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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Dennis made a lot of stadiums and if you liked the work that people like Pirate did with the ballparks you will love Dennis James' work. Also try Mvp 12, 13 and 14. Lot of good mods out there. If you have MLB 2k12 I can't help you with that because I don't own the game.
  2. How did this happen? Those menus were only made for the Caribe mods and WBC mods and were only installed by choice.
  3. Boss FUZZ! How the hell are you? Hey man, there has been a lot of great season mods since you left. I suggest the 1941 mod, 1958, the Negro League Mod, the 1915 mod, etc, etc. There's this guy named Dennis James who helps Jim825 crank out some good ones. Dennis is a hell of a guy and we are very fortunate to have him around here, The latest mod is the 1977 mod. You won't go wrong getting any of these mods.
  4. No, off the rack at Target.
  5. No, not at all. Now if you had posted your question ten minutes from now I would not have responded because I have an appointment with my pillow and I don't want to be late.
  6. I was just about to guide you to some helpful links to create cyberfaces then I noticed that you were talking about MLB 2k12 and I stopped right there because those links I was going to show you were for Mvp 2005. I think the best thing you can do is ask the cyberface makers for that game how they go about making their mods. Scottybilly is an active member here and he makes a lot of faces for that game and he would be someone I would ask if I wanted to begin making cyberfaces. Best of luck now.
  7. Updated to 1-25 ...If you read my predictions last week for the AFC and NFC championship games you will notice that I was wrong on both of them. It happens. Seattle had a miraculous comeback that I am still having a hard time accepting. The Packers fell apart at the very end and I have to imagine they'll be thinking about that the entire off-season. I don't blame Brandon Bostick though for not catching that onside kick. He had so many people around him going after the ball. It was a tough play. As for the Patriots, the less said the better. Even when they win big (this time by thirty-eight points) they still have to find a way to cheat. I have no doubt about the accusation that they deflated footballs. When you deflate a football it makes it easier for you to throw it, catch it and hold on to it. Who knew? I certainly didn't but New England did and they made sure to do it. The NFL conducted an "investigation" and they determined that eleven out of the twelve footballs supplied by Belichick's boys were deflated so there could be no way that this was just a coincidence. The Patriots knew what they were doing. It's my guess that the NFL will have to do something to penalize them but I don't expect anything serious to happen besides a slap on the wrist and some off-the-record advice to not get caught the next time. It's Boston. Cheating is expected there. ...Bud Selig was at a Baseball Writers awards dinner last week and when it was time for him to get up and say a few words he must have realized that he was no longer the commissioner and couldn't ramble on about his latest idea to make money and inconvenience fans at the same time so he decided to wing it by using flattery. The trouble is this guy is as sincere as a car salesman trying to sell a set of wheels to a blind guy. When he got up there he started singing the praises of St. Louis and called them the best baseball city in the country. On the surface that wasn't a bad thing but of course he was in St. Louis when he said it. In a few weeks he'll be in San Francisco and he'll say the same thing about that city. This guy needs to be put in a home and never be let out again. ...According to Tiger Woods' agent Woods got his tooth knocked out last week in Italy when a member of the media with a shoulder-mounted video camera turned around and accidentally hit him in the mouth, resulting in the loss of his tooth. That's the official story and Woods is sticking with it. Like any story you hear there is some truth to it. Woods was in Italy to surprise his girlfriend Lindsay Vonn, who was competing in a World Cup event there but it was Vonn who surprised Woods when he was getting room service from one of the luscious Italian maids at the hotel he was staying at so for Woods it was better to blame a cameraman for what happened instead of the truth. ...I was happy to see Max Scherzer sign with Washington last Tuesday because even though the Yankees kept on saying all the right things about curbing their spending in the off season I could not imagine that you could have gathered together five people that actually believed what they were saying. Scherzer is a fine pitcher and he'll help any team that he's on but for 210 million dollars for seven years was too much. The Yankees are still trying to dig their way out of three of those long-term contracts with players that are shells of their former selves. For a few more years they are stuck with Alex Rodriguez, Mark Teixeira and C.C. Sabathia. Name one team that would want to have any one of them for the money that they are making. You can't. It's taken then awhile but maybe the Yankees are finally learning. ...Oh wait, James Shields is still out there. They still have another chance to spend like crazy. ...I couldn't help but think what Madison Bumgarner would have made if he was a free agent this off season. I wouldn't be exaggerating by saying he could have had the first 400 million dollar contract. ...Did you hear about that guy who bulldozed his wife's house to the ground? What I want to know is what the hell she did to him to get him that unglued? ...A man was