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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. What makes you say that KC?
  2. I'm doing fine and it is nice to see you here. Don't be a stranger. I heard all about last year's version of this game and I don't know if this year's will be better but I am willing to try it to find out for myself. Not these guys.
  3. We talked about this a little in the shoutbox last night Don and those people decided that this game wasn't good. But since I don't hold any stock in what they think is a good or bad game I will decide for myself.
  4. Is there any way you can take a screen shot of the problem you are having?
  5. Updated to 2-8 ...It took me about forty-five seconds to get over the New England Patriots winning the Super Bowl last Sunday. That's how much I didn't care about the game. Seahawk fans will be having nightmares about that last-second interception and since I'm not one I'll be sleeping pretty good. The most important thing I learned from this game was how nice Katy Perry's legs really are. ...If there's anyone that suffered through a bad week last week or if the new year has not gone exactly as you had hoped to so far consider this one bright spot. You are not Warren Sapp. Just look what happened to him over the Super Bowl weekend. He shows up in Tampa as one of the big shots of the NFL Network and a former player and a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. The very next day he is fired from his TV analyst job because he got into a physical confrontation with two escorts that he had in his hotel room because he had a coupon that read buy one get one free and he became upset because they would not honor it. This is the same guy who made millions of dollars in his career and still ended up filing for bankruptcy so right there you can tell that he carries his brains in his back pocket. I'm sure he's learned his lesson and the next time he'll pay full price. ...Four months ago Dallas Cowboys running back Joseph Randle was arrested for shoplifting at a suburban Dallas mall and aside from being fined a week's pay by the team his luck was with him then because he somehow parlayed that incident into an endorsement deal with the same company that he tried to steal from. Last Tuesday Randle got his name on the police blotter again when he was arrested in a Wichita, Kansas hotel when the cops responded to a call for domestic violence with a weapon. When they arrived they found a young woman with Randle and marijuana was scattered all over the room. Randle and the woman had been staying in that hotel since the Super Bowl two days prior and the dispute started because his female companion was pulling for the Patriots. His luck was with him again when the police dropped these charges because of the inconsistent stories that were supplied by the witnesses. This doesn't mean that he won't be charged with possession of an illegal substance when the investigation is completed. Right now the cops have nothing to pin on him but that could change. The Cowboys should do the right thing this time and cut this guy because I highly doubt he is going to be allowed to get off the hook again to make some commercials for the hotel he was staying at or the Wichata police department. ...How do you like that? After one of the most exciting finishes in a Super Bowl in awhile these two things take place to make the NFL look bad all over again. ...There is some speculation that former Olympic champion Bruce Jenner is going to be transitioning into a woman and what's more is that there will be a documentary series that will be chronicling his change. That should be fascinating to watch if you are fond of throwing up in your mouth. I've heard about people doing things to get noticed in order to get their own reality series (the woman with the fake third breast quickly comes to mind) but this guy wins hands down. Living in that house with all those Kardashian females must have really taken a toll on him and stripped him of what was left of his manhood. Now he's just making it official and doing it in front of the cameras for money just like the rest of them. ...Now at least Kanye will have someone to hang out with when Kim isn't around. ...I could not help but thinking that if the United States, Great Britain and France had joined in and help Jordan last week take the fight to ISIS those animals would have been so unraveled that they wouldn't know what to do next. Finally someone went after those people and I can not help but wonder what is holding this country back? These Muslim maniacs have been chopping the heads off their captives for so long now that the shock, value of what they have been doing has almost diminished. That's not to say people are less angry about what they're doing. Japan is experiencing this right now after the beheading of a popular journalist who was reporting on what was going on over there. And that's something I don't pretend to understand. If you are a foreigner why would you go there and if you are already there why haven't you left already because if there is one thing that these people are very good at is is killing and they love to give examples of their work. But putting a man in a cage and setting him on fire and leaving him there to die? That's something you see in a horror movie and never in real life until now. But that's how deranged these Muslims are. I'm just hoping that all the talk about stopping ISIS comes to an end and it's replaced by military force that finally eliminates them. ...I was reading an article last week where some guy picked the five best shortstops in the history of baseball and before I even read it I knew that Derek Jeter's name would be on this list because he's Derek Jeter. Honus Wagner was first, Jeter