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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. That's odd because on my laptop I have Windows 7 64 home premium and I do not have to run the game in XP compatibility mode. I just run my game in administrative mode and everything works well. Are you sure there is nothing wrong with your disks? Once you do get the game installed off the CD's do NOT install any mods in this. Install the EA patch #2 and then install the Mvp 14 mod.
  2. Personally I think that looks very nice.
  3. And I don't know why you are saying this about this forum. Why should this be a "big surprise"? I write random things every single week in here that people sometimes agree or disagree with while at the same time trying to make them laugh about things. So, about Kanye West. I have never bought any of his music or listened to his songs or watched any of his music videos. He's foul-mouthed, acts superior over everyone else, refers to himself as a God, etc. I don't like him because of his attitude and if he was an actor for example and he did the same things I would not bother to see his movies. And yeah, I don't understand how anyone can be a fan of that guy when he projects himself the way he does.
  4. You still haven't done it. That was me praising the location of the pitch. I'd say the same thing if you were using The Show.
  5. Guess what Yankee hurt his little wristy and had to leave the game again. A. Mark Teixeira B. Mark Teixeira C. Mark Teixeira D. Mark Teixeira
  6. I never saw anything so beautiful!
  7. You downloaded this mod did you not? Did you see where at the VERY BEGINNING Dennis James created a question and support thread for problems with the mod. That is where this question belongs. It did not warrant a separate thread.
  8. Updated to 9-21 ...Kanye West put on a great show last week in Sydney, Australia and it had nothing to do with his off-key singing and complete lack of talent. For some reason West stopped his show and would not continue until he made everyone stand up so they could sing and dance to something called Yeezus worship. I have no idea what the hell that is but then why would I? I have common sense which is more than anyone who spends good money just to see this guy rant, sing, swear and then rant some more. Anyway he would not continue until all his followers stood up and did what he said. Just to show how brainwashed these people were one of the members of the audience that was still sitting took her prosthetic leg off and waved it in the air to get West's permission to continue sitting. Her wish was granted. He then continued singing until his eagle eyes spotted someone sitting down and he again stopped the show to send his body guard down to where the troublemaker was sitting but when he got there he discovered that the person was in a wheelchair and would not be standing up any time soon. Even after finding out why one person in the audience didn't get up when he said so West still did not apologize. It just shows how much class this guy has and I'll go as far to say that anyone who remained to see the rest of his "show" was just as bad as he was. How do people like this get famous? ...Levi's Stadium in San Francisco is the 49ers new home and the little that I have seen of it on TV and what I've read, the team went all out to make their fans comfortable. And to make sure that they don't miss any of the action on the field they have an app attached to every seat where you can order food and beverages. No more getting up to get your beer and pizza for the 49ers fans. You know what's going to happen now don't you? Someone's going to hack into the app and order food and drinks for 68,000 fans. ...Concerning that Jonathan Papelbon crotch-grabbing incident at Citizens Bank Park last week after the Phillies closer gave up four runs in the ninth inning to blow a save in a 5 - 4 loss to the Miami Marlins. I honestly believe Papelbon forgot where he was when he grabbed his you-know-what right in front of the crowd. I think for a brief moment there he thought he was coming off the mound in Fenway Park because when you do the exact same thing there no one will object and most will even give him a warm round of applause. I have it on good authority that it is the customary way to tell the other guy in good old Fenway that here I come and you better get out of my way. Maybe someone in the Phillie dugout was sitting in Papelbon's spot and that's all he was trying to do. So in the end it cost him a seven game suspension. The next time he better remember where he is. ...Joe Girardi blew his stack last Tuesday night in Tampa after Derek Jeter was hit by a pitch in the eighth inning with the Yankees losing by a 6 - 1 score. With the way that team has been hitting this year the score may have well been 20 - 1 because you knew there was no way they were going to make a game out of it. Girardi complained after the game that five Yankees were hit by Rays pitchers since the last time they played each other at Yankee Stadium and that he was tired of it. Maybe so but why talk about it to the press? His pitchers have the ball too and they can just return the favor at any time. And besides, why in the hell would the Rays hit Jeter with a five run lead that late in the game? The Yankee lineup is full of easy outs and there is no one easier to get out than Jeter. I don't blame Girardi at all for being upset but he should have handled it differently. ...For any of you in here who play a game called Minecraft you probably were not happy to find out that Microsoft bought the game for 2.5 billion dollars in an attempt to lure a new set of young gamers into their mobile world. For that amount of money the changes that they are going to make to that game is sure to upset just about everyone who owns it. They want people to play the game on their servers? That means you got to pay Microsoft's online subscription fees and there's no way around that. Without a doubt they are going to do other things to this game to make the fans give up and leave it. It seems that every time Microsoft buys a game or a game company they ruin it. I still haven't forgiven them for what they did to the Links golf series from Access Software. Since the release of a PC version in 2003 and an Xbox version in 2004 this series has been dormant and I can't figure out why because it was one of the best golf games I've ever played. I'm not saying this is what is in store for the fans of this game but still I'd be concerned. ...Hello, I must be going Dept: There is a funeral home in Saginaw, Michigan that has introduced a drive-thru window so people can pay their respects to the dearly departed without ever having to leave their car. The owner of the funeral home came up with the idea because he realized that there were some people who were very uncomfortable being in one and secondly for people who are in