arrested down in Atlanta last week because a police officer saw him eating a cheeseburger while behind the wheel. It must have been one hell of a burger to be that much of a distraction. I admit I don't eat burgers while driving because the ingredients have a tendency to fall out of it and on your shirt and when you get home you have to explain to your wife why there's mustard on your white shirt. Not that this has happened to me of course. Nevertheless the guy was charged for this and has a court date set on February 3rd to plead his case. The judge will probably say that the next time he goes out for a burger he should get enough for everyone. ...Mets fans are very familiar with Fred Wilpon. He is the owner of the team and is the guy responsible for the Mets being in the position that they have been in for the past few years and it isn't a good one. Wilpon is the guy who lost about seven hundred million dollars investing in a Ponzi scheme seven years ago and has barely managed to hold on to the ownership of the team since then. Apparently that little mistake didn't matter, at least to new commissioner of baseball Rob Manfred because he put Wilpon in charge of baseball’s finance committee. I hope he also hired someone to watch over Wilpon at the same time. It didn't take Manfred long to show everyone he can make boneheaded decisions just as good as Bud Selig was able to. ...Alex Rodriguez made news last week in the only way that Alex Rodriguez can when you mix a bit of controversy with a whole lot of stupidity. He was in California getting hitting tips from Barry Bonds, who is no stranger to steroid allegations himself. Bonds though wasn't caught and suspended during his playing days while Rodriguez was. While seeking help from Bonds makes sense on the surface because all you have to do is look at the back of his baseball card to see his impressive, but tainted numbers to understand why Rodriguez sought him out because Bonds knows a thing or two about hitting, a fact that all the steroid allegations can not deny. Keeping a low profile before spring training starts is what he really should be doing because once Rodriguez gets down to Tampa it will only be a matter of time until he says something ill-advised. Then again how is this really going to hurt A-Rod? It's not like Bonds is going to corrupt him. Rodriguez took care of that long before this hitting session last week. ...I'm really having a hard time believing this but here goes. A woman from Weymouth, Massachusetts checked herself into the emergency room last week because of sudden pain in her stomach and back. When doctors decided to give her an ultrasound to try and determine the cause of her pain they discovered that she was pregnant and they rushed her off into labor. The woman's story is that she had no idea she was expecting a child and she's sticking by it. She did say she knew she was putting on some weight but she blamed it on all the eating she did over the Christmas holidays. What about over Thanksgiving? How much did she put away then? I went straight to the the source and over the past few days I asked women that I know who had children if they thought this was possible, that the woman didn't know she was carrying a child until the day she gave birth? Every one of them told me that there would be no way she didn't know because of all the changes that go through your body during the three trimesters. Nausea that can come out of nowhere, fatigue, avoiding favorite foods and craving others, weight gain and other hormonal changes that I really did not need to know about. There's no way she would have not known. The next thing she's going to say is that she's still a virgin. ...Hold that Phone, Dept: My wife and I went to Pizza Hut last Thursday night because we wanted to try out the new flavored crusts that they are putting on their pizzas and at the same time the salad bar they have there is very under rated. Usually it is only her and I that go there but this time she brought along a friend of hers that she works with. We were there a little more than an hour but I could not learn one thing about her because she would not leave her phone alone. All I did for the entire time was nod my head at whatever she was saying or blurt out a 'Uh-huh' when I thought the situation required it. She showed my wife videos and funny pictures and web sites and all the important things you want to think about when you are out getting dinner. If the phone ever left her hand I must have missed it. She treated it like it was an adult pacifier. My wife congratulated me when we got home for not getting upset because she could tell I was two seconds away from asking the waitress for a box so we could finish the rest at home. People like this who are unable to talk to someone else unless it has something to do with their phone have major issues. I happen to believe that people like this who are so addicted to their cell phones are not interesting to be around and that is exactly what this woman was. A few minutes before we got to her house to drop her off she finally put her phone away because she needed to recharge it. I figured she probably does that every day. Then she looked at me like she just discovered I was in the car too and said to me that I don't talk much. How could I? She never came up for air. At least the asiago crust was good. ...A father down in Pennsylvania is being charged with aggravated assault after catching a nineteen-year-old man alone in his house in his seventeen-year-old daughter's room. He knew something was going on when they tried to explain to him that all they were doing was watching movies but since the TV was not turned on in the room Dad knew something was up. When the kid refused to