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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Upload it to the website. There are still people who play this game. Like me for instance.
  2. Updated to 11-9 ...Thank God the elections are done. People complain about all the political mail that they get but what really gets to me is the phone calls. Twice I had a recording call me and start out with hi John, it's Cindy and I was wondering if you were going to make it out to the polls this Tuesday? Since my name isn't John I really couldn't give her an honest answer. The second time we got this recorded call my wife picked up the phone and after listening to what the message was turned to me and asked me when I changed my name to John. ...Last Tuesday the 4th was the start of the free agent season for baseball and while I have no way of knowing for sure where the top three pitchers will end up (Max Scherzer, Jon Lester and James Shields) I believe I can reasonably predict these two things happening. First, Nelson Cruz is not going to have to wait as long as he did last year to sign with a new team and secondly there is no way the Yankees are going to be able to resist signing Victor Martinez. He's perfect for them. He'll be thirty-six next month and if there is anything Yankee fans and haters can both agree on is that the Yankees love throwing long-term contracts at players at that age who can't do anything but be a designated hitter. ...The Tampa Bay Rays are contemplating tampering charges against the Cubs because they are convinced that Chicago enticed Joe Maddon to opt out of his contract with the Rays because as soon as he informed Tampa that he would not be returning as manager the Cubs were right there waiting for him with a contract and a pen in their hands. They may have a case but with the Cubs giving Maddon a five-year twenty-five million dollar contract there is probably very little that can happen. All the Cubs have to do is grease Selig's palms a little and the Rays will have as much of a chance of proving these tampering charges as someone trying to fly a kite in a tornado. ...A man from Queens, New York was sentenced up to fifty years for posing as a lawyer and as an investment advisor. Queens prosecutors said that because he charged his clients reasonable rates that was what got them alerted to what he was doing. His investment advice was equally suspicious as he was able to continually make money for all his customers. With a track record like that no wonder he was caught. ...While accepting the Britannia Award for British Artist of the Year last week actress Emma Watson was overwhelmed with gratitude for everyone and dedicated her award to her deceased hamster. And she meant it. If she keeps this up she'll be in the same ward as Amanda Bynes. ...There were a lot of pro and con comments about that twenty-four-year-old Australian woman who graduated from the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland last week that shared a photo of her breastfeeding her six-week-old son in her cap and gown. I only looked at the photo two or three times. Five times tops. Maybe six. And the only thing that I thought of was it was too bad that she didn't give birth to twins. ...A woman who was giving out candy on Halloween night says she accidentally lost her wedding ring when she mistakenly gave it way with the Halloween candy. For some reason she placed her wedding ring in a candy jar while helping her daughters carve pumpkins and during the night when the traffic of kids picked up she dumped the contents of the jar into the candy bag. Maybe it's me and the cynical view I have of the general public but I just don't buy it. You're giving out candy on Halloween and you put your wedding ring in a candy jar? What's wrong with putting it in your purse or walking into another room and placing it there? My guess is that she remembered that she didn't have it because she left it on her boyfriend's nightstand and the next time she goes there she will bring it home and then her husband will find out later that she "misplaced it" all this time. ...There's a British inventor named Colin Furze who has a reputation for making some fun things and if you're interested you can see some of his work on Youtube. He once invented a Jet Bike that went 50 MPH. It was unsafe but it was one of those things that you would talk yourself into trying out anyways. Now he altered a BMX bike and put ice tires on them. Basically all he did was replace the rubber tires and then put the frozen ice tires that he made and that was that. The fun part was when he was able to ride this on a hockey rink without getting hurt. I know if I did that I'd drive straight into the boards. The best part about all of this is that he gets paid to invent this stuff which is a lot more than I can say for myself. I've thought up some things in the past during the long winters that never really got off the ground. In fact they never went anywhere. Electrocuted seats in the visitors dugout at Yankee Stadium for example. I'm still wondering why they shot down that idea. ...Only in Florida, Dept: Last week in Port St. Lucie, Florida a man walked into a lawn maintenance store and after he asked the clerk to break a dollar into change for him he tried to steal a chainsaw by walking out with it by stuffing it under his shirt. It's obvious he did not have this heist planned out well in advance. The thing that amazed me was that he was able to run out the door and hop on his bicycle and get away with this thing tucked under his shirt. Florida can rest easier now that this criminal mastermind is off the streets and behind bars where he belongs. ...Alfonso Soriano retired from baseball last week because he could not see himself as a reserve player going forward after being cut by the Yankees earlier this year. He also went on