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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. The Yankees acquired lefthander Chris Capuano from the Rockies yesterday afternoon. WHAT THE HELL FOR???
  2. What are you trying to do, jinx this?
  3. Kyleb only did the 1997 major league rosters for this mod.
  4. Leave it to Mark Teixeira to **** up what the Yankees got going now by being out with a back injury. How long's this going to be?
  5. Nice catch. And Puma91, if you use this mod back up your files first just in case you want to go back to what you had.
  6. Before I made this post you are now reading I got distracted and voted down the post I made in here last night because my dog ran out of the room when the doorbell rang. Hahahahaha. In other words he scared the hell out of me. What I wanted to say was that the game plays very well and it was worth the download.
  7. I heard about this but I haven't seen it yet. Thanks for letting me know where I can view it.
  8. You mean all the season mods including Total Classics didn't make you want to try it before?
  9. It sure can. Thank you very much for fixing this. I'm sure you guys did a great job.
  10. Updated to 7-20 ...Even with the presence of Bud Selig in Minnesota last week, baseball showed once again that they are the only sport that really knows how to have an All-Star Game thanks to all the young talent coming up and the way they said goodbye to Derek Jeter, who will go down as one of the game's greats and again managed to deliver when all eyes were on him. I chose to focus on the positive things about those few days in Minneapolis instead of what wasn't done right or not at all...Mike Trout continued to impress fans with the way he plays the game while proving that by being a young player in the game does not mean you have to walk around acting entitled and arrogant all the time, something that Bryce Harper and Yasiel Puig still need to pick up on... The American League won, not that it's going to matter to the Yankees because come World Series time they'll be watching two other teams with much more talent then they have fight it out for the title...Every year you always read about some player who does not want to be at the game but when you look at the faces of the ones who are there you can tell how thrilled they are to be there...Did you notice that the game itself took three hours and thirteen minutes to complete? That's outstanding considering the game was broadcast on FOX because those guys love to sneak a few extra commercials to advertise anything that they show on that network and for all the substitutes that came in the game? At the 3:13 mark in a Yankee - Red Sox game you won't even be a the seventh inning stretch yet. The bad? As I said before Bud Selig was there. I was hoping that the guy would have caught a cold or something and had to remain home. The guy always has the same miserable look on his face after finding out that someone took his parking spot. If you ever want to know what a bureaucratic stuffed shirt is, now you know. The term was invented with him in mind. The guy must be a scream at parties because he has the personality of a wet rag... And those are his good points...At least he's retiring but before that time comes we are stuck with him. He hinted that because next year's game will be held in Cincinnati, Pete Rose may have a role to play in it despite his lifetime ban from baseball. What's he going to do, knock over Ray Fosse when he's not looking? Go in both clubhouses and take some stuff from the players so he can sell them at his next card show? Other than that Rose should be as welcomed there as an IRS audit...But the worst thing about the game was that nothing was said about the life and death of baseball great Tony Gwynn who died of cancer almost one month before this game was played. Not a word. Not taking away anything from Jeter but they had the camera on him even when he was adjusting his hat. I think that MLB and FOX should be blamed for this because during the pre-game hoopla MLB could have had a moment of silence for Gwynn and sometime during the telecast someone should have said something in Joe Buck's earpiece to remind him to mention Gwynn but it never happened...If west coast baseball fans view this as a snub can you blame them? I think if Gwynn had been a Yankee they would have prepared a video highlight of him to be shown on Target Field's scoreboard and on TV. ...A substitute teacher in rural western Pennsylvania was arrested last week for having sex with two of her eighteen-year-old students and serving them beer at her home while her husband was out of town. According to the police the teacher invited two of her male high school seniors over to her house after the last day of school and gave them a few beers and then had sex with them. The final exam that those kids had must have been hard as all hell and this was her way of making up for it. And the next day with the intent of earning a bit of extra credit, one of the students returned to her house for more beer and more sex. Before their private summer school sessions started the teacher sent nude photos of herself to her two students and of course that is what did her in. As soon as she told them to keep it to themselves and not let anyone else know about it that's when the nude photos were forwarded to other people and it was only a matter of time after that that someone