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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. There are two minor rule changes I'd like to bring to everyone's attention since the last changes went into effect back in April. If you know anyone that is thinking of joining the website you should let them know that these are two things to avoid - along with having a duplicate account of course. 1. No offensive screen names. This goes under the category of common sense. Anything racial, sexually offensive or names with swear words will immediately be banned without any further consideration. 2. No disposable e-mail addresses will be accepted. There are two reasons behind this. These phony e-mail addresses are used mostly by people who have another account here and want to see if they can get away with another one or are people who have already been banned and want to get back in here any way they can. Also, in case there is a reason someone on the staff needs to get in touch with you for any reason we will use your e-mail address to contact you. Here are some examples of why we would want to contact you via e-mail instead of private message: A. You may not have been on the website for awhile and instead of waiting for you to return we would send you a PM. B. Not every member chooses to use the private messaging system. Here are some examples of unacceptable e-mail providers that are currently blacklisted here: nowmymail.com, fakeinbox.com, spam4.me, dontmail.net, guerrillamail.com, guerrillamail.biz, 20minutemail.com, dispostable.com. spamgoes.in and mailinator.com. This is not a complete list of these type of services on the internet, rather these are just some examples. If you decide to use one of these or one that is not listed then your verification process will immediately stop and you will be banned. If you have already joined and you have one of these accounts please change it as soon as possible. Some acceptable e-mail providers are as follows. A. Yahoo B. Gmail C. Hotmail D. Your own e-mail from your IP provider. Again, like the banned providers this is an incomplete list. Thank you. P.S. Again, any questions about a lost or forgotten password don't make a new account. Just send me an e-mail letting me know what is going on and I will be very happy to help you. My e-mail is yankee4life@mvpmods.com
  2. There's even women members here too.
  3. Where is this thread that you started? I don't think I read it. Thank you!!!
  4. Exactly what I was thinking. (And this is another good reason why I am glad my wife has no interest in reading what is in these forums.)
  5. Totte's because the Forum Fanatics and Mod Squad teams are included in this mod just like it was for Mvp 2006. KG's rosters were used for Mvp 2008.
  6. Just when the Yankees almost start making you think that they can do something this year they hit with a huge dose of reality by showing you how much they suck.
  7. According to those guys who make that Latino mod every year, yes.
  8. Yeah but they were like that on the same day their game was released. Hi, I have a problem with MLB 2k.... Sorry, wrong number!
  9. Right here on this website in the download section. Make sure you go to the Mvp 2005 area and then look around for what interests you. Read the directions on how to install each mod and then be sure to BACK UP your files you are going to be replacing.
  10. Maybe so but at the same time I'll let someone else try this because I don't want 2k's lawyers knocking on my door.
  11. Updated to 7-27 ...Thursday is the dreaded trade deadline and there is plenty of time between now and 4:00 p.m. on the 31st for the Yankees to pull something stupid out of their hats. I always have faith in them that they will. ...Every summer without fail I get the urge to try a water slide. I have seen a few of them and it looks like a fun thing to do but I have never been on one. It's not that I have never had the chance to go on one and truth be told I could have had at least a dozen rides on those things by now but the sad truth is that I am scared stiff to even try. I've seen little kids doing it and besides getting wet they none of them were worse for wear but I have never been able to push myself to climb those stairs to see for myself and it's because I am not too fond of heights. I bring this up now because in two weeks I am going to have another chance but knowing me when this summer is over I still will be wishing for the same thing. ...The Chicago Cubs are suing two jokers who have been dressing up as the Cub mascot outside of Wrigley Field for the past seven years. These guys call themselves "Billy Cub" and besides dressing up as the furry Cub mascot they have been selling knock-off Cubs merchandise online. Around ten days ago the guy wearing the mascot costume was in a bar and a man came up behind him and took off the head off his costume and Billy Cub turned around and started punching the guy out with a vicious set of rights that has not been seen by anyone wearing a Cubs uniform since Carlos Zambrano was there. There is no way the Cubs should lose this lawsuit but these are the Cubs so you shouldn't expect them to win anything. ...Former Mets pitcher Tom Seaver said on MLB.com last week that when Derek Jeter is eligible to be elected to the Hall of Fame for the first time in 2019 that he should get in unanimously because he "plays the game properly and respects the game and his predecessors and that he's done all that playing in a big city and has no marks against him." That may be true but when I first read the criteria that Seaver is basing his opinion on I immediately thought of one guy that this describes too: Lou Gehrig. He's been in the Hall of Fame for many years but there were some people who didn't vote for him and when you think of someone who played the game right you have to think of the Iron Horse. And then you can bring up players like Christy Mathewson and Walter Johnson who can safely be described in the same way but still did not get in unanimously. Lastly, if Babe Ruth didn't get 100% of