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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. I'm sorry, I did not see your response. The next time this happens just make a post in here or send me a PM so I can move the thread for you. This isn't the first time this has happened so it's not a problem at all.
  2. Why did you make two threads about the same subject?
  3. The broken files I am talking about here are different from the server problem that some people are having with some of the recent files that have been on the site. Many years ago we moved to a new server that Trues wanted to go to because it was superior to our other one. When we did that a lot of our older files did not get transferred over. These are the broken files I am talking about and those files can be identified with this error message. Not Found The requested URL.......................... was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Now when you try to download a file and you have a server problem you will see an error message like this. It is not my intention to debate anything that you said because I really think you make some good points. The only thing I can point out is that Trues and Jim and company do not know what modder would explicitly say he does not want his work on the site any longer. On the flip side you are right again.They don't typically own the mod. But here is my answer to that. That question has come up here over the years and some people did not like the fact that Trues was hosting their mods for them and providing them with a place to be seen and appreciated but they did not want him to have any type of ownership or say over them. Trues can back me up on that. That is probably the main reason why when I see a reported broken file and I see that I have it I don't want to repost it because when I do the credit for the upload goes to me (since I was the one who uploaded it again) and if the original modder comes back and sees what I did and he didn't like it there is no way I am going to appease him because he would have a point.
  4. It figures you would ask a good question like that. Nine times out of ten I have the files people have been looking for on DVD's that I own. I currently have 57 DVD's full of Mods for Mvp 2004 and 2005. Some DVD's are backups of others. The reason why I have all this stuff is because I have been here from the beginning and I have been downloading ever since there were mods to grab. The problem is even though I have these mods and I am a staff member I still don't have the right to re-upload them. One guy a couple days ago wanted one of KSM's datafile and the link was broken. I have that file but I can't do anything about it because KSMlove000 has not been here since June of 2012. Not long ago someone wanted a file that Trues made. It was a no-intro file right before you start the game and that mod was one of the first made for Mvp 2005. With his permission I dug it out and re-posted it. That's the only way that I know this can be done. With the modder's permission.
  5. This is another reminder about this particular subject because in the last month I honestly do not know how many broken file reports I have fielded. And that's just me. If you are looking for a file and you get this error message that means it is not hosted anymore on the server.
  6. You're right. He's hated. With good reason. **** HIM. He's a hypochondriac piece of sh** that was born without a backbone but instead has a boatload of excuses ready, willing and able to be used at all times. Teixeira had a wonderful first year with the Yankees in 2009 and I thought that finally the Yankees had something. Since then he has not even hit as high as .260. And we have this SOB for another few years. I agree, part of why he was so bad this year (he hit .216 and not .217) was because of that wrist but that doesn't explain why he was so bad in 2010, 11, 12 and 2013. Those four years are why Yankee fans hate this sack of sh** Maybe, maybe and maybe again. But the Yankees have a big advantage over most teams. They can get rid of high contracts by releasing them and not have to worry about it. They should have never signed this guy to a three-year contract. Bone spur or no bone spur. They should have never signed him to any contract. We can do better than always signing washed-up veterans. Nonsense. Do you realize the number of American League pitchers who are not in the league anymore since the last time Soriano was playing in the A.L.? This "adapting" to A.L. pitching excuse is just that. Back when the leagues didn't face each other you could use that as a legitimate reason but not anymore. What really happened was McCann got off to an awful start and never recovered from it. Nothing wrong with that. That's the reason behind this entire thread. Too bad this God damned thread wasn't used more.