second, Cal Ripken third, Ozzie Smith fourth and Ernie Banks was fifth. The idiot who made this list probably put Banks fifth because he just died and he didn't know who else to include. But Jeter as the second best shortstop in the history of the game? I know I'm guilty of favoring the Yankees a time or two but this is embarrassing. Jeter is ahead of Ozzie Smith? What about Reese or Rizzuto? Or even Alan Trammell, Robin Yount, Barry Larkin and Omar Vizquel? Wait I get it now. None of those guys got a year-long farewell tour. ...R.I.P. to Dave Bergman who died last Monday at the young age of sixty-one. I saw him play for the Syracuse Chiefs for a couple of years when he was a Yankee farmhand and in those days you had no chance of being called up to New York unless you wanted to work on the grounds crew. That's why I was happy to see him get a World Series ring with Detroit in 1984. I don't know about anyone else but it's always a bit of a jolt when I find out a ballplayer that I personally saw play passes away. He had bile duct cancer, which could not have been easy to deal with. ...This is about the time in the winter that I begin to get stir crazy in my house and I decide to get out and go someplace but when I am half way to my car I am freezing all over again and then I turn around and go back in the house. ...The Love of a Woman, Dept: Lance Armstrong went on a bender back in December in Aspen, Colorado and then got behind the wheel of his SUV and hit a couple of parked cars that he mistook for USADA officials. To avoid national news coverage he let his long time girlfriend take the blame but in the course of the police investigation it was discovered that Armstrong was the one behind the wheel. Either she loves Armstrong very much or else she wants to make sure she stays around his millions at all costs. For not being truthful yet again Armstrong was charged with failure to report an accident. That's a misdemeanor and you can get up to ninety days in jail for it but I wouldn't count on him serving one day. Even though his girlfriend lied to the police she was not charged with any crime. Just being with Armstrong is sentence enough for her. ...If Armstrong keeps this up he can have a long and successful political career in Massachusetts. ...It seems every time Yasiel Puig opens his mouth he shows how much an idiot he is. Puig said he considered the Cardinals the primary rivals of the Dodgers and not the Giants, who have only won three of the last five championships. If a person can be deported for stupidity Puig would be the first to go. ...Congratulations to the Yanks for being wise enough not to sign Victor Martinez when he became a free agent a few months ago because this clod tore the medial meniscus in his left knee while he was doing his off-season workouts. Whatever. This is the guy I was expecting the Yankees to throw money at because at the age of thirty-six he was the perfect age for them. Thank God I was wrong. ...While on the subject of past-their-prime ballplayers, Josh Hamilton immediately comes to mind. The Angels announced that Hamilton will undergo surgery to repair the AC joint in his right shoulder and this surgery is expected to sideline him for six to eight weeks and in all likelihood he will be starting the 2015 season on the disabled list, something that he's been very familiar with since signing with them a few years back. This is the same injury that forced him to shut down early last year. A fair question to ask is why didn't he have this surgery a few months ago so he would be ready for the season? I have no idea and I'm sure Hamilton has a hell of an excuse lined up when someone asks him this very question. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that he did this on purpose to miss as much of the season as he could because he couldn't get around on fastballs like he used to. For only fifteen million dollars a year why even bother trying anymore? ...As the years go on I care less and less about what happens to these millionaire ballplayers. ...Last Friday was the twelfth annual National Wear Red Day to raise awareness for heart disease in women. Nothing wrong with that I said to myself and if this makes women across the country pay more attention to their health issues then whomever thought of having this day each year had a great idea. I made a donation but I'll be honest here, I could not bring myself to wear anything red. I think we all know why. ...One thing that bothered me about this "day." Why was the focus on women only? Are men suddenly immune to this terrible disease? ...For all of you who are going to be buying MLB The Show next month there is going to be a special edition released that will commemorate the tenth anniversary of the game. You're going to have to part with seventy dollars to get this but it looks like it's worth it. I can't wait to read what the PS4 people in here think of this. ...A very surprised Tennessee man was arrested for making moonshine after he advertised what he was doing on Facebook and Craiglist because he had no idea that that revenuers had computers too and could see what he was doing. After arranging a buy and agreeing to purchase six gallons worth of the flavored turpentine the man was taken into custody without a fight and without having any of his merchandise spilled, although where he's going he'll hardly need it. ...I saw some pictures of the Pontiac Silverdome last week and if you haven't had the chance to see them you can take a glance at them right here. It almost looks as if someone dropped a bomb on it. After the canvas roof fell in over two years ago the place has been falling apart at an alarming rate and if it were not for these photos no one really would have noticed because the stadium now looks like the rest of Detroit.
