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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. CHICAGO, IL - JUNE 09: Jose Abreu of the Chicago White Sox hits a single in the 7th inning against the Detroit Tigers at U.S. Cellular Field on June 9, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois.
  2. Baltimore Orioles' Adam Jones watches his solo home run in front of Boston Red Sox catcher David Ross in the first inning of a baseball game, Monday, June 9, 2014, in Baltimore.
  3. Cleveland Hero. Cleveland Indians Lonnie Chisenhall follows through on a swing hitting a three run homer during the eighth inning of a baseball game against the Texas Rangers in Arlington, Texas, Monday, June 9, 2014.
  4. This isn't the way it is properly done here. You need to provide a name.
  5. Please edit this upload and use the player's name as a description instead of just saying "cyberface."
  6. Miami Marlins right fielder Giancarlo Stanton comes up short of catching a double hit by the Chicago Cubs' Junior Lake during the seventh inning of a baseball game on Sunday, June 8, 2014, in Chicago.
  7. Danny Espinosa of the Washington Nationals hits a two RBI single during the third inning of a baseball game against the San Diego Padres at Petco Park June 8, 2014 in San Diego, California.
  8. Milwaukee Brewers' Jonathan Lucroy advances to third ahead of the tag by Pittsburgh Pirates third baseman Pedro Alvarez during the seventh inning of a baseball game in Pittsburgh Sunday, June 8, 2014. Lucroy tagged up at second on a line out to center field by Brewers' Carlos Gomez. The Brewers won 1-0, with Lucroy scoring from third with the game's only run on a groundout at first base by Brewers' Aramis Ramirez.
  9. The Cubs lost yesterday but they looked good doing it. Chicago Cubs starting pitcher Jake Arrieta delivers against the Miami Marlins during the first inning of a baseball game on Sunday, June 8, 2014, in Chicago.
  10. If you searched the download area for these particular uniforms and have not found them that means that they have not been made. That means there is no way to download this jersey somewhere on the site.
  11. Updated to 6-8 ...During his annual Turn 2 Foundation dinner in New York Derek Jeter said that he would like to be a major-league owner after he retires and has no interest at all in managing. The reason for this is that he wants to call the shots and not have to answer to someone. You know, kind of like how it's been for him the past ten years of his career. ...The Astros made a pretty dubious move last week but there is a good chance you missed it because after all it concerned them. Not even their own fans pay attention to the moves they make so why should anyone else? For reasons that only made sense to them they signed minor league first baseman Jon Singleton to a guaranteed ten million dollar contract and this is all before he has played a single game in the major leagues. Where do you start? This guy is only hitting .267 with 14 home runs and 43 RBI. Remember, this is Triple-A ball and he got this huge contract, this gift, even though he has less than 450 at-bats for Houston's top farm team. This is also the same guy back in spring training who admitted he was a marijuana addict. He was suspended at the beginning of last season for fifty games for his marijuana use and there was also a time last year where Singleton went AWOL and no one in the Astros organization knew where he was. Just like what he was smoking he went up in smoke. Singleton has stated that even though he is a marijuana addict he has stopped using it and -wait for it- that is why he started to drink heavily. And he got a ten million dollar contract. He isn't worth it, but then again, the Astros aren't known for their wise decisions. ...The first thing I thought of was that this guy is in the wrong organization. Now if he was with the Rockies or Mariners he could do both things that he likes to do legally and that's playing baseball and getting stoned. ...Did anyone see that replay of Marlon Byrd swinging and missing against the Mets and breaking his bat in the process? The announcers were saying that Byrd's bat may have been broken without his knowledge but it still take someone pretty strong to do something like that. Bo Jackson busted up a broken bat over his helmet once when he was with the Royals but he also broke a bat over his knee after he struck out as a member of the White Sox, something I still think is more impressive than what Byrd did. ...Yeah, but she can say it, Dept: V. Stiviano has already had her fifteen minutes of fame and now whether she wants to or not she is getting another fifteen minutes. The racoon-faced former girlfriend of Donald Sterling has now been caught on tape saying derogatory things about African-Americans when she was auditioning for a reality show a few years back about gold diggers that was never picked up. Among the things she said during the try-out for the show was that she didn't understand black people because you give them a little bit of money and they don't know what to do with it. This sounds to