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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Someone's got to Williamsburg!
  2. That would be me. I am the guy who owns and operates a nationwide chain of top-of-the-line laundry establishments and I am proud to say I have a contract with every team in the NFL and Major League Baseball to insure that the uniforms that they wear when they step out on the field look as good as possible. Pleased to meet you!
  3. The game switched laundry service and the uniforms now remain cleaner a longer throughout the course of the game.
  4. This one will make you laugh. Take a look at this video so you can see exactly how the Yankees lost. Robertson serves it right down the middle. If Chris Carter did not hit that ball he should have been fined. The Yankees find a new goat every damn night to lose the game. Tonight it was Robertson's turn.
  5. Thank you very much Rising Sun. I love this guy. He does great work.
  6. Yes it is. And you are not missing anything. What Deadshot said in his post was very, very accurate. That is how all Red Sox prospects are looked at. Every pitcher they have is either the next right-handed Greg Maddux or the next left-handed Sandy Koufax and every hitter down there is a potential batting champion and Mvp. With the Yankee farmhands they treat them like they are all lucky to be getting a paycheck because none of them are worth their weight in bubble gum.
  7. Oh no, you assumed right. This is all on me. It's my mistake. There is a of the ballpark that Dennis made and that can be substituted also. Or, if he wants a 2012 one he can grab the Mvp 12 mod and use that.
  8. Yes he did, It is a few pages in but it's there and it can be found The OP has been here for almost ten years now and should by now be familiar with using the search tool. But, that's that. Here's the stadium and I hope it works out for the OP.
  9. Like he said, in the download section.
  10. I agree. But what bothers me is that they dismiss all of them and at the same time treat anyone who is the Boston farm system as a potential MVP.
  11. Yeah, he is. And the reason why you didn't hear anything about him before was because he was a Yankee prospect and ESPN wants you to believe that everyone in the Yankee system sucks. Imagine if Shane Greene was a member of the Red Sox. The hype surrounding him would be off the charts.
  12. I should have realized this after years of installing these season mods.
  13. Ok, two things. What teams are you seeing the 2005 jerseys? Let's look at the 1915 mod for a minute. See this one? It has the Browns 2005 uniform choice. But it is blacked out and that means you can't choose it. But if you scroll down you will find the Browns 1915 Home uniform. Katie Roy has nothing to do with the uniform problem you are having but you should make this profile. Create a player and name it Katie Roy. First name Katie, last name Roy. Save it and you will have all the unlocked uniforms, stadiums and whatever else they make you earn.
  14. Beautiful, just beautiful. Too bad that SOB didn't make the final out. Go back and look at that first pitch to Brock Holt Dennis. The pitch was up but a little inside. I watched this video twice and the first time I viewed it I thought you got away with one there. And what I would do for Mvp 14. I'd wash your car for you. Mow your lawn. Paint your house. Name it.
  15. Updated to 8-17 ...When those twenty-four people were stuck on that roller coaster at Six Flags in Maryland last Sunday it just confirmed to me that that is the reason why I never go on those things because besides being afraid of falling out I was also terrified of never being able to get off. ...Pardon me while I record this, Dept: A group of exotic dancers picketed topless last week outside the New Beginnings Ministries church in Warsaw, Ohio because for the past eight years they have said the members of that church have been harassing the girls that work their and videotaping the license plates of the customers that visit their club so they can post them on the internet for everyone to see. Because judges denied two injunctions that would have prevented the church protesters not to gather outside of the nightclub's parking lot, the club's owner decided to save the church goers a trip and brought his girls, minus their t-shirts to the front of the church so they can see what it was like to have someone picket them. That may have been the last thing that the church wanted to happen because the girls spent more time posing for pictures and signing autographs than holding up signs. I wonder why. ...Probably because she feels she does not get enough attention as it is, Kim Kardashian is releasing a book of selfies which be be available in April of next year for $19.95. The name of the book is called Selfish which also can double as the name of her autobiography. This book will be 352 pages long unless she continues to take more self photos and in that case there will be a second volume. ...Another woman became the victim of being stoned to death by a crowd in Syria last week because she was accused of being an adulteress. Jihadi fighters brought the woman and to make sure she didn't do anything to spoil their fun they placed her in a hole