  6. Please It answers the question about broken files.
  7. Is that so? Well, there's another option too. You can learn how to make them yourself. There are good tutorials here for those people who want to learn how to do this. Now it's your cue.
  8. Good God, please be more specific. Do you have any idea of how many cyberfaces there are? What picture? What cyberfaces do you mean?
  9. Administrative secrets that are on a need-to-know basis.
  10. Well that is possible. But it would be a tough thing to do. That mod that has the voices of Vin Scully, Mel Allen and Ernie Harwell took OTBJoel a few years to make. He had to edit everything that Krukow and Kuiper said and replace it with the voices of those three guys. You'll be able to get Scully saying "New York Yankees" pretty easy enough but I don't know if he ever says 1961.
  11. Absolutely not. I had to hurry up and message all of the people that were going to respond. They were really disappointed.
  12. Thank you for giving us your permission to not reply to this thread. There were about twenty people ready to respond before you let them off the hook.
  13. Here's a stupid suggestion. Why don't you just download the 1961 mod and then you won't have to do anything.
  14. Using the Mvp 14 mod. St. Louis Cardinals at Washington Nationals
  15. When I find the answer I'll be back. I'll show you! Stay warm man in this weather!
  16. Daflyboys, should I have coffee or tea after I come in from shoveling the driveway today?
  17. Thank you, that was exactly my point.
  18. Isn't there enough right now for you to choose from? The last Total Classics mod that was made was TC 1977 back in November. It takes time to make these mods and the modders sometimes like to actually play a few games or do something else. Go grab a mod that we already have and enjoy that for awhile. But to finally answer your question, no, no one knows when the next Total Classics season will be released. They are never announced to the community here because there have always been people in the past asking when the mod will be done. By not announcing anything the modders avoid these questions. It's a good strategy if you ask me. My suggestion for a good mod? Try TC '41 or TC '51. But you can not go wrong on any of them.
