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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Daflyboys, ďo you remember MarkB? He lived in Scotland and we played IP2IP all the time and we never had problems.
  2. I am glad that you like them. I have more for HH2003 coming within the next week.
  3. That's right. It personally drives me nuts when it happens. That reminds me. Will you be making uniforms for next year's All Star Game? And when will they be released? :D
  4. Your first question was answered in a few other threads. There is a problem right now with some of the download links. They have not been redirecting properly and the result of that is what you have seen - you can't download the mod. Trues, the site owner, is well aware of this problem and he is going to be fixing it when he has some free time. I don't know when that will be because he is moving into a new house and that takes up a lot of his time. I can't answer your second question because I have never come across that problem with MvpEdit.
  5. No problem at all but I do have to inform you that you are being fined $500 along with three days in jail.
  6. Going back to the '07 mod. Forum Fanatics at Boston Red Sox. Not a lot of screenshots here because I was involved in a very tight game and when that happens taking screenshots becomes harder to do. Boston's Josh Beckett had a perfect game going for 4 1/3 innings and ended up giving up seven hits in 7 2/3 innings of work along with two runs (one earned) one strikeout and no walks. The other half of the pitcher's duel was held up by Fanatic pitcher Yankee4Life, who every time walked out to the mound in this game was showered by boos from the hometown fans. A two run eighth made a winner out of him and Ron Burgundy (Donut) pitched two innings to earn the save. VIDEOS I find it therapeutic and relaxing when I see David Ortiz being plunked with a pitch. This explains why there are two videos of this. Here's one.... and here's the other. Screenshots
  7. That's true. But at the same time I want to tell this guy that by searching the forums he would have found topics that covered problems brought up using the Mvp 13 mod and by going in there would have discovered he would not have had to make another thread about it.
  8. I have already given this latest roster set of yours five stars and I haven't even downloaded it yet.
  9. The only advice I can give you right now is the same thing I tell everyone else. Back up your files before you attempt to do anything like this on your own especially when you are not 100% sure of what you are doing. One other thing. I admire how you have been searching the forums for answers to your questions. It is a pleasant and welcome surprise.
  10. Well, keep on trying. That does sound odd. What was the name of your other account by the way?
  11. There are no other places where you can download Mvp 13. It is only hosted here and I just tried to download this mod two minutes ago and it is working fine for me. The same for the updated rosters for this year. I am not too sure what is preventing you from getting these files but please keep us up to date if you still can not get them. It's puzzling. Oh by the way, you've been here for a little over a year now.
  12. There is a problem with some of the downloads that people have been trying to get. An error message comes up that says something to the effect that "the page wasn't redirecting properly." Trues is aware of this problem and is going to be working on it as soon as he gets settled in his new home.
  13. Updated to 7-13 ...The All-Star Game is this Tuesday in Minnesota and unless you haven't been paying attention or have just been waiting for the NFL training camps to start you are already well aware of this especially since they have a habit of hosting this shindig every year at this time. It also should not come as a surprise to anyone that the fans once again showed why they have no business being within ten feet of an All-Star ballot. Baltimore's Matt Wieters has not played a game since the tenth of May and he must have been just as shocked as the rest of the other American League catchers when he learned he was elected as the starting catcher. But since he's still on the mend Kansas City's Salvador Perez will step in for him much to the surprise of the experts in the stands who have probably wondered where the hell Wieters has been all this time. These same amateur Tony Larussa's also voted for Derek Jeter as the starting shortstop for the American League as he beat out Alexei Ramirez by 600,000 votes even though Ramirez has put up better numbers across the board then Jeter this season. Jeter deserves to start in this game as much as I do. Just about every shortstop in baseball has put up better numbers but because this is his final year he got elected by default but I don't think that's going to stop some people for voting for him next year. ...At the same time I am not going around fooling myself saying that I would do a better job than the average Joe in the stands. I'd probably do worse. I stopped voting many years ago because I would vote