leave his house after being asked the father grabbed a knife and cut off his dreadlocks just to get his point across. It didn't. The kid continued being disrespectful towards the man even though he just got a free haircut moments before. He was told to leave and not come back but he wasn't ready to go just yet without having a few more choice words thrown in. He kept on antagonizing the father until a punch in the face let the kid know that dear ole dad finally heard enough and it was time to go. Besides being charged with aggravated assault the father was also charged with terroristic threats. Is that what they call it these days when you are trying to get someone out of your daughter's room that shouldn't be there? This kid was stupid and lucky. If the girl's father was really mad he could have cut off something else, something that he was planning on using very soon if her father had not shown up. His hair will grow back. That won't. ...Every time I hear about a celebrity pulling the "Don't you know who I am?" card when they get into a situation that they shouldn't be in I immediately wish the worst on them only because of their arrogance. The Palins have done this on more than one occasion. So has Miley Cyrus and Tara Reid to name a couple more. Even Kanye West has been known to do this when he notices people around him are not genuflecting fast enough. The latest one to do this was Hope Solo and her husband when they were pulled over in Los Angeles for what turned out to be a DUI case. Police initially pulled the car over because the headlights were off but they quickly discovered that there was a lot more to it than that when her husband refused to submit to a breath test but based on his condition at the time police still arrested him for DUI. The people that run the United States women’s national team suspended Solo for thirty days because of this. They let the incident where she assaulted her half-sister and nephew last June when she was under the influence slide by but not this one and that's good. These are the things that happen to people when they think they are a bigger deal then they really are. ...R.I.P. to one of baseball's true greats, Ernie Banks who died yesterday at the age of eighty-three.
  8. Hey, no problem. I'm glad you were able to get it.
  9. There is nothing wrong with the download link. Just click on the green box that says download and you are all set.
  10. Put the download link to the mod here so I can check it out.
  11. Here's where I can try to redeem myself. There was a "reboot" edition (if you want to call it that) for Mvp 2008. Near the end of that year Kraw and the modders released an updated version of Mvp 08. That's probably the version that is on our website now. As for Mvp 07 there was only one edition but there was a patch made for it and there is also a fix for the pitching meter for that mod and both of these files are hosted here on the site.
  12. Good job Kyleb. I mean I only work here. I should have known! I'm disappointed in myself.
  13. No, it's not hosted here. It is one of the many mods that did not make it over here when EAmods/MLBmods closed up shop.
  14. You did a great job. Schilling got one up and you were all over it!
  15. Boston vs. Forum Fanatics Continued
  16. Using the 2006 mod, first Red Sox game of 2015 against the Forum Fanatics at Shibe Park, Philadelphia.
  17. Updated to 1-18 ...There is a possibility that Miguel Cabrera will get a late start to the season after having surgery in October to remove bone spurs from his right ankle. Right now he's wearing a walking boot until at least until mid-February which for him is perfect timing because he will miss the start of spring training and if he plays his cards right and limps around long enough down in Florida he may get Tiger management to put him on the disabled list once the season begins because as everyone knows, it's pretty cold in April for Tiger home games. Tiger fans should worry because once he "heals" something else will miraculously come up that will prevent him from breaking a sweat. The only good thing about Cabrera wearing that boot is now his wife has a better than average chance to get away from him when it's time for her morning beating. ...If you have not seen the fly-through preview for the new stadium the Atlanta Falcons will be playing in in two years do yourself a favor and check it ">right here. The first thing I thought of was that you had better bring plenty of currency with you when you go there because you can expect to leave it there and secondly I wonder how a team like the Raiders must feel after seeing this? ...The lawyers for the Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (yeah, he actually has some) asked the judge to suspend jury selection in his trial for at least a month because of the Charlie Hebdo incident in France because that has once again placed the 2013 marathon bombing at the center of attention. I don't know what these lawyers are trying to prove because these bombings have forever affected the lives of the victims on that April day nearly two years ago along with the entire city of Boston, whose unity and resolve as a city impressed the entire country. My point is what is one month going to do? Fortunately the judge rejected this request. We could learn something from the French here because none of those three terrorists there got anywhere near a trial. They got rid of them right then and there. The same thing can still be done with Tsarnaev. They can drive him out to some woods in New England and let him loose with an ankle monitor on him that he is unable to get off. Give him a five minute head start and then go after him with long range rifles. That should terrify him plenty but