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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. You're right mcoll and the only way to stop this is to lock this thread since there's really nothing else to talk about anyway. Those guys over there make their own version of the work that is done on this site and that's that. Like you said it's just going round and round now. Besides, Peter Griffin edited his original post in here and there is nothing more to say. --Locked--
  2. Thank you daflyboys, thank you. I was considering writing this guy a PM about what he did but I changed my mind after I read his review for the second time. I'll talk to him out here. Peter Griffin: This was an old thread that died out last year and the only reason why posts were made in here last month is that one of the modders came in here to let us know that another version has been released for the third straight year. I don't know what you were trying to accomplish here unless you were trying to waste the time of everyone that comes in this thread and reads what you wrote. If that is what you were trying to do then you were successful. You went way over the line when you called them "Latino Thieves" (note the correct spelling when you pluralize the word thief.) You made it seem that the Mvp Caribe website was behind this mod and you have no idea how wrong you are. Mvp Caribe is responsible for the yearly Caribe mod and the WBC mod. Some of the people who are on the Caribe site did this mod. There is a huge difference that you conveniently overlooked. If you have anything to say to the creators of this mod then I would like you to join Mvp Caribe and post your reviews over there because there was no need to re-hash this again. Go back and read this entire thread. Everyone had their say and it was all settled until you had to come in and stir it up again. And if you are using Firefox I suggest you utilize the spell checker that is included in that browser.
  3. The Red Sox designated A.J. Pierzynski for assignment. Since he's a catcher I don't have to worry about the Yankees picking up this slug even though he is the perfect age (37) to be a Yankee.
  4. Brandon McCarthy is showing why he has a 5.00 ERA. The son of a *&(&()
  5. Google translation: Someone could tell me where I copy a clean mvp 2005 to pass a mod and then update it? Salu2 to all and thanks. The answer to this question is that you have to buy the game.
  6. Don't go confusing me with the facts now, ok? Thanks for reading.
  7. Updated to 7-6 ...I look forward to the Fourth of July holiday every year even though I am no longer in school and my summer vacation days are long gone. I knew when the Fourth rolled around I still had two months of summer vacation left and I always tried to cram in as much fun as I could But as much as I love this holiday that is how much my dogs hate it. Someone in the area has been shooting off fireworks every night since the 28th of June and every boom, bam and pop that goes off the dogs hear it and in turn I have to hear them and when they start barking it sounds like we have a full blown kennel in my house. Fireworks are illegal here in the State of New York so these people probably get their noisemakers from Massachusetts or some other place that doesn't care what you buy. ...Whomever thought of that ad campaign that has those puppets dancing around in the DirectTV commercials should be fired. ...Many years ago on Saturday Night Live there was a sketch where Bill Murray and Jane Curtain were playing a couple who were entertaining a guest in their home played by John Belushi called "the thing that wouldn't leave." In it, Murray and Curtain kept on dropping hints to Belushi that they were tired and wanted to go to bed but the oblivious Belushi never picked up on it and kept on thinking of other things to do just to stay longer, which drove Curtain into hysterics. I was reminded of this because of that live-in nanny in California who was fired from her job because she wasn't doing any work and refused to leave the house after she was told to go. When the police were called to the home they said they couldn't help them at all because the nanny had established residency there and in California that meant they must go to court to get a person like that evicted from their home. The family said they ran a background check on this woman but obviously it was not thorough enough because if they had actually done their homework they would have found that this woman was on California's Vexatious Litigant List which means she files lawsuits as often as a fat guy who orders pepperoni pizza. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to have someone in your house that you can't get rid of but I were them I would have tried to think of a few ways to make it as hard on her as I could so she had no choice but to leave. To hell with that "established residency" crap. That's their home. 1. I would set my alarm for 3:00 am and then start playing a recording of barking dogs that I would play over and over and during the day I would play a couple albums worth of Iron Maiden. I think when she hears Bruce Dickinson sing "Run to the Hills" on The Number of the Beast album four or five times she will do exactly that. 2. I would only keep the bare necessities in the room that she is occupying. That means no sheets on the bed, no pillows, no television and no hangers for her clothes 3. I would turn the hot water off when she was going to take a shower. 4. I would make her purchase rolls of toilet paper at a time. Twenty dollars a roll should be fine and none of those two-ply brands either. 5. I would make her buy her own food and not store any of it in the refrigerator. In fact, I'd put a lock on the refrigerator and also restrict her from going into any other room in the house including the laundry room. If she wants to go there it will be twenty dollars for a load of clothes and another twenty for using the dryer. ...Oh those Zany Pakistanis, Dept: Every time I talk about something that happens in the Middle East it always seems to put the people who live there in a bad light, which is hardly my fault. All these people do is find reasons to kill each other in the most horrific ways and it never seems to bother them. Where else can you stone a pregnant woman to death who just was married moments before and then have people look at you like you did something wonderful? In Pakistan they have no idea what 'Love thy Neighbor' is about but they can tell you four or five quick ways to kill the guy down the dirt road in case you're interested. I need no further examples to make me change my opinion of them of being a country of barbarians who have no respect for anything but last week they gave me another one. A young couple got married but the girl's family did not give them their blessings and did not approve of her getting