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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Using the Mvp Asia Mod 2014. Chiba Lote Marines at Tokyo Yakult Swallows. Played at the Tokyo Dome.
  2. Mvp Baseball Asia Series Continued This speedy Lions hitter was trying to stretch his hit into a triple and as the screen capture shows, this is exactly what he did but the third base umpire called him out. The guys that made this mod made a major upgrade on the uniforms worn by the umpires. Great job. What is good for the Carp is good for the Lion: Saitama is the beneficiary of a bad call this time as a bad throw by the second baseman makes the shortstop lung for the ball which drove him off the bag. The umpire did not see it that way and the force was made.
  3. Recently a modder named chunyanlin announced the release of the Mvp Asia Series 2014. This was a collective effort of a group of Asian modders to create a mod with an Asian feel to it and after playing only one game in it I have to say that they succeeded. The mod itself is not hosted here but you can follow this link here to get it. It's hosted on Mediafire and there are six parts to it. Installation for this mod is very simple and all I did was extract it to the directory that I wanted it in and that was that. Everything is provided for you here except for the EXE file for the game. No big deal, I just grabbed one from my other installs and I was ready to dive into this. That's all it took to get this going. This mod is built off of the Mvp 2012 mod that was made here a few years back and permission was granted by those modders to allow the Asian team to create their mod. If permission was not granted this review would have never been written. Personally I am very impressed that chunyanlin and everyone that he worked with on this mod took the time to ask to use the 2012 mod as a base because there is another group of modders who have been taking the work done by the modders here without permission and passing it off as their own. So, thank you to the Asian team for doing the right thing. That aside, let's get into what this mod has and does not have. All the Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese teams are included in this mod along with two independent leagues and National teams. They must have had a small army of uniform makers because there are over three hundred uniforms in that mod and that is no exaggeration. I checked over quite a few teams before I played my first game and the options for each team is quite a lot. But as much time as they spent creating the Asian team uniforms that is as much time they did not spend creating any new stadiums for this mod. Every stadium that was part of the 2012 mod was present in this mod too. The game that I played between the Saitama Seibu Lions and the Hiroshima Carp was played at the Carp's "home" ballpark which was Oriole Park at Camden Yards in Baltimore. The only Asian stadium included in this mod is the Tokyo Dome and the only reason for that is that it was part of the 2012 mod. If it wasn't part of that mod that would have never made it. Believe it or not they didn't even include the >Seibu Dome that Salva made back in 2008. This was the only part of the mod that I found to be lacking. The loading screens, cyberfaces, portraits and mod overlay were very well done and they should be proud of what they accomplished here because the work in these areas look great. But what really made this mod stand up to show everyone how good it is and good it has the potential to be is the music that was part of it. The music included here gives you a clear idea of how much the people in Asia love their baseball. Between every pitch there is something going on. You will hear cheering, chanting, singing, horn blowing and music being constantly played but not to a point where you are tired of it. I recommend that you play with the Mvp announcers off to take full advantage of this because Kuiper and Krukow do not fit in this game. The walk-up music is very well done and the songs chosen for the jukebox are songs that I have never heard before in my life but whoever chose them for this mod picked the right ones because they fit the style and atmosphere of this game perfectly. As I said I played an exhibition game between the Saitama Seibu Lions and the Hiroshima Carp and the Carp won the game on a two-out single in the bottom of the ninth. Besides being a pitchers duel which is my favorite type of game, this game was enjoyable to play because of the things they included in this. This one is definitely a keeper. Screenshots Welcome to Mvp Baseball Asia Series 2014 Between innings as the Saitama Seibu Lions and the Hiroshima Carp are scoreless. As you can see the game is being played in Baltimore. Nice looking overlay for the Asia Series.