me as questionable as anything Sterling said. It's too bad for her that this show never got off the ground because this would have been the easiest job on television that anyone ever had. She's already been driving around in expensive cars and living in a million-dollar apartment that she got Sterling to somehow pay for. And if I had to take a guess to how she got him to pay for it I would only need one. But where is the outrage, the finger pointing, the long, thoughtful articles about what she said? Someone must have forgotten to fill in CNN about this because they haven't covered this. But Sterling was on for days. In my opinion both are wrong but if you condemn one person the other should be looked at the same way. ...People in Germany love their beer so much that they want it wherever they go. Last week I found out that the McDonalds restaurants in that country serve beer. Can you imagine if they did that here? It would take two hours to go through the drive-thru. ...The Los Angeles Clippers sold for two billion dollars just like the Dodgers did a few years back. It is an insane amount of money to pay for anything and it got me wondering how many billions it would take to buy the Yankees? ...It's been over a week since David Ortiz was hit by a pitch thrown by Tampa's David Price and he still won't let it go. I hope that the next time he digs in and crowds the plate against Price that he gets hit in the mouth instead of the back. Maybe that will quiet him down for awhile. ...When I hear about stories like this it bothers me that I am not even shocked anymore. It's almost like I'm numb to what's going on. I'm talking about those twelve-year-old girls who lured one of their friends, also age twelve, into a wooded area near Milwaukee and stabbed her nineteen times and left her to die because they wanted to dedication and loyalty to a fictional internet character made famous on websites dealing with stories about death and horror named "Slenderman." Sounds like a guy you'd love to see part of your bowling league. The good news out of all this is that the girl is now in fair condition despite being stabbed all those times and the two girls that did it are going to be tried as adults and will be charged with first-degree attempted homicide. I'd love to see how the defense attorney is going to defend these two psychos and you can be pretty sure the internet is going to be blamed for this because somehow the internet managed to corrupt these two young and innocent minds by forcing them to read horror stories and to steal their mother's kitchen knife to try and kill a girl that they considered a friend. Good luck with that. Those two must have already had a few screws loose long before they learned how to send an e-mail all by themselves. I hope these two spend a long time behind bars or at least until they are old enough so they aren't looking for babysitting jobs. ...After learning about the treatment that his nine-year-old autistic son had been receiving on the bus he takes to school each day from one particular kid, a Bay Area man escorted the boy on that same bus last week and asked him to point out the kid that has been bullying him. Bullies can not resist picking on an autistic kid the same way a woman can not resist a purse sale. Once identified the angry father walked up to his son's tormentor who, in a matter of seconds found out how the receiving end felt when being pushed around by someone bigger than them. The man grabbed the eleven-year-old boy by the hair and pulled him out of his seat and shoved him against the window and let him know in no uncertain terms what would happen to him if he were to hear that he bothered his son again. For his actions he was arrested and charged with child abuse and bodily injury to a child and is in jail pending a $50,000 bond. While he's in jail they ought to feed him steak and potatoes and give him the best lobster caught in San Francisco because it's about time these kids who push other kids around just to make themselves feel better get knocked down a few pegs. It sounds nice to tell your kids to "turn around and walk away" or "just ignore it" but how many times does that actually work out for the kid who is being picked on? I'm not suggesting that the fathers across America join together to beat the snot out of every school bully but in this case it could be that the abuse that this autistic boy was being subjected to was enough for his father to accept. ...I really didn't know if I was going to be able to write my random thoughts this week because early last Monday morning I started to feel really cold and I began to shiver and couldn't stop. I went back into bed and got under every blanket I could find in the house but that didn't help me one bit. I had a temperature of 104.7 and when it gets that high that is what happens. If there is one thing I am an expert on it would be fevers. I always got these high ones so I know what it's like when they start and how you feel when your temperature starts to go down, It's like someone turned the heat on in your house to 90 degrees because you sweat it