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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. As always, these portraits look great. Thank you.
  2. Your portraits are wonderful! Thank you.
  3. Yes, you can use the latest rosters that daflyboys released tonight. You are pretty much caught up unless a major update is released soon.
  4. Thank you very much! Every Mvp user should always be using your latest rosters!
  5. Thank you for your wonderful work. Your rosters help bring out the best in Mvp. Great job.
  6. Brett Gardner and Derek Jeter both share the A**HOLE of the night award because they each went 1 for 6 in the game.
  7. Daflyboys is dammmmm good. Now go grab those season mods. You got a lot to catch up on.
  8. I like your photoshop work. Great job on this CTS screen.
  9. I don't know how useful that will be Jim. The last time he visited Mvp Caribe was on April 24th.
  10. Leave it to Ortiz to pose at home plate and rub it in when he hits a home run.
  11. I have a very good idea of what is going to happen. They are going to deny everything and get mad. These are not the guys who make the Mvp Caribe mod. I just want to get that clear. The guy that headed this mod (jeferomer) used to be on this site but he had four other accounts that were found and that's why he is no longer here. But that hasn't stopped him from blaming me for his banning. I think the people that made that mod have a lot of potential. It's always nice when there are other modders working on Mvp. But credit has to be given because it's the courteous thing to do.
  12. No, he's too young. Better to go out and get another 39-year-old player.
  13. Updated to 6-29 ...San Diego Padres reliever Alex Torres became the first major league pitcher to step out on the mound wearing the brand new protective cap that was made available for pitchers this season. It's a bulky looking cap and if you haven't seen a picture of it yet try to picture a small child trying to wear a hat made for an adult. Torres was a member of the Rays and was in their bullpen the night Alex Cobb was struck in the head by a line drive that he never saw off the bat of Eric Hosmer of Kansas City. That memory has stayed with him ever since and even though he has been in thirty games this year without the aid of the protective cap Torres finally decided that it was time to use it. Sure it looks odd, but so did batting helmets when they were first introduced back in the day. I only hope that Torres' cap is never tested. ...Remember the name Yasmani Tomas. He's the next right-handed power hitting outfielder from Cuba that has defected from his country with the intention of breaking into the major leagues. He's still got some legal things to hurdle through so we won't see him on a big league roster until next year. I can't wait to see what his bat-flipping talents are like. ...Francisco Cervelli's been back with the Yankees for about a week now and he has miraculously managed not to get hurt yet. ...Former New England Patriot tight end Aaron Hernandez was taken to a nearby hospital last weekend for undisclosed reasons. Truthfully I don't even want to know why. What really stuck out for me here was that Hernandez did not beat up or kill anyone en route to the hospital. ...Summer time is officially over a week old and that means plenty of town, church or fireman's carnivals to go to. I make sure I go to one at least once a year because they have some of the best lemonade and pizza I've ever had. And while you'd never get me on any of those rides without a fight it is <ahem> always nice to take a stroll around the grounds to make sure that my eyesight has not failed me. I bring all this up because of an article I read about a festival that is held in southern China every year in a town called Yulin. The people in that province have just completed their annual dog meat festival, a traditional festival that goes on once a year. When they eat a hot dog at this thing they really mean it. Animal rights activists have been going there for the past few years to put a stop to it but they've met with very little success. The killing and eating of dogs is part of the daily diet there but it increases during this celebration and according to these activists they estimate that 10,000 dogs are killed for the festival alone. If any of you reading this are dog owners like I am I understand if you feel a little sick right now. All of a sudden I'm not hungry. Not even for pizza. ...An Albuquerque, New Mexico bus driver was fired from his job after surveillance cameras caught him in a sex act with a woman during a layover stop after someone walked past the bus while the two were negotiating the fare. That's the reason why the guy was fired, because some busy body felt they had to tell someone. Can't blame the guy really. There's only so many crossword puzzles you can do on your break before you get bored with it and want to to do something else. ...In what will probably be the last time he will go someplace where he