  4. That is where you will only find it.
  5. Updated to 8-10 ...Not that it's ever going to happen but I have tried to picture Andrew McCutchen in a Yankee uniform minus that long hair and I just can't do it. ...To be fair he would look a lot better than does now with Ozark mountain beard he's been sporting for the Tigers. He looks like the idiot I always knew he was. ...Go Jon, Go, Dept: Jon Bon Jovi has been rumored to be among the top contenders to purchase the Buffalo Bills after the death of Ralph Wilson earlier this year. Even though Bon Jovi has repeatedly stated that he would not want to move the team out of Western New York and even went as far as penning an open letter to the fans in The Buffalo News that he is committed to making the Bills successful in Buffalo, the fan base does not believe him because it was reported that he was scouting out possible stadium sites in Ontario as recently as last weekend. You should keep in mind that he is (1) not the owner yet and (2) the Bills have played regular season games in Toronto since the 2008 season so if you think that these people are putting the cart in front of the horse you are exactly right but in this case the horse isn't even there yet. To get his attention someone thought of the idea to "ban Bon Jovi music" and like a lot of dumb ideas this one also caught on and consequently sports bars and radio stations in the area are now refusing to play any of his songs. Bills fans are a strange lot so it doesn't surprise me that this idea was picked up on. I've been in sports bars where groups of them would be around the big screen TV screaming at the team and emptying out pitchers of beer faster than the waitresses could bring them over. These people would go crazy and start pounding one other on the back and hugging each other when they made a three yard gain. The first time I witnessed this I had to ask the guy next to me if I missed something and he told me no and to just hang around the next time Buffalo kicks off and they tackle the opposing team's return guy. That's when they really lose it. I normally do not like to see any team leave and go to a new city because I still recall how upset I was when the Raiders left Oakland after the 1981 season and I don't even live there. But I would make an exception with this team because around here we are forced to watch all eight of their road games and usually when there is a decent team visiting Rich Stadium the Bills don't sell out and we get blacked out. And when you talk about front-runners you had better not forget these fans. When they were winning back in the 90's and were going to four straight Super Bowls you couldn't turn around without seeing a Buffalo hat or jacket or sometimes even a Bills painted car or house. But either they all died or moved away or they raised the prices on all Bills gear by 75% because you don't see their stuff anymore. Do what you got to do Bon Jovi. ...Not too long ago a nine-year-old Minnesota girl walked into a police station and proceeded to turn in her parents for smoking, growing and selling pot. The police later said that she was very upset to have to come there to tell them this but she felt she had to, which is the mantra that has been heard from every snitch since Judas Iscariot opened his mouth for thirty pieces of silver. What's done is done but all this kid got for what she did was a pat on the back from the police and into foster homes for the next nine years and for the parents their grocery bill is going to go down and from now on they'll have to learn to hide their stuff a lot better. ...When I saw those pictures of seventy-one-year-old Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones with those hot girls last week the first thing that I thought of is that some people really know how to live. ...A couple of weeks ago I wrote about a fanatical Cleveland Browns fan who traveled to Maryland just to pee over the grave of former Browns owner Art Modell, who did the unthinkable by taking the Browns out of Cleveland after the 1995 season. The idiot could have got away with it had he not filmed what he did but then where's the fun in that when you can't show the entire world how stupid you are? He got away with it longer than I expected but last week after checking the tattoos on his arms to the video and making him take a urinalysis, the police charged a sixty-one-year old Franklin, Ohio man with disorderly conduct in a cemetery, which is a misdemeanor. Because he was unable and unwilling to hold his bladder he could be facing up to two years in jail and a $500 fine. I think the next time he considers pulling a stunt like this he should leave his video camera at home. ...One thing I hate about doctor's offices besides having to go there is when I am waiting for them to call my name so I can go back there it never fails that someone else will come in ten or fifteen minutes after me and will check in and be seen before I am. ...I can do without Yasiel Puig and Albert Pujols but to choose between them Pujols would be the lesser of two evils because as lazy and overrated as he is he doesn't hot dog it at all out there. In that department Puig has him beat hands down. There was a play in last week's Angel - Dodger series at Dodger Stadium that showed how Puig, however talented he can be at times, does not belong out on the field. With Pujols on first base a fly ball was hit out to center field where Puig was playing and Puig strolled under the ball slower than an old man walking in the park. Pujols, who is not known for his speed made it into second base without a problem and that must have given Don Mattingly in the Dodger dugout a slow burn after seeing that. When you watch people like this play the game you have to wonder where these players stopped learning the fundamentals of the game. ...As much as I despise players