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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Why are you posting this question in here? Read the topic of this thread.
  2. This is a three year old thread you are responding to.
  3. Updated to 9-14 ...It didn't take long for someone to take the ice bucket challenge and use it to humiliate an unsuspecting person and naturally it had to be a bunch of kids that were behind it. A fifteen-year-old autistic boy was tricked into taking the challenge for the ALS charity and instead of being drenched with cold ice a group of boys dumped urine and spit on him and later it was posted on Instagram. There's been such an outcry about this that three celebrities have pledged $10,000 apiece for a reward fund to find the people that did this. They'll catch them, I'm sure. Kids like that can't keep quiet about doing things like that because they feel they have to brag about it. And when they get caught they'll apologize and say they never should have done it and look sad while they are telling the kid's parents this. They could face charges for this because the police are saying this is assault but the way I look at it they should get a taste -or rather a smell- of their own medicine. What's good for an autistic boy should be good enough for a bunch of "normal" boys, right? ...The start of last Sunday began with so much hope. Perfect day outside, Yankees on TV, Derek Jeter day and week one of the NFL season and because of DirectTV trying to reel in last-minute customers to their Sunday Ticket package I got to watch the Oakland Raiders. Reality quickly set in as I watched my two favorite teams experience virtually the same problem as the Raiders kept going three-and-out and the Yankees kept on getting out one-two-three. I don't know what was worse. A declining baseball team fading in the stretch run or the start of another long losing season for Oakland. ...The only guy that was impressed last week with the leaked video of Ray Rice knocking his wife out in the elevator was Miguel Cabrera. ...That being said there really isn't anything I can say about what Ray Rice did that has not already been said. I'm more interested in what his wife said because her brief statement that she wrote on her Instagram account says all that any of us -and by that I mean outsiders- need to know. No matter what we think about Rice's actions, his wife is the one that has to deal with it and she desperately wants all this media attention to go away because she wants to deal with this in her own way and in private. That even drew criticism from some people because they wanted to see an angry wife dragging her wife-beating husband to divorce court and taking him for all he has. And if that ends up happening that should be between those two people and it should be done privately and not be played out on the front of the tabloids. ...That story on Friday about the Palins getting into a fight when they went to a house party was hilarious. I can't wait to see what Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert got to say about this because Sarah Palin has been providing them with funny material since 2008. From what witnesses report, Track Palin (Palin's son and who has never had a reality show) got into a fight with a man who dated his sister Willow (who was on a reality show and does not have an illegitimate kid yet.) The owner of the house tried to break up the fight to resume the party but Bristol Palin (who has an illegitimate kid and a failed reality show) stepped in and after the man asked her to leave she gave the guy six quick right hooks in the face before leaving. It's a good thing he didn't ask her for an autograph. Witnesses also say that Sarah was so angry at what was going on that she yelled out to everyone "you know who we are don't you?" Anchorage police arrived on the scene conveniently after the Palins left in their stretch limo. All I wish is that someone recorded this on their phone. If Sarah and company wanted to get back in the public eye they succeeded. Now I want to hear what the late-night hosts have to say about this. ...Starting next year residents from Berkeley, California who earn less than $32,000 per year and have a prescription for medical marijuana will be able to get it for free at any dispensaries operating within the city limits. This law was passed unanimously by the city council and it was quickly opposed by some religious groups because they complained that if they have to buy their weed so should the poor people. ...My wife bought me a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 NOOK last week and I'm still wondering to myself why she got it for me because my birthday was a month and a half ago and I have never expressed any interest in owning a tablet. But, there you go, never ask for something and sure enough you'll get it. With that in mind maybe I should have never hinted around for a PS4. I have learned a little bit about this while playing around with it this week but not that much. I know I can get on the internet, read books and watch movies. Other than that I'm lost. ...Part of the deal included $200 worth of free content and call me skeptical but when they give away that much for "free" there has to be a catch. There was. They gave me three TV shows for free but I couldn't choose what I wanted because they gave me what they wanted me to have and just to show me what a great opportunity this was I had the chance to purchase the entire first