wheelchairs or can not walk around that good but would still like the opportunity to visit the loved one one last time. The people in the car can spend up to three minutes at the window. I don't know why it's only three minutes. Some of the wakes I've been to it takes some people three minutes to work up a good cry. And the window that you view the casket in is actually a sheet of bulletproof glass covered by curtains connected to a motion sensor. What for? It's not like anyone would want to jump in. What's next? Funeral homes opening an online forum so relatives can post their condolences from the comfort of their home or wherever they may be? Oh look, Jimmy says he's sorry to hear about Uncle Joe. He's in the Bahamas and wishes we were there. ...A man in Indiana broke up with his girlfriend last week and just to be sure she got the message he fatally stabbed her and then proceeded to eat her heart, parts of her lung and her brain. The liver was next but that's when the cops came to take him away. I'm not trying to make light of this subject and I will not try to slip in any "tastes like chicken" jokes here. I just can't believe something like this would happen in a civilized country as ours. I'd expect it to occur in the middle of Africa where there are no McDonalds' around and when they get hungry those people draw straws and the short one gets cooked. This guy made Ray Rice look like an altar boy. ...I could not believe that the Buffalo Bills were sold for over one billion dollars. Think about that for a minute. It's the Buffalo Bills. These guys play in Buffalo or if you really want to be accurate, Orchard Park, New York. There's only one good week of weather in Buffalo and that's around the Fourth of July. The rest of the time you got to wear a coat. The only time people go to Buffalo is on business or by mistake. This did not stop someone named Terry Pegula from purchasing the team after the death of Ralph Wilson earlier this year. This guy has owned the NHL Buffalo Sabres since 2011 so he should have had an idea what kind of a sports town Buffalo is but not even that stopped him from buying the Bills. ...After observing the recent firing of Houston's Bo Porter and the resignation of Texas' Ron Washington, Seattle manager Lloyd McClendon became suddenly concerned that Major League Baseball is not doing enough to reach African-American players and managers. He's uptight that there is a dwindling amount of black players in the game but that is certainly not by design. Even with the RBI program that baseball has been sponsoring in the inner cities over the past fifteen years, it still has not increased the number of black players on team rosters once these kids get of age. The issue here is when these kids decide to pursue a career in professional sports they either choose football or basketball and that is just how it is and no committee or program is going to change their mind. McClendon is trying to turn this into a racial issue when it really is just a matter of choice. What the hell does McClendon want, a quota system? Let's see now, each team should have a dozen white players, five black ones, five Latino ones and three Asian ones. That's twenty-five. Why does it always have to be some idiot associated with baseball that's got to stir this kind of stuff up? Have you ever heard a white NBA coach complain to the press that there should be more white guys in the league? Maybe McClendon should concern himself with getting the Mariners into the post season before he finds himself the third black manager this year who is unemployed. ...I wrote that McClendon piece earlier in the week and I figured because this story really had no basis for complaint that it would quickly die and go away. Little did I know that Bud Selig would jump on this and makes matters sound worse than they actually are. Selig said that he was 'concerned' about the dwindling number of minority managers. You must keep in mind that all this talk is the result of the firing of Bo Porter and the resignation of Ron Washington which took place only four day apart from each other. Now that there is only one black manager in the game Selig wanted to show everyone that he is well aware of this "injustice" and wants to do something about it. Managers should be hired on their qualifications only and not by anything else. Look how many times teams hired someone like Dusty Baker before they learned their lesson and stopped hiring him? Baker showed that he could be as lousy and incompetent as any white manager. The point is he got the chance not because of the color of his skin but because teams thought he was qualified to manage. That's how it should be and it shouldn't take a stuffed shirt bureaucrat to take a head count of all the minority managers and go into a panic when there's only one. ...Last Sunday the Supreme Court of North Korea convicted a twenty-four-year-old American man of entering the country illegally to commit espionage and sentenced him to six years of hard labor. You may remember this guy. He was the one who tore up his tourist visa when he visited the country in April and demanded asylum. The reason why he did this was because he wanted to experience prison life so he could secretly investigate North Korea's human rights situation. Well, after a quick ninety minute trial he got his wish. See you in 2020 you dumb son of *&#$@. ... In case you missed it Rusney Castillo went 1-for-4 in his major league debut last Wednesday night for the Red Sox. If he has one more game like that the Boston fans will insist that he be inducted into the Hall of Fame right away. ...And because the Red Sox signed this guy that means the Yankees are going to go all-out to sign Yasmani Tomas, who was the next Cuban player to escape Castro's island. He'll end up getting more because the Yankees are not going to let another Cuban guy get away especially since Boston gladly overpaid for the last one. ...This is just a guess on my part but I think that the reason why former Texas Rangers manager Ron Washington met with the press last week in Dallas and read from a prepared statement without answering any questions is that the woman he was seeing was possibly threatening him by exposing what he did. So instead of giving her the satisfaction he first resigned and then after meeting with some crisis management firms, they helped him prepare his prepared piece. From here on out the business of what happens here should be between Washington and his wife. ...Let's see. The NFL has wife beating down pat and now they are dabbling into child whooping. Makes me wonder what they have planned for us during the third week of the season. ...I can not close this week's edition of Random Thoughts without thanking Dennis James and Daflyboys for the wonderful >Mvp 2014 mod that was uploaded to the website last week. Great job and thank you for keeping this great game alive!