to say that his mind and his heart were no longer in baseball. When was it ever? This guy was so lazy that his uniform jersey was cleaner than the ones sold at the souvenir stands and he made Robinson Cano look like he played with as much heart as Hunter Pence does. Tell the truth you lazy SOB. No one wanted you and you knew it. That's why you are retiring. ...A Fool and his Money, Dept: David Ortiz is suing a California-based jeweler regarding jewelry that he bought from him back in 2010 for $127,000 for being fake or low-quality diamond and gold jewelry. And he's just finding out about this now? I don't care how much money you have in the bank when you make a purchase for this amount you have your items checked out. This guy is so stupid that he carries his brains in his back pocket. As soon as he retires from baseball I'll give him a few years and he'll be flat broke. ...If the accuracy of the reports that Alex Rodriguez admitted to taking PED's to the Drug Enforcement Administration back in January are to be believed I think it is too little and too late for anyone to really care if he came clean or not. I am convinced if he had done this before he received his year-long suspension the public perception may have been different but right now? How disruptive is this going to be for the Yankees next year? It's not even close to spring training yet and already they have been embarrassed by the end of his suspension. I don't feel that bad for them because they were the ones who threw that huge contract at him but at the same time they didn't deserve any of this. It's sad in a way because he is going to be totally alone next year and he can't blame anyone for that and if he does no one will believe him anyways. He's in for a long year next year from the boobirds both home and on the road and the only way that's going to stop is when he starts depositing baseballs over the left field wall on a regular pace. If that happens you just watch and see how a lot of fans will cheer him again like nothing happened. Nothing leads to forgiveness quicker than a home run. ...I wonder how all those people that were holding up signs to support him during his hearing feel now? ...The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth, Dept: Of all the things I have written about in here over the years I am sure that many of these posts have been brought into question concerning their validity by some of the people who read this weekly Sunday edition that I do. As Mark Twain once said truth is stranger than fiction and all you have to do is go back and re-read some of the pages here in this very thread to see exactly what he means. There's a reason why I brought this up right now and it's because of something that happened down in Texas last week and I'm telling you after I'm done you're going to say I made it up. Last Monday night a woman broke into her husband's friends house and tried to wake him up orally while he was sound asleep in bed. The man then awoke to find her dressed only in her underwear while sitting on top of him. He then asked her what she was doing in his room but he got no response since she was too busy and unable to talk. Finally she took a break and lifted her head and the man realized it was his friend's wife and he told her to get dressed and leave and when she refused instead of letting her finish up he called 911 and the woman was arrested and charged with felony burglary with the intent of committing a sexual assault. If a duck had this guy's brain, it would fly north for the winter. Told you no one would believe me, didn't I? ...The same thing happened to me once but then I woke up. ...I had no doubt that Eric Frein, the man who killed one Pennsylvania trooper and seriously injured another would eventually be caught but I was surprised that it took forty-eight days to do it. I'd of never made it forty-eight minutes if I had to sleep outside like he did. ...Amanda Knox, who the Italians are still trying desperately to get back in the country, got a new job as a freelance arts reporter at The West Seattle Herald newspaper this past Wednesday. This position is only temporary because the reporter covering the crime beat for that paper is retiring at the first of the year and she'll be able to step right in and cover what she knows best. ...Maybe it was because AC/DC has not released a new album since 2008 and you can chalk it up to boredom but drummer Phil Rudd was arrested in New Zealand for attempting to arrange a murder of two men along with threatening to kill and possession of methamphetamine and cannabis. So as you can clearly see he's been busy. Even though the murder-for-hire charge was later dropped because the police said there was not enough evidence to proceed, he still faces the charge of charge of threatening to kill and that could keep him behind bars for the next seven years. This is the second major blow for the band this year as founder Malcolm Young had to permanently leave the group due to dementia. Based on what Rudd did he must have it too.
  3. I am sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately what you have brought up here is nothing new. There are a lot of ungrateful and impatient people on this website that want their questions and demands answered five minutes after they ask them and if that doesn't happen they think there is something the matter with you. To be quite honest with you I am AMAZED that you have time at all to mod 2k12 let alone spend time on this website. You put in a lot of hours and along with the attention you have to give to your five children which by the way is more important than making a mod or answering a stream of private messages from a pushy and selfish user. You help when you can and only when you can and that's that. People like that guy are a small but annoying minority around here. Thank you for your mods.