season of each show for a certain price. I passed on this. Then I was able to pick out four magazines that I would get for free for a trial run and whatever magazine I chose I could also have some back issues too. I was considering trying out Sports Illustrated on the NOOK but I immediately recalled the previous time I had subscribed to S.I. back in the late nineties. When I decided not to renew I must have received ten "absolutely final last chance" notices from them for me to re-up. Each time they made the offer better and better. Sign up for another twenty-six weeks and we will throw in a NFL T-shirt of your choice plus the Super Bowl DVD. It got better and better. They tried to sell me with free baseball stuff, free commemorative Yankee World Series mementos, you name it. They got so desperate I thought they were going to give me stock options next. So that's why I didn't take advantage of the free magazines. Barnes and Noble didn't lie. They did give you $200 worth of free stuff but they never said that it was going to be something you wanted. ...Last thing about the NOOK. I was given a five dollar voucher to purchase anything I wanted from the NOOK store and I only had forty-eight hours to use that big credit amount or I would forfeit it. I really didn't know what I wanted and then I remembered that Mariano Rivera had his baseball autobiography out and it looked sort of interesting from the excerpts that I read on the New York Daily News webpage. So, I bought it. What a mistake. It wasn't the worst baseball book that I ever read but it was close. Rivera's a very religious man and he doesn't let you forget it for a second because in the entire book he's quoting Scripture. Let me interject something here for second if I may. I'm not some kind of heathen that turns his back on the word of the Lord and I try to lead a decent, honest life at all times but when I want to read a baseball book I want to do just that. Well, that's Mariano and that's how he is and I have no problem with that. It's just that it didn't seem like a baseball biography. ...Rebuilding the Yankees Dept: This past week we had a nice topic going on in the shoutbox that began when I complained for the one hundredth time this month about how the Yankees were playing. (Don't worry, their season is almost done and when that happens so will the comments on how lousy they are.) My biggest complaint about being a Yankee fan is their love of signing free agents and not building a farm system. With all the financial clout that this team has you would think that this would not be the case. Jim825 pointed out that the Yanks built great teams in the past without spending a lot of money and then went on to say that maybe they forgot how to do this or that they may not want to go through some lean years. Looking at it from the outside this would appear to be true. How much money have they thrown away on players since the end of the 2001 season, a season that saw them lose a few starters to retirement? The free agents signed after that season were rarely worth it, very expensive, and discarded as quickly as the next one came in. Ten years ago on this very website we had a huge discussion back and forth about if the Yankees should trade for Randy Johnson who at the age of forty-one was beginning to break down. It didn't matter. They traded prospects for him and his two years in New York were riddled with back problems and inconsistent pitching. Besides signing older free agents that have physical problems this team even trades for veterans who spend most of their time in the trainer's room. Barring a major miracle where the Yankees can unload their laughable contracts that they gave to Alex Rodriguez, C.C. Sabathia and Mark Teixeira, they are headed for some lean years because they have no choice but to keep them until it is time for them to cut ties for good. Years ago there used to be a series of advertisements for Prell shampoo and in these ads a woman would take off her pearl earring and drop it in the shampoo and it would slowly sink to the bottom. That is what it has been like watching the Yankees play this year. Each month they slowly slid out of contention and while they may not hit bottom this year they are close enough. ...And when these lean years come just watch how fast the Yankee band wagon fans jump off. I really hope it doesn't come but these guys are in such a bind there is no other way. ...Yankee shortstop Derek Jeter has been hitless in his last twenty at-bats and to make matters worse he also has just one extra-base hit since Aug. 27. If your name is Brendan Ryan you are out of the lineup. Starting today the Yankees only have fifteen games left when the season mercifully ends two weeks from today in Boston. With the way he's hitting (.251) they will never know he's gone. They got enough players on the team swinging the bat just as bad as he is and they aren't going anywhere. ...I am glad that Giancarlo Stanton is doing much better after being hit in the face last Thursday night in Milwaukee. It may have been a bad break for him (literally) but it could have been worse. He got hit with an 88 MPH pitch -fast enough to do the damage it did but as I said it could have been worse. Imagine if he was hit with one of Alrodis Chapman's 100 MPH fastballs. What would have happened then? I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Not even a steroid using hot dog overrated son of a *&$%@ who plays in Boston. Wait just a minute....no, no I wouldn't.
