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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Ok, since my sleeping habits are all messed up I decided to play a CPU vs. CPU game in this and I had some good results. I had the San Francisco Giants visit the Atlanta Braves. Atlanta won 1 - 0 on a two-out opposite field double by Freddie Freeman in the sixth inning. The starting pitchers were Madison Bumgarner for the Giants and Ervin Santana for the Braves. Even though Bumgarner pitched a lot better he took the loss. Here's the numbers. GIANTS M.Bumgarner 6 IP, 4 H, 1 R, 1 ER, 0 BB, 8 K (L) Bumgarner threw 63 pitches in six innings. He was up to 31 after three innings, 45 after five and his final inning he threw 18 pitches, the most of any inning. Jean Machi came on in the seventh and pitched the final two innings for the Giants. Here's his numbers. J.Machi 2 IP 0 H, 0 R, 0 ER, 0 BB, 2 K Machi threw 17 pitches in two innings of work. BRAVES Ervin Santana 82/3 IP 5 H, 0 R, 0 ER 5 BB 9 K {W} Santana threw 105 pitches in his 8 2/3 innings out there. Considering the amount of walks and strikeouts he had his pitch count was ok. Craig Kimbrel 1/3 IP 0 H 0 R. 0 ER 0 BB 0 K (SV) Kimbrel pitched to one batter in the ninth. Notes: The Giants were 3 for 3 in stolen bases.
  2. That is helpful daflyboys. At the same time it would have been nice had more of the mods from over there would have come here but again a lot of those guys were long gone.
  3. Why delete this thread? You'll need it when you come back next month to ask again.
  4. No. You had this explained to you. No it doesn't. It takes four. NO again. If tywiggins ever comes back you can ask him to upload this file on here. I will explain it again to you since I obviously did a lousy job last month when you asked for this. Tywiggins had his mods -all of them- hosted strictly at EAmods/MLBMods. When that site shut down some files made it over here but two things happened when that site shut down. Guys like tywiggins and Kgbaseball were gone from that site for a long time before they shut down. Their mods didn't make it here. Secondly, because they were not there we did not have permission to upload their work here. That's how it is. Don't ask again. And don't make the same request again. That's great that you are a supporter but this doesn't give you the right to request something again when you were told why you couldn't have it the first time you asked. And besides this is your fault. You saw how little traffic that site was generating. Guys at that time didn't know where Kraw was. The future of the site was up in the air. So one night I spent time there and went in every Mvp download area they had and downloaded mods that were not here.
  5. That looks great. Is that Cespedes?
  6. As soon as I start feeling better I am going to test this out.
  7. Ok, this week I am going to make a copy of my Mvp 13 mod. Then I will use this roster set and apply the sliders you gave us and I will let you know what I see. I imagine it will be very different then how I play this game.
  8. Thank you David Price. David Price of the Tampa Bay Rays watches the game from the dugout against the Boston Red Sox during the game at Fenway Park on May 31, 2014 in Boston, Massachusetts.
  9. Yoenis Cespedes of the Oakland Athletics is congratulated by Jed Lowrie #8 and Craig Gentry #3 after he hit a three-run home run in the eighth inning against the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim at O.co Coliseum on May 31, 2014 in Oakland, California.
  10. Oscar Taveras of the St. Louis Cardinals hits a solo home run, the first of his career, in the fifth inning against the San Francisco Giants at Busch Stadium on May 31, 2014 in St. Louis, Missouri.
  11. The recent face pack by Homer can be found right here. I like to stress to new users to spend some quality time in the download section to see what is there. You will be pleasantly surprised.
  12. How could you have a legally downloaded copy? This game wasn't sold like that. And there are threads where Windows 8 users brought up their issues with the game and found results. I'm not talking about you in particular but there is a Mvp 13 thread where you can bring up problems you are having with the mod. That is where these problems should be brought up but many people have not been doing it. EDIT: There was something about your post that was nagging at me and then it hit me. You are the same guy who made this post and after you were told that you would not get support because you have a pirated version you came back a few days later and said that you have a "paid" downloaded version. As you were told before you will not get support here for your pirated game. Please do not try to do this again. There's nothing you can add here so this topic is locked.
  13. I don't think the guy's trying to be insulting. I think what he is really looking for is an updated, working roster and he sees that the Mvp game still gets that. You yourself just said you were looking for the same thing.
