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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Dennis I would like to welcome you back to uniform modding again. I know you have been away from it for awhile. In case any of you have not heard Dennis has been on a world-wide tour these past few months teaching would-be modders in Asia how to create wonderful looking uniforms themselves. Dennis went to Japan, China, Thailand and South Korea. He also traveled to Europe and Canada for the same reason and wherever he went he was able to teach people how to mod Mvp Baseball 2005. The only area he did not visit was the Latin America countries because they were not interested in having him come down there. They told him that they would rather just continue stealing his work and passing it off as their own. Welcome back Dennis!
  2. Great job Dennis, as usual, as always!
  3. Updated to 8-31 ...Today's the waiver deadline in baseball and that means it is the last opportunity for the Yankees to pick up a washed-up outfielder for this year. ...A week ago today I went to a retirement party for someone who I used to work with and I was able to see some people that I haven't seen since the last one I attended three years ago. When I was working I had myself convinced that once I walk out those doors for the last time I'd never look back and in one regard it's true. I've never been back to my work place since the day I cleaned out my desk and locker and that was five years ago. I never had a party in my honor when I left because no one (including myself) knew I would be retiring. I retired via a disability and that meant that literally I was there one day and gone the next and I couldn't do anything about it. I'm just happy they think well of me to invite me to these things. ...But before I close on this I have to let you know about a story that a wife of one of my ex-coworkers told. She was in the hospital recently and before she came out of the anesthesia she said she had a near-death experience. While I was listening to her tell us what she saw I could tell that this woman was no kook who was trying to manufacture a story like this for reasons known only to her. She was a religious person and what she saw from her glimpse of heaven made her wake up with a smile on her face and no one that she has told this to has doubted her yet. This includes me. I have heard many stories similar to what she told that day and they were all from sane and rational people and not someone who spends twelve hours a day watching The 700 Club. ...A blue lobster was caught up in the state of Maine last week by a fourteen-year-old girl and her father while they were hauling lobster traps. The odds of catching a lobster of this color is one in two million so if this kid knows what she is doing she should run to the closest corner store and purchase a lottery ticket. The lobster was donated to the Maine State Aquarium and they will make sure that anyone who is in the mood for a lobster dinner leaves this particular one alone. ...Personally I don't care what color they are. Blue, yellow, orange, green. Give me a chance and I'll eat all of them. Pass the butter. ...I was considering sending an ice bucket challenge to David Ortiz but I figured once he found out what I had in mind he would never respond. I wanted to personally stand above him and drop a dozen blocks of ice on top of him. Anything for charity, right? ...Maybe I am missing something but I don't understand the problem that some people are having when they found out that Burger King bought Tim Horton's. I get why McDonald's was upset because they probably wanted to buy Tim Horton's themselves. Part of the deal also includes a plan to change the new firm’s nominal headquarters from Miami, Florida to Oakville, Ontario, where Tim Hortons is based. If they do that Burger King/Tim Hortons would be subjected to Canada’s far lower corporate tax rates and when you consider that Burger King paid $89 million in taxes on $1.1 billion in revenue this deal makes perfect sense. But because they are leaving the U.S. to go to Canada there are some people who are protesting this move and are swearing that "they will never have a Whopper again." Right. These are also the same people who don't have to worry about paying an eighty-nine million dollar tax bill. Every time I hear about some boycott going on I give it a week before it folds up and dies. That's what will happen here. ...Check my I.D. Dept: I must have a twin somewhere and if I do I feel bad for the guy. One day last week I was at the grocery store picking up a few things and while I was waiting in line to check out the person behind me tapped me on the shoulder and told me that he was sorry to hear about my brother. I was going to reply that "he had it coming" or "it serves him right" but I could tell that this guy was sincere and I let him know that he had the wrong guy and that I didn't even have a brother. He apologized for the confusion and I am sure that when we went our separate ways we were thinking just about the same thing. He probably couldn't wait to get home to tell someone he knew what happened and I immediately thought of the first time that someone mistook me for someone else. But that was over thirty years ago. Back in the late seventies and early eighties a group of friends and I used to hang around a burger joint because they had a Pac-Man machine there and we would try to get our names on the top ten screen they had there. I rarely made it on there and the few times that I did I was quickly replaced by someone else. It wasn't for lack of trying especially with all the quarters I put in it. One night we were there and this time we actually ordered something which almost put the owner of the place in a state