married. After they were married the bride's father and uncles lured the couple back to the girl's village with the ruse of giving them a wedding gift, probably his and hers rifles or a set of explosives that they can use just in case they see an American walking around. This turned out to be a fatal mistake for the newlyweds because as soon as they arrived they were ambushed and tied up and just so they really understood how upset the girl's family was towards the wedding they cut both their heads off in what was called an honor killing. It was the least these loving relatives could do. I think the life expectancy of a woman who gets married in Pakistan must be at least fifteen minutes. After the beheading the family had a little party and then turned themselves into the police even though there were no witnesses who saw them do it. The father and uncles remained in jail until the weekend and were released on Saturday and the fact that two more weddings happened to be scheduled that day had nothing to do with it. One of these days I may hear something that comes out of this country that is borderline humanitarian but I highly doubt it. ...Alfredo Aceves has been suspended for fifty games for violating some kind of banned drug under baseball's minor league testing program. This will in doubt be the end of his Yankee career for the second and final time. He probably wanted the rest of the summer off and this was the easiest way to do it. Why not? It's not like anyone's going to miss him. ...Bryce Harper returned to the Washington Nationals lineup last Monday night after missing almost two months because of a torn ligament in his left thumb. But before his first game back he was not too happy about playing left field because he thinks he should be in center field an no place else. He went on to point out where everyone in the lineup should be playing and he didn't understand why manager Matt Williams' lineup was not exactly the same as his. The odd man out in Harper's lineup was Denard Span, who has been playing a more than adequate center field during Harpers' absence. Harper's only been in the majors for two years now but already has the attitude of a ten-year player who's had everything handed to him. If anyone wants to know why a player like Mike Trout is liked and respected by fans and this guy is not it's because Trout goes out and does him job and doesn't try to do anyone else's. ...But leave it to the ever-knowing David Ortiz to outdo Harper. Ortiz said last week that the reason why the Cubs haven't won is because they play a lot of day games. Why? Because he's talked to a lot of friends of his that played for the Cubs over the years like Alfonso Soriano and they told him that is how it is. That was his first mistake right there, listening to Soriano since he was one of the main reasons why the Cubbies have not won in recent years. Soriano spent 6 1/2 years in Chicago and never got his uniform dirty once. How Ortiz got it into his head that he can give other organizations advice on how to do things is unclear but since he's been telling the Red Sox how to run their team for the past half dozen years or so it must be second nature now. ...Last Friday was the 75th anniversary of Lou Gehrig's famous speech at Yankee Stadium where he told the crowd that he was "the luckiest man on the face of the earth." And now seventy-five years later what most people remember about Gehrig is that he has a disease named after him. There's never even been a ballpark named after him. Not even at Columbia University where he went to college. This was one of baseball's greatest players and the lack of recognition that has been given to him has always bothered me. Gehrig's disease did not define who he was. It was the man's character that did that. ...It's not the fact that the Yankees are a terrible hitting team. I see that every game and I can deal with that. Almost. But what really bothers me is what Brian Cashman plans to do about it in the form of a quick fix. October may be a month full of pressure and excitement but to me July is just as tough because Yankee fans have seen over the years how willing they are to trade a young prospect so they can have another thirty-six-year-old player on the roster. And everything is pointing to that happening again because these guys have not hit all year and if you try and find out why you'll hear a new excuse every day. I know I am getting concerned a few weeks before the trading deadline but this is the reason why I do not want the Yankees to make a trade for Chase Headley to play third base or for them to give up and if they add more All-Stars it won't change a thing.a lot of prospects for David Price. Now with C.C. Sabathia probably out for the season and with his career on the line I have a bad feeling that we will see a deal that brings Price to New York. The way I see it this team isn't good enough. ...An Ohio man lost his job last week and was arrested and faces up to six months in jail all because his eight-year-old son decided suddenly that he wanted to go out and play instead of going to church. When the church van arrived to pick up the kids for Sunday sermon, all the kids piled on and somehow one boy was left behind thanks to him hiding in the backyard. Once the God Squad motored off the boy decided to go to the Family Dollar store half a mile away from home where someone noticed that he was walking around the store by himself and hanging out in the candy aisle. The police were called and when they asked him who was with him and where he lived he replied "no one" and "I don't know" respectively. As soon as the child told the police that he didn't know where he lived that is when the trouble for his father began because it gave them cause to arrest him for negligence of a minor. It's just amazing to me that the word of an eight-year-old is believed a lot more than anything his father said later on since children who are caught doing something that they shouldn't be doing never try to lie their way out of it. Someone at the Family Dollar recognized the kid and the police brought him home at the same time the ride from the church dropped off the other kids from services. The way I see it the church is to blame for this because whomever is driving this van should have known when they got to this house there were a certain amount of kids getting on and when there was one less they should have asked why. The only good thing that happened was that Dad was fired from his job at McDonald's because the story of the incident was published on the front page of the local newspaper and it depicted him as a negligent father and McDonald's does not want that kind of person taking your drive-thru order. It's good because he left this job behind and got another one. Every time I hear about stories like this it makes me get on my knees and thank God that I never had kids.
