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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 10-26 ...I was quietly minding my own business and then all of a sudden last Tuesday night I remembered the World Series began after a long five-day layoff. Here I was immersing myself in Oakland's winless season and I had to get back to baseball and I have to say while I enjoyed the way game one ended up the best part of it was that Tim McCarver was not in the announcer's booth. That alone improved the quality of the broadcast. ...Boston's Yoenis Cespedes joined Jay Z's ROC Nation Sports agency last week and with one year remaining on his current contract that only pays him thirty-six million dollars, he is looking to cash in on his own Robinson Cano type contract. For his part it is the right move because Jay Z is someone who demands an outrageous amount of money for his clients (re: Cano) and will gladly go to whatever team caves into his demands first. This will probably mean the beginning of the end for him in Boston because as much as I dislike that team I don't see the Red Sox brass being held up for millions of dollars by a no-talent musician especially when they have Mookie Betts waiting for his chance to play. ...You have to wonder what is going on with the Tampa Bay Rays. First they lose their executive vice president of baseball operations to the Dodgers and now Joe Maddon has decided not to return for his tenth year as manager of the team. Two key losses and free agency hasn't even started yet. ...This never happened to Tony Nelson, Dept: Even though this tactic has been used by women all over the world, a woman in Dubai found a new excuse to leave her husband high and dry by refusing to sleep with him after they were married. She told him that she'd love to but she was unable to because she was a supernatural being called a jinn - or what we mere mortals refer to as a genie. She went as far as telling her husband to go and ask her parents if he didn't believe her and oh by the way after you are done talking to them we have to get a divorce and you got to pay me alimony. If this was a reason to get out of the marriage and get money out of some guy this little ploy did not work because a court in Dubai ruled that she was not entitled to any alimony because she did not tell her husband that she was a genie before they got married. Thank God. Had she won her case it would have started a world-wide epidemic of women claiming to be related to Barbara Eden. ...Got to admit though I didn't know they had divorce in the United Arab Emirates. I just figured when it was time for the husband to move on they'd just gather up a few unused boulders and stone the woman to death and the guy grabs the first twelve-year-old girl he sees. ...Major requirement for the next manager of the Minnesota Twins: don't expect the team to spend any amount of money or get any player that you need. Other than that, good luck. ...Michael Sam, who spent the past seven weeks on the Dallas Cowboys practice squad was waived by the team last week and is now a free agent. Dallas is the second team to cut Sam since he was drafted back in April. It didn't take them long to see what the Rams already saw for themselves that while Sam was a decent enough defensive end in college, there were many other players whose size and skill put them ahead of Sam. I am convinced that NFL teams knew this going into the draft and by coming out and telling the sports world he was gay he practically forced a team to draft him. Well, the Rams did and he couldn't cut it there and the Cowboys, who do anything for publicity were forced to cut ties with him because he couldn't do the job. All the conspiracy theorists out there can't say he didn't get his chance. ...Now with Sam gone ESPN probably has to double their coverage on Johnny Manziel to fill air time. ...Last week I wrote about Joseph Randle, the back-up running back for the Dallas Cowboys who was caught shoplifting some underwear and display cologne. He was fined one week's pay by the Cowboys for the amount of $29,500. That big dent in his wallet did not last long because last week he signed an endorsement deal with the same company (MeUndies) that he shoplifted the underwear from. And then you wonder why kids do not know right from wrong. As soon as I found out what MeUndies did for Randle I checked to see if they had a store where I lived because I figured I would go there and steal some socks and t-shirts just in case they wanted Randle to have a sidekick in his commercials. Unfortunately I found out that MeUndies has no stores where I live and because of that I am forced to get my underwear and socks the same way that I have been doing it for my entire life and that's by purchasing them. What a country. Instead of making an example out of him they made him a pitchman. Now all he has to do to be a full-fledged celebrity is beat his girlfriend up and make sure it gets caught on camera. Then he'd be a star. ...It is that time of year that haunted house attractions draw many people in so they can get scared and scream at things that jump out in front of them all for the price of an admission ticket. There is a disclaimer on the ticket telling you that if you suffer from a heart condition or any other health related issue that you should not go in because if you've ever been in one of these their intention is to scare the hell out of you and when I go in there I get more than my money's worth. That is why I do not understand why a sixteen-year-old girl with a pre-existing heart condition that was so serious she was described by other people as a walking time bomb because she was living with only one lung and often had trouble breathing. Yet this same girl walked