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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. That look so beautiful that I could cry.
  2. Ok, we have the Giants vs. the Royals in the 2014 World Series. The Royals are the big surprise and the Giants have won the National League pennant three times in the past five years and have won the World Series in 2010 and 2012. With that in mind who do you think will win it all?
  3. Have you tried searching the download area?
  4. No. You're a contributor. You can download any mods you want. Just download Mvp 2012 or 2013 and then you'll have it yourself. The models.big file from both of those mods is a little less than 800 MB. Why should someone send it to you when it would be faster to get the entire mod yourself? EDIT: Never mind. See for an explanation.
  5. You're welcome. And please come back more often to post in here or just mess around on the site. Oh, by the way, Blades had at least a dozen "brand-new-this-is-my-final-dynasty" threads over the years. I should know, he had Mark and I remove his old ones just so he could start all over again. He was something else.
  6. Updated to 10-12 ...While I did not have a vested interest in the Angels - Royals series that ended a week ago today I really enjoyed the close-up looks on Mike Scioscia's face when the Royals started pulling away in game three. The guy looks like a little kid right after someone took away his cookies. ...Josh Hamilton, the Angels' $125-million mistake, did not get one hit in the three game series. He did even worse than Alex Rodriguez because at least A-Rod can manage one hit before he strikes out for the rest of the series. ...The best part about seeing the Tigers, Angels, Dodgers and Nationals get eliminated was knowing that guys like Miguel Cabrera, Josh Hamilton, Yasiel Puig and Bryce Harper won't get to the World Series. ...Pulling for a Baltimore - San Francisco World Series. ...I was waiting for something like this to happen as soon as the Yankees were eliminated from post-season play last month for the second straight year. Someone who did not deserve it was going to get the ax because of how the team played this season and sure enough the Yankees fired hitting coach Kevin Long and first base coach Mick Kelleher because as everyone knows it was the combined efforts of those two coaches that the Yankees are not playing in the American League Championship Series as we speak. What did Long do that was so wrong? In their last championship season back in 2009 everyone praised the guy because that team actually hit and scored runs and that is exactly what they did not do this season or last. It was a different team five years ago compared to the old and overpaid roster that made up the Yankees this year. I don't see how it was Long's fault at all but again he was an easy target and that's the Yankee way. And while I am talking about easy targets I would love to know what Mick Kelleher did wrong. As first base coach he was lonely all year. He didn't have a chance to do anything wrong. What did he do, take someone else's seat on a plane one time? This is how the Yankees take care of problems, by getting rid of people that had nothing to do with why they didn't win. They are famous for this. The players that they sign is never a problem because there is always another over-the-hill veteran out there every year for them to scoop up to add to their injury list. ...Last Wednesday in New York the other thirty-one NFL owners unanimously approved the sale of the Buffalo Bills to Terry Pegula and his wife. I had no idea that there were so many rich guys mad at this guy. Wait until the excitement wears off and he realizes what he bought. ...About ten minutes after the Dodgers got eliminated by the Cardinals last week Josh Beckett told the press and anyone that cared that he was retiring from baseball. If you take away his no-hitter he had this year you will see he hasn't done anything in three years. Maybe after a few years he can return to Fenway Park where they can retire his number because it would be hard to find someone who wore a Red Sox uniform that was more of a whiny crybaby than this guy. ...It took the NFL less than a week to find the fan who shined a laser pointer at some Buffalo Bills players when they were in Detroit last Sunday during their game with the Lions and the reason why they caught him had nothing to do with the high-priced people that were hired to find the guy. The idiot that did this did all the work for them because he immediately ran to twitter to admit what he did and to brag about it. His bragging and his aim with the laser didn't do him any good since Buffalo came back to win the game 17 - 14 but he figured he'd try anyways. The Lions have banned this kid for life from "entering Ford Field again legally." That means they are not going to be able to stop this guy from getting in the stadium in the future if he blends in with the crowd and keeps his laser toys at home. He won't be able to purchase tickets online via credit card with his name but someone else can do it for him. So Ford Field hasn't seen the last of this guy. ...Seven hundred miles away in the offices of Fenway Park the Red Sox officials observed what went on last Sunday in Detroit and vowed that the same thing would never happen in there. What they plan on doing is to pass out laser pointers to everyone in the bleachers next year the first time the Yankees visit Fenway so if one of their fans runs to twitter to brag about it MLB won't know which fan to arrest. ...You can use a lot of adjectives to describe Sarah Silverman but saying that she is funny should not be one of them. ...Tomorrow is Columbus Day across the country except in the state of Washington where they still do not recognize it as a legal state holiday and after what happened last week it probably never will be. That's because the Seattle City Council voted to celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day on the same day that the rest of the country. In case you are wondering what the hell that actually is it is a day set aside to honor the contributions and culture of Native Americans and the indigenous community in Seattle. Fair enough but why did they have to celebrate this on the same day that Columbus Day is recognized? Why not the week before or the week after? The president of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians explained why to a crowd of supporters after the approval of the Seattle Council. "Nobody discovered Seattle, Washington," she said. And she's right. But she also quickly overlooked the fact that no one wanted to discover it either. ...A Delaware mother was released from jail after posting $6,000 bond and has been barred from coming into contact with her three children after her little four-year-old daughter unknowingly brought 250 packets of heroin to her daycare, and passed them out to classmates thinking they were candy. Police say she was fit to be tied after she was released and they didn't know if she mad because the four-year-old found her stuff or that she gave it away for free. ...I don't know who is in charge of the Walmart public relations section but they either have to learn to be quiet or get someone else to do their job. Back in June a Walmart truck driver hit Tracy Morgan and his friends because he fell asleep behind the wheel. Driving for thirteen hours straight without a break will do that to you. Someone at Walmart must not have thought that this fact was too immaterial to even worry about because they released a statement blaming the vehicle that Tracy Morgan was in for the accident. Morgan himself could not believe that Walmart even tried to place the blame on him but really he should have seen this coming. When big corporations screw up the first thing they never do is come out and admit that they messed up. They first have to blame the other party no matter how bad it makes them look. Let's say there are tours given out at a company's main distribution plant to show people how their product is made and during the show-and-tell someone gets seriously hurt. The first thing the company won't do is accept responsibility for what happened. They'll find a way to blame the person who got hurt and if they can get away with it they'll say the unlucky schmuck should have never been born in the first place. That's what Walmart's doing to Tracy Morgan now. The good thing is that only Walmart's buying it. ...Because more Wal-Mart employees signed up for health benefits this year than the company expected, Wal-Mart was forced to eliminate health benefits for 30,000 employees to control their rising health care costs. These people are something else. They give their workers the option to sign up for health coverage and when they do they took it away from them so fast that they couldn't even fill a prescription. You ever notice that the only press coverage that Wal-Mart gets is bad? There's a good reason for that. They're Wal-Mart. ...If there is one group of people that consistently contradict each other it would have to be nutritionists. How many times has it been drummed into you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that if you don't take the time to have something in the morning your energy level throughout the day will not be as high as it should be? I have heard this since I was a kid. But now some nutritionists are claiming that skipping that first meal may lead to some real benefits like losing a few pounds to increasing your level of anti-aging growth hormone. I don't know about the