of shock. While I was waiting for my order I had a spare quarter and I decided to play the game and while I was playing it I was distracted by a lady who was watching me very attentively. I didn't know who she was but just as I ended my game she came up to me and told me why she was looking at me. She said that I reminded her of her son who died in a car crash back in 1970 and she just wanted to let me know that. I didn't get a chance to talk to her that much except to say that I was very sorry because my order was ready and that was something that I have always regretted. I wish that I would have spent more time talking to her because I noticed her watching me even after I sat down. I never saw her again. ...Last month an uncle of mine died in a nursing home at the age of 96. He was there for the last year and a half or so of his life and from what my cousin told me the people there took wonderful care of him. On Tuesday there was a memorial mass for him and the other eight people that passed away last month and earlier this month and it was one of the most unique masses I have ever attended. There were four hymns that we sung during the mass but each time we sang them one of the residents there kept on singing the wrong song even though pamphlets were passed out to everyone before the ceremony began with the song and lyrics on it. Looking at the pastor I could tell he was even getting confused and he probably knew these songs by heart. There is a part of the mass where the priest/minister/preacher asks the congregation to be thankful for their blessings but maybe because it was such a small crowd the pastor decided to do this part a little different and I'm sure when it was over he regretted it. He asked the group of twenty-five people what they were thankful for and the same guy who didn't know what song was being sung started thanking everyone that he knew in his life - or at least that's the way it seemed. The mass started at 10:30 am but the way this guy was going I thought we were going to get out of there at 4:00. He got on such a roll that other people were joining in too. Finally the pastor told him that he'd talk to him after the service and that made the guy so happy that he kept quiet for the rest of the service. It was quite an experience for me and you could tell by looking at the faces of the people that live there that this was more than just a memorial mass. God bless them. ...A pediatric nurse from San Diego got himself into a very bad situation last week and if what the media is reporting about this is true no one is ever going to see him again unless you happen to be a prisoner. Whether this is true or not this registered nurse is looking at federal charges for repeatedly molesting a two-month-old baby that was placed in his care at the beginning of this month. The FBI said they captured video evidence from his home to prove he was molesting the infant and they did not go into any detail to inform the media what they saw. I don't know if that's good or not because in these situations you always imagine the worst. If there is one thing to hold on to about this is that this happened to the baby at such a young age. At two months old you don't remember anything and I really hope there is no lasting scars for this kid to have while he grows up. As for that nurse as soon as he settled into his comfortable cell he will be getting a different set of scars. That's another thing I don't even want to imagine. ...My favorite football league, the Legends Football League, is going through their playoffs right now and things are starting to get really hot. This is a woman's seven-on-seven league and they play their games in the spring and summer. This league used to be called the Lingerie Football league but don't let the name change fool you because they still wear the good stuff. There are ten teams in this league and I don't know any of these players by name. I just know them from how they wear their uniform and how it fits on them. There's this one who plays for Los Angeles, well never mind. You get the idea. If you want to check out both the games and the players they have an official Youtube channel you can go to. Fair warning though, the NFL will never look the same again. ...It should come as no surprise to anyone who has driven there but according to an insurance industry report Boston is home to the worst drivers of any U.S. big city. I realize that this has nothing to do with the Red Sox in any way but if I hear about anything that puts down that city then I am going to write about it. ^-^ ...Things we learned this week, Dept: When watching Jesus Montero play baseball never give him an ice cream sandwich because he's partial to hot fudge sundaes...The Angels are trying to win the A.L. West and the instant replay people in New York are doing everything they can to make it happen...And there were some people that actually gave the President a hard time because he wore a tan suit the other day. What the hell, I thought it looked good. I'd wear it. ...Yesterday the Rams announced that Michael Sam has been waived and did not make the team's final fifty-three-man roster. They released this statement yesterday afternoon so there really hasn't been any negative reactions yet - or at least as far as I have seen. Coach Jeff Fisher stressed that this was "a football decision only" but I am just waiting for someone to write an article accusing the Rams of stringing Sam along all this time. Can he play? Probably, but not up to NFL standards. Even though none of them will ever admit it I can't help but wonder how many Rams players were happy Sam didn't make the final cut? ...Finally, have a wonderful Labor Day holiday weekend. Didn't it seem like yesterday when it was Memorial Day? <sigh>