  19. Updated to 2-1 ...Welcome to February! What's even more important than today's Super Bowl is knowing that Florida and Arizona will soon be filled with the sights and sounds of baseball and for a baseball fan that is more important than what will happen tonight between the Seahawks and Patriots. According to MLB, four teams open up training on the nineteenth and soon after that all the other teams will be checking in to begin the 2015 campaign. The Yankees open up on the twenty-first and one would think with the lousy year they had last year they would have already reported. ...Get it done, Dept: The Super Bowl begins tonight at 6:30 p.m. on the east coast at the University of Phoenix Stadium and if you don't want to wait that long for football just watch the NFL Network all day because they'll be repeating themselves for about twelve hours straight. Because I have no choice I have to back the Seattle Seahawks since it is physically impossible for me to voice my support for any Boston team or organization. Forgive me but I've had this malady since birth. I really don't care how Seattle does it just as long as they do it. I'll be watching part of the game but only out of curiosity to see what Kate Upton is hardly wearing in her commercial. ...New baseball commissioner Rob Manfred seems as intent on screwing up the game as well as his predecessor did. Part of his list of priorities is to inject additional offense into the game and while on the surface it sounds like a good idea, it's the steps he wants to take to achieve that goal is what I have a problem with. Manfred said he was open to the possibility of eliminating defensive shifts because he says it gives the defensive team a competitive advantage. No kidding? And it took a new commissioner to tell us something that we all have known for years. The shift, as we all know is used when a dead pull hitter is at the plate and more fielders are placed in the area where he usually makes contact. If this idea actually comes to pass this should make a lot of hitters who see the shift all the time very happy. But then I thought of Mark Teixeira. Not even eliminating the shift would help that guy because he'd still end up popping out anyway. ...Maybe to generate even more offense they can ban all off-speed pitches because those darn screwballs and curveballs sure can mess with someone's batting average. ...Too Damn Bad. Dept. (Part One): Since the senseless killings at Charlie Hebdo a few weeks back French authorities have arrested dozens of people who have appeared to praise the terrorists or who had encouraged more attacks. Because of that the Muslim community has made accusations of a double standard that is being used against them where free speech applies to those who mock Islam while Muslims themselves are penalized for expressing their own views. The French have been busy since the attacks as they have arrested more than seventy people for defending or glorifying terrorism. Good for them. At least France is trying to protect their own. In this country when a Muslim cries wolf four lawyers rush to their aid. The complaints that these people have made have gained very little sympathy and there certainly won't be none given here by me right now. If they don't like what France is doing right now they can go right back to their Muslim controlled countries where they will see first hand how little free speech and human rights they'll have and maybe they'll appreciate what they have in France a lot more. ...Too Damn Bad. Dept. (Part Two):I have never heard of Molly White but I'd like to shake her hand. She's a politician from Texas who came under a bit of fire because of a Facebook post that she made. Believe it or not last Thursday was Texas Muslim Capitol Day and really, why the hell not? Texas has to be stuck with their fair share of these people too and someone decided to give them a day to probably gauge how many are running around. Molly White asked the Muslim visitors at the state capitol to publicly renounce Islamic terrorist groups and publicly announce allegiance to America. What an uproar this caused. People acted like this woman was trying to take half their life savings. All she did was ask these people to pledge allegiance to our country but even that simple request was too much. If they weren't going to be loyal to this country who were they going to be loyal to? As far as I'm concerned they should be thrown in jail until summer gets here and then taken to the middle of Death Valley and let go. Five minutes in that place and they'll be singing the National Anthem. ...I debated with myself for a little while because I wasn't too sure if I was going to include that last part about my wish to send those people to Death Valley because I thought it may have been a little too extreme even for me even considering how much I detest these people. But then I thought about it some more and decided to leave it in. I figured why the hell not? A religion that has some of their followers chopping heads off and others supporting those actions deserve no humanitarianism since they in turn do not know how to give it. ...During the off-season for baseball I get so desperate for any bit of baseball news that I'll read just about anything that has to do with the sport no matter how meaningless it may be. And that's why I was reading an article about Wade Boggs last week during his days as the hitting coach of the then Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Boggs drank a case of beer on a flight that only took one hour to make and the guy that sat next to him during the plane ride said Boggs never got up to use the bathroom once. I don't know if this is exaggeration or not but if anyone drinks that much beer one would hope that there would be no lines waiting to use the bathroom. All I need to do is drink two bottles of iced tea and pretty soon I got to go and Boggs drank twenty-four bottles and was still going strong? They ought to donate his liver to science. ...Because of the renovation project going on at Wrigley Field the neighborhood around