  7. Updated to 9-28 ...I got to give K-Mart credit for their new "this is not a Christmas commercial" they have been running.The tongue-in-cheek ad asks people to pretend that there's an event you have to plan for in late December - like your whole family having a birthday on the same day.So to plan for that non-Christmas celebration K-Mart suggests you come in and layaway some gifts so you can pick them up in December. All the while in the background the things you associate with Christmas are subtlety shown behind her while she is talking. A Christmas tree, some elves, a reindeer and Santa riding in the background in an electric scooter. For anyone who dreads the coming of the Christmas season and all that it includes this commercial really hit home. ...A man in Shanghai has offered to rent out his girlfriend in order to generate cash so he can purchase the iPhone6 when it comes to China. He'll have plenty of time for this because the latest edition of the iPhone is not supposed to arrive in China until next year.I hope that he has a back up plan to get money for his phone because he is stipulating that no "funny business" can go on when you are spending time with his better half. You can only eat and study with her and if you want, go on three-person dates with her.Where's the fun in that? If that's all you are allowed to do you may as well ask your cousin to do the same thing and save the money. ...If you've ever had a glazed donut from Krispy Kreme you know how good and addicting they are. I once ate a half dozen so fast that I had to pull over and put the rest in the back seat. Over in London, England Krispy Kreme made a giant box of 2,400 glazed donuts that they will be giving away to a business staging an event. That's 53 pounds of sugar if you are keeping score. All I can picture is right after that company that wins this deluge of donuts all the employees will be buying their clothes one size up for awhile. ...Somebody once said if you want to get nothing done you should form a committee because they are a substitute for action. .That right there is all you really need to know about Bud Selig's latest idea. This guy only has a few months left as the baseball commissioner but he is showing everyone he still knows how to waste everyone's time while at the same time making it look like he is actually doing something. That in itself is a talent that people in upper management seem to know how to do effortlessly. Selig has formed a committee to find ways to pick up the pace of games and he is trusting that roundtable of hand-picked minds to implement the new rules that they come up with in time for the 2015 season. They'll come up with something if not just to show they actually did something except order lunch every day. Whatever it is it will be enforced for the first few weeks of the season and then slowly set aside. Anyone recall a few years back how they were going to enforce pitchers to throw the ball within a certain amount of time? How often is that enforced? If they really wanted to they can lean on some of those pitchers every day. Some of them look like they are standing out there waiting for a bus. I am all for speeding up the game and if this committee is really serious about it then all they have to do is get a DVD of a Yankee - Red Sox game that lasts 4 1/2 hours and that will tell them all they need to know about picking up the pace of the game. ...This committee has as much a chance of making a permanant change in the game as Custer did in the Battle of Little Bighorn. Selig wants to speed the game up after introducing expanded replay this year.These people are going to try to tinker into everything except for the commercial breaks. They'll never touch those.Too important. ...Sorry Emma Watson but feminism is synonymous with man-hating. Stick to making movies. ...Proving that you can not teach common sense to some people, police in Vermont arrested a fifty-nine-year-old man for breaking into their police station after he used a traffic cone to break the glass. The man told the police that the reason why he did it was because he wanted a warm place to stay. It turned out to be his lucky night though. After the police caught him they charged him with unlawful mischief and then they escorted him to a nice, warm jail cell. It may not been exactly what he had in in mind but when you can't tell the difference between a school and a police precinct then you have no right to complain. ...There were videos last week that surfaced on the internet of some Philadelphia Eagles fans getting into fights with each other during their game against the Redskins last week. Maybe it was because the game was close (they won by three points) and that made them nervous. It couldn't have been that they decided to pound on an outnumbered Washington fan because there were none there. It was just ugly green jerseys beating up people in other ugly green jerseys. If there is nothing else you can say about a Philadelphia fan you must admit that they are resourceful. They can look around and even if there is no reason to start a fight they'll do it anyway. ...Honey Boo Boo's parents (even she has some) have decided to split up and take some time apart to figure out some things in their relationship. That's another way of saying you take the house and I'll take the kids. It's sad really when an illiterate redneck who chews tobacco constantly and a woman who looks like Miss Piggy come to life can't make it work. If they can't do it no one can. ...I don't know what the makers of Ragu and Prego think about this idea but there is a company named Podey Pizza that has begun to sell jars of pot-infused pizza sauce at marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles, San Francisco and in the states of Washington and Colorado. A five-ounce jar of this potent pizza sauce sells for twenty dollars and contains 300mg of medical cannabis per jar. And if you live in the right neighborhood you can have this pizza delivered right to your door. That should make anyone forget the stuff crust pizza from Pizza Hut from now on. So far no one is complaining about the asking price of the five-ounce jar. This sauce packs such a punch that you can three slices and be fully medicated. And if you eat the entire pizza yourself you won't remember anything except that you want another pizza. ...Maybe you saw the video last week of the twenty-one-year-old woman who had a third breast implanted in the center of her chest. She said she spent $20,000 to have it done because wanted to be "unattractive" to men and land her own TV show. If she would have asked me I would have told her to save the twenty grand because the only time men would be knocking at her door is if she had a roommate.She went on to say that more than fifty plastic surgeons turned her down for this until she found one willing to take her money and now that she has it she is hoping MTV will take notice and reward her with her own show. For good measure she threw in the fact that her parents and sister stopped talking to her since the surgery.If all of a