  4. How many people want to bet that Tanaka does not pitch again for the rest of the season?
  5. You aren't kidding. And if people search even further they will find another NCAA thread that was before this one. I'm not even going to post the link here because that thread is dead just like this one should be.
  6. Well I do have this mod but I am not going to upload it because the file is still actually there. Something needs to be fixed with some of these files in order for people to download them. The site owner is aware of the problem.
  7. Using the Negro League Mod. Newark Eagles at Homestead Grays. Played at Catholic Protectory Oval in the Bronx. I think the Negro League Mod is one of the most underrated total conversion mods we have here. It does not get talked about a lot but the research it took to develop the rosters alone should be worth a look into this mod. Gathering stats for these ballplayers could not have been easy for Dennis James to do and this is probably one of the main reasons why it took him about a year to create. One thing I really like about this mod is the stadiums used here that you are only going to find here. Like the Caribe mod has their own stadiums you will only find there you will get the chance to play in places such as Bacharach Park, KC Parade Way Park, Stars Park, Mack Park and the Catholic Protectory Oval that I used in today's game. This is in no way the complete list of new ballparks used here. Try this one out. You won't be sorry.
  8. A "please" and a "thank you" always works well.
  9. Very, very nice screen grabs. And it's nice to see those turn-ahead-the-clock ones being used too.
  10. I don't know what the hell daflyboys just said but I gave him a +1 anyways.
  11. Thank you KST. You always do wonderful work.
  12. From NoMaas.org. This describes Teixeira perfectly.
  13. Sure, I knew that. I've been trying to convert him for years now but he won't budge. I thought something else was up besides that.
  14. I remember seeing this mod a few years back and luckily I recalled where I saw it. A modder named DomoeYusa created this mod and you can check it out and download it
  15. Another wonderful job. Thank you.
  16. No. I'm not and no one else should have to do this for you either. If you have the two disks then you have the stadiums. Simple as that. And the Mvp Legends and Mvp Heroes are not in the Mvp 13 mod. They were replaced with the NL and AL Future Stars.
  17. I made a thread that happens to be a sticky in the Mvp 05 Support thread that is a pretty good guideline to how to do this with ease.