in the ground to await her punishment. As soon as the W.B. Mason truck arrived with the large pile of stones that they pre-ordered for the festivities the soldiers started showing off their throwing arms to the public and since they engage in this practice every few weeks they rarely missed their target and woman mercifully did not suffer long. About one hundred yards away from where the woman was killed the man involved in this affair of the heart had to answer for his part in this as he was beaten with feathers and sent home without supper. ...I don't know if this is true or not but knowing the Yankees it would not surprise me at all to learn that it is. Kate Upton told Michael Strahan when she was guest hosting on Live! with Kelly and Michael that the Yankees would not let her wear any Tigers gear (no hat, no jersey, etc) while sitting in the Legends seats at Yankee Stadium. I understand that they are the most expensive seats in the stadium and they the closest to the field but having her wear a Tiger hat as she takes the game in will have no affect on the outcome of the game at all because the Yankees make sure they lose without any outside help. ...A former postmaster general recently wrote a letter to the current postmaster general to complain about the Post Office allowing the Harry Potter characters on postage stamps. He argued that the stamp program "should celebrate the things that are great about the United States" and I have no problem with that but the financially-strapped Postal Service has sold over $100 million dollars worth of these stamps and that's something you can't ignore. This makes me laugh because here's this guy complaining about movie characters on a stamp but has said nothing about the recently released Janis Joplin stamp in their Music Icons series. All this woman ever did was drink whiskey like it was water and bang everyone that said hi to her. This woman he leaves alone but he goes after Harry Potter? :D ...Tattoo You, Dept:I had to go to a family picnic last week by myself because my wife was out of town visiting her mother. She's always the lucky one. I spent a few hours with people that I have not seen since the picnic we had last year and if luck is on my side I won't see them again until next August. Don't take it that I dislike being there, it's just that I have nothing in common with them and they really don't know me or a lot about me. Let me give you an example. Back in 1991 one of my cousins got married and I was asked to be in the wedding party. So I did. That year at the picnic one lady -a relative mind you- asked me how my wife was. When I informed her I was not married she insisted three times that I was and said that she remembered because she was at my wedding. I told her if you were you were the only one there because I am not married. She had me confused with my recently married cousin and we don't even look alike. And no, she does not have Alzheimer's. She's still alive and kicking today and making the same mistakes. Enough of that. On to last week. I got there and I immediately hung around with the same group of people that I always talk to. They're the ones that know I've had a disability retirement for the past five years now. Everyone else thinks I'm still working. These are the relatives that enjoy talking about sports and could care less what movie was on the Lifetime Channel that night or even what channel that network is on DirectTV. I also didn't mind going because my niece was going to be there and now that she is nineteen I don't see much of her and after I did I kind of wished I didn't. She asked me to come over and she then proceeded to show me that she got a tattoo on her right leg. When people say they could have knocked someone over with a feather that is what they could have done to me. I didn't even know she was interested in those things but when you are that young and you see everyone else doing it you just tend to go along with it. I personally can not stand tattoos and I wish I knew how this craze started. When I was nineteen the two types of people that were associated with tattoos were motorcycle gangs and sailors and I found out a few years later when I joined the Navy how much of a stereotype that was because during all the time that I served in San Diego and Pearl Harbor I did not know of one person that got tattooed. Sure I saw them but it was only on occasion. Lord knows what they look like now. When my niece asked me how I liked her tattoo I replied that I liked her other leg better. ...There is a saying that is always heard on television that goes something like this: no matter what kind of crime was committed the person that did it will make some kind of mistake which will lead to his or her downfall. And that's how the television bad guy is caught, he leaves behind a clue and he gets caught and everything gets wrapped up neat and clean in sixty minutes. In real life every criminal is not caught but every so often they follow the TV script whether they mean to or not. A nineteen-year-old Minnesota boy was visiting his father in Wisconsin back on July 29th when he was tragically murdered when he was shot in the back of the head. Up until a few days ago the police had no leads as to who was responsible for pulling