  4. When there isn't anything else to say just give the man a +1 and move on to the next thread.
  5. JBricks: If you do not like daflyboys' rosters you can create a roster set all by yourself which will be more to your liking. His rosters are fine the way they are.
  6. Pretty soon we'll hold our online funeral for the Yankees. Should be a lot of fun. All invitees should bring their best Mark Teixeira jokes with them.
  7. Go to eBay. If you are expecting to pay twenty dollars for this or less because it is a nine-year-old game then I'd suggest you buy another game. People sell it higher because of what is on this site. If you can get it for sixty dollars or less you made out.
  8. If you happen to look in the MLB2k12 download section you will find that there are no mods made for the xbox version of the game. The mods are for the PC here. Years ago we had mods for the Mvp version for X box (original one) and the PS2 but mods are not made for those two consoles anymore.
  9. I don't get it. Why are you selling this after all the great roster work you have done with daflyboys?
  10. Updated to 9-7 ...The week prior to Labor Day was very cool with temperatures much lower than normal for late August. But on Labor Day last Monday that all changed. It was a perfect summer day with the thermometer reaching eighty-five degrees with a light breeze thrown in as a bonus. I think it was summer's way of reminding us what we were leaving behind. ...And of all teams to have the Labor Day holiday off it had to be the New York Yankees. They haven't done anything all year. It just didn't seem fitting. ...Open your Wallet Wide, Dept: Today is Derek Jeter day at Yankee Stadium and from now until the end of the season the Yankees will wear a patch of Jeter's final-season logo on all player hats and uniforms. Special baseballs with the Jeter logos will also be used today and the uniforms used in the game and throughout the rest of the season will be sold by Steiner Sports. When you think of Steiner Sports just think expensive and then multiply it by ten. That's how overpriced this company is. They have an exclusive autograph deal with Jeter and because of that they have sold more than two hundred Jeter-signed products which includes game-used jerseys that sell for $25,000. I am considering buying two. And in a move that is certain to alienate Jeter fans who do not live in New York City, the New Era Cap company is selling a three-cap box of Jeter hats for $150. The catch is that you can only buy them at Yankee Stadium or official Yankees stores. That means if you have been a big Derek Jeter fan for a long time and happen to live in Nevada, you can't have it. Since these three hats are only priced at $150, they want to get you in the store so you can get a few more things to go along with that. But if you really want a hat and don't mind spending the money for it you can get a white leather fitted hat from New Era for only $99.99 and when you wear it out in public it's guaranteed to be stolen. I'll be watching the ceremony for as long as I can stand it while switching between the NFL games that are on today. I just think that no matter what the Yankees say about him (all good of course) and what they give him, they secretly have to be counting down the days until he goes because the sad part is he has done nothing this season - a fact that not even Steiner Sport can cover up with one of their overpriced items. ...The Seattle Mariners suspended Jesus Montero for the remainder of the 2014 season after he charged the stands to go after a team scout when he was on a rehabilitation assignment. Of all the predictions you can make for this coming off-season the easiest one would be having the Mariners getting rid of this guy. He's a Robinson Cano without the big paycheck. Lazy and unmotivated. ...Holy **** how the Oakland Athletics fell apart! ...I understand that people make mistakes and sometimes those same mistakes are overlooked. But when you are putting so much time and effort into making a game and spending a lot of money advertising its release, it really is inexcusable. How else could EA Sports explain making Cleveland Browns rookie linebacker Christian Kirksey one-foot-two inches tall in the game when he is actually six-foot-two? Quite a difference. And to make themselves look even worse they have Kirksey as a member of the Tennessee Titans instead of Cleveland. At least they got him in the right conference. Again, mistakes are made. But this bad? Kirksey's a rookie. This is the first time he's in the Madden series. How can you screw up a new player like that? It's laziness that is the cause of this happening because someone didn't