into one of these places and sure enough she got a scare and a jolt and the time bomb that was in her heart finally went off ending her life. I realize living with a condition like that she could have easily died just watching TV or taking a walk but why take a chance like this? The last place she should have been is in a haunted house. You can't blame anyone for this because I am sure she just wanted to be a normal teenage girl like anyone else but I have a feeling that her mother knew nothing about this until it was too late. ...Three teenage girls from Denver got the bright idea that they were going to go to Syria to join the ISIS fighters and thanks to one of the parents who was curious as to where his child was they could have made it. They did get all the way to Frankfurt, Germany where thanks to the FBI who put out a notice on their passports, German authorities were waiting for them when they got off the plane there. They said hello, how's it going, turn around and get the hell out of this country. SCHNELL!!! When the girls landed back in the United States they were greeted again, this time by the FBI where they were questioned and released. I don't get why they were released because they were going to give aid to an enemy of the U.S. and their ages (fifteen) should have made no difference at all. They were old enough to get plane tickets and bring spending money and con their parents for awhile. They should be old enough to face charges. I don't think any of them realize how the FBI saved their lives because had they made it all the way to Syria they would have become someone's bride over there whether they wanted to or not and chances are they would have been killed because they wanted to spend more time on Facebook then pop out kids. ...I had to go to a wake last Thursday because my father's youngest sister lost her battle with cancer. There was a lot of people at the wake and some of them brought their kids with them and when that happens things get interesting. There were two girls there that looked to be about twelve years old and two boys who had to be about the same age. The two girls were running around bare footed. This funeral hall has three viewing rooms and on this night two of them were occupied with families for the two deceased relatives. One room was not being used and because there were so many people in the room to pay respects to my father's sister my cousin and I went into the occupied room to have a place to sit and get away from the crowd. Five minutes later those four kids came in the room and started running around like they were playing tag. Nobody stopped them. I never found out who their parents were because not once did anyone check on them. This was the first time I saw a funeral parlor being used as a recess area. At one point one of the girls almost broke a lamp because she was spinning around in a circle because those are the things you do at playtime. Watching these kids act up reminded me of the only time I was reprimanded at a funeral home. I was eleven and I was at the water fountain getting something to drink. My sister was ahead of me and she somehow spilled the paper cup filled with water on her and I laughed. My mother was nearby and heard me laugh and came over and read me her version of the riot act and she got me feeling so guilty that by the time she was through with me she had me thinking that the reason why that guy was in the coffin right now was because I laughed. No way would that work today. ...I can not believe I am going to say this but I want to publicly thank a convicted child molester for being a convicted child molester. Honey Boo-Boo's mother "Mama June" has been dating a man who went to jail ten years ago for child molestation and when the people at TLC found out about it they canceled plans for a fifth season of Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo. Jail must really screw up a person big time. This guy gets out and the best he can do is go out with the lead taste-tester at Krispy Kreme? I'm surprised it lasted four seasons. Each of her kids must have put on at least fifty pounds since the start of the show. Southerners must have really hated having this on the air because of all the stereotypes about them being fat, stupid and lazy and it must have driven them nuts to watch this family prove to everyone that is exactly what they are. ...Kim Kardashian was quoted in a London magazine last week that she wants her daughter to work for the things that she wants just like she herself did. This poor kid is going to have enough problems in her life with Mr. and Mrs. dysfunctional as her parents and now her mother comes out and says she wants her to be just like her. Does this mean in twenty to twenty-five years she is going to be making a sex tape that will leave nothing to the imagination? Or will she be following daddy in the music business so she can scream and swear into a microphone? Kanye West has been doing this for years and he's managed to fool a lot of people. Pretty good for someone with no brains or common sense. No matter what direction this kid goes when she gets older she's bound to get as much attention as her self-absorbed parents. Come to think of it she will be just like her mother.
  2. This guy is an idiot. He must be related to Honey Boo Boo.
  3. Just to say it one more time I already explained this to you and I really dislike going over the same thing again.
  4. I will echo what Trues said. I am not holding back mods from people because I think it's a fun thing to do. These are not my mods, they are the modders and like I explained before we do not know who would mind or not mind if I did this and I do not want to put myself in the position to defend myself like this.