the trigger until they received help from none other than the killer himself after he recorded and uploaded a rap song detailing what he did and how he did it. Some people will do anything for fame. Well, he's got it now. The victim's family is never going to forget him. ...When I saw that picture of the seven-year-old boy holding up a man's severed head the first thing I thought of is if he is encouraged to do something like this at this young of an age how dangerous is this kid going to be when he is older and is on his own? ...No Thanks for the Memories, Dept: Last Tuesday was the twentieth anniversary of the work stoppage that lead to the cancellation of the 1994 baseball season. It officially died and was put to rest on September 14th of that year. From someone who saw it all happen I still do not understand after all these years why they had to go on strike for even one day. For the first time in my life I went through an October without watching playoff baseball. Baseball may be a summer time game but there is nothing like watching it in the fall especially when your team is playing and so much at stake. The greed of the players and the owners took that away from everyone and to this day I know of people that do not feel the same way about baseball as they did before this happened. I should know, I'm one of them. I don't care about baseball as I once did. I used to plan my fall vacations around the World Series because I wanted to watch all the games and not worry about how late they ended and not have to worry about waking up early for work the next day. I went years without missing a game when the Series was on but now I could care less. Who knows, if there never had been a strike I would have even tuned in during the three seasons the Red Sox were playing but as it turned out I found other things to do and when the games run late I find something else to do to pass my time. Two years later the Yankee run began and it was fun to watch them be at the top of their game again but not even that overshadowed the selfishness that both sides showed in 1994. ...I am on my own this week as my wife is away visiting her mother because she had a second knee replacement surgery and now she's re-cooperating in a nursing home before they let her go. I couldn't tag along because I had to take care of the dogs and we had no place to keep them if we were both going to be staying with her for hours on end. Someone had to do it and I made sure I did not crack a smile until she pulled out of the driveway and took off. ...Last Friday night the Tigers had 10,000 Miguel Cabrera bobbleheads that they were giving away which had Cabrera holding his back-to-back American League MVP awards from 2012 and 2013. As far as bobbleheads go this one looked pretty nice except for one thing. Cabrera won his Most Valuable Player awards for the Detroit Tigers, a team that has been in the American League since their first year in existence in 1901. But on the bobblehead that was given away they identified him as the National League MVP. Well, they were close. They could have said the Pacific Coast League. The people that made the bobblehead apologized and took "full responsibility" for the error. Of course they did. Who else are they going to blame? ...It was so sad to hear about Robin Williams dying last Monday because it came as a huge shock. I knew he had substance abuse problems and that was about it. This guy was a comic genius who became one hell of a dramatic actor. The first time I ever saw him was on a Happy Days episode where he appeared to Ritchie Cunningham in a dream sequence. He was so good that they immediately gave him his own show (Mork and Mindy) and her never looked back. The only thing that got in the way of his success was him and I find that sad. R.I.P.
  16. Pardon me while I pick myself up off the floor. The Yankees won today.
  17. People that make these kind of posts usually have no idea how much work is has to be done to put together a season mod. It is a tough job and if there isn't one for 2014 that's fine and if they want to do one for next year then I will lend a hand.
  18. Great job Yankees. Five losses in a row now. What a joke. Star of the game was Mark Teixeira who struck out with the bases loaded to end the eighth inning. The son of a *&$^@.
  19. I am wondering if this may help some people here. I downloaded a file recently when I was over at the OOTP board and it has some updated photos that you may be able to use. You can download the file from this dropbox link right here: https://dl.dropboxus....4ZTK0PsQbLuB_Q There are 1,452 photos in this and it is about 108 mb download. They are in .png format and are 170x255 in size. Here are what two of them look like.
  20. Now that you got that out of the way you can do installs for any other season mod we have here. They're all good, grab them all.
  21. Install patch #2 in the main Mvp directory.
  22. Good luck. It's usually something simple or at least that is how it is with me when something doesn't work and when I find out what I missed I get upset with myself.
  23. Did you read over that thread that I made? Because if you followed it step-by-step you would be playing it by now.
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