sudden you feel someone pulling at your pant leg it's this woman because she is pulling your leg just like she pulled mine. The only show this woman is going to be on is World's Greatest Liars. The woman has some obvious problems if she felt she had to do something like this for attention. Doesn't she know that all she has to do is make a sex tape and go all out in it and have it accidentally released and then pretend to be embarrassed about it? She'll get her show then. I always thought that people who were on television and had their own shows had some sort of talent. That's not the case anymore. It's crazy. Do you ever think you are the only sane person in a world gone mad? ...Bill Simmons was suspended by ESPN last Thursday for three weeks after he repeatedly called NFL commissioner Roger Goodell a "liar" during a podcast last week. Simmons received this forced vacation from his job because ESPN felt that he did not "operate in their journalistic standards." That explanation raised a lot of eyebrows because even regular viewers of that network would admit that ESPN has no journalistic standards.It's an open secret that whatever the NFL wants done ESPN is going to do it for them. Some big shot -and it could have even been Goodell himself- must have picked up the phone and said that Simmons went too far and they wanted something done about it. That's why ESPN did not support one of their employees for stating his opinion and one that many people agreed with. Making the NFL happy is much more important. ...David Ortiz is sitting out the final three games of Boston's season because of a convenient wrist injury that suddenly popped up at the right time. There are so many words I can say about this. Gutless. Lazy. Self-serving. I could go on but why bother? You get the point. ...Because of the Yankees not making the playoffs this year, today's 1:35 pm game at Fenway Park will be Derek Jeter's final game of his career. At the start of this season I was hoping that this would not be the case but with the way they played this year this result certainly is not surprising. This entire season we have been on Jeter overkill and for those of you who do not live in an area where you do not get the YES Network at least you have been able to get away from what was almost a twenty-four hour countdown of his last season. By the time the end of June rolled around his last season coverage by YES made Yankee games almost unwatchable because no matter what was going on in the game and what the score was the announcers would always find a way to talk about his last year in pinstripes - like we were ever going to forget. I am not blaming Jeter for this because he wasn't part of this self-promotion but ever since the Yankees held Derek Jeter day three weeks ago you could not read about or watch baseball without having someone remind you that he was retiring. The Yankees and Steiner Sports all assumed we had short-term memories because time was running out for us to buy the best Jeter memorabilia around and bless their hearts they just wanted to be sure we had the chance. Since it is the last game of the season for both teams I don't imagine this Yankee - Red Sox game to be as long as their usual affairs so a little after 4:00 p.m. today the game is going to end and so will Jeter's impressive Yankee legacy. I am going to miss the ballplayer and what he did for the Yankees and I am going to miss how he conducted himself at all times. I'll be missing all the important things about Derek Jeter that the memorabilia market can not bottle up and try to sell to someone. Thank you Derek, enjoy your retirement.
  8. Mvp 14 Continued Hector Rondon saves the game for the Cubs in one of the easiest saves he ever had to record. Pop up, pop up and ground out. Game over.
  9. Mvp Baseball just got a little bit better last week with the release of the by Dennis James and Daflyboys. This mod was a season-long effort by Dennis James and as he explained in the mod description this project was put off by a lengthy layoff. Translation: he was swamped with a lot of work from his job. Thankfully Dennis never let go of what he started and the result is this brilliant mod. The rosters here are just about as accurate as you are going to find anywhere. They are based on the major and minor league rosters as of September 14th. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but daflyboys and ENCBase13 made it look a lot easier than it actually was. Mvp users who have seen the steady stream of cyberfaces and portraits by Rising Sun will be happy to know his contributions have been included in this mod also. Installing this mod is different from what people have been used to doing around here because there is no installer provided but that does not make it any less difficult. To put it as simply as I can all you need is a clean and unmodded copy of Mvp Baseball. Mvp 14 will update the DATA folder there and you will then have the Mvp 2014 mod. In fact, what you are downloading from the file hosting services that Dennis has provided (from 4Shared, Copy and two links from Mediafire) is the updated DATA folder. That's it and that is all you need here. Just extract that downloaded DATA folder to the directory where you have your clean copy of the game and overwrite everything in that DATA folder and everything will be good to go. Dennis has anticipated questions about this mod and that is why he set up a question and support thread. If you have questions about anything concerning this mod that is where you have to address them and not where you download the mod. Ok, we are all set, let's get into the mod. A quick glance at the music chosen for the jukebox told me two things. First, I have no idea who any of these artists are since I never heard of them and secondly it didn't matter because they sounded ok to me. So, on we go to choosing teams and playing a game. I played a game between the Chicago Cubs and the San Diego Padres at Petco Park in San Diego. I chose those two teams because I wanted to see some of the up-and-coming players on the Cubs and I wanted to use a lousy hitting team that was even worse than the New York Yankees. I was not disappointed. The Cubs won 3 - 1 and just about every time the Padres got runners on base they aided Chicago by grounding into double plays. They played the part of the helpful host very well. The uniforms and stadiums were just as you would expect them to be because Dennis did them and after my game was over I kept on re-starting the game just to see the different loading screens and the work he did in that area can not be overlooked either. Dennis may have wanted to release this mod months ago but sometimes your job requires more time out of you. Those things happen. I am grateful that he never abandoned this because then we would never have been able to play this superb mod. Thank you Dennis and Daflyboys and every other person whose contributions are a part of this mod. Screenshots Welcome to Mvp 14! Screenshot of the Mvp 14 Overlay. As you can see Ian Kennedy has his hands full with the Cubs right now.
