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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Ok, that's it. You've had your say. I did not spend all these months working on this thread to have it end up like this. This is not what this thread is about so please stop ruining it. Spungo has not left this website for good. He comes back when he wants to and I don't see any reason at all to re-hash old complaints or opinions about him. It's over and done with.
  2. You didn't follow the directions correctly.
  3. Boston – Fanatics game continued
  4. Boston – Fanatics game continued
  5. After I saw Ortiz ham it up for the ESPN cameras on Sunday Night Baseball and point up to the sky and to the grandstand and the people in the bleachers, I decided to play another game of Mvp 2007 to let Ortiz know how much I enjoyed his little show. Using Mvp 2007 mod. Boston Red Sox vs Forum Fanatics. Game played at Old Yankee Stadium by Paulw.
  6. I am not going to get into it. The best thing is to leave it alone and respect him enough to have his own opinion about this. That's all I'll say.
  7. Same for me. I had my credit card out ready to pay for this cyberface too and I was relieved to learn that it was free.
  8. Coming from an Mvp user I have viewed your cyberfaces from time to time and I like what you have done and you should keep doing what you are doing and releasing them when you are ready and if people do not appreciate them then there is no one from stopping them from making these faces by themselves.
  9. I think both specs sound good to me and both should also run this game with no sweat.
  10. At second glance at that face you are right.
  11. That is eye black. It has been put there by the cyberface creator who made that face.
  12. No problem but where the hell were you four years ago when we were looking for you?
  13. I am with daflyboys here. The reason why I don't like to see a detailed post quoted back at me after I read it once the first time is that there is a good chance something could be missed. You already went into detail what you were doing and to quote it again was almost like overkill. Again, it's not the worst thing that's ever happened in here so it's nothing to be defensive about with him.
  14. Updated to 8-3 ...Alms to the Poor, Dept: The Boston Red Sox managed to turn the Trade Deadline Day into "Help out the Red Sox Day" because they somehow managed to get rid of a bunch of pitchers that they didn't want and the one that was actually worth something kept on saying to anyone that would listen that he would be "very open to return to Boston" after the season is completed. Despite all that the Oakland Athletics were the only team to buy into Boston's tale of woe and they agreed to send right handed Cuban outfielder Yoenis Cespedes to Fenway Park for the rights to have Lester for two months. If Lester goes back to Boston in the off season there should be an immediate investigation held. But they weren't done. They send over paid John Lackey to St. Louis so Cardinal fans could see first hand how bad he really is. Everybody that the Red Sox wanted to get rid of they did and they found teams more than willing to help them out. Even the Yankees lent a hand by taking Stephen Drew off their hands. The only guy I can think of who is going to be excited about this trade is Michael Kay...What I want to know is how some teams can make these trades and other teams like the Yankees can't. You can't tell me if Austin Jackson was a Yankee that he would have been involved in this trade because if he played for New York they would be asking for a lot more...That's a funny thing by the way. People put down the Yankee farm system but when it comes time to talk trade they suddenly get very greedy...After everything settled down I took a look at the Detroit roster and those guys are going to overpower you with pitching every single day and when you will be very tough to beat. The only team that can even get close is Oakland and I anticipate a very interesting October between these two teams...Maybe it will be a good thing that the Yankees won't be in the playoffs this year (I'm predicting this right now) because Brian Cashman can sit down and see how these two teams built themselves to be the best in the American League and it certainly did not do it by signing people like Carlos Beltran and then hoping he could play like he was 24 again. ...Going into the first game of the Rangers series last week the Yankees had lost two in a row to a superior Blue Jays team and when they got to Texas they pretended to give Yu Darvish a good fight but then decided screw it and put their bats away in the fifth inning and called it a night. They've made a habit out of playing these same kind of games for a couple of years now so it was really nothing out of the ordinary. But instead of talking about losing their third game in a row the next day, the newspaperman had to point out that Derek Jeter, by collecting three hits, moved past Carl Yastrzemski for seventh place on baseball's all-time hits