  14. I don't know if that is accurate LouisvilleLipp. Granted you know more about this game then I do but there's a guy named DaSteelerz who is updating the stadiums for that game one by one and another guy (raidersbball20) who is doing a lot of portraits. I think there's still a lot of interest in this game but again I don't have my eye on the game as closely as you do.
  15. Thanks for nothing Teixeira. Now go on the DL for three months.
  16. That sounds like a fair price. Good luck. I'm sure someone in here will grab it. No big deal, It's now in the proper forum. Have a good rest of the weekend.
  17. Updated to 6-1 ...How do you like this? The length of an average major-league game is 3.14 hours, up by about 4 minutes and 20 seconds since last season. That's thanks to instant replay and in years to come it is only going to get worse. ...When the Yankees and the Red Sox heard about this they just laughed and shrugged their shoulders because this was the average time it took to complete their games ten years ago. ...The Major League Baseball season is two months old now and a lot of eventful things have happened ever since the first Opening Day pitches were thrown out across the country. Promising rookies, some teams off to surprising starts and some others going in the wrong direction. This season has all the markings of being a pretty good one. But when you consider everything that has occurred so far probably the most insignificant and laughable one was the signing of Manny Ramirez by the Chicago Cubs to be a player-coach for their AAA team in Iowa. The Cubs are already having enough trouble this year as it is without signing someone like Manny to be a coach for their top farm team but just like all the other mistakes this team has made I suppose they just could not pass up the chance to make one more. Ramirez' job will be to work with and mentor the young Cub minor leaguers and play occasionally. He'll also be talking to players about the severity of taking PED's. That might be his saving grace because this will be the only part of the job that he knows something about. No one knows more about fundamentals and team work than Ramirez. I can just imagine what he'll be teaching those junior Cubbies. 1. When you hit a home run make sure you stand at home plate and admire what you just did. It's always about you. 2. When you are out on the field just worry about your next at-bat. It's the pitcher's job to get the opposition out. 3. When the manager gets on your case and expects you to hustle all the time and do things like run to first base don't be afraid to fake an injury until he moves on to something else. And if he keeps it up and doesn't let it go just demand to be traded. 4. Never be afraid to pick a fight with a teammate. Just make sure he is smaller than you. 5. Don't think twice about charging the mound while a pitcher is in the middle of his warmups even if you are on the on-deck circle because you never know what is going through his head. ...The Atlanta Braves have an infielder by the name of Chris Johnson who is more famous for throwing temper tantrums than for anything that he has done out on the field. Try to picture Bryce Harper here but with no talent and just as much of selfish and explosive temper that he has. This is his third team since he broke in the major leagues back in 2009 and from Houston to Arizona and now to Atlanta all he has done was leave a trail of broken bats and equipment during his six years in baseball. With an approach to the game like that the next team he'll be playing for is the Red Sox. ...The Red Sox and the Rays got into a little skirmish down in Tampa last week because Boston threw a fit when a Tampa runner took third base on defensive indifference. The fact that they had just given up five runs and were on their way to lose again had nothing whatsoever to do with it. When the teams met out on the field David Ortiz was there with everyone else but he wasn't angry or pounding his chest or acting like he was going to go after someone. He just stood there like he was waiting for a bus. Fast-forward to last Friday night's game. Same two teams but this time the game was in Boston and the same thing happened. The Rays and Red Sox walk toward each other near the home plate area but this time Ortiz runs out of the dugout. This time he's mad and he's pointing at the Rays. He wants to fight all of them. He'll show them. And then he'll fight the state of Florida when he's done. I find it amusing to see how brave he gets when he's in Fenway Park. ...Back to the Palin's, Dept: I talk about politics in here as much as I talk about the health and well-being of the Boston Red Sox, which should give you an idea how much I talk about politics in here. But every time Sarah Palin says something that she thinks is so intelligent but really isn't she ends up giving me a good laugh and that's how she is able to make occasional appearances in the random thoughts thread. It certainly isn't because she has anything interesting to say. Palin suggested to President Obama that he should threaten Russia with nuclear war because of the current crisis in the Ukraine. Yeah, that'll work. And to think this woman was almost the Vice President. ...A true test of patience is talking to a person who is hard of hearing. ...I was watching a video last Thursday where an alligator was walking around at an outlet mall in South Carolina. He was corralled and caught before he made it to the food stand and taken away. Not even an alligator walking around loose and care free stopped some women from doing their shopping. I'm not afraid to admit that I'd be on top of roof screaming my fool head off. ...The Arsenio Hall Show was canceled last week despite the show being renewed for late-night syndication. Who says that TV executives don't always know what they are doing? ...I have never been one to pass up a massage but then again I have never been to the Philippine Islands either. They have a zoo there that offers free massages for anyone who wants one. The catch is that you get rubbed down by four giant Burmese pythons that the zoo insists is therapeutic and calming