his votes then no one will. Not a bad sentiment Tom but you have a better chance of making a comeback then Jeter has getting in with every writer voting for him. ...Last Tuesday, I had to go to a funeral for an uncle of mine who died at the age of ninety-six from natural causes. It was hard to see him in his final days because I kept on thinking back to how he was. The man was a master carpenter and he was so skilled at it that he had his own shop at the age of thirteen when he was living back in Sicily. In later years he came to America and married my aunt and in 1957 built the home that they lived in for the rest of their lives by himself. The man continued working as a carpenter up to the age of ninety-two and I don't know if there are a lot of people around that can say they worked at their job for seventy-nine years straight. Sometimes I wondered why he kept at it so long but he just loved doing what he did best and the man was good. It would take me those same seventy-nine years to build one thing. Riposa in pace zio Pietro. ...Whoever the first person was that first said that you only see your relatives at weddings and funerals was absolutely right. Some of these people I have not laid eyes on since the last person in my family died a few years back and I am just fine with 95% of them. ...It did not escape me that the day before the Red Sox were to travel to Tampa Bay for a weekend series David Ortiz made sure to fake a back injury during his last at-bat against the Blue Jays. The only thing I didn't expect was that he actually played considering how he gets the jitters when he faces Price. ...The Internet finds out everything, Dept: Last month a girl named Breanna Mitchell, a recent high school graduate from Alabama posted a selfie of herself smiling in front of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp and as soon as some people on the internet saw what she did she made herself the newest object of scorn and ridicule but in this case I have to admit that she had it coming. Her actions were described as disrespectful, selfish and abusive and those were just some of the nice things. But as much as she was maligned, some people managed to find humor about it by photoshopping her photo next to other tragic events such as the World Trade Center bombings and the Hindenburg disaster. Even with the bad publicity this airhead received she still does not regret what she did. Personally I can't wait to see what place she visits next. ...The last time I saw so much imagination used in a series of phony photos was back when the Cubs fans were giving Steve Bartman hell back in 2003. ...I really enjoy listening to Keith Olbermann's sports commentary's on ESPN. ...Robert Newhouse, a fullback who played for the Dallas Cowboys in the seventies and early eighties died last week after a bout with heart disease. Newhouse was in the NFL before Earl Campbell got there and he was one of the toughest people to bring down when he was protecting a football. In those days before DirectTV's Sunday Ticket the Cowboys were on television every single week and you had no choice but to be familiar with every single player on that team and every time he had the ball Pat Summerall and Tom Brookshier would go nuts over him. What I remember most about Newhouse from watching those games is that because his legs were so big he had to have specially made pants made for him and when they showed him on TV I could see what they meant. He had legs that looked like they belonged to someone fifty pounds bigger than he was. But that's how all the Cowboys were back then, bigger than everyone else and they made sure everyone knew it. ...When Kendrys Morales was traded back to the Seattle Mariners last Friday the person who was probably surprised the most about the trade was Morales himself. He was going back to the same team that he could not come to terms with during the last off-season and held out so long this year that his first game back this season was earlier this month. And now he goes back to Seattle. If anyone can figure this one out please feel free to explain in here. ...Maybe some of you have seen the revival of an old 2009 Red Sox dynasty on the main page this week. That's because one of our older members here (not in age but in how long he's been here) returned last week and after almost four years of being away started up again right where he left off. We used to have a lot of dynasties going on years ago and rookie_rick's Red Sox one was one of the most popular and detailed ones we had and I have to admit that I would sneak in there when no one was around to check out what all the commotion was about from time-to-time. Even though this means the current Red Sox fan membership increases by one I'm glad he's back and I hope he stays around. ...The World Cup has been over for two weeks now and the Brazilian government is trying to figure out a way to let about 160,000 Argentines know that it's over because they still haven't left the country yet. It's not hard to understand though because who the hell wants to live in Argentina? Before the World Cup the number of women outnumbered the men in Rio de Janeiro. Knowing that, I'd stay too. ...Wrong house, wrong time, Dept: An eighty-year-old man came home last Tuesday and walked in on two people who were busy at the time robbing his home and if there is one thing about burglars it's that they hate being disturbed when they are working and they let him know how much as they beat him and threw him to the ground where he broke his collarbone along with other injuries. When the man and woman team of burglars decided that the old man was down for the duration they resumed their duties of relieving his home of his valuables. It was right around this time that this old man showed these two people that they broke into the wrong house. While both people were occupied trying to break into the man's safe the homeowner was able to get up and go into another room where he had a gun and he then returned to confront the two people who were still trying to get the