blew the whistle and private school for those two students came to an end. Even though the police admitted that sending the photos to the students was not a crime because they were both eighteen at the time and considered adults, the teacher was arrested on a technicality since the students had not yet officially graduated. She just wanted to make sure that they did. Every time I hear about something like this happening it really makes me mad. Furious, really. Why couldn't something like this happen to me as soon as I got out of high school? What the hell was the matter with those two guys, screwing up a perfect setup? It just goes to show that women are not the only ones who can't keep a secret. I know damn well I would have kept my mouth shut. Damn right I'm jealous. ...I've never once been a fan of social media and I don't feel I am missing out on anything because I am not on Facebook and Twitter like everyone else seems to be but now I think I've finally figured out why I've avoided it all this time. It seems to me that these places have become an extension of high school for the people that use it. Take last week for example. A rookie point guard for the Miami Heat named Shabazz Napier had to explain himself after it was discovered that he "unfollowed" Lebron James on his twitter account and when that happens to some people they consider that an act of war. Napier quickly pointed out that he doesn't even know how to work his Twitter account yet and that he hasn't even been on it nor did he have anything to do with following or unfollowing anyone. I hope that the first thing he does with his twitter account is close it because that will be the best thing for him to do. I may have been wrong when I compared social media to high school. I should have said elementary school. ...To counter the spying that has been going on in their country the German government is considering the use of manual typewriters for sensitive documents to replace computer keyboards. This does make sense because the only way someone can see what you are typing on one of those old manuals is to be looking over your shoulder. If they do go to this it is going to be a big adjustment for the people that use them. People who are fast typists on a keyboard will be a lot slower on those heavy manual ones. It is a lot to get used to. When I went to radioman school in San Diego we had to use something similar to a manual typewriter and looking back on it now I can say without a doubt that I much prefer my computer keyboard. Another way that they can consider doing is to keep on using the computer keyboard but not have any internet connection. It's not lost on me that with all the technological improvements we have made to make our lives easier we may be forced to go back to an old, outdated piece of equipment just to regain our privacy. ...Confessions of a Garden Raider, Dept. A friend of mine owns a memorabilia store where he sells baseball cards and souvenirs along with video games for just about every console system ever made. He does a good business and every year when my birthday rolls around he lets me come down to pick out something for myself. So that's where I was last Monday afternoon and even though he lets me do this I make sure I don't take advantage of it. It's not like I'm going to grab a Mickey Mantle autographed photo and say thanks a lot. But I did get a 1998 Derek Jeter card that was worth about two dollars and I called it a day. As I was getting ready to leave, two people that I grew up with when I was a kid walked in the store and I ended up staying there a few hours more, much to the dismay of my wife who was impatiently waiting at home because she wanted to go out to dinner. While we were rehashing old stories I knew it was only a matter of time that someone would bring up the famous garden raiding stories that I can now freely admit to because so much time has past I had a hand in. I really had no choice because it was my job to hold the flashlight. I'm sure I should try to explain before I go any further. Where we grew up there were a lot of people who had some pretty nice gardens that had some of the nicest tomatoes and cucumbers and peppers that we had ever seen and that was just fine with us because we happened to be big fans of what they grew. At the same time these people were so protective of their gardens they wouldn't let anyone go in there or even near there except themselves. For a time we thought nothing of it but then we got to noticing that the tomatoes at one house were pretty big just like the cucumbers someplace else. Someone got it into their head that they wanted to see for themselves if the tomatoes tasted as good as they looked but in order to do that a closer look was needed but it would have been easier for us to get into the White House instead of those gardens. There is a lot of truth to the saying that says necessity is the mother of invention because that's just what happened here. Maybe we didn't actually invent anything but we did come up with a foolproof plan, which was just as good. When we saw that the people were out on their front porch or not at home, one of us would throw a baseball in the garden and leave it there. Then we'd walk over their house and knock on the door to let them know that our ball was there and we did not want to go in there ourselves to get it because we didn't want to take the chance on stepping on something. The