don't feel bad at all for anyone who spends their money on this because if they have to have a pair of moccasins they can get them cheaper some place else. The person I feel bad for is the Adidas executive who had to tell this perpetual sourpuss that these shoes looked good and how great his design was. And while he wasn't getting ready to hawk overpriced slippers he made sure that all the attention at the Grammys was zeroed in right on him even if he wasn't nominated for anything. Kanye stormed the stage after Beck won the album of the year award and then did an about-face and returned to his seat. He went on to give an interview and said that Beck needed to "respect artistry" and that he should give his award to Beyoncé. Beck is only a guy who has released twelve albums in a little over twenty years and can play ten instruments but still Kanye West thinks this guy needs to learn to respect the artistry. Kanye is barely even a musician and should not be let back into the Grammys until he learns that the people that attend it each year are not there to see him and his childish antics. ...According to the Buffalo News Derek Jeter was exploring the possibilities of purchasing the Buffalo Bills last year when they were put up for sale after the death of Ralph Wilson. Can you imagine if he would have been able to pull that off? The first thing he would have done is retire his number from the team and give himself a day in his honor. ...A rare coin dealer in Beverly Hills paid 2.6 million dollars for a 1792 American penny. If I did this I would not be able to get it out of my mind for years. Never mind that the penny is over two hundred years old. I wouldn't part with a couple of million dollars. I'd sell it in a minute but would never buy it. I have no use for rare things like this because what would you do with it? You'd let people take a look at it but they couldn't touch it. Or get near it. You wouldn't let yourself touch it either. I have something that's kind of rare but not in the class of this old penny. I own the first edition of Who's Who in Baseball and it was printed in 1933. I don't know what it's worth because I never looked it up but just in case it is worth some walking around money I never look at it, never open it up and certainly never read it. It sits there in a room year after year getting older. At least I don't wake up at night thinking about what I had to pay for it. ...Good news for Van Halen fans out there. They're going to be releasing their first live album with David Lee Roth on lead vocals. It will be a two-CD set and it'll be available for sale late next month. While I'll be looking forward to buying it I have always wondered why this was never done in the 1980's when they were a lot more popular. ...Whatever anyone's opinion is of Lance Armstrong you'd have to admit that he's honest. That is if he is not behind the wheel of a car. Well, at least he has been after he was caught and had no where to go. Armstrong said that if he could go back to the time when he started cheating to win his races that he would probably do it all over again. Whatever. It's not that cycling is that important anyway. At the same time though I would like to hear some ballplayer own up to the same thing. Damn straight I'd do it again. I got a 100 million dollar contract out of it. ...Pete Rose said last week that he would very much like to get together with new baseball commissioner Rob Manfred to discuss lifting his lifetime ban and for the possibility of allowing him to be eligible to enter the Hall of Fame. This guy sure as hell doesn't want much does he? ...Amanda Knox, Italy's favorite American, is now engaged to a childhood friend that she has known since they both were in middle school. There's no announcement yet about a wedding date as of yet but based on her history with boyfriends this guy really needs to be careful if not only to be sure that he is not the next one to be blamed when one of Knox's acquaintances meets their untimely demise. ...Andrew McCutchen became the latest athlete to use Derek Jeter's player's website to complain about something and this one was about the obstacles that lower-income kids must overcome just to be noticed or receive an opportunity to show people that they have the talent to play professional baseball. He gave examples of the cost involved in purchasing the equipment needed along with the fees to enter tournaments where more people such as scouts would be able to view their progress so they can advance to the next level. Because of this he says inner city kids do not pursue careers in baseball. Sounds good but I'm not buying it. Is it cheaper for that same low-income kid to go out and play football? You need more equipment to play that sport and those same kids are getting noticed enough to get full scholarships to college. Any organized program is going to be tough on kids from low income families and to say that the cost of baseball is the problem here is incorrect. The real reason why these kids from the urban communities don't play baseball is because football and basketball are more exciting to them. When you have a game on TV that lasts close to four hours long that it makes even loyal fans impatient, how are they supposed to grab the interest of these young kids? That's why they are not playing this game and it has nothing to do with the cost of it. ...Good news ( I think ) for Bronco fans. Peyton Manning met with the team officials last Friday and told them that he is "physically and mentally prepared to play at a significant level" in 2015. That is of course if they should reach the playoffs. Then forget it.
  17. Aw hell, I was looking for a third choice here.
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