  10. There you go. And really everyone did Homer just say anything bad about Jeter? (You didn't Homer and your Astros comparison was spot on.) The best thing Jeter ever did was being born in 1974. He came to the Yankees at the exact time they were getting prepared to make that wonderful run that they did in the late 90's. And he was a huge part of it. Stop and think for a minute if Jeter had been born ten years earlier in 1964. His first full year would have been in 1986 and not 1996. Look at the Yankee won-loss records for the late 80-'s and early 90's. Not even a talented shortstop from Kalamazoo would have helped those teams. Jeter will get in first ballot five years from now. Somewhere they are probably already making his plaque. And Craig Biggio just like you said Homer is struggling to get in. That's because in Houston they can't even get close to publicizing one of their players like New York can. I have been reading about Yankee fans who have grown up with Jeter and not counting times when he was on the disabled list or when he had a day off, had never seen a game that Jeter was not a part of. I'm sympathetic towards them but I'm concerned for them. They'll live. So will baseball and so will the Yankees. It's the end of an era and not the end of baseball as we know it. He is retiring. I wish him well for the rest of his life and I hope he is happy. That's what he's doing. Just retiring. He's not going to prison. He's earned this. And the Yankees will field a team next year and life will go on. I promise.
  11. David Ortiz isn't going to be playing in the final three games against the Yankees this weekend. Why should he? Boston's out of it so he may as well quit early and dream of what he's going to be eating on Thanksgiving day.
  12. Keith Olbermann answers his critics concerning his previous Derek Jeter commentary. Talk about hitting the bulls-eye.
  13. Site rules: No warez, cracks, or links to such content. Help, requests or posts that discuss circumvention of copyright measures are forbidden. This includes linking to illegally obtained software, movies & music files - posting about it, and suggesting obtaining it. What this little tidbit means is that you can not get any support in here. It's not that no one wants to it's just that if we help out someone with an illegal version of the game we have to help out everyone with one and that can't happen. There you have it.
  14. This is quoting Dennis James from a few posts above this:
  15. Aw hell and I thought I hid them pretty well. Nothing gets past you.
  16. Good thing you bought it at that time because I am sure it is more expensive today.
  17. That is not what I asked you. Did you download the actual Mvp 05 game from the internet?
  18. Where did you download the actual Mvp 2005 game?
  19. Holy **** did Keith Olbermann let Derek Jeter have it in this commentary. Wow. Someone had the guts to say it.
  20. I'm not talking about the Mvp 14 links. I am talking about the game itself.
  21. Where did you download the game from? Might have something to do with it.
  22. I may be able to help you here. What mods should you download next: Keep in mind that you have the latest stadiums installed already so you are set there along with the latest roster. Any other mod you want to install is entirely up to you. Just remember to back up your files. Customize the game the way you want it to be. I use a logitech gamepad. I got it for a good price on Amazon and it never gave me a problem. Some people do use the X box controller for this game and there is a thread somewhere that tells you how to do it. Yeah I did notice that too. Some pitchers are missing. I think Shane Greene is missing from the Yankee roster. I believe this can be fixed by Mvpedit but I am not 100% sure of the steps. I am willing to wait for the next roster update.
  23. Strange as all hell but this has happened to others in the past too. I just don't know how they fixed it.
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