  18. Thank you utleyhowardhamels. I couldn't have said it better myself.
  19. Updated to 8-24 ...Have you ever watched those martial arts fight scenes in the movies? I see these guys beating each other up with anything that is nearby. An iron pipe, a chain, a metal chair. You name it and they use it on each other and they keep going. If that were me and I got hit with a pipe I am either waking up in an emergency room with a headache that will last a month or I won't wake up at all. It sucks getting old. ...David Ortiz hit his 400th home run as a member of the Boston Red Sox last week putting him in the company of Ted Williams and Carl Yastrzemski as the only Red Sox players who have hit that many home runs as a member of the Red Sox. What an honor. I mean he really earned that didn't he? <wink> <wink> There you go. Now we are back on track. ...I have been on the search for a new mouse for the past couple of weeks and Amazon is usually the first place that I look at because they have a lot of them. I neglected to mention that I was looking for a decent left-handed mouse to go with the keyboard that I bought. I expected to pay high but not this high. &#36;399 for mouse? For that amount of money I can buy me a top of the line tablet or a Playstation 4. Thanks, but I'll pass. ...If there is one thing that the Yankees and the Red Sox have in common it is that when something goes wrong they immediately look for someone to blame and when they do that that person always ends up getting fired. I am almost expecting this to happen to Yankee hitting coach Kevin Long because all year long this team has done nothing at the plate and since they are supposed to be the Bronx Bombers this is totally unacceptable. When the Yankees get six or more hits a game it is reason to break out the bubbly. It is not Long's fault that this team is not as good as they are on paper and that is exactly what I think Long's going to get. A pink slip. ...For the month of October only Microsoft will be shipping a special version of their Xbox One console system. What makes this so special is that the casing on this will be white. The console still will have a 500 MB hard drive, just like the black model, and will not have any other special features. It will still cost you &#36;399.99 -no deals here- but for an extra &#36;100 you can buy one with 1TB of storage. I saw pictures of this and it does look nice but if I had to drop some money to get an Xbox One I would be sure to get the black model because the only way items around your house stay white for a period of time is if you don't touch them and you may as well forget that with something like this. ...I wonder how Oakland Athletics fans feel, who by now are thrilled to have someone like Jon Lester on their team, repeatedly say that he would be thrilled to go back to Boston after this season is done? How do you cheer for someone like that when you know in a few short months he's getting ready to screw you? ...Stupid comment of the week goes to Magic Johnson when he was talking about the possibilities of Los Angeles getting an NFL team within the next two years. His pipe dream is to have the Raiders come back to town "because that is where they belong." They called Los Angeles home for only twelve years and the last few years that they were there people were leaving in the third quarter but according to this guy they belong there. Idiot. ...This is a big week for console football fans because on Tuesday Madden 15 is going to be released for Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360 and PS3. EA promotes the hell out of this game every year and this year they made a video that is around 3 1/2 minutes long and you don't even see anything from the game until 2 1/2 minutes go by. All that time is filled up with dancing and singing - you know the things you usually do when you are playing a football video game. People will gladly pay seventy dollars for essentially a roster update and maybe some new animations thrown in and EA knows this going in. I'm jealous and envious in a way because I wish they felt the same way about their baseball game when they had it just like their football franchise. ...In case you have not seen this video you can see it right here. ...Last week Microsoft said that they were seriously considering changing the name of Internet Explorer, their highly criticized Web browser. Their view is that a name change would end the negative perceptions that have been associated with the browser. If they do this I don't see how this is going to fix anything because the bugs, security problems and outdated technology are still going to be in the browser no matter what they want to call it. If you put a new coat of paint on the outside of a house and then ignore what has to be done on the inside you're only fooling yourself. That's what's going on here. ...What's this? The Red Sox sent all-world outfielder Jackie Bradley, Jr. to their Triple-A team in Pawtucket. They finally realized in mid-August that he can't hit major league pitching which was something that every other team in baseball knew since Opening Day. ...Browns rookie quarterback Johnny Manziel flipped the bird at the Washington Redskins out of frustration while he was running off the field during Cleveland's second preseason game because he was doing everything he should not do to impress the Browns coaching staff. With an attitude like he has he should have been drafted by the Patriots because at least on that team he would have fit in. ...Tampa Bay Rays manager Joe Maddon got a lot of heat last week because he criticized the hometown Tampa Bay Rays fans for cheering