shouldn't be at, a teenage boy found the mummified body of a man hanging in a closet after he decided to go exploring in what he thought was an abandoned house. The deceased was a man that has not been seen since 2009 and the coroner's office said the reason why the body had a hardened, leathery appearance was because the tissue had dried up and because of the cold and dark conditions that the home was in it was preserved that way. That explanation meant nothing to the kid who still refuses to get near any closet in his own home and for the rest of his life when every time someone gets on his case for not hanging his coat up he's got a good reason why. ...The Oakland Athletics desperately want and need a new stadium and they've been saying that for years now. So why have they engaged in negotiations on a new ten-year lease to remain in the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum? I don't understand that at all. This is like me volunteering to spend an extra week down at my in-laws when everybody knows I wouldn't spend an extra hour down there. ...A federal lawsuit was filed by prisoners in Texas over the soaring temperature in the state prisons that they claim killed twelve prisoners in the last three years. My first reaction was if they didn't get convicted of a crime in the first place they wouldn't have to worry about this. The lawsuit is asking for the temperatures to be set to eighty-eight degrees and that is what they consider acceptable for "cooler" temperature. I can't imagine how hot it is in there, especially in southern Texas when the thermometer is consistently over one hundred degrees daily. The union that represents the guards in these prisons even lent public support to the suit and this is what really made me think twice to what these people are looking for. Forget trying to sneak in a file for one of these guys. What they really need is an electric fan. ...Anytime Serena Williams loses in a tournament I consider it great news but when she gets eliminated at Wimbledon that's even better. ...As incredible as it may seem this is not the first time a small child has been left in a car for a long period of time and has died because of the heat. Since 1990 twenty-two children have died this way in the Atlanta area alone and now with this little boy last week it is now twenty-three. It makes you wonder to yourself how you can leave a kid in your car but it is probably as easy as forgetting your lunch or your hat or your jacket. I'd have to say it was about ten years ago that the same thing happened to a couple in one of the midwestern states. The father thought the mother was going to take the baby to day care while at the same time the mother thought her husband was going to do it. The baby was left in the car only to be found later. In that case no charges were filed against the parents. However in this instance the father is being charged with felony murder and child endangerment since the police are not sure if the father really knew the kid was back there. It remains to be seen if the police are right but even if the man is acquitted of these charges he's going to suffer for the rest of his life anyway. ...There was a big outcry last week over some soccer player from Uruguay named Luis Suarez, a guy that I have never heard of until a few days ago and and I would have been happy if it would have stayed that way too. Uruguay's in Brazil participating in the World Cup and in their latest match against Italy this Suarez guy bit one of the Italian players on the shoulder for no reason at all. The Italian player, a man named Giorgio Chiellini, showed great restraint after being bit because it is customary to return the favor by kicking the person in the general area that is covered by a protective cup. Since the match was almost over when this happened the referees did nothing and I think I understand why. They could have been next. ...Because of people like this guy I have a good reason why I hate soccer but to be fair I have hated this game long before I heard of Luis Suarez. I think this game is just as boring as being forced to sit through an opera or having to look at some kid's kindergarten graduation pictures. I think the real reason why I dislike soccer so much is that youth soccer programs across the country attract more kids than any other sport except basketball. All you got to do is drive around where you live this summer and you'll see kids in shorts kicking a white ball around instead of kids wearing double-knit uniforms trying to hit a baseball. But oddly I have no problem playing soccer on my PC. Go figure. ...One more about this soccer crap just to show how nuts it makes some people. An NBA prospect named Joel Embiid, who is from Cameroon got on his twitter account and congratulated Portugal captain Cristiano Ronaldo (this guy I actually heard of and Sabugo gets the credit for that) for what he did in the U.S. - Portugal match that enabled the Portuguese to tie it in the final moments of play. All of a sudden