double-check their work and if this was in any way intentional -with EA you never know- this was the wrong way to get attention onto this game. ...Doesn't it seem strange that with all the innings Masahiro Tanaka pitched in Japan over the years he never got hurt but his first year in the American League he can't even make the halfway mark? ...I read an article last week about Jackie Bradley Jr., Boston's future multiple Triple Crown winner, Gold-Glover, All-Star and first-ballot Hall-of-Famer. It said that his demotion to AAA Pawtucket in the International League may have had more to do with his inability to hit major league pitching since that part was clear to everyone. When it was Bradley's turn at bat the other team would take bets amongst themselves on how many pitches it would take for him to make an out. Usually it was one or two. Another reason for his one-way ticket to Rhode Island was that Red Sox coaches and players were frustrated with Bradley's stubbornness with the coaching staff because he was unwilling to work with coaches to fix his swing. Well, there's the problem right there. He got a little too ahead of himself. He started acting like a typical self-centered Red Sox player before he actually had a solid footing on the team. The entire team is like that but the others know how to hide it well enough before they actually start contributing. Once they start doing that then all bets are off. Someone just forgot to tell Bradley that's how things are done on that team. ...Last Tuesday Dunkin' Donuts opened their first store in Southern California and people were lining up for blocks just to be the first ones in when the store opened up at 5:00 a.m. that day. One guy who had nothing better to do was waiting outside the store since Sunday just to be the first one in and he was rewarded with a year's worth of free Dunkin' Donuts coffee. Their coffee is not bad and for those of you who live in Southern California and did not wait in line to get in because you had to work or had a life, let me give you the heads-up on this place because we have them all over where I live. These people make assembly line donuts. Same size, same everything. Once you had a Dunkin' Donuts donut you are not going to have the urge late at night to go and get one. They are entirely forgettable. They'll do in a pinch if no other donuts are around but it is not hard to find a better donut someplace else. Again the coffee is fine but you can say the same for coffee you find at corner stores too. I wonder how that guy who waiting in line since last Sunday and all through the Labor Day holiday feels now after he had a few of their donuts? ...I got to thinking about the theft of those celebrity nude photos last week where people like Kate Upton and Jennifer Lawrence and many others had their privacy invaded when someone stole their personal photos and were spread across the internet. These photos were not meant to be seen by the general public. I sympathized with everyone that had their accounts compromised but at the same time I have to wonder why any of them would store photos of that kind on the internet because as the old saying goes where there's a will there's a way and someone found a way. I'm not saying that these women should not have photos of themselves like this. It's clear that these were taken by or meant for their boyfriends or spouse. But what they should have done and I hope this is what they do now is not to have any of these photos online anymore. How about putting them on a flash drive and keeping it in your home instead of trusting iCloud or a service like that? ...But leave it to Conan O'Brien to find humor in this. On his show he showed more "private" photographs of celebrities that were as he described "really embarrassing and could ruin careers." He then showed a picture of Kim Kardashian reading a book and Guy Fieri eating a healthy salad. The joke was of course that these were obviously doctored pictures because Kardashian avoids books as much as she avoids Walmart. ...Paul McCartney signed a letter last Monday to ask Scottish voters choose to remain part of the United Kingdom in a vote on independence which will be held later on this month. I had no idea a vote like this was taking place and what it would mean for Scotland if they are declared independent and since this has nothing to do with what is going on here I am not that interested in the outcome. The only reason why this caught my eye is because we had a member here some years back (MarkB) who was from Glasgow, Scotland and what I remember about him is that he did not like politics in Scotland and since this had something to do with Scotland I wondered