since he's a terrorist he should be accustomed to the feeling of getting as much a chance to get away as the victims he and his brother killed. ...Some Islamist hackers attacked over one thousand French websites after the Charlie Hebdo attack and posted anti-French and pro-Islam messages on the main page of the sites. At least the North Koreans can't be blamed this time. This was done to the French as simply an annoyance because no matter how many times you hack a website you can not actually kill anyone this way and when you can't pile up a body count the Muslims simply are not happy. ...I spent some of my Amazon gift card that I got last month for Christmas when I bought the complete series of Magnum, P.I. Besides being a big fan of the show in real life I am almost a dead ringer for Tom Selleck if you overlook the fact that he is almost a foot taller than I am and has a moustache. ...The Yankees hired a brand new hitting coach last week and for the first time in their history they also hired an assistant hitting coach. That way when things go wrong this time they can fire two people instead of just one. ...David Price avoided an arbitration hearing by signing a one-year contract with Detroit for $19.75 million. Price was an average pitcher at best for Detroit last year. The Tigers got to be desperate to keep some pitching because next year at this time Price could be signing a bigger contract than the one he just finished signing and the next time it could be with another team. ...The Joys of Winter, Dept: I was getting out of my car one day last week. It was a bitterly cold day and the wind was so strong that all I had to do was glance at the houses nearby me to tell if their screen door was not shut properly because the ones that weren't were making noises like they were going to break at any moment. I did not stay out any longer than I had to but just as I was turning to go back in my garage I saw a Christmas tree rolling down the road aided by the strong wind and not far behind the tree was a guy trying to chase it down but he was losing ground fast. Despite the cold I had to see this through because I had to see how far the tree would end up traveling and if the guy would end up getting it or stop and say the hell with it and go home. Luckily for him the wind shifted and the tree veered off to the left and hit a parked mail truck where it stopped and traveled no more. That was the only way that guy ended up catching up to that tree and if it wasn't for that truck the tree would have pulled away and won going away. I give the man credit for not giving up because if it were me I would have stopped and waved goodbye and walked home. ...Many times when things happen in real life I say to myself that if you saw it on TV you'd never believe it possible. But people never cease to amaze and all you have to do is pay attention and see. Take for instance that woman in California who went to her ex-boyfriend's house for a visit. She arrived, knocked on the door, got no answer, waited a bit, tried again and got the same result. At that point she should have got the hint that no one was home and should have just left to try again at another time or at the very least if she had her phone with her, call him up to let him know she was there. Instead she remembered that he had a chimney in his house and since the chimney starts up at the roof and ends in the living room she decided that was her way in the house. What an inspiring idea. Somehow she made it on top of the house and just to be sure to eliminate any problems on the way down she removed all her cloths before climbing in the chimney. It turns out the guy was home but he was asleep because he had to go to work the next day and when he woke up to begin his day he heard cries for help coming from inside the chimney. He tried to free her by himself but was unable to so the fire department was called and it took them two hours to free her and that involved busting the entire fireplace open, which now has to be rebuilt. This actually happened and it's still hard to believe. This is probably one of the reasons why she is that guy's ex-girlfriend. ...And one more, although luck wasn't with this guy at all. A man decided to go camping but since it's January and it's too damn cold outside in Delaware this guy checked into a motel and set up a tent on top of the bed in the motel room and was found dead when employees went to check on him because it was past his check-out time. The tent that he was in was surrounded with propane canisters and that may have contributed to his death. When I read about stuff like this the first thing I ask myself is what the *$@% were they thinking? You want to go camping? Fine. Go pretend you're Daniel Boone when the weather improves But when you check into a hotel leave your camping equipment in the car. Chalk this one up in the dumbass column. ...Can't help themselves, Dept: Summertime may be a distant memory and something that we can not wait for to come back but right now down in Australia it is their summer season and that means a lot of time at the beach for residents and tourists alike. Unfortunately for over a week now there have been several popular beaches in the Newcastle, New South Wales area that have been closed because of the sighting of an enormous great white shark. Arial shots of the shark have measured it being sixteen feet long and it has been estimated to weigh around 3,700 pounds. But despite knowing how big of a shark it is many people have chosen to ignore the posted warning signs and have gone wading, surfing, or paddling in the closed-off areas because as some of them explained "it's hot out and they want to go in the water." No matter what you do you can not