list. Who gives a *#%^???? I'd of been happier reading that he hit a sacrifice fly and that the Yankees won. I know it's not his fault because he's not the one writing the articles but they are using Jeter's last year to cover up a lot of things about this team and the main thing is that even with Tanaka not getting injured and Teixeira not getting hurt for the 10th time in the month of July this team has more holes than a moth-infested closet. ...The Yankees designated Jeff Francis for assignment after appearing in only two games and pitching a grand total of 1 2/3 innings. Makes me wonder who he pissed off to get the boot so quickly. With the Yankees it could be something simple like mistakenly parking in someone else's parking spot. ...I can go years without thinking about Carl Yastrzemski and this week I find myself a reason to write about him twice. Talking to the Boston Globe Yaz said that he thought David Ortiz was the second-best hitter in Red Sox history behind Ted Williams. He even put Ortiz ahead of himself because Ortiz had more power than him. And this was a guy who played with Jim Rice, a man no one ever considered an easy out at the plate. I'm no Yastrzemski fan but I still find it disturbing to see his mind go this late in life. ...I find it almost beyond belief that a lot of people do not pull over to the side when the police or the fire trucks or ambulances need to get by when they have their flashers on. Isn't this one of the first things you learn when you are taking the course to get your driver's license? I wonder if these people are thinking that all the vehicles with the flashing lights are on their way to lunch and they are in a hurry because they don't want to be late? ...We got a new puppy about a month and a half ago and last Tuesday morning the vet called our house to let us know that the dog had to have a prescription for some pills to clear up a minor thing that they had discovered and that meant a trip to the vet for me to pick them up. When I got there I saw a woman standing out in front of the building and I could see that she was crying and I knew that meant only one thing and it didn't mean that she was there because her pet had to get her nails trimmed. I asked if if she was ok and she could hardly talk but I made out through the tears that her sister was inside with her cat and she had the cat for sixteen years and it was on its way out and probably was not going to survive the day. I stayed outside with her for a few minutes before I went in to get the pills and when I came back out to go home she was still standing in the same spot just as upset. She thanked me for taking time out of my day to check on her but this little piece here isn't about what I did and how I spent a few minutes out of my day to see if a stranger was ok. I've always believed that working in an animal hospital has to be one of the toughest jobs to have and just seeing the look on that woman's face and imagining what she had to be thinking because she knew when she finally composed herself and went back inside she would have to say goodbye to her cat and go home alone. I just happened to be there to witness this but the employees there must see this scenario repeat itself over and over too many times. I don't know if I'd be able to handle it as well as they do. ...Did anyone hear about that seventeen-year-old kid in India who went through a seven hour operation to have 232 teeth removed from his mouth? The kid had a swelling on the right side of his lower jaw and when he went to get medical help for it and they discovered that was suffering from a condition known as complex odontoma, or more commonly known as a sore mouth. I couldn't imagine having that many teeth and having them all removed at once. I have a hard enough time when one tooth is removed from my mouth since I'm the world's worst patient when I'm sitting in a dentist's chair. When I'm in that seat everything scares me even when the dentist comes in and says hello because I know the novocaine shot isn't too far behind. ...Last week Amazon announced a new Kindle Unlimited service that will allow you to read up to 600,000 books on any device such as the iPhone and Galaxy smartphone provided that you have a Kindle app installed on it for $9.99 a month. As an added bonus you get three free months at Audible.com. Even though I am a speed reader ( I finished Stephen King's 11-22-63 in one day ) I don't see myself signing up for this because as much as I enjoy reading I think the only way to take advantage of what Amazon is trying to sell here is by spending half your day reading the Kindle and I have no intention of doing that. ...Proving that she is still as delusional as ever, Sarah Palin launched The Sarah Palin Channel, a subscription-based online network that promises you a direct connection with the Queen herself along with no media filters. That's the diplomatic way of saying that no one from the press that does not agree with her will not be part of this channel but she is allowing all like-minded people like herself to