safe open. He then fired at the suspects who took off faster than a mouse who discovers that he is in the same room as a cat. They took off through his garage and the man continued to chase them, firing and hitting the girl who eventually died. The man was caught some time later and was arrested and charged with five felony counts including the murder of his accomplice and is jailed on $1.25 million bond. When the homeowner was asked how he felt about the incident and the shooting of the woman he said that he had no regrets and that he did what he had to do. Indeed he did. I'm hoping that the Los Angeles District Attorney sees it the same way because he has to decide if charges are to be brought against this elderly homeowner. I'd like to think that there should be no way this man is charged for murder here because he was defending his home but with the way the law is I think this guy is in as much hot water as the male burglar. ...Tell us how you really feel, Dept: A Cleveland Browns fan traveled to the grave of Art Modell in Maryland just to have the opportunity to urinate beside his grave. Modell died two years ago and was responsible for taking the Browns out of Cleveland in 1996, something that some fans clearly have not forgiven yet even though they got a new team three years later. These are the kind of stories that when people hear about them they immediately put down the person who did it and then when they are alone or with friends that they can trust they have a laugh about. Not all Browns fans would do this but this guy took it to the extreme. When Walter O'Malley, the man who tore out Brooklyn's heart died in 1979 I am sure there were many Dodger fans who wanted to do this to his grave or even worse so while you may not approve of what he did you can understand why. At least I do. I'm not a Browns fan but I didn't need to be to realize that Modell talked out of both sides of his mouth. When Al Davis was threatening to leave Oakland in the early eighties Modell got upset and remarked that he would never do the same thing to his team but in 1995 that's just what he did. ...And if all you are waiting for is for the police to catch up with this guy you'll get your wish. He posted what he did on Youtube and that means that there is going to be someone that watches it that knows him and won't hesitate to turn him in. And if they need any more help identifying him all they have to do it check out the guy's right arm because it is heavily tattooed with Browns logos. Nice way to cover your tracks pal.
  12. I think partly the reason for someone attempting to sell that game for $175 is because of this website. They know that all you have to do is come here for the mods and your investment pays for itself. I'm sure a lot of the long time people in here will remember when someone on Amazon was trying to sell a brand new copy of Mvp 2005 for $250. I'm not kidding you. We had a good laugh at that one. And it was because of the same reason. You come here to get mods for these games and it is supposed to make the outrageous price for the game seem more reasonable. As for abandonware I don't know if 2k12 can be included in that category. I looked up abandonware on Wikipedia and it gave a very interesting answer. It said abandonware is "software ignored by its owner and manufacturer, and for which no product support is available. Although such software is usually still under copyright the owner may not be tracking or enforcing copyright violations." The way I see it that's the little catch in all this. Sure 2k sports said they wanted nothing to do with this game anymore and won't help you even if you begged. But we don't know if they are enforcing their copyright on this game. My guess is they still are. Same for EA Sports with Mvp 2005.
  13. Thank you! And this is coming from someone who does not even own 2k12.
  14. Never thought of that.
  15. I wonder what would be the difference if it is causing these screen flashes?
  16. No, there is nothing wrong on your side. This download problem has been going on for awhile now and for the past few weeks or so Trues has not been here because he moved from one state to another and you can imagine how much is involved to do something like that. He is very aware of this issue and will be fixing it and when he does try that KSM Datafile because that guy made some pretty good ones. My I suggest you check out It covers the top modders in here and you can check out some of their work that is in the download section. Keep in mind this is not all of their work but it gives a very good idea what they did and what we have here for download.
  17. Salva made the Seibu Dome as well as the Tokyo Dome. As far as I am concerned that guy is a master.
  18. I agree with that. I use Firefox on my XP laptop and have Kaspersky and Malwarebytes Pro always up-to-date.
  19. Damn I learn something in here every day. I need to read about this now.
  20. I had time and checked. MLB2k12 can't be downloaded from Amazon and they have a message that says We don't know when or if this item will be available again. You can buy the DVD of the game from Amazon but it is being sold for $175. 2K11 can be purchased for less than fifty dollars but you can not use the mod you are trying to get for 2k11. That was made for 2k12.
  21. I honestly didn't know this. I also think that if they want to support it for the government then they should do it for everybody else.
  22. Why don't you go to Amazon to see if you can? Or go to eBay and see if someone is selling a copy.
  23. You can't anymore. Besides the thing you want is not a game. It is a very detailed mod for MLB2K12. You get it here.
  24. I'm glad you have things working and as far as you getting the game to run better on XP I agree there. I think XP is still a superior operating system even though they don't support it anymore. I have a very good XP laptop and I have nothing but games installed on that. Mvp '05 runs well on it and so does everything else I have on there.
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