like Puig I can't stand Mark Teixeira even more and because he's a Yankee that makes him a thorn in my side. I'm tired of reading about this guy's long list of injuries. His wrist, his knees, his back, his other wrist, a stomach ache, a stubbed toe, a sore pinky and a runny nose. And that's all this year. And before last Monday's game with Detroit for the first time ever he begged out of the lineup with dizziness and light-headedness which in a way was very surprising since I always suspected there was nothing between his ears in the first place. I have little patience for players like this who play like All-Stars before they become Yankees and then when they get here and are paid an insane amount of money (23 million for this winner) they shut it down and could care less who notices. ...Eric Kearney, who is a Democratic state senator from Ohio, wants the Cleveland Indians to drop their name and Chief Wahoo mascot because he says it is racially insensitive and blah, blah, blah. It must have been a slow day in the state capital in Ohio since he had to bring this up. Between the clamoring to change the name of the Washington Redskins and the Indians it must make voters happy that their elected officials have nothing else to do except see that professional sports teams change their names because they don't like it. ...The New York Mets gave away a W.B. Mason collectible truck last week to their fans before a game against the Giants but instead of having the Mets logo on the truck they had a Phillies logo on it. Picture the Red Sox having a Dustin Pedroia T-shirt giveaway and they mistakenly give out Derek Jeter shirts instead. That's how big of a mistake this was for the Citi Field faithful. Probably the same people who printed out the misspelled Troy Tulowitzki T-shirts were responsible for this too. ...Gene Simmons of Kiss is one of the few celebrities to come out in public in support of Donald Sterling and because he did I am very curious to see how much grief he is going to get for it. Simmons made it clear that he did not support what Sterling said but rather that he should have been let off with a fine because what he said was in private. That's just about what I said in here when this all first happened but since I am not a celebrity I didn't have to explain myself. Simmons explained that all people make racist rants or off-color jokes in private and if you care to admit it or not that is true. Keep your ears open the next time you are at a party or a holiday gathering. It can be as innocent as someone re-telling a joke that they heard at work that they thought was funny. There isn't a person alive that wishes they can take back some of the things that they have said. I wonder how the Clippers players felt about Sterling before these tapes became public. There's a good chance not all of them had wonderful and kind things to say about him but the only difference here is that no one was recording them so it could be used against them later. ...Singer Marianne Faithfull claimed last week that it was her boyfriend, who main source of income was being a heroin dealer, was responsible for the death of Jim Morrison of the Doors. She explained that he went to see him and that the heroin that he gave Morrison was too strong and it ended up killing him. As any Doors fan will tell you that is how died so what she is saying here adds nothing to the speculation of how Morrison died. While Morrison did take heroin I highly doubt that her boyfriend had anything to do with it because if he had there would be no way she would keep this a secret for forty-three years. Women just can not do something like this. By a strange coincidence she has a new album coming out next month so that could explain why she decided to share her big secret with the world because she needs all the publicity she can get. ...Carl Crawford said in a radio interview that his playing time in Boston was "a scar that would never go away" and that he made a huge mistake in signing with the Red Sox and that right now he wants nothing to do with Boston. All of a sudden he just became my favorite Dodger. ...I was happy to see that Johnny Manziel is wearing #2 for the Cleveland Browns. I was worried that he was going to take Bernie Kosar's #19. ...The Yankees lost 3 - 0 yesterday afternoon to the Cleveland Indians to break their modest three game winning streak. It got to be too much for them to take so Corey Kluber had no trouble at all notching his thirteenth win of the year. He struck out ten Yankees in six innings of work while only giving up four hits. You would think that would have been the story of the game but incredibly it was Derek Jeter who stole the show with a sixth inning single that put him past Honus Wagner for sixth place in the all-time hit category. I think that's great and I also hope Jeter gets a lot more hits before this season comes to a close on September 28th in Boston. As much as I like the guy his sayonara season has taken over every Yankee game this year even the ones he is not playing in and it is overshadowing everything. And as much as I dislike Alex Rodriguez I think if Jeter had said he was going to retire next year instead of this year, Rodriguez would have been able to return with a lot less attention on him. Who wants to pay attention to A-Rod when Derek Jeter just hit his 50,000th foul ball in Fenway Park? Maybe he'll get another parting gift. ...The Lays Company, which usually knows a thing or two about potato chips have two new flavors of chips out now that no amount of money can make me try. Bacon, Mac and Cheese potato chips. You won't need a fork when you have this but maybe have some Pepto-Bismol nearby and Cappuccino flavored potato chips where you have to supply your own whipped cream. Thanks anyway but I'll still to regular flavored or the barbecued ones like always.