for no one but Yankee players. There have been many Boston Red Sox players over the years that have deserved to be voted in but I would stick my hand in a food processor before I considered giving them my vote and that has worked quite well for me because I have grown quite fond of having both of my hands with me at all times. ...There are many times when I watch someone interview Joe Girardi on the YES Network or read an interview that he has done in the New York papers when I have to stop and say to myself that this guy is full of sh**. When the Yankees released Alfonso Soriano last week he said it was a tough day for him and when he said that I had no trouble believing him. It's never easy to let a player know that he has been let go. But then he said that Soriano had "been a great Yankee." I realize he was trying to be nice and diplomatic but what the hell did Soriano ever do to be referred to as a great Yankee? Who knows, Girardi probably told Eduardo Nunez the same thing when he was released. ...And this is where smart teams like the Red Sox avoid mistakes. I never thought for once that Soriano was going anywhere near Boston last year when there were rumors of him being traded out of Chicago. Say what you will about them but they avoid the overpriced veterans as much as they can and that is something I wish the Yankees would learn how to do. ...A Yankee fan who fell asleep during a nationally televised game back in April is filing a defamation lawsuit for ten million dollars against the Yankees, Major League Baseball, ESPN and ESPN's two announcers that worked the game that night, John Kruk and Dan Shulman. This happened in the fourth inning of a Red Sox - Yankees game so it's understandable why the guy fell asleep. The game was 2 1/2 hours old at that point and he couldn't take it anymore. I nod off during these games all the time but no one sees me because I do it at home. He is doing this because of the "unending verbal crusade" that he had to endure with names like "stupid, fatty and unintelligent." The problem is that the Yankees, MLB or any associated with ESPN never said anything like that about him. The remarks this man is talking about is what online commenters said about him and that had nothing to do with the broadcast. One of the funniest parts of this lawsuit is that it blames Major League Baseball for using a picture of two men kissing to imply that this sleeping fan was gay. The problem is MLB had nothing to do with it because it came from a website called Not Sportscenter, a parody site that is pretty damn funny - even though I was sorry that I clicked on that link. You would think that a lawyer who would agree to take the case would know this already but they must be pretty sure they can squeeze money out of somebody. Maybe then he can bring a pillow with him the next time he goes to a game. ...Mötley Crüe, one of my favorite bands, is calling it quits soon and they are doing it the right way. Because there are so many bands that announce that their current tour is their final one and then change their mind, the members of Mötley Crüe signed a "cessation of touring agreement" which will prevent them from playing live again after this tour is completed. These guys were and still are good. Check out 1983's Shout at the Devil if you want to listen to a great album. Thanks for the memories! ...It's Shocking, Dept: There's a monthly newspaper that comes out in New York’s West Village called The West View News that ran an article last week about President Obama entitled “The N----r in the White House.” The writer of this article is an old white guy that looks like he'd be very comfortable wearing a bed sheet but believe it or not the article is actually pro-Obama. Maybe so but I think there could have been a better way to put it. ...It's not easy being left handed especially when you are used to doing things a certain way. So, when my keyboard began giving me problems (keys sticking, space bar not working sometimes, etc) I knew I had to look around and get a new one. I've had a left handed keyboard for about sixteen years now and I am so used to it I can not go back to the standard keyboards that are used in just about every home and workstation. If I could life would be a lot easier for me and I would have saved a hell of a lot of money on my next keyboard purchase. That being said I only had to part with $103 to get what I want. Take a look at what a $103 keyboard looks like. ...A waitress who worked for the Texas Roadhouse restaurant in Findlay, Ohio was fired from her job recently because she felt that a tip she got from a customer was not enough, so she ran to her Facebook account and complained about it. That would have been the end of the story but the customer saw what she wrote there and then printed out a screenshot of her post to show her employers and they in turn fired her on the spot. Good! I was waiting for this to happen because I was fed up with these kind of people that feel they have to run to the internet and whine because something happened in their lives that they didn't like. Your tip wasn't as much as you think you