how he felt about this? Mark lives in Australia now and works in the computer field and kills crocodiles in his spare time. Whatever you are voting for Mark, I'm with you. ...Cuban ex-president Fidel Castro escaped from his rubber room last week and accused the United States and Europe of war-mongering and also compared the military alliance representatives of NATO to the Nazi SS. Not even his brother Raul, who is currently running the country, knew the reason why his eighty-eight year old brother made these statements but he just nodded his head and smiled anyway. These days Americans could care less what is being said out of Cuba just as long as they keep sending ballplayers over for major league teams to sign. ...The San Diego Padres honored outgoing baseball commissioner Bud Selig with a dedication ceremony of the Selig Hall of Fame Plaza at Petco Park, which will be an area that will serve as a home to the Padres Hall of Fame. Why name it after this windbag? Why not Tony Gwynn or even Ted Williams, who was born in San Diego? Well, if they're doing this I hope the put a statue of him there as well so all the pigeons in San Diego can take aim on it while they're in the area. ...Former Miami Dolphins guard Richie Incognito was cleared by the NFL to return to full active status as a player but as of right now he is a player without a team but that can change soon because his agent says that there are "at least five teams" who are considering signing him. Dallas would be a perfect fit for him because at the rate their players get into trouble no one is ever going to know if Incognito starts harassing minority players again for a long time. ...With all the publicity the Dallas Cowboys got just for signing Michael Sam to their practice squad, there was another team last week that quietly added a player to their own practice squad under different circumstances. Devon Still, a defensive tackle for the Cincinnati Bengals, did not make the final cut to start the season with the team but Still wasn't really expecting to because his heart was not in the game. He has a little four-year-old daughter who was diagnosed with stage 4 pediatric cancer back in June. With that on his mind at all times he was unable to give football his 100% commitment and that's why Cincinnati cut him. But after they did that they quickly added Still to the practice squad and that meant he would continue to get medical insurance, a weekly paycheck and less travel throughout the season. This is such a nice story of what the Bengals did for this guy and for his little daughter but it still wasn't big enough for the media to focus on because they were too busy chasing around Michael Sam as he attempts to stick to his second NFL team. ...Finally, welcome back NFL. Maybe. I think. For those of you who have DirectTV today is going to be a free preview of the NFL Sunday Ticket so with baseball being on and all these NFL games this should be a good afternoon for sports. The Oakland game is down in New York and they'll be playing the Jets in the Meadowlands. What else is there to watch?
  11. The "new" rosters are no different from the rosters you have been downloading over the years. Somehow you made a mistake. What I suggest you do is one more time download daflyboys' newest roster and that can be found Then before you unzip this roster do as daflyboys says. He instructs people to delete the existing 19 .dat files that are in the data/database subfolder and then extract the current roster to that same location. If you do this then you will be playing again in no time.
  12. You're kidding, right? Man, you got to take a look at the download section and you will see a lot of uniforms you can put in the game and new rosters for 2K12 are always being made. Those guys do a great job keeping that game current. Spend some time in the download section to get familiar with what is available.
  13. To ddawley and mcj88: I have informed the site owner of the problem you are having and he should be able to clear this up for you.
  14. How can anyone disagree with that? I hate to say it but I can't wait for the off season.
  15. Don't mind the Yankees, their packing it in.
  16. He was good when he was with Texas, Atlanta and the Angels and after his first year with the Yankees he shut it down.
  17. I really had no idea. I feel bad for Portugal.
  18. It seems to me that your laptop could use a bit more RAM.
  19. Teixeira is Portugese? I never knew what nationality he was. Never thought about it really. All this time I thought he was an idiot.
  20. Ah, the 1970's. The decade where fashion took ten years off.
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