last part but I can kind of see what they are talking about when they said you would lose a few pounds. I think that would depend on what you have in the morning that you call a breakfast. If you are used to having a breakfast worthy of Jethro Bodine from The Beverly Hillbillies then I can see how holding back will help you. But if you are having an egg, a slice of toast and coffee I don't see how that will hurt you but that is exactly what these people are trying to sell now. One of these days one of these research nutritionists while under interrogation and lack of sleep will admit publicly that they really don't know the absolute truth. Until then, this happens. ...Why is the media is so fascinated with the whereabouts of Kim Jong Un? ...And at the same time why is the media so quick to pick up on anything they think sniffs of social injustice even if it comes from the complaining of a twelve-year-old girl? In case you haven't heard some kid from Arizona wrote a letter to Dick's Sporting Goods for failing to include female athletes in its 2014 basketball catalog. I guess I really can't take it out on the kid because she wrote the letter directly to the company and her father had to post it on twitter for the world to see. And just to show Dick's that if they don't get their way they were going to take their business elsewhere. I don't know about you but all see is a father exploiting a private letter his daughter wrote just to get their fifteen minutes of fame. Well, they got it. Now go away. And if you want to find another place to buy basketball equipment just look online and keep it to yourself. ...Brother, can you spare a dime, Dept: A good Samaritan gave a seventy-eight-year-old woman some money last week when he saw her holding a sign claiming she needed cash for food and apparently it was not the first time this man reached out to assist this woman. He even did this on days when he didn't have enough money to pay for his own lunch. There's a good chance he would have continued doing this for this woman but when he saw her sitting in a parking lot in her 2013 Fiat he became furious. He was upset that he was giving money to someone who obviously didn't need it and who was driving a better car than he has. I know how he feels. That old shyster has a better car than me too. He ended up telling her if he saw her car in the parking lot again he would bust her window. Either that or have her give him back all the money he gave her with interest and if she starts begging some more then bust her window. Just a suggestion. Later on the woman's grandchildren contacted the man and told him that their grandmother has a panhandling permit and was not doing anything illegal. Is that so? Are panhandling permits issued in the state of New York? You see, I need a new car. ...I feel bad for all the legitimate people that really need a few bucks to get by. After this, they're screwed.
  7. That may so but it is a moot point now since you just created another account (torneosmaclao) a few minutes ago. Both accounts are now banned and this matter is closed. <sigh> I do not understand why people still feel they have to make another account here.
  8. Detroit at Cleveland Mvp 14 mod continued.
  9. Using the Mvp 14 mod. Detroit at Cleveland.
  10. You're right about Dylan. He was sick for awhile and then returned but lately he has been here very sporadically. MarkB has been gone for about four years now. He was on staff here and was a very active member here during his time. He was and still is a good friend and nothing would make me happier than to see him come back here. He is someone you would like immediately.
  11. You are going to find that Joe Rudi started a lot of interesting threads. Happy hunting!
  12. It was not on the main page of the left field forum. I suggest if you have time one day to look through some of the threads in that forum. A lot of them are very interesting and funny. You'll see a lot of our former members there.
  13. Not a bad video. I watched the entire thing and I got to say the barehanded play by Ozzie Smith had to be the best. We do have a thread here for Youtube videos but you probably didn't see it because it has not been updated in awhile. You can find it
  14. That has nothing to do with your download restrictions. Read
  15. Ok, that tells me that this has nothing to do with what browser you are using. Other people have reported the same problem and I will let the site owner know about this right now.
  16. I like what you did to the stadiums in this game. Good job.
  17. Good Lord. And this is why rednecks should stick to NASCAR and not coach baseball.
  18. It seems like an encouraging article but we would have to see next year. I don't expect anything out of him although I really want to be wrong.