  9. Again?? Ok man, I'll tell Trues and I will let him know of this situation.
  10. Rising Sun, you are doing a great job with your portraits but I don't get why you are posting rosters with your submissions. It's not needed. Thank you.
  11. Hahahahahha I checked out that boxscore and I can see Jim's point. Teixeira and Beltran homered in the same game? And Beltran with 3 RBI's? Beltran doesn't get three RBI in a month and he did it here in one game. The Yankee roster needs work too! Hey, is your brother a member of this website?
  12. Look what daflyboys wrote: That was his humorous way of telling the downloader to back up his files before installing just in case you run into problems or if you want to return to the way you had it before.
  13. I got a great idea. Why don't you make your own roster set and then when you get to the Orioles you can jack up their attributes as high as you can and then you can play a season?
  14. Here's an update. I installed this mod on my XP laptop and I was able to get in it and I played a game. Problem solved. So I will just play this mod on the laptop now. I still don't get why this mod doesn't run and every single other one does. But I found a work around for it and that is all that matters.
  15. Again, this is what has me scratching my head. None of my season mods are running from a folder on the desktop. Not one. When I want to play TC '78 or "69 for example I go right to the directory and start it from there. Something's different here. This may not be anything but do you think that because this mod did not come with an installer it had something to do with it? Maybe not.
  16. This thing has me stumped. I have tried to install this on a Vista PC desktop where all my other season mods are and this particular mod refuses to cooperate. Why, I don't know but I am not giving up. I did have a clean install of the game like you always need for any season mod. That was fine. And I extracted the DATA folder to that directory and it overwrote everything in the default DATA folder. That was fine. I ran the game in administrator mode like I do the other mods and it started up fine. I pick my teams, my uniforms, my lineups and the stadium. When I click to start the game the bar starts to load and then it crashes to the desktop. Now I am going to try to install this on my XP laptop. Maybe I will have a different result. I'm not quitting.
  17. Thank you, thank you and thank you again! Dennis and daflyboys your work is appreciated and I am grateful for what you did here. And let's not forget to thank Oscar Morales, ENCBase13 and Rising Sun!
  18. Here is one thing that even the average fan should be able to see for themselves. Alex Rodriguez has not been here all season. No kidding, right? Well A-Rod can not be blamed for anything that happened this year with the Yankees. Look, I know he screwed up badly but at the same time that guy gets blamed for more crap that he didn't do than any ballplayer I have seen in many years. With Rodriguez gone hopefully these fans would have seen for themselves that there are players just as bad as him and not every time the Yankees lost was his fault. I don't give a DAMN who they get rid of this off season. I just hope they leave the home grown pitchers alone.
  19. Oh, and let's try something different this time with this mod. Let's not ask the modders when it will be released. They said this week. It's only Tuesday. The week ends on Saturday. I am sure there are only some very minor things that need to be looked over here and then it will be uploaded. And if it isn't uploaded this week the world won't end. Give them time. I say this because I still have not forgotten how bad Kraw was pestered when the '08 mod was being made.
  20. With Dennis James involved in this that statement is money in the bank.
  21. Very true. An omission on my part. I did try to get this on Google Chrome and it worked. The first time I used Firefox.
  22. I know you are a paid subscriber. I can tell. But what I don't know is why you are having problems downloading this mod. I just tried it right now. I downloaded the entire mod just to test it out. Took me only one try. I wish I knew what to tell you.
  23. No I do not but I do know you won't find it in this thread. This is a thread that I made to help people change the songs in the jukebox so they can put their own songs in it. If you found other threads about the in-game music importer that did not have any responses to it that means to me that whatever the question was the people who read it did not know the answer to it so they didn't respond. It can also mean that the people that do know the answer did not see it or have not been on the website in awhile to know that thread was made.
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