out in a hurry. After a trip to the doctor that same day I had to have blood work on Wednesday and then I had to go for an ultrasound on Thursday. The more I deal with people in the medical field the more I don't understand them. When they called my name to go and get the ultrasound they looked at my wrist band where all the patient information was printed out on. Name, date of birth, social security number, etc. But the woman who walked me back there must have been one of those people who does not believe what she reads because she made me tell her everything that was on the wrist band while we walked to the examination room. The entire walk from the waiting room to the exam room took literally less than thirty seconds. Once we got in the room and before we got down to business she shuffled around a few papers and then looked up at me and asked me to state my name and month, day and year I was born once again just to be sure that someone who looked just like me did not jump in the room and throw me out so they can have an ultrasound instead of me. Serves me right for getting sick. ...It won't happen to me, Dept: Sometimes you have to wonder what it takes to get through to people. The U.S. has warned their citizens about the risks of visiting North Korea and even if you go there as part of a tour group it does not mean you won't be arrested for jaywalking and be sentenced to twenty years hard labor. I decided to listen to the warnings out of Washington and I immediately canceled my plans of flying there to watch a charity basketball game the next time Dennis Rodman visits. But some people just do not get the hint because a man by the name of Jeffrey Edward Fowle made himself the latest headache of the State Department because he is now the third U.S. citizen to be held there. Fowle was arrested for committing unspecified acts inconsistent with the purpose of a tourist visit. They're unspecified because North Korea hasn't come up with a good reason yet and whatever they dream up and accuse him of he has it coming because he shouldn't have been there in the first place. Go ask Kenneth Bae how the food and maid service has been since he's been a guest over there. Going there is just as risky as sticking your hand in the wide open mouth of a lion and being surprised when he bites it off. You know it's probably not a good idea but you do it anyway. ...I was saddened to hear about the news of Don Zimmer's death. He's literally been around baseball ever since I was introduced to it and that's probably the same for everyone here. The first time I really paid attention to him was when he was named the Red Sox manager and naturally because of that I hated him. Every time the camera showed him in the dugout he had tobacco in his mouth. I never forgot that. On the ABC telecasts Howard Cosell always used to call him Zip. I can still see the sad look on his face after the '78 playoff game. Eventually Boston fired him and he moved on. He was always a survivor. He was a big part of the Yankee dynasty in the late 90's and I really think they suffered when he left the team in 2003. R.I.P.
  12. What?? Not allowed to download TiT? Anyone can download that mod and use it freely.
  13. If you installed the 1927 mod with no problem then you should be able to get one because Jim made the installer for both of them. The same thing you did in installing the '27 mod is also true here. Please go to for a very detailed description on how to install multiple mods. I should know, I wrote it. You ALWAYS need a clean copy of the game to install any of the season mods. Again, check that thread on how to install multiple mods.
  14. Well that takes care of that. Hmm Is this is the first total conversion mod you have attempted to install? I'm asking this because I was wondering if you had trouble with any of the other ones.
  15. Here's a thought: did you make sure you got the entire file when you downloaded this mod? It is about 540 MB total.
  16. This thread's not even twelve hours old and you are quitting on it already just because you didn't get any responses? You got to give threads time to be seen by the majority of the people here. I'd give it a few days.
  17. Well the main thing here is getting past this nagging problem since that is the main issue here. I'm no expert and I won't pretend to be but this really could be a hardware problem. Usually the problems we get hear about with season mods are the game crashes while it is being started or it crashes loading a game. You don't have that.
  18. There are enough Mvp 13 support topics around and lately there seems to be a lot more. Please search the next time.
  19. I could have sworn I explained this to you yesterday why this file can not be uploaded to Mvpmods but I must not have got my point across to you because here you are one day later asking someone to upload that utility here. Is everything this hard for you to understand? Don't ask again. Please!
  20. Thanks for these good quality portraits.
  21. I hate to ask this but is this someone else's work too?
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