  4. You made two exact threads. One has been deleted for you. I hope you get your question answered.
  5. You're wise beyond your years Jim.
  6. What the hell does this have to do with your question?
  7. If you don't mind I might borrow those eleven words you just wrote daflyboys for the next person who has this problem. Short, concise and to the point.
  8. I'm sorry, I guess you did not read the rules of the website. No warez, cracks, or links to such content. Help, requests or posts that discuss circumvention of copyright measures are forbidden. This includes linking to illegally obtained software, movies & music files - posting about it, and suggesting obtaining it. That means if you downloaded Mvp 2005 we can not give you technical support on any problems you have now or will have.
  9. Ok, I see. Now did you download the game?
  10. It would be helpful to mention what controller you are having trouble with.
  11. Using the 1967 mod, Boston at Balitimore at Memorial Stadium.
  12. I have checked a few of the reported broken links that other people reported and they have all been repaired. As I said before the broken links that people have come across are some of the oldest files we have on here. Now that they are back up I would advise people to look around and grab some of these mods that have not been available in awhile.
  13. Updated to 11-2 ...The 2014 baseball season could not have ended on a better note last Wednesday night as the Giants won their third world title in the last five years and you have to be impressed with that accomplishment even if you are a Dodger fan. This game seven had it all. Great pitching, clutch hitting and good defense. Add all that up and mix well and you have a 3 - 2 San Francisco win. As a Yankee fan I don't want to see them repeat because I'd like to see them win it next season even though I realize that the closest the Yankees will get to the series next year is right next to the TV in their living room. But this Giant team is impressive and dangerous and clutch when it counts. They deserved to win. ...Game Seven observations Dept: How fortunate were the Giants that Alex Gordon was the guy who got that two out hit in the ninth inning? If someone like Jarrod Dyson had hit that ball he probably would have scored because of the way Gregor Blanco misplaying it and Juan Perez having trouble picking it up?...When was the last time a pitcher completely dominated a World Series like Madison Bumgarner did? Bumgarner (18-10, 2.98 ERA) was in the shadows of Clayton Kershaw all year but when it was all over it was Bumgarner who earned another ring while Kershaw gets to think about it all winter long...The shot of the night as far as I was concerned is when FOX showed George Brett standing alone in the luxury seats looking dejected. It's the same look he had on his face in '76, '77 and '78. **** him...I don't give a *$%@ how good Erin Andrews looks. She added nothing to the World Series broadcast. ...Ok, free agency will be starting soon. I can not wait to see who the Yankees sign next! ...Immediately after Pablo Sandoval caught the final out in Kansas City to end the World Series, Alex Rodriguez' season-long suspension from baseball came to an end and he is now back on the Yankee forty-man roster. We'll have to see during next year's spring training games to see if this is a good thing or not. I'm hoping for the best and even if he ends up hitting around .240 he'll fit in nicely with all the other overpaid slugs on the team that did the same thing this past season. ...Kevin Youkilis retired from baseball last week and I can not believe that I am even admitting this but I am going to miss him. When he was with Boston he would complain about everything and he thought every pitch was too close to him - even if the pitcher was warming up in the bullpen. Can't blame him though. That's how they are taught to play in Boston. Complain over and over again until they give you something. But looking past that I grudgingly admit this guy showed more heart and determination out on that field then many of the Yankee players did that played against him. He was Boston's version of Paul O'Neill. ...Just like last year around where I live we didn't have any kids roaming the streets on Halloween night and even though the weather did not give those kids a break (it was rainy and damp) I don't think that was the sole reason for the street being empty. When I was a kid we would have so many going door-to-door that we would have to wait for one batch of kids to go to a house just so we wouldn't overwhelm the people giving out the candy. We were so efficient that we would even communicate to each other from group to group to let each other know what house to go to and which one to avoid. Mrs. Johnson at number 189 is giving out Snickers bars and Mrs. Greene at 177 is giving out some kind of dark chocolate candy. Knowing that we'd pass up Mrs, Greene and double back to Mrs. Johnson at the end of the night for another Snickers. That right there is how to trick-or-treat. ...Miguel Cabrera got bone spurs removed from his right ankle and had a stress fracture repaired to the navicular bone in his foot. In other words doctors got him all fixed up which means he will be able to run all out to first base next year. This is something he hasn't done since his rookie year in 2003 so don't be surprised if he goes out of character and tries to bust it down the line that he doesn't injure his other ankle. ...Here is hoping that fired Cubs manager Rick Renteria finds a job someplace in baseball very soon because the Cubs acted