people never got mad at that and then they'd escort us to the backyard to retrieve the ball and while they were doing that they could not help themselves but talk about their pride and joy. They'd point out this and that and then walk to another part of the garden and point out a big cucumber that was almost ready to pick. While all this was going on the kid would memorize where the guy was pointing and then he'd say thank you and leave after he got the ball back. I think you now have the idea what happened next. Since there were four of us we would split up in groups of two when it got dark and we would split up to do the job. We'd jump the fence and one guy would go in the garden and one guy would stand watch and hold the flashlight and when we were all done we would have the best of the best from the gardens on our street. Keep in mind our garden hopping took place in the '70's and if we were caught in anyone's yard at night the worst that would have happened is our parents would find out. Today someone would shoot you and then tell your parents. The owners of the gardens had eagle eyes because when the next day rolled around they knew that some of their crop was missing and to our credit we got away with it for three years before we decided to stop because that is when some of the people put floodlights in their back yards to catch the poachers.. Sure I feel guilty about it now but you see life in a different way through eleven-year-old eyes. Funny thing though, every tomato I've had since then has not tasted as good as the ones I had when we were doing this. ...That had to be my longest random thought in the history of this thread. ...Even though Dan Uggla had eighteen million dollars remaining on his contract with the Atlanta Braves, the team still released him last Friday mainly because he has hit only .175 since the start of the 2013 season for them. The only question I have is what took them so long? ...At a pro-am golf tournament a Packers fan asked Green Bay linebacker A.J. Hawk if he would tackle him because he thought that would have been a great idea. Hawk did, but he didn't put his all into the tackle because if he did the guy would still be lying on the fairway. If this is his idea of fun I hope he never has the opportunity to meet Mike Tyson because he might ask him to take a poke at him and with Tyson he just might.
  11. All done. Some nice stuff in there now including the DangerZ editor that was always a must-have file for any HH2003 user. Check out the Oldtime 16 Roster that I uploaded.
  12. All I see is a download link that you have provided here. Then I go to that link and it sends me here: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/hh2hxx59hsmkm/MVP_Baseball_Asia_Series_2014 But when I go to download the file I get a message that says "This folder is currently set to private." In other words no one can download it. Can you fix this please? Your mod sounds very interesting. Thank you.
  13. The uniforms that Bctrackboi11 makes are very good. The only complaint is from you because you have taken it upon yourself to come in here to be the voice for someone who is not here any longer. If you don't like this uniform do as bctrackboi said and don't download it and leave him alone.
  14. And what's your point? There's nothing wrong with bctrackboi's uniforms.
  15. This looks great! Thank you for all your work on this site!
  16. 80 downloads

    This is a roster of the 1975 major league season for High Heat Baseball 2003.
  17. 662 downloads

    DangerZ created this very useful and popular editor for High Heat Baseball. Included here is version 1.03 of the editor along with the upgrade to version 1.04 Please install version 1.03 first.
  18. 109 downloads

    OTBJoel, the audio genius that created mod created a mod for High Heat Baseball 2003 that made the game sound 100% better and for anyone still playing HH2003 this is an essential mod to have. From the readme file: NEW PLAYOFF CROWD AMBIENCE AND OLDTIME VENDORS 1.5 Tired of the same boring sounds in your High Heat game? Try out these new crowd ambience sounds. This file also comes with classic popcorn and peanut vendors. Inspired by the thunderstick crowds in Edison Field, you will hear longer, more consistent crowd noises. This will reduce the feel of the crowd sounds recycling themselves over and over again. The sounds are also resampled in 22HZ, 16bit stereo for better overall quality. You will want to turn up the Hecklers and Vendors setting to hear the new vendors (borrowed from Baseball for Windows). Also turn up the Crowd setting to get an even more intense playoff atmosphere. Yes, if you listen closely, you will hear those thundersticks pounding. To install, simply copy the contents into your sounds folder and overwrite existing files. A suggestion might be to backup your original sounds for regular season games and use these sounds for the playoffs. However, I think you will agree it's more fun listening to this crowd for every game. Enjoy, OTBjoel New in version 1.5 a) Brand new Crowd Organ table. You gotta hear it to believe it. Much better than original organ music. Made adjustment to the CrowdGeneral table so that you hear audible claps when the home team does something good rather than the visiting team. I originally had the claps for the visiting team to simulate the lone visiting fan among a crowd of home town fans but it just didn't sound right.