save people from themselves but since God watches over small children and idiots maybe these people have a fighting chance after all. At least I hope so. ...Sony is coming out with a new Walkman that will be released in the spring in Europe. When I found this out my ears perked up because I've owned Walkmans before in the past. This new one is made out of solid aluminum alloy and packed with gold-plated copper wiring and circuitry. As soon as I read that I knew this thing was going to be expensive. It has support for mp3 files, FLAC, Lossless and many more and with 128 gigs of disk space you will have a hard time filling it up. At least I would. The battery in this new device has thirty-three hours of high-resolution 24-bit music playback. Sony had me reeled in and I was ready to put my name on a waiting list as soon as it became available in the U.S. but then when I read it was going to cost $1,200 any dreams that I had of owning one evaporated. ...An actress named Naya Rivera was on The View last week and some way or another the subject got around to people's showering habits and she said that "showering more than once a day or every day is a white people thing." Wow, did that hit home. Guilty as charged. I have no idea of what the hygiene habits of her household was when she was growing up and I don't want to know but it has always been my belief that taking showers consistently is not reserved for Mr. and Mrs. White Guy. Perhaps she was afraid to say what she really meant because I have heard that if you give a twenty-ounce bottle of body wash to a Muslim it will last him five years and if she would have said that on TV one of them would have got sore since many of them can make that last longer than five years. ...Los Angeles Animal Services made a surprising discovery last Wednesday when they found an eight-foot alligator living in a suburban home. The animal has been living at the home for thirty-seven years now so it's hard to understand why it took them so long to remove it. The homeowners have owned the gator since it was a baby and when it was smaller it lived in the house with them but as it grew bigger it had to stay outside because the last thing you want to do is wake up an eight-foot alligator in the middle of the night on your way to the bathroom because the next time you go out to buy a new pair of shoes you'll only need to get one for one foot. Animal Services found the "pet" in their backyard with two cat carcasses next to it because as the owners explained gators need to eat too. The gator was transported to the Los Angeles Zoo where her diet of felines will be a thing of the past. The house where the gator lived all these years was a family residence with multiple occupants, but no children were found there. The gator probably took care of that too. ...With the AFC and NFC Championship games being played today it is not too early to look ahead to Opening Day, which will be on April 6th, seventy-seven days from now. Looking forward to that day is a lot more important to me then the games being played today and the Super Bowl combined. Giants fans though should be pretty upset with ESPN because when they released the Sunday Night schedule for the first five weeks of the season their team was not on it. They're just the current World Champions but that still doesn't matter. But in case you can't get enough of the Yankees and Red Sox on Sundays you'll get to see them twice in the first five weeks. If this isn't the best reason to get the MLB package on DirectTV then nothing is. ...Time for predictions. Make sure you read this closely so you can bet the opposite. Green Bay over Seattle and Baltimore over New England.
  18. Sabugo I suggest you look up a player named Mike Hargrove on Youtube.
  19. A little bit about the 1980 Syracuse Chiefs. They were the AAA team of the Toronto Blue Jays and they finished in last place that year in the International League with a 58 - 81 record, 24 1/2 games behind the pennant-winning Columbus Clippers, the AAA team of the Yankees. Notable players in this team photo are first baseman Willie Upshaw and shortstop Danny Ainge, who went on to play for the Boston Celtics. The condition of the photo is good but not in excellent condition. I'll keep this open for a few days and then I'll close the thread.
  20. I bought this many, many years ago on a winter day because I wanted something to read. It's called The Detroit Tigers An Illustrated History and it is by Joe Falls, who was a very famous writer in Detroit. It is 212 pages long and you can see what this book looks like if you go to this Amazon page right here. This is the exact copy that I have and it is a paperback book and is in very good condition. I'll keep this open for a few days and then I'll close the thread.
  21. Yeah man, good point. Boras always inflates the value of his client and I am going to be very curious to see what happens if no one budges. You can't discount the Yankees here even though they have sworn up and down that they won't sign him but they are the Yankees and you have to compare their attitude toward free agents like this to a small child that you have to keep on reprimanding. As soon as your back is turned the kid will do what he is told not to and at the last second I can see them having a "change in policy" and Scherzer will be a Yankee. I hope not, but as someone who has followed these guys for years it won't surprise me. Not me. You know why? Because it's going to be ignored.
  22. Let's use this to talk about anything baseball while we wait out this long winter. Talk about anything at all. I'll try to get it going. Who do you think is going to wind up getting Max Scherzer?
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