Derek Jeter consistently during the recently completed three-game series that the Rays hosted. Granted there are a lot of Yankee fans down there and most are transplanted New Yorkers who moved down to Florida to escape the snow but Maddon does have a point. All the guy is asking for is for the Rays fans to come out and root for their team and if you read between the lines he is also telling the crowd to stop kissing Jeter's a&#36;&#36; every time he sticks his head out of the dugout. ...And that right there is the only thing that bugs me about this guy. I appreciate that Derek Jeter is a great ballplayer and I'm happy he played for the Yankees all these years but I just can not bring myself to treat him like a God like the press has done virtually since he's been in the major leagues. He's just a ballplayer. The Yankees did just fine before he got there and they'll survive after he's gone. ...In case you were not alive and kicking back in 1989, today marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the lifetime banishment from baseball that Pete Rose accepted from then-commissioner A. Bartlett Giamatti. I remember watching the live feed on CNN when Giamatti began his press conference with these seven words. The banishment for life of Pete Rose... I didn't know if I should cheer or laugh and thinking back I probably did both. I was convinced at that time Rose knew exactly what he was doing and nothing that has happened after all this time has changed my mind. Even though he only held the post for six months Giamatti was a hell of a commissioner. The latest out of Rose is that he did not read the "fine print" when he signed an agreement to be banished for life because he thought he'd only been suspended for a season. Pick-up lines that you hear in bars are more believable then this because the document that Rose signed those many years ago was only a four-page one and it clearly stated that he was being banned for life. I just hope that the new commissioner of baseball does not believe what Rose is trying to sell here because the only person he has to blame is himself for this mess and not a misunderstanding a quarter century ago. ...Nick Swisher underwent surgery on both knees last Wednesday and because of that his terrible 2014 season (.208 avg, 8 HR, 42 RBI) will come to an end. This does him a big favor in a way because if the Indians do manage to make the post season he will avoid another October where the only thing you can count on him doing is walking back to the dugout after striking out. ...I am waiting to see if there is any complaining about the Red Sox signing Cuban defector Rusney Castillo to a seven-year, &#36;72.5 million deal but I know from past experiences that there will be none. Had the Yankees signed this guy to this huge contract there would be quite a few members of the media who would only be too glad to point out to everyone how the rich get richer. Can the Sox use this guy? Probably. But the reason why he's going to be wearing a Red Sox uniform for the next seven years is because Boston wanted to keep him away from New York. ...A woman visiting the zoo in Madison, Wisconsin climbed over a fence just so she could plant a kiss on a giraffe but as usual with these human and giraffe relationships, things went sour fast. The giraffe returned the kiss and then decided that she was not his type and then proceeded to turn around and kicked her in the face, which in giraffe body language means get lost. Not counting her broken heart, her injuries were non-life-threatening but she was cited for harassment of zoo animals and was fined almost &#36;700. Well, maybe it was best for her. It never would have worked out in the end. ...Of all the MLB games that were played last week the one that really stood out for me was last Thursday's game between the Tigers and the Rays where Tampa Bay beat former teammate David Price 1 - 0 even though Price only gave up one hit. The collective opinion on the Rays after the Price trade was that they lost another quality player and that they were done. If there is one thing that I have learned after watching this team for the past few years is that they are tougher than they look and that there is no quit in them and I credit that to Joe Maddon. I have always wondered if Tampa Bay had the money that the Yankees have and how good they would be? A team that has brains and knows how to use them that also has the money to get things done? Good thing for the Yankees no such team exists. ...Finally this week I want to wish a very happy birthday to Jim825. Actually it is tomorrow and if you take a glance at his screen name -Jim825- you will see for yourself why he has the 825 as part of his online name. If you have been around here for even a little while you've seen for yourself the huge impact Jim has around here. He's a big part of Total Classics and you have him to thank for the easy installer that is included in those mods. And there is not a question about the modding of the game that Jim can not answer. He's an excellent member of the staff and a good friend and I have appreciated getting to know him after all these years here. I have no doubt his family feels the same way about him although I doubt his wife has never asked him about installing multiple mods on her computer. Happy Birthday Jim and have a good one!
  20. Thank you very much Daflyboys! Another wonderful roster set for this great game of ours and you do a tremendous job. I also want to take the time out to thank the work done by Encbase13 and laroquece. You guys are very much appreciated here.
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