  5. Sorry, forgot one thing. Get a program called WinRAR or Winzip. That will take care of this for you.
  6. I already explained it in this very thread and I really don't feel like typing the same thing over again. You want that gone? Just tell me. That is a little different than what we are talking about here. First of all no mods for High Heat were made here so we couldn't and really didn't have to look for permission to upload them here. I got those High Heat mods from the old High Heat forum (or the Clubhouse) when they were hosting these files. I saved them to a disk and uploaded them here earlier this year. That website is long gone just like 99% of the modders for that game. If you notice I uploaded work from DangerZ too. Go find him and ask him if he minds. If he objects, it's gone. These files were uploaded for the people of this website that still want to play that game.
  7. Yeah, unless Compmaniac comes back and re-uploads it. I can't do it for him.
  8. I explained this in the other thread.
  9. You won't find this anywhere on the internet because it is only hosted here. Compmaniac (the modder) only uploaded it here. This is an old file from 2007 and a lot of threads from that time are no longer here.
  10. Selig Counted Money While Baseball Lost the Next Generation of Fans Several years ago, Joey Boyd of Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, wanted to introduce his 4-year-old son, Will, to the game of baseball by signing him up with a membership to the New York Yankees' kids' fan club. Boyd balked when he saw the team charged $26. Boyd began checking other teams' websites and found nearly all Major League teams charged kids to join their fan clubs. Boyd wrote Baseball commissioner A.H. "Bud" Selig to appeal to owners to not charge kids. It would be a loss leader for the teams, Boyd explained, because it would draw countless kids to the sport of baseball. Selig responded by saying, "I will certainly discuss this matter with the clubs at Major League meetings." Selig included an autographed baseball for Will. Nothing changed. Most teams continued to charge kids to join their fan clubs. This anecdote represents Selig's 22-year run as baseball commissioner, which ends in January. Baseball isn't about kids or even adults to Selig. It's not about fathers playing catch with sons, keeping score, cheering for your favorite player, or, in the case of my own son, hoping to get a foul ball or a player's autograph. To Selig, the only autograph a kid needs is Selig's. And to Selig and baseball owners, the only autograph worth having is the treasury secretary's signature on U.S. currency. Major League Baseball has made billions of dollars in television revenues during the Selig years. But what does it profit a sport to gain so much money but lose its future? An ESPN study concluded that the NFL remains the most popular league among 12- to 17-year-olds in the United States, with 38.9 percent of respondents naming it their favorite. The NBA was next at 30.1 percent, surpassing NCAA football at 27.5 percent. Next were college basketball at 23.8 percent, the MLB and Major League Soccer at 18.0 percent, and the National Hockey League at 8.9 percent. Selig's legacy may be that he lost the next generation of baseball fans. This is Selig's last World Series. Perhaps nothing demonstrates how baseball has turned off young sports fans than how young sports fans have turned off the World Series. Television ratings were up for last year's World Series. And so was the age of the viewers who watched it. The average age of those who watched the series was nearly 54, which is believed to be the oldest in history. On the other hand, only 4.1 percent of children between the ages of 6-17 watched the series, the Nielsen media research firm reported. Selig, team owners, and the networks start most postseason games at 8:30 p.m. EST or later to generate primetime advertising dollars. By the time the game gets into the third inning, most kids -- or at least those who are still vaguely interested in baseball -- have gone to bed. The World Series is baseball's biggest stage and yet the lights are out. If a baseball game is played at midnight and no one sees it, does it make a difference? Children, who care less and less about baseball, grow up to be adults, who care little or nothing about baseball. Unlike Selig and baseball, the NFL and the NBA understand that if you get the attention of fans when they're young, they can be yours for life. Football and basketball are better suited to younger fans. They're faster, more physical and play better on television. But the NFL and NBA also market their games to kids. Selig sends out an autographed baseball and goes back to counting his money. Will Boyd is now 12. He cares nothing about baseball. LINK TO ARTICLE.
  11. Derek Jeter was one of the choices and then for some reason his name was removed. Who the **** knows why? He is another guy who should get serious consideration. I do have another suggestion for this. I don't know who the cover person is going to be or should be, etc, etc. But all these guys like Gwynn and Jeter and Trout, etc should at least get on one of the loading screens in the game as a consolation. How's that?
  12. What I'd like to know is why Mariano Rivera was omitted.
  13. No argument there. That means it'll be Ken Griffey, Jr. again. Yeah, like he deserves it.
  14. I'm with Padres67 and I think it's a good idea to use a classic player because no other baseball game has covered the classics as well as Mvp 05.