so fast to fill a managerial spot that wasn't even open - at least until Joe Maddon decided to leave Tampa Bay and as soon as that happened Renteria became expendable whether he knew it or not. The Cubs were so bad last season that they made the Yankees look good but Renteria did the best he could with what he had and not counting who the Cubs grab off the free agent market Maddon is going to have virtually the same roster. Good luck with that. Make sure you have plenty of eye-glass cleaner with you Joe because your new team plays outside and you're going to need it. ...Last week started out even worse than anyone could imagine as we all learned about the death of St. Louis Cardinals outfielder Oscar Tavaras. Tavaras was only twenty-two years old and if the scouting reports were to be believed the Cardinals had themselves a good young player with unlimited potential. He died last Sunday in the Dominican Republic in a car crash that also claimed his eighteen-year-old girlfriend. Losing a young ballplayer with his entire career is one thing. Losing a son and a family member and a friend is another. This is a very difficult time for those two families in the Dominican as well as the Cardinal family and I can only hope that they can lean on each other in the months that await them. ...Every time I hear about a ballplayer dying no matter how it happens I immediately recall the events of August 2nd, 1979 and how I felt when I found out Thurman Munson died. All these years I still have that empty feeling. ...I took a walk around my neighborhood the other day just to give my knees some exercise and once again during this time of year it was all about politics. Signs on front lawns telling you who they are voting for. Signs across the street that are pulling for the other guy. One guy had seven different signs for the same candidate on his front lawn. Must have been a relative. Me? I've never had a political sign stuck in my front lawn for anyone. I never understood why people have the need to shout out to everyone who they are voting for. ...During last Thursday's Broncos - Chargers game in Denver a fan who was at the game got up from his seat at halftime and never returned. For me it makes perfect sense because if I was at a Broncos game I would walk out too but this guy was a Bronco fan so that's why his family became concerned. He eventually showed up a few days later in Pueblo, Colorado which is about 115 miles away from Denver. According to the Denver police the man walked all the way to Pueblo and slept outdoors during his journey, hoping to avoid recognition. The family is not giving out any details as to why he decided to leave the stadium to walk over one hundred miles because they are asking everyone for their "privacy." It was ok for them to involve the public and the police while this guy was gone for five days but not now. The only reason I can think of for walking that far would be for a woman. And for that distance she better have been worth it. ...Incredible as this may sound, one of the three girls last week from Colorado that was trying to go to Syria to join ISIS admitted that she was confused about what her role would be if she had actually made it there. And I thought they were idiots for doing what they did. My mistake was giving them some bit of common sense because I thought they knew what was going on over there. As for their roles? The Muslim extremists would have used all of them for breeders and then killed them later for not being pure. These kids weren't confused. They were brainless. ...One day last week Jose Canseco was home at his kitchen table cleaning his gun when it accidentally went off. The bullet went through the middle finger on his left hand and while doctors tried their best to save what was left of the finger he will never have full use of it again. Canseco hasn't been in the news recently so you got to give him credit for taking this route to get some attention. I may not own a gun and I may not have fired a gun but I do know that you have to actually pull the trigger to make it go off. Just ask Plaxico Burress. Final score Gun 1, Canseco 0. ...The city of San Diego will soon be planning one-way travel arrangements for homeless people who would like to reunite with their families but do not have the money to get home to make it happen. For those who want to go home they are willing to give a one-way bus ticket to wherever they want to go provided they don't come back six months later to look for the shopping cart they left behind. For the homeless people who do not want to go back to their original homes the city will be bussing them ninety miles north to Los Angeles because in L.A. what is a few thousand more people selling maps to the stars homes? ...A twenty-four-year-old hot biology teacher from Texas who in her spare time was the school's cheerleading coach has resigned from her job because she had one of her male members of the cheerleading squad over her house at night so they can work on his biology homework together. And just to keep the kid focused on his homework she sent him nude photos of herself as an incentive for the student to keep plugging away at his work, which he did sometimes two or three times a night when he was over to her house. Do you see how these little trysts become public knowledge? It's always one of them doing something really dumb and that's when everyone finds out. What did she think her student was going to do with a nude photo of her, hide it? Since when did teachers stop being smart? A representative for the school district later made a statement