for the people who have them. I'd feel calmer if I were having a root canal without the novocaine. Before you get the massage the zoo gives you some pointers on how to behave around these reptiles. For those who do not do the smart thing and run away when you have the chance you are asked not to shout for help or breathe too heavily because if you do you might upset the snake and you will then be squeezed to death. These are the little trade-offs you have to expect when you are getting something for free. ...The grief on Richard Martinez' face when he was talking about his son Christopher last week after he and five other people were killed in Isla Vista, California by a lunatic who apparently had a grudge against the world was hard for me to watch at times. I empathized with the man and shared his anger and his sorrow like any other human being would but what made me even more angry was knowing that whatever Mr. Martinez said about having stricter gun control and when he called out Congress because they did nothing following the Newtown school shootings in 2012, I knew that nothing he was saying was going to make any difference. What happens when a tragedy like this takes place? Grieving parents and relatives are shown on TV over and over. Articles are written that say "this can not continue" but it's eventually dropped it until the next time it comes up. People get mad at the National Rifle Association because they're the ones that argue that it is the right of every American to own a semi-automatic weapon. The NRA has no need to respond to these criticisms since they don't last long anyways. They just sit back and wait for everything to settle down and it's back to business as usual until the next guy gets a gun in his hand and shoots some more people because a girl didn't smile at him. Six people died that day. The oldest was twenty-two-years old. Twenty children died in Newtown, Connecticut. There were two crimes that day. Elliot Rodger and his outlook on life that made him do what he did and the easy way that he was able to get his hands on three guns. If Richard Martinez spoke about this for the rest of his life nothing still would be done. ...Last Tuesday, Jared Remy, the son of Red Sox broadcaster Jerry Remy pleaded guilty to first-degree murder in the fatal stabbing of his girlfriend last year and was sentenced to mandatory life in prison without parole. The murder of this twenty-seven-year-old woman could have easily been avoided had Jared's last name had not been Remy because if it were anything else he would have been behind bars long before he had the chance to stab her four times in succession. Jared Remy has been in trouble his entire life and his parents did nothing to help him except for getting him high-priced legal help, which did nothing to stop his abusive patterns. There is a very well-written article that a writer from the Boston Globe wrote about how Remy got away with an astonishing amount of crimes and assaults with literally a slap on the wrist and all along the way his parents were there to foot his bills and keep him out of trouble. Jared Remy may have been the one who murdered this woman but if Jerry Remy and his wife had not enabled him and made all his legal troubles constantly disappear, he would have already been behind bars instead of being at that woman's apartment that day and if that were the case a woman named Jennifer Martel would be alive today. ...Before a crowd of onlookers, a twenty-five-year-old Pakistani woman was stoned to death by her family outside a courthouse in what was called an "honor" killing because she married the man she loved and the family objected to it. It's bad enough that this took place but it should be no surprise to anyone that it did since these people are nothing but a bunch of savage animals and I don't like saying that because it's an insult to animals. But if there is a better description of what these people are it escapes me at the moment. The family was upset because they promised her hand in marriage to one of her cousins since the guy was having a very hard time hooking up with someone from eHarmony. Instead the woman went out and married someone she was in love with and according to the family by doing that they "dishonored" them. Leave it to a Muslim to justify killing someone for a reason such as this. What even makes this worse is these people that included her father, her brothers and the cousin that she was supposed to marry did this to her with the knowledge that she was carrying a child. The entire crowd that pelted her with bricks got away when the police arrived with the exception of the father, who was trying to get a few more licks in. Police apprehended the father as he was trying to get away but it was unclear if they were going to detain him so he could be charged with murder or if they just wanted to take his bricks away so they can give it to the next guy. ...And it goes on. In Qatar, a small Arab country located in western Asia, they have started a campaign using posters, passing out brochures and using social media to ask visitors to wear modest clothing in public. Modest clothing to these people means they don't want to see your legs or your shoulders or your arms. At least your hands are not required to be covered up but give them time. The fact that this country is trying to make their visitors walk around in designer bed sheets all in the name of Islamic custom is not what really stands out here at least for me. It's their country, which is my nice way of saying who gives a sh**. But the fact that they get visitors is what surprised me. Who really wants to take the chance to go there? Unless you want to see something get blown up first-hand or watch and old-fashioned hanging where some unlucky woman gets strung up because she smiled at someone or something felonious like that, I see no legitimate reason to take a chance to visit the part of the world where killing is done because they believe their religion tells them to. They may not hang 'em in Detroit but they do enough shootings and killings every day to keep things interesting. And it's so much closer than Qatar.