  19. 186 downloads

    From the readme file: Pudge 2003 Season Pack Rosters Updated as of 6/27/03 This is a major update to the original roster set. I have re-input the performance stats to reflect the 3 year average that the Pudge rosters in the past years have been famous for. All ML and most AAA players have been updated. Rosters, Lineups and Rotations are up to date and accurate and were done with the help of cbs sportsline, rotoworld, the roto times, espn, baseball america,and minor league baseball web sites. All players who will miss the 2003 season due to injury are on the DL all other players are on their regular roster. All jersey numbers are also correct according to the rosters at espn.com and mlb.com The 2003 Schedule is part of this roster set and I will continue to improve and update these rosters as the season progresses.
  20. 77 downloads

    From the readme file: JimTheUmp's Sky Replacement Folder for HH2k3 Version 3.0 Version 3.0 includes all-new night skies, and one new sunset. The rest are a compilation of my most popular skies from versions 1 and 2. This folder will give your game all new skies. Each one is a high resolution image taken directly from actual photographs of the sky. To install simply place the folder SKY in this zip file into your HH2003>ART folder. Keep in mind you are replacing your stock sky folder. You should either back up that folder, or simply restore it from the CD whenever you want the game's stock skies back.
  21. 102 downloads

    Taken directly from the readme file. Paulw was behind this roster set so you know it had to be good. OLDTIME 16. 16 teams from the 1950's and 1960's. Includes picture set for all teams in required 65x84 .TGA format. Just add the pictures using Danger Z's editor. All uniform numbers are correct (expect Chicago White Sox 64 and Cleveland Indians 48). Fielding ratings based on Bill James "Win Shares" system. These teams should play fairly realistically. From my original classic 16 teams (56 Yankees are now 61 Yankees). Here are the teams- A.L. New York (New York, 1961; Detroit, Detroit, 1961; Oakland, Philadelphia Athletics 1952; Chicago, Chicago White Sox 1964; Cleveland, Cleveland Indians 1948; Boston, Boston Red Sox 1949; Minnesota, Minnesota Twins 1963; Baltimore, Baltimore 1964. N.L- Los Angeles, Brooklyn Dodgers 1951; San Francisco, New York Giants 1951; Atlanta, Milwaukee Braves 1957; New York, New York Mets 1962; Cincinnati, Cincinatti 1962; Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 1966; Chicago, Chicago Cubs 1967; St. Louis, St. Louis Cardinals 1967. There's a lot of great players and history with these teams. Note: I currently can not set these up in a custom league - somethings messed up in HH2003 - it changes the lineups and trashes the pitching rotations. Still a LOT of fun in exhibition mode, though. If you have any questions, suggestions, or HELP please feel free to contact me at: paul.wangerin@cuw.edu (Judnich) PaulW Enjoy! btw - I've also included my latest version of Cleveland Municipal Stadium. Just past ALL three files into the Hershell Greer stadium folder.
  22. That's all right. You were trying to be helpful. Can't fault someone for that. But it can open up a can of worms in here because I can just see someone saying that one thing was posted and not what they were looking for, so I deleted your two attachments to completely eliminate this problem. As for everyone else, these files that you can not download right now WILL be fixed. Our site owner is busy moving into a new home and he will be back here to address this as soon as he can.
  23. If there are any other ones that you can not download you are going to have to wait. This has been addressed in a few threads already. There is something the matter with the links and the site owner is aware of this and will be fixing it.
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