  8. 59 downloads

    Another one of Paulw's early work before Mvp and it is beautiful. From the readme: Ebbets Field circa 1953 by PaulW (from original by Vince) All credit for the signs and the great looking scoreboard go to Vince and his version of Ebbets for High Heat 2002. Changes in this version include... Lots of work on the background behind the right field wall. Trying for a more photo-real look. Added textures to the right field wall and scoreboard. Updated press boxes Added flag in right field Some subtle color changes and new night textures
  9. 34 downloads

    These rosters are made up of the worst teams ever assembled from the history of each major league team. It's a tough season to play it because the teams are so bad.
  10. 36 downloads

    This stadium for High Heat 2003 was made Paulw - the same Paulw that created many of the classic ballparks for Mvp 2005. So you know if he made this it is going to look good. From the readme: CLASSIC YANKEE STADIUM (Formerly 1961 Yankee Stadium) by PaulW Wanted to make the stadium a little bit more "generic" timewise so changed some of the signs (removed the MM and BOAC signs). Signs are now more from the era 1950 to 1965. Made a slight change to the left backdrop image adding the white apartment building. Also made some changes to the nightime lighting effects. Enjoy and please feel free to send me any comments or suggestions. Please be sure to copy the new jumbotron images into your ../art/stadium/yankee folder. I added some nice pics of Gehrig, DiMaggio, Ruth and Mantle.
  11. 24 downloads

    From the readme file: This zip file contains the home & away uniforms for the 1919 Chicago White Sox You must have DangerZ's High Heat Editor version 0.982 or higher to be able to install the uniforms.
  12. What I've done here is make a complete copy of my Mvp 13 mod and I renamed it to Mvp13CPU. Then I put these rosters in that mod so I could watch games every once in awhile without swinging the bat.
  13. Well that's true. And even though Samardjia is not over the hill the Yankees would have surely overpaid for him.
  14. The Oakland Athletics acquired Chicago Cubs pitchers Jeff Samardzija and Jason Hammel for prospects and I could not be happier for both teams. I think Samardzija is a good pitcher but if the Yankees were to get him they would have to give up a lot more than Oakland did.
  15. You got that right. Now I'm worried that the Yankees are going to give Roberts a new five-year 90 million dollar contract.
  16. That's understandable. Who'd expect a comeback out of this bunch?
  17. Topic moved! No problem at all, this happens time to time.
  18. If we're wrong about this we're both going to be embarrassed.
  19. Not from those screenshots mcoll. They are definitely 2K12.
  20. That's a hell of a good question. He has it posted in the Mvp 2005 preview thread. If this is a mistake (and it does appear to be) let me know and I will gladly move it for you. By the way these uniforms look great.
  21. I was wondering what our next debate topic could be and I always feel if you keep your eyes open something will present itself. Enter David Ortiz. The other night against the Cubs he was at bat with a 3 - 0 count and just before the Cub pitcher threw the next pitch he turned and walked to first base like he couldn't be bothered to stick around to wait for the call. You can see it right here and you will see for yourself that I am not making this up. Now he's going to start pulling this? I wish the umpire would have called the pitch a strike just to make him get back in the box. Can someone give me a reasonable answer as to how this guy became bigger than the game? And what is just as bad is that he believes it. Before I ask you what you think I want to get some things clear. I'm not talking about any other Red Sox player here. No one. How could I, no one else was up at bat except for Ortiz. And I'm not talking about the Red Sox organization either. Again, they didn't have a bat in their hands either. What I am saying is that this is not good baseball and it is not the way this game is supposed to be played. Ortiz showed up the other team and again nothing was done about it. That's the problem I'm having. It's not the uniform I am complaining about here. It's the person in it. Ok, it's all yours.
  22. To: girardij@nyy.com From: maddenj@tbrays.net Subject: Thank you Joe, Sweeping your team in this three game series is probably just what my guys needed as we get closer to the All-Star break. Longoria said you guys were playing like you were sleepwalking and Price said that the last time he had an easy game like that was back when he was in high school. I think what you need is about three more Japanese pitchers but we're sure you guys are already on it. Hey, we'll see each other in August unless one of us (probably you) is fired. Just kidding! Joe M.
  23. Five in a row for the Yankees. These bunch of losers know how to dig deep to come up with a loss.
  24. The Yankees lead in today's game but only one inning is completed. They still have eight more to go. A lot of time to screw up!
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