  19. I only have a two-word answer to your 156 word response.: Who cares?
  20. All I did was read about him. What are you, his public relations man?
  21. Updated to 10-5 ...What a start for the 2014 MLB post season. And if the wild card games are any indication of what is ahead for us for the remainder of this month we are going to have a lot to talk about and discuss in the off season, which sadly is not that far away. ...The only thing that the Kansas City victory over Oakland did for me was turn me into an Angel fan, at least on a temporary basis. I didn't want the Royals to win. Hell, I didn't want them in the playoffs. Twenty-nine years without making it in there was fine for me and as soon as they are eliminated the better. I wonder what the Athletics really think about this loss. Seems to me they could have made it to the wild card without trading their best hitter for a pitcher who played his last game for the team last Tuesday night. No matter what, Oakland got there. That's more than the Yankees can say because the past two years they couldn't even get that far and by not doing that they spared the world witness to another pinstriped October collapse. Don't count on next year either for them but for Oakland I don't see why not. ...The San Francisco Giants must have watched the A.L. wildcard game and then had a team meeting where they agreed not to make the game as exciting as the one in K.C. and to make the Pirate fans run for the exits instead of dance in the aisles. Brandon Crawford made sure of that. And the Giants won this game with a dominant left hander that they did not have to go out and get and who will be there next year for them also. If there is one team in the National League that I would not mind winning the pennant it would be these guys because I can not determine if I dislike Washington, St. Louis or Los Angeles the most. ...Maybe Andrew McCutchen can look on the bright side. He has all this free time now to get a haircut. ...The baseball season like it always did went by too soon and when I think back this winter about how the season ended up my first thought won't be about the no-hitter by Washington's Jordan Zimmerman or the conclusion of the Derek Jeter season long goodbye tour. Not for me. I'll be thinking about the Seattle Mariners. For some reason that only these people could understand they found it necessary to go on the field and celebrate their third place finish in front of the Safeco Field crowd. There they were, jumping up and down, running around and waving at the crowd. One guy, Tom Wilhelmsen (I never heard of him either) got so into it that he broke into a dance. And all this because third place was theirs and no one could take it away. Somehow I don't think this would go over so well in a place like New York where you are actually expected to do something. ...Yankee owner Hal Steinbrenner apologized to Yankee fans everywhere for the poor showing by the team this season. I really hate it when owners do something like this because in my opinion it is completely unnecessary. How was it his fault that the Yankees were one of the worst hitting teams in baseball? Was it his fault that C.C. Sabathia missed most of the year and when he was playing he was useless? All he did was give Brian Cashman the resources to get what he needed and it didn't work out. That's what happens. Steinbrenner did say that the team planned to "learn from the mistakes" from this season and I hope he means it. He should have also focused on the smart things he did last off-season. No matter what Robinson Cano did this year he is not going to be worth that ten-year contract he got and I believe that he won't even have five good years with the Mariners. Steinbrenner should be congratulated for not caving into his demands. He let his GM do his job. It wasn't his fault that the players they have didn't give a *%& about anything. ...I thought that the timing of Derek Jeter's new website was terrible only because of the day he decided to let everyone know about it. It was the same day the baseball post season began in Kansas City with the American League wildcard game and I believe the last thing anyone needed to hear was one more thing about this guy because I think we all have had quite enough. Why couldn't he have announced this the day before when there was no baseball being played? There is no way that I will ever believe this was an oversight on his part. The New York press are turning on Jeter and I believe deservedly so because for his entire twenty-year career he has offered only "no comment" answers to tough questions and now he wants to open up and let loose on a website that -surprise to no one- he has control over the content. I got a few questions I'd love to ask this guy and I am very sure he won't answer a single one of them. Mine aren't filtered enough. ...This kind of brings me back to something Alex Rodriguez was a part of back in 2007. If you recall his agent at the time (Scott Boras) made an announcement during the World Series that year that A-Rod was going to use his option to play out of his contract with the Yankees. That gave Rodriguez a lot of bad press even though he wasn't the one who made the announcement or even wanted to. Boras was accused of trying to put Rodriguez' interests above the entire game. No matter how you looked at it A-Rod was the villain here. But if you think about it didn't Jeter do