join for $9.95 a month or $99.95 a year. If this channel makes it for an entire year I will be very surprised because her habit of quitting is bound to come up and there will be quite a few people out ten dollars when they try to access a website that folds up in the middle of the month. Palin is going to oversee all content posted to the channel so if you ever want to see anything that comes directly from you, you had better agree with whatever she says. She's trying to sell this as a "community" but it sounds more like a cult. ...The Colorado Rockies messed up on the spelling of shortstop Troy Tulowitzki's last name on a T-shirt promotion that they held recently at Coors Field. It's kind of hard to understand since he has been playing for the Rockies since 2006 and by this time they should be used to the spelling of his name. Can you imagine how bad they would have butchered it if Jarrod Saltalamacchia were on the team and they had a promotion for him? ...Troy take two: I guess Troy Tulowitzki was just taking in a game at Yankee Stadium last week and not looking at his new home ballpark. Sometimes things are exactly what they seem and not what the press wants them to be. ...In an obvious effort to appease their female viewers ESPN has suspended Stephen A. Smith from appearing on radio or TV this coming week because of his comments about Baltimore running back Ray Rice's wife when he insinuated that she may have provoked her own beating. Whether that is true or not is between Rice and his wife. I'm no fan of this guy, in fact I go out of my way not to watch anything on ESPN when Smith is on it but I think that what he said here was just as full of hot air as anything else he says. I knew something was going to happen to him once Michelle Beadle, who was only hired by ESPN because she looks good in a tight skirt and a tight sweater and not for her knowledge of sports, complained about it on Twitter. As soon as she was done with that ESPN felt they had to do something to shut her up, although you'll never get them to admit that. Rice was wrong for what he did and it was not a nice video to see and that is where the focus should be and continue to be concerning this and not about a commentator who enjoys making flagrant comments and who has a long history of doing so. ..Last week an armless man threw out the first pitch at a Kansas City Royals game and he did it so well that many people with two arms that have tried to do the same thing in the past may have wished they could have done just as well when they were on the mound. I know I would and I never got the chance to be out there. But as much as I would like an opportunity I would not want to do what this hot-looking Japanese girl did last week during a pre-game ceremony before she threw out her first pitch. The woman's name is Rina Takeda and she is an actress and a martial arts expert which means she can dazzle you with her smile and good looks while kicking your teeth in at the same time. She's also very proficient at breaking ten blocks stacked on top of each other without giving herself a headache. All I'd settle for is throwing a perfect strike to the catcher.
  15. Could be reading too much into this. Sure they are asking for someone with an interest in sports (including baseball) but nothing is said about computer baseball. Maybe 2K is looking for someone because they are interested in a new android baseball game. Or to assist on one. Or maybe they just put that one line in to deceive people and add to the speculation of a new 2k game.
  16. No he doesn't. Hahahahahahaha From now on check the threads that you are in before you post. There is a brand new NCAA thread here and the work for the new mod is being talked about in there. What you just did was revive an old thread that should have stayed buried in the forums. I just hope that people do not confuse this thread with the current one.
  17. Cleveland 12, Texas 2. Now that is the way to handle a last place team. Not like the Yankees who lost two of three to Texas and just hung on to win the game that they ended up winning.
  18. The Red Sox are a last place team but the fans are still chanting "Yankees suck." Un-be-lievable.
  19. I believe you. In the history of this website no member has ever done a second three-day stint behind bars.
  20. The Blue Jays go to Boston and knock them all over the place. The Yankees get there and they treat them like they are a first place club.
  21. Then you are doing something wrong. Follow daflyboys advice here.
  22. I agree. This guy is amazing. We are lucky to have someone so talented here. Thank you very much.
  23. The Texas Rangers were bothering no one this year, habitually losing over and over again. That is until the Yankees arrived in Arlington and lost two of the three games they played there and they were lucky to win the one they did. I have not read the online stories of this game yet but I am anxious to find out how these lackadaisical multimillionaires are going to explain this.
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