saying that it was terribly unfortunate whenever a teacher violates trust of a student like that. That comment must have made every male student in that school laugh because they'd have given anything to have their trust violated the same way. Especially on a Friday night when you have nothing planned. ...Goodbye to manners, Dept: I went out to dinner with my wife last week to a beautiful Italian restaurant that we both enjoy and not long after we were seated another party came in, a man and a woman and their two kids who looked to be junior high school age. Not long after they were seated one of the kids started talking about something they saw online that they thought was funny. The reason why I know what the kid said was that she did not have the common sense to lower her voice in a public place when speaking and probably will never learn it either. She then pulled out her phone and found what she was talking about and showed it to everyone else at her table. Sure enough they thought it was funny and then not to be left out the boy pulled out his phone and found something to show them that was just as hilarious because the laughter was as loud as the first video. That's when it seemed to turn into a battle of who can find the most loud and annoying videos ever and if I had to judge it I would say the contest ended up in a tie. If you ever had to sit behind a loud-talking group of people in a movie theater then you have a good idea of how annoying these people were. Not once did Mom and Dad think of asking everyone to lower their voices. Why should they? The way they must have seen it everyone else there was being quiet for them. Whatever happened to manners? Used to be you'd never leave home without them. ...Did you hear about the home that had 102 garter snakes in their basement? They filled up five pillowcases just to get them all out of there. My concern would be is if that were that many of them couldn't they have overlooked one? And I've seen garter snakes before. I don't care how small they are. The fear factor makes them look ten times bigger to me. I'm so paranoid that I spent some time in my own basement the other day looking around for anything down there worth killing and I was relieved and happy to say that I found nothing. ...No matter what Chelsea Handler does she always manages to remind everyone that she has no class. ...It's that time of year again! Turn your clocks back one hour today.
  14. I grabbed a nice hi-resolution photo of Madison Bumgarner for the Giants fans in here in case they want to use it as a desktop this winter.
  15. Bumgarner's workhorse effort lands World Series MVP honor Madison Bumgarner was named MVP of the World Series after leading the Giants to their third title in five years. KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Madison Bumgarner was limbering up at Kauffman Stadium this week, getting loose with his San Francisco teammates near the dugout, when Tim Hudson and Michael Morse sneaked up from behind and playfully ruffled the pitcher's long, scraggly locks. That was way too hairy for Bumgarner. He quickly spun and playfully sparred with his pals. They were about only ones who could touch Bumgarner in this World Series. "Yeah, it was hopeless," Kansas City manager Ned Yost admitted. The 25-year-old Bumgarner capped off a performance for the ages and earned MVP honors Wednesday night, pitching five scoreless innings of relief in Game 7 as the Giants held off the Kansas City Royals 3-2. Moments after he retired Salvador Perez on a foul pop with a runner on third base for the final out, Bumgarner insisted he wasn't worn down. About a half-hour later, he felt a bit differently. "I can't lie to you anymore. I'm tired," he said. Bumgarner earned a sensational save to go along with two sparkling wins as a starter in the Series, the first pitcher to do that in a Series since Randy Johnson in 2001. That on top of being MVP of the NL Championship Series and pitching a record 52 2-3 innings in this postseason. A tremendous accomplishment, but hard to tell from watching the 6-foot-5 lefty or listening to him. He shows virtually no emotion on the mound, and seems to be the only person unimpressed by what he's done. "He's such a humble guy, and we rode him pretty good," Giants manager Bruce Bochy said. "It's historic what this kid has done," he said. "Really, truly amazing." After winning the opener with seven impressive innings, Bumgarner threw a shutout in Game 5. And when the Royals forced a Game 7, there was little doubt that the guy called MadBum would be called on to pitch one more. But five innings? Who would've believed that? "Innings, I wasn't thinking about innings or pitch count. I was just thinking about getting outs, getting outs until I couldn't get them anymore and we needed someone else," Bumgarner said. "Fortunately was able to get some quick innings and I was able to stay in there." Bumgarner boosted his World Series stats to numbers never seen before: 5-0 with an 0.25 ERA, along with three championship rings. In 36 innings, he's allowed just one run and 14 hits, striking out 31 and walking five. Catcher Buster Posey said there wasn't much conversation on the bench with Bochy, pitching coach Dave Righetti and Bumgarner about how long he'd stay on the mound. "Not much of anything. I think everybody could see how good he was," Posey said. "They weren't putting great swings on him."
  16. You need to provide a lot more information than "my game freezes" because there are different reasons why that happens.
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