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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Welcome to the website and I hope you enjoy it because there is a lot of it to look over and learn about. I encourage you to use the forum's search tools to help you with your questions because there is a very, very good chance that that problem has come up before. As I said this question has been asked and daflyboys, who is the roster demigod around here recommends for people to DELETE their current roster (in your case the 2013 one) and then put in its place the new roster. Try that and you'll have some good results. Don't thank me, I'm just paraphrasing the Master.
  2. Read the directions in and you will be fine.
  3. Some people only come here to criticize the work of the modders and somehow that is supposed to make them feel better. That's the only way to do it. Thank you. After all this, I want to say thank you again to Rising Sun for his continued contributions.
  4. Not for nothing but you joined this site over ten years ago. How are you new?
  5. Don't bump your posts. If someone has any ideas on how to help you they will come in here and do it.
  6. This guy is unstoppable! Thank you.
  7. I guess you could but I am not 100% sure. I wish you luck and come back in here and let us know how you make out and I hope it is nothing but good news.
  8. Oh heck yeah, you have enough to play this game. I believe you. This problem you are having makes no sense. I wish I could help you solve this.
  9. It's ok, there's always mix-ups. No problem. And I have been thinking about your problem off and on today and maybe it could be that you have a lot of things running in the background? Also, what are your specs on your computer? Remember, this is a nine year old game and all newer computers should be able to play this game with no issues.
  10. Did you actually bother to read what daflyboys wrote? He explained that Adobe CS2 is a free program for anyone interested in downloading it. That program has nothing to do with Mvp 05 and will not help you run the game better or worse.
  11. Not that I need it but I didn't know you could download XP? And if this is from an illegal site, well we don't need to know.
  12. Yankee4Life


    A.J. Burnett never looked so good! Thank you.
  13. You do what you want. All I did was suggest. But if I were a new user and I wanted to try out this mod and it didn't include a readme file or any kind of help file included in the download I would not be too comfortable attempting to use it.
  14. I think you should re-consider and include a readme file with this mod because not everyone who is going to download this will know exactly what to do with this file and it will save you a lot of explaining and back-and-forth e-mails. Remember there are new Mvp users joining every day and they are not used to installing mods without some directions to follow.
  15. I am kind of puzzled as to why this is happening to you as you try to play the game on Windows 7. I play Mvp 05 on an XP laptop, a Windows 7 laptop and a Vista desktop with no problems at all to report. Yeah sure, but why would you even want to? And now that I think about it you almost couldn't unless you really want to sacrifice some things. You can play this game with all of the original out-of-the-box unmodded stadiums but you will be sacrificing a lot because the stadiums EA made were bland and boring. You can also play the game without any of the uniforms that were made on this site and that means you won't have much choices in that department. And I believe that is that because if you want to use updated rosters you'll have to have the updated portraits and cyberfaces that go along with them or be resigned to use the default rosters from 2005. Personally I would try to figure out why my game is running slow before I do this.
  16. Not even that matters anymore. I guess I am just getting tired of watching these underachieving teams.
  17. Sunday, August 10th, 2014. That's the day that I have officially quit on the New York Yankees. I don't care anymore. This team knows exactly what they should do to themselves and then when they are done they should do it again. **** them. From here on out I can watch baseball without a care in the world. I hate this team of overpaid quitters.
  18. Very nice to see you in here again and if I have anything to say about it at all I wish you would not make yourself scarce anymore. I have Hardball 5, Tony 3 and Old Time Baseball still in the original jewel cases and I still play them a lot. I'm with you, I think this would be a collectable sale too but I'm biased because I love these three games. Before you decide to sell them I want you to know that you can still play them if you use a program called DOSBOX. and I play all these games today regularly on my XP laptop. Best of luck in what you decide to do.
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