  15. I'll tell you one more time and then drop it. This is not how it is done around here. Never has, never will be. If you would like to have some particular mod made for you then just request it and that's that. This is how it is around here. It's your job to adjust to how things are around here and not for us to adjust to how you want it to be.
  16. If you want to donate to the website that is fine but you do not go around offering to pay for your request.
  17. Updated to 10-19 ...Some major league baseball players actually believe that baseball is serious about their claims to speed up the game and they want to have a voice in what goes on to make this happen. Really? What for? Nothing's going to change and everyone already knows it so why are they feeling excluded? And if by some chance a good idea pops up they'll end up shooting it down because they'll think it is not in their best interests. ...When Kansas City won the pennant last Wednesday the two people I immediately thought of from this website were Royal Blues and Spungo. Those guys were always Royals fans even back in the day when they were winning three games a month. Wherever they are I am sure they were thrilled. ...I know both the AL and NL championship series' did not go the full seven games but the Giants wrapped up their series last Thursday and the Royals won theirs the day before. Why couldn't the World Series be moved up to today instead of waiting until Tuesday to start this? This is called making an adjustment and that's something that Selig has never learned to do. ...Now that Brian Cashman has his brand new three-year contract from the Yankees I am wondering who he is going to hand the next one hundred million dollar contract to. ...I don't know why Philadelphia fans are so atrocious but they have been since professional sports has been played there and they have no plans of changing any time soon. You are taking your life in your own hands if you go there wearing the team colors of the visiting team. And that is what makes what happened last week even more puzzling. There is a guy who is very familiar to Eagles fans because before the game he sits in his wheelchair and sings for the fans who pass by him. People know him. He's an Eagles fan and you'd think they would have the sense to leave someone like this alone. But these are the same kind of people that purposely vomit on other fans so it didn't astound me to learn that a woman stole this man's prosthetic leg and took off with it. Police found the leg on the other side of the city on a subway platform so the good news is that both the leg and owner have been reunited. I don't understand why things like this happen in that city but then again I'm just an outsider. I'm not from Philadelphia let alone been there. When I feel like I am going to get sick I head to the restroom as fast as I can and when I see a prosthetic leg I have no urge to do a snatch and grab. I'd never fit in down there with that attitude. ...Required Boston comment, Dept: After that post above what did you expect? That's why this is the random thoughts thread. I go all over the place. As bad as Philly fans are they still take a back seat from their Boston cousins. If that guy had his leg ripped off in Boston someone would have used it as a baseball bat before it was recovered. If I close my eyes I can still see the bleacher fans in Fenway Park attack Jeff Nelson in the third game of the 2003 A.L.C.S. They were treated as heroes for what they did and it wouldn't have shocked me one bit to find out that the team brought them into the clubhouse after the game to meet the players. Can't prove that of course but as they say in those New York Lottery commercials "hey, you never know". ...Amanda Bynes made the news again and all she had to do was be herself. She took a flight from New York to Los Angeles and when she got there she informed reporters that she was going to file a lawsuit against her parents and especially her father. In the past she made posts on twitter letting everyone know that he verbally, physically and sexually abused her. Now she is saying that he never did any of that stuff but instead he ordered a microchip to be placed in her brain and that was why she said the things she did. You got to give her credit for one thing. No one ever saw that excuse coming at all. She also told everyone she was engaged to be married and when the press went to interview her so-called fiancé he told them he hasn't seen her in months and he was just as surprised about this marriage talk as everyone else was. If I were him I would pack a bag and change my name and move somewhere else because eventually when she get out of that psychiatric hospital she's in she is going to come looking for him to start going over wedding plans. All this would probably be really funny if it was part of some movie plot but it's not. No need to kick Bynes when she's down. She's taking care of that all by herself. ...When I heard about that family who had to leave their home because there were five thousand spiders inside of it it literally made my skin crawl. It would only take one spider in my house to get me running. ...Ask yourself this question. Who really wants to be the next Yankee hitting coach? Whomever it is will be inheriting virtually the same roster which means they are still not going to hit and they'll all be another year old. I'd pass on that job faster than a politician running out the back door of a brothel. ...Unless you are a Cowboy fan or a die-hard fantasy football player chances are you have never heard of Joseph Randle. Randle happens to be a backup running back for Dallas and last week he was caught shoplifting a bottle of cologne and a pack of underwear from a store in a suburban Dallas mall. The underwear was worth $39.50 and the bottle of cologne sold for $84.00. Besides the actual shoplifting part the thing I