  18. Total Classics 1997 Continued. The overlay and layout of Total Classics 1997.
  19. It's been a few months since this thread has been updated but with the release of Total Classics 1997 it is my pleasure to revive this thread to go over the wonderful job that Kyleb did in creating this mod. I imagine it must have been very bittersweet for Kyleb (a devoted Indians fan) to work on this mod because the Indians in 1997 were a team that could score runs in bunches without breaking a sweat and they had a pitching staff that was more than capable of holding their own. They got hot at the right time as they beat the Orioles and Yankees in the playoffs only to shockingly lose the seventh game of the World Series to of all teams, the Florida Marlins who at that time were only a part of the National League since 1993. Not until four years later in the Arizona desert would the deciding game be determined more drastically then what we saw in 1997. This is just a brief synopsis of what 1997 was like and Kyleb did his best to re-create it in this mod and I believe he succeeded. If any of you had the pleasure of playing the Mvp 2012 mod or the Mvp 2013 mod you will already be familiar with the quality of work that Kyleb puts out. The uniforms in the game were done by Dennis James and just knowing that he did them adds style and class to any mod that he is a part of. Jim825 was kind enough to package up this mod and create the installer for it. As a reminder for newer people here you will need a newly installed copy of Mvp 2005. This copy of the game should not have any mods installed in it at all. You unpack the 1997 mod and you then direct the installer to where you want this mod installed to. When it's done that means you are done. Start your game, get your gamepad and you are good to go. Since this mod was released there have already been four cyberface updates to it (Juan Gonzalez of Texas, Roger Clemens of Toronto and Jose Mesa and Manny Ramirez of Cleveland) and there has been another overlay made just for this mod. The music chosen for this game couldn't be any better and it is difficult for me to describe here in words but it is just how I remember how the music was during that time and that's why it fits so well. If you decide to use the Tampa Bay Devil Rays or the Arizona Diamondbacks in this mod you will be able to and not able to at the same time. As we all know these two teams did not begin play until 1998. Both teams have no players listed on their respective rosters. You can choose these teams to play a game but that's as far as you're going to go here. Kyleb has said this was intentional on his part. The final thing is that he had trouble with the stats, so you will see that everyone's final numbers for 1997 are blank. The exhibition game that I played for this review was the American League Champion Indians going to Oakland to play the Athletics. Both starting pitchers had a hard time on the mound. Cleveland's starter was Orel Hershiser and although he was pushed around by the Athletics while surrendering six runs, he still won the game for Cleveland. Oakland's starter was Ariel Prieto but he only lasted 1 1/3 innings because David Justice hit a hard line drive up the middle and fractured Prieto's right leg. So much for Prieto. Five Oakland pitchers took the mound and five Oakland pitchers combined to give up thirteen hits and ten runs to the Tribe. I recommend this mod for fans of Mvp baseball and if you are a Total Classics fan like myself you have to have this mod. It is well worth it. Thank you Kyleb and all the contributors to this mod. Welcome to Total Classics 1997!
  20. You install it with the TiT program (Total Installer Thingy) that is found in the download section.
  21. It sure is. And it makes me wonder if any of these ideas will be implemented. Something's got to be done.
  22. Don't sell yourself short. You did fine.
  23. Thank you very much. This looks very nice.
  24. I didn't until he came to the Yankees and turned into a slug.
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