the ballpark has been overcome with rats ever since the construction began. The residents say it is bad enough with all the work that is going on and all the noise and lack of parking that has accompanied the building of the new bleachers at Wrigley but the rats have been an entirely different story and it's not hard to understand why. They are walking around on the sidewalks and even on people's front porches and they're not even bothering doing it at night when it's harder to see them by. Hey, you also wouldn't know what to do if some construction crew showed up one day and took away your box seats that you've had for years either. ...An Easy Rider motorcycle convention was held in Sacramento, California last week and bikers from all around the area showed up to check out the new and classic motorcycles that were there. They were also there to show off their latest tattoos and to compare the size of their switchblades with each other. What should have been a fun get-together to catch up with friends and to hear stories about how they go about harassing old people turned ugly when one biker gang saw another gang that they didn't get along with and that's when all hell broke loose. One guy said something to the other guy and before you could say motor oil a fight started right in the convention center. Normally biker fights are held in dive bars outside of town but I guess they decided to try something new to start the new year off differently. It would not surprise me to learn that it would be the last time that city allows a convention like that to be held there. Then again what did they really expect when groups of bikers get together? ...Have you ever had someone that would just not leave you alone and would do anything they could think of to bother you or try to get you mad? I'm sure everyone's had their share of these people whether it was when you were in school or in your neighborhood. No matter. These people it seemed were put on this earth just to give you a hard time. And at times I can see the same annoying behavior from those Muslim terrorists, although admittedly they step it up a notch. When they say they want to kill you they really mean it and they do their best to keep their promise. But how many times can these people poke us with threats before we say enough? Last week one of those hooded cowards from ISIS threatened to come to America to cut off the President's head while he was in the White House and to make America into a Muslim province. I guess the last part he meant that there would be more 7-11's opening up. But joking aside, how much longer should this country sit back and listen to these people because in case you haven't noticed they are getting bolder and braver with their threats against the United States and our allies. I don't want to see people hurt or killed but there are exceptions to everything and I could care less if every Muslim over there gets shot down right where they're standing. ...I kept on hearing Reggie Jackson's name in news last week and for a little while there I was confused as to why the former Yankee great was being brought up again until I saw that they weren't talking about him but about an NBA player who plays for the Oklahoma City Thunder that has the same name. Who knew? I don't even have a clue as to how long Oklahoma City has had a team let alone know their roster. ...A five-year-old boy was given a 'child no-show' fee from the mother of one of his classmates because he failed to attend a birthday party for her son last week. The boy's family said their son was planning on attending but that same weekend his grandparents made a surprise visit and they were so involved with their visit that they forgot to send an RSVP. That wasn't a good enough explanation for the mother of the birthday boy who believed her son should have come first even before grandma and grandpa. There's a very good Yiddish word for this and it's called chutzpah and the woman who gave that kid a bill to give to his parents was born with an abundance of it. The bill itself was around twenty-four dollars and the mother is threatening to take the family to small claims court to get paid, which makes this even more ridiculous. No-shows are a part of any organized event. It's something you have to expect. Just ask any married couple and I am sure they can tell you they had a few people who did not attend their wedding reception and they had to pay for their meal just the same as if they were there. All I can say for sure is when it is time for that little boy who had the party to graduate from high school people who plan on attending that party for him better clear their calendars a year in advance. ...Fiat Justitia, Dept: In the case of Nationals outfielder Jayson Werth you have to wonder if it actually showed up at all. Fiat Justitia is a Latin phrase which means "let justice be done" but a judge from the state of Virginia must have thought it meant let no justice be done. Last July Werth was caught driving 105 miles-per-hour in a 55 miles-per-hour zone and was originally sentenced to ten days in jail because of it. Now Werth only has to serve five days in jail and what's even better for him he will be able to serve his time when it best fits his schedule, on the weekends. The judge explained that Werth is still doing physical therapy on his shoulder, which he had surgery on a few weeks back and that he did not want to upset his training for the upcoming season. And, as the judge added, he is very involved in the community. Isn't that nice? I'm glad the judge was kind enough to place Werth's personal commitments ahead of his debt to society. There you go. So when you are caught exercising your lead foot out on the highway all you got to do is have some sort of surgery done and you'll get your sentence cut in half and you'll be able to come and go when you please. It worked for Werth. ...Those Carl's Jr. ads are so good that they make me want to drive to California to buy one.
  20. That was my next answer. Wise guy! :D
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