the same thing when he announced his website on the same day post season baseball began? Sure he didn't do it in the World Series and he didn't opt out of his contract but he did take attention away from the game and put it on himself. Let's give him another standing ovation for getting away with this one. ...What is it with sales calls that you get sometimes where even after you hang up on them they still remain on the line? There is this one particular one where some woman starts out her sales pitch with 'do you want to go on a cruise?' No I don't. And that's when I hang up. But when I go to use the phone after I am done with these people and I try to dial out I still can hear the sales pitch just as if I never did anything. Kind of makes me wonder if there is something wrong with my phone or is it just something they are doing on their end? ...I was very surprised I was able to write even this much last week because for most of the week my left arm was literally useless to me. I obviously did something to it and I wish I knew what it was because for a few days I couldn't do anything. You don't know how dependent you are with both of your hands and arms until you aren't able to use one of them. From the base of my thumb to past my elbow my arm was hurting so bad that it felt like I had broken it. I couldn't hold anything or hold the Advil bottle so I could take some pills. I had to do everything with my right hand and that was frustrating enough. Would you believe I couldn't get used to the angle of the spoon when I was eating cereal? And I don't even want to get into the trouble I had changing channels on the remote. Laugh all you want, it's true. If I can't have my left hand and arm the dominant one I am shot. Which explains why I forked over one hundred dollars on a keyboard not too long ago. I must have pinched a nerve somehow and if I never get close to that pain ever again I will consider myself lucky. ...I don't follow popular music as closely as some of you guys in here do and I don't apologize for that. I just know the basics and that's good enough for me. I know that Katy Perry and Christina Aguilera would have never got recording contracts if they didn't spread their legs and keep them that way. I know that Kanye West is a no talented criminal with such an over-inflated opinion of himself that there's even some days he even can not stand to be in the same room that he's in and I know that Lady Gaga is, well, I don't know what the hell she is. Last week I had to go to an anniversary party and I sat with all of my cousins. We're older now but we still sit at the same table. Eventually the subject turned to music and someone brought up the latest album they purchased from iTunes. By that time I was only half-listening. Then someone asked if anyone else listened to Iggy Azelea and that got my attention. I first heard this name about two weeks ago and I immediately asked my niece if she heard of her and she told me she did and she told me that Iggy Azelea was an Australian singer. That was good enough for me because the only Australian singer I knew about was Bon Scott and he really wasn't. He was Scottish. So when the question was asked if anyone there listened to Iggy Azelea I chimed in with "is he any good?" I don't want to tell you how much that made people laugh. Then again how was I supposed to know? I always thought Iggy was a guy's name. Blame it on Iggy Pop. ...Thank God last week is over. I spent the entire week going between two houses because my sister and her family went on vacation to someplace called the Outer Banks in North Carolina. They rented a house for the week and from what I heard from phone calls and e-mails, had a wonderful time. The house they stayed in had it all. Swimming pool, sauna, whirlpool, big screen TV, an elevator in the house, a Playstation 4 and most importantly, WiFi. With all that I don't know if I ever would have left the house. I had to stay at her home because I had to take care of their dog and during the day be at home to watch and care for my little barkers. I must have put on 100 miles in the car. I volunteered to do this way back in January and I thought they forgot all about my offer. The next time they plan a vacation I am going to quietly leave the room. ...The National Football League has not done a lot of things right this season and after Kansas City Chiefs safety Husain Abdullah dropped to his knees to say a Muslim prayer after celebrating a touchdown, he was flagged for an "unsportsmanlike conduct" penalty. The next day the NFL came out and apologized to Abdullah and said that he should not have been penalized. As far as I am concerned that's where they made their mistake. I could care less if some Muslim got his feelings hurt because he was praying. I'm glad there was a video of him praying just so people actually could see that Muslims do it at times. Mostly they are running around killing people, chopping off their heads and blowing things up to to actually pray. Who's got time for that when you have all this to do? All I know is there are innocent people getting killed over there. They seem to enjoy beheading people. I'm trying not to include the entire Muslim race for what ISIS is doing but pardon me if I don't get too worked up about the rights of some hot dog show off football player when he tried to pray. I don't care.
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