  6. I know what it was. But why?
  7. What do I have to do with all this? Why involve me?
  8. Forget what I said then. Glad you got it now.
  9. Do me a favor and try this. Grab a few mp3 songs. Any of them that you have that you can easily get to. Convert these songs into ASF files and see if they work for you. They should and once you are comfortable with the process you can re-do your entire playlist and then rename the songs too in the game via Loclook.
  10. No. That depends on the song. I have seen ASF files bigger than that.
  11. I do it in its own directory. Never had a problem.
  12. You did something wrong. Read
  13. I blame daflyboys for this game. Here I was minding my own business and he goes around talking about Tiger Woods 2008. I see that there was a good deal on Amazon and I said to myself why not give it a shot? Ever since I got it in the mail I have had nothing but trouble because there has not been a sandtrap or body of water in that game that I have not missed.
  14. That's true and I didn't think of that. Good point. It's not touchy, it's very cut and dry. You want the pirated game or if you are looking for the no-CD crack for the game then you go someplace else and ask because if you ask in here you won't get very far. So let me get this straight. Because this game is "ancient" you are saying that it should be available for anyone to grab it if they want to? Maybe some kind soul will be generous to upload the game right here so people won't have to look around the internet for it? Do you realize that as soon as Mvp 2005 was released in February of 2005 someone uploaded the game to the warez sites and it has been making its rounds on the newsgroups and illegal software sites since that time? It has never been hard to find an illegal copy of this game at any time. I would personally have a very big problem giving any kind of support to someone who has downloaded the game because I think they don't deserve it. Even though it is an "ancient game" as you say it is still copyrighted by EA Sports and if we were stupid enough to allow the download of this game on this site or provide links to another site that has this game EA would not be happy about it and they'd let us know about it. I know this game can be pricey at times and that it is still in demand. But as far as I can see there are always copies of Mvp 05 being sold and if someone really wants the game then they fork over the cash and that's that. If they feel it is too expensive then I don't feel bad for them at all. They made their free choice.
  15. KCCitystar explained this perfectly. No one can stop you from downloading the pirated version of this game but if you do so you must always keep these two things in mind. First you will not get one bit of support in here because you did not purchase the game and secondly there is a problem with the downloaded version because some things (mods) do not work with it along with other problems. I understand the game is expensive now but that is because of this website and all the mods we have for it. Please look over this rule that is posted in the site rules for further explanation: No warez, cracks, or links to such content. Help, requests or posts that discuss circumvention of copyright measures are forbidden. This includes linking to illegally obtained software, movies & music files - posting about it, and suggesting obtaining it.
  16. Thanks for your continued contributions.
  17. I agree. And there are so many changes from opening day that if those rosters are used after the season is done you'll notice some things if you pay attention close enough. For example players who had a great year last year will have those attributes going into this season, right? Well, what if they end up having a lousy season? You will adjust it for what they did. And the opposite works too. I think whatever you come up with is going to work.
  18. A few random thoughts about the recently completed Tiger - Yankee series: ...Anyone who expected the Yankees to win three of the four games raise their hand. I thought so. ...It does seem that the Yankees do have some decent players in their minor league system and when given the chance they can really show what they do. I don't care if Sabathia ever comes back and Nova is out of the picture for a long time. Guys like Greene and Whitley are really showing they belong. ...If Shane Greene were a Red Sox prospect they'd of already had his Hall of Fame plaque made. ...Detroit's still got nothing to worry about because pitching wins divisions and their closest competitor is the Kansas City Royals and that takes care of that. Before long the Royals will realize they are in a pennant race and will start to choke, as is their team custom. ...As always, thanks for your help Mark Teixeira.
  19. There's a chance you may be late but it can't hurt to send him a private message to see if it is still available.
  20. I think it has something to do with the configuration of your gamepad and that is why you are having this happen to you. I use either a Saitek P880 or a Gravis Gamepad and I never once had the problems you are describing.
  21. Just to be sure is your question for the 2k game or Mvp 05?
  22. Not to worry about not finding this thread. It's a pinned thread in the support area.
  23. You are going to find out once you have been here awhile that it is easier for some people to complain about the work of others rather than learning how to do it themselves. If they are not crying about their quality of work they are complaining about the work not being released fast enough. This has happened since this site started.
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