should have got? Too bad. At least you got a tip. And now because she couldn't resist slamming the patron on Facebook it cost her her job. Now she can go on there and cry about being unemployed. Let's see if that will make the news too. ...No offense to anyone here that uses Facebook but some of the people on there like that waitress are total idiots and I don't know if Facebook had a part in it or that it just came natural to them. Whatever it is these people feel they have to be on Facebook just to catch up on what's going on around them - even when breaking into a house. A homeowner in St. Paul, Minnesota came home to find that his home was ransacked and that his credit cards, cash, and a watch were missing and for some reason a pair of wet sneakers and pants that did not belong to the homeowner were left behind. When he checked his computer to see if the thief accessed anything on it he found something startling. The thief must have taken a break when he was robbing the place because he pulled up his Facebook profile and forgot to log off after he was done. Something must have caught his eye that he wanted to lift. Armed with this information it didn't take long for the police to grab him and arrest him and if he is convicted he faces up to ten years in prison and $20,000 in fines. They just don't make criminals like they used to ...Brazilian fans are blaming Mick Jagger for their country's embarrassing 7 - 1 loss to Germany in the World Cup semi final game because they believed that by him being in the stands brought bad luck to their team and the fact that his son was with him wearing a Brazil shirt did not help at all. Brazil had to find someone to blame for their embarrassing showing even though Jagger was no where near the Brazilian goal when the Germans scored five goals in the first thirty minutes of play that in all effects sealed the game. If by any chance Jagger actually is a jinx to professional sports teams then I hope he's also a baseball fan and buys season tickets to the Red Sox games for the next ten years or so. ...Joe Magrane, bless his heart, will probably not receive any warm greetings the next time David Ortiz sees him but that's the price you pay when you have the nerve to say on television what everyone else in baseball including Red Sox fans, already know about him. Magrane said that Ortiz may have gotten a "free pass" in MLB's Biogenesis investigation last year because he had been on a list of players who tested positive in a 2003 MLB survey testing. Ortiz' reaction was typical of him whenever the press fails to kiss his needle-tracked behind. He went nuts and responded with a swear-filled tirade that immediately makes one think that he was protesting a bit too much since he kept on denying that he has done nothing wrong. He said that during that 2003 testing he was never told what substance he was tested positive for which is just as believable as Congress agreeing with the President about anything. You name it, Ortiz took it and still does because everyone in baseball who is in their late thirties is swinging the bat like they are fifteen years younger. Well, Barry Bonds did and we all know how innocent he was to steroid charges. Ortiz gets really mad when someone gets near the truth and if you can see past his transparent angry and upset act that he puts on he knows everyone is on to him too. ...Did anyone see what Rays outfielder Kevin Kiermaier did last week in a game against the Royals? He hit a line drive so hard that it went through the laces of Eric Hosmer's glove, who was playing first base at the time. After the game it wasn't reported anywhere if the laces on his glove were already loose but even if they were that was one hell of a shot. Usually I don't spend any time talking about this kind of stuff because I'm too busy providing this website with the best up-to-the-minute David Ortiz coverage anyone could want but what Kiermaier did was very similar to something I did years ago. Well, almost. If you've ever played any level of baseball you know what it means when a ballplayer says they are "zoned in" at the plate. This is exactly how I was when I was hitting when this happened. If I saw a pitch at eye level I would hit a line drive. Same for pitches around my ankles. They threw it, I hit it and I didn't understand how the hell I was doing it. During this stretch I hit a screaming liner at the second baseman and the ball was hit so hard that I knocked the glove off his hand when he tried to catch it. In my mind's eye I can still see it. The feeling of knowing that you got all of a pitch is rare and after the play was over I was just glad it hit his glove and not him because he'd still have the markings of the ball on him today. ...I wonder if the same basketball fans in Cleveland who wanted to string up Lebron James for leaving town four years ago are the same ones who are welcoming him back with smiles on their faces? ...A Happy Birthday Dylan Bradbury on Monday, wherever he is.
  14. How about providing links for what you were trying to download?
  15. Yankee4Life

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