because of this statement he was put down for being "ungrateful" because he was living here in America and he openly gave props to the guy that helped break the hearts of U.S. soccer fans everywhere. All one hundred of them. This guy's only been in the country a few years and isn't even a citizen so you can't blame him for not knowing that there are a lot of people around here who enjoy complaining about every little slight, real or imaginary. Take the Cuban players who are in the major leagues now. Do you think they support this country? Hell no. They just haven't said anything yet. One guy on CNN actually said that Embiid "insulted everyone" in this country. All this guy did was congratulate a soccer player. It's not like he burned the flag or something like that. I wish they would have asked me how I felt about this because I wasn't insulted at all. That's because I couldn't care less ...It sure was a damn shame that the Yankees did not have a game scheduled on Derek Jeter's birthday because they could have found a way to honor him then. Poor guy, he's been virtually ignored by everyone in his final Yankee season. ...I got my copy of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 in the mail on Friday and the first impression was complete frustration on my part and then when I thought I couldn't get frustrated any further I found out that I was wrong. The game installed fine and runs very well on my machine. That's not the problem at all. The problem is that I don't know what I'm doing and I was forced to close the door in my computer room while I was attempting to hit the ball off the tee or putt because my dogs had no idea who I was yelling at. All they saw was me in a chair hollering at something in front of me and this game gave me a lot of reasons to do that. I yelled at Tiger Woods himself, the trees to the left of me, the trees to the right of me, the sand traps and the water and also Daflyboys, who raved about this game and got me so curious about it that I went out and bought it last week from Amazon because I trust his judgment - although I do draw the line on MLB 2K12. It's not his fault I suck. But I have to admit between all my lousy shots and the practice holes I played I saw the potential in this game and I figure that with a lot of practice I will be able to enjoy it a lot more. I played this game for around fifteen minutes before I cried uncle and turned it off because I knew the Yankee game was coming on later that night and to make matters worse they were playing Boston and that alone is enough to get me going. There's a good chance I will never be as good in this game as I am in Links but I am going to have fun trying. Now all I got to do is figure out how to add some new courses to the game. Even that looks hard. ...Finally, enjoy your Fourth of July holiday!
  14. You got to hand it to the Yankees because they consistently show why they suck so much. If anyone thinks that these ****heads are a good hitting team you are nuts. This team can go screw themselves.
  15. That's true. When we really need a hit you can pretty much count on this guy to not deliver.
  16. I don't care if the Yankees won. That worthless Teixeira is a no good bum.
  17. Wonderful job. I love it! Thank you very much.
  18. A three run home run by Dioner Navarro and the Yankees are going to fold up and go back to the clubhouse. What the hell has happened to this team?
  19. I believe that. I don't care what the hell the players say when they are concerned about the fans and that the fans are important to them. That's a crock of #&^%. Not all the players feel this way but I would have to say more than 90% of them do.
  20. Not with the horse**** team they have right now.
  21. Now isn't that the truth? Maybe the next time we can think of a debatable topic and mull it over. There's a lot in this game.
  22. The wrong house. Late one night, a burglar broke into a house he thought was empty. He tiptoed through the living room but suddenly he froze in his tracks when he heard a loud voice say: "Jesus is watching you!" Silence returned to the house, so the burglar crept forward again. "Jesus is watching you," the voice boomed again. The burglar stopped dead again. He was frightened. Frantically, he looked all around. In a dark corner, he spotted a bird cage and in the cage was a parrot. He asked the parrot: "Was that you who said Jesus is watching me?" "Yes", said the parrot. The burglar breathed a sigh of relief, and asked the parrot: "What's your name?" "Harold," said the bird. "That's a dumb name for a parrot," sneered the burglar. "What idiot named you Harold?" The parrot said, "The same idiot who named the Rottweiler Jesus."
  23. Well, I don't know. Maybe I don't trust these players anymore because they mean less to me now then when I first started following the game. But I do know one thing. That is your opinion and that is worth just as much as anyone else here and that is good enough for me.
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