don't understand is that the cologne that Randle stole was a tester bottle. You know, the bottles that they have on the display counter so you can spray some on you to see if you like it? This guy must have been desperate or in a hurry. Randle told the police that he didn’t pay because he didn’t want to take the time to do it and that he should have kept walking to his car if he knew he would be arrested. Maybe he had a big date with Michael Sam. What the hell did he expect to happen? Be named shoplifter of the month and be invited to come back in the store to take a few more things? Randle makes $495,000 a year so that could explain why he did what he did. Who can make ends meet when you are making that kind of money? ...Of course he'll be playing today against the New York Giants. That's all that matters for the Cowboys anyway. ...Cheers to Lenoir City, Tennessee for requiring their residents to maintain their yards and who are not afraid to do something about it when they don't. A woman recently spent six hours behind bars because neighbors were beginning to confuse her lawn with a brush forest. She was given a citation for her overgrown grass and shrubbery and despite having two grown kids living at home and a husband in school they found time to do everything else but the lawn. Last week a judge finally handed down a five-day jail sentence for refusing to comply with the city ordinances that she was given but when she stood in front of the court her sentence was reduced to six hours. If it was the city's intention to put a scare into this woman to start her lawnmower up, it worked because she suddenly found the time to get the lawn done as soon as her six hours were done. It's a good thing for this woman that the city decided not to take a look at the inside of the house. She'd be looking at twenty years then. ...One day last week I had to go to the car dealership because my wife's car had a factory recall on it and I had to wait there for the work to be completed because I live too far from the place to go home while this was being done. While I was sitting in the waiting room another customer came in and began to wait too. It was a woman and what stuck out for me was that she was carrying three purses with her. Usually I see women walking around with one purse so when I saw three I didn't know what to think. I certainly wasn't about to ask her why she had so many and was content to not knowing. What do I know? I walk around with a wallet and car keys and that's it. Then another woman came in and pretty soon the two of them started talking and before long the subject of her purses was brought up. That's all women talk about. Purses and shoes. The woman explained that the reason why she had three purses was because she had her ID, wallet, money and keys in one of them, drinks in the next one and various snacks in the third one. I said to myself that if she ever went on a long trip she'd never have to stop and get something to eat. And when she got up you could tell by how she picked them up that she didn't have room to fit in a handful of napkins. And I complain about what I carry around! ...A Navy admiral gave an interview last week to a reporter to let him know about the latest warfare technologies developed by them for use in every day situations and I have to admit they were quite impressive. Unmanned crafts, lasers and super-powered railguns are part of the Department of the Navy's future. The demonstration that the Navy gave for these new toys were very profound but something kept on nagging at me. Why did they have to show this in the first place? Why go public with this when you didn't have to yet? Why let the enemy know about the capabilities of these new weapons? The way I see it they should find out about this stuff at the worst possible moment so they can't do anything about it. ...For the second time in a matter of months an airline passenger was removed from a flight after a post she made on twitter when she questioned the sobriety of a Jet Blue airline pilot. The pilot in question turned the plane around and made all the passengers get off while he took a sobriety test that he passed. Everyone was then allowed back on the aircraft except for the junior Woodward and Bernstein who covered what was going on for twitter. Jet Blue was right for kicking this woman off the plane because all she was doing was making a bad situation worse. People like this that use twitter have nothing better to do with their lives and are so self-absorbed with themselves that they think whatever they post is important and after it's posted they don't have to take responsibility for it. Screw you lady. I hope you had to take a train home. ...China has banned any TV or movie star that have used drugs, visited prostitutes or been involved in other law-breaking from appearing on any Chinese television, movie screens or other forms of broadcast. The reason for doing this is that the Chinese want to keep the entertainment industry "healthy" because performers who have done these things set a bad example for young people. I can see what they are trying to do. They want these people to be accountable. Too bad this will never work in America because if they banned everyone that broke the law in Hollywood we wouldn't have anything to watch on TV. In this country the opposite happens. Instead of being banned from TV they get more exposure and Entertainment Tonight will have a lead story for the next two weeks. Sometimes these Chinese make sense. ...Jane the Virgin? What the hell? ...Enjoy the World Series! The long off-season awaits.
  18. There's a nice first post for you.
  19. Have fun in the shoutbox. You are getting there right on time for all the World Series talk.
  20. I'll tell you what, I'll ask Trues. I don't want to give a yes or no answer without knowing the facts.
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