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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Robinson Cano of the Seattle Mariners hits into a double play in the sixth inning against the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim at Safeco Field on May 28, 2014 in Seattle, Washington.
  2. Starter Felix Hernandez of the Seattle Mariners pitches in the second inning against the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim at Safeco Field on May 28, 2014 in Seattle, Washington.
  3. I think it's funny too. Cervelli's had enough chances and he just can't stay healthy. Let him go somewhere else so he can get injured again for another three month stretch for a different team.
  4. What the hell?? Look at the first post in this thread. The guy is selling it for thirty dollars but you are offering forty. And you have to understand right now that your "not very legit" version of Mvp 05 will not receive any help in here at any time.
  5. Thank you!! I know this roster is going to be just as good as all the others you released.
  6. Thank you! I have been waiting to try this out ever since you began talking about this. I can't wait to sit back and watch this because this is going to add a new look to Mvp Baseball. Hahahahahhahaha. You're not kidding.
  7. Guess who's poor little wrist is hurting him again? And if any of you out there say "Mark Teixeira" you are right. Screw this guy.
  8. It's not just you. There must be some bug in the board's software that is doing this. I've had to approve a lot of comments just like this that other people have posted.
  9. There's a problem with this upload Kyleb. When you go to download it the .JPG image file is downloaded and not the cyberface.
  10. The reason for Mvp being so overpriced is this websiite. There are so many mods for the game and so many individual season mods. That is why the price is jacked up so much.
  11. Yes Jim I did see that. He didn't have trouble getting the mod itself but he also said he was using a "downloaded version of MVP 2005."
  12. There are uniform making tutorials in the download section. Check them out. They are a wealth of information.
  13. I think I can beat that. Here's a quiz for all of you. What do the Red Sox like to do when they are going through a losing streak? If you answered "pick a fight with the other team for no reason" you are right! So grab another hot dog off the grill because you deserve it. Here's what happened: Yesterday the Tampa Bay Rays scored five runs in the bottom of the seventh inning to break a 3 - 3 tie and in that same inning Yunel Escobar took third base on defensive indifference while Tampa held that five-run lead. The Red Sox bench didn't like that so instead of getting upset with themselves that they let Tampa put a five-spot on them after they fought back to tie the game they picked a fight with Escobar, since it was his fault that Boston was in that 8 - 3 hole. It was a five-run lead where anything could happen. Take Saturday's game for example. Boston scored five runs in the first and then watched the Rays tie the game and win it in fifteen innings. And this happened literally less than twenty-four hours before this fight. The Red Sox started this fight because they must have figured that at least they'd have half a chance to win it with Ortiz on their side. Boston Strong?? I guess so.
  14. It sure sounds like it. If something is corrupted on the actual install CD there's little to do about that. Good thing for you though is someone is selling their copy of Mvp right now on this site right here. That might be something to look at. No warez, cracks, or links to such content. Help, requests or posts that discuss circumvention of copyright measures are forbidden. This includes linking to illegally obtained software, movies & music files - posting about it, and suggesting obtaining it. All that means is that you get no help and you are on your own. That's just how it is. We can't give support to people that have the downloaded (pirated) version of the game. You have to buy it to get help around here and yes we all know that it is kind of expensive to buy.
  15. Sean Rodriguez is today's hero in Major League Baseball. Click on the picture to get the full-sized version. Tampa Bay Rays' pinch hitter Sean Rodriguez hits a three-run homer off Boston Rex reliever Craig Breslow during the seventh inning of a baseball game Sunday, May 25, 2014 in St. Petersburg, Fla.
  16. You are not providing any information for anyone to help you with except that "your game crashes so much." What operating system do you have? What other mods have you installed with this mod? Are the rosters updated? Have you tried to search the forums to see if someone had a similar problem that you are now having? (Hint: people have.)
  17. Updated to 5-25 ...You got to love the Dutch. They are making immigrants in their country learn the language and pass a culture test during the first two years they are in the Netherlands and if they don't they got to leave. What an idea. Can you imagine if they did that in our country? Arizona would lose 80% of their population. ...While I'm at high fives to the Chinese too. This doesn't happen a lot so they better not get used to it. China loves the XP operating system so much that they have now banned Windows 8 from being installed onto any computer in that country. 50% of China's desktop market uses Windows XP and the reason behind the ban is that they wanted to ensure computer security there ever since Microsoft stopped supporting XP. You got to love anyone that can tell Microsoft in so many words to go to hell without actually saying it. ...I read an article that said that in one year's time kids eat more then ten pounds of sugar from breakfast cereal alone. That got me kind of curious because even though I am not a kid like most people I have cereal from time to time and it was here that I found out that one of my favorite cereals, Kellogg's Honey Smacks has 56% sugar by weight. No wonder why this tasted so good. Years ago this same cereal was called Sugar Smacks and all Kelloggs really did was remove the word "sugar" from the outside of the box while changing nothing inside of it. Sugar without Sugar Smacks? Unheard of. I haven't had this cereal for about a year and a half but it's not because I didn't want it. It's just that it's never been on sale. Now it's always going to be in the back of my mind every time I see it and I am never going to be able to buy it again. ...At least Cheerios and Rice Krispies got good reviews. I love those two cereals but at the same time I'd be hard pressed to pass up Count Chocula. ...The Customer is always right, Dept: A woman who was having breakfast in a Burger King restaurant down in South Carolina threatened to "shoot down the place" because she felt her cinnamon roll was not fresh enough. People like this woman really know how to keep their priorities straight. The other two women that were with her didn't say much because they were too busy polishing off their sausage, egg and cheese muffins to look up and take notice but as soon as their friend stuck her hand in her purse and acted like she had a gun they told her to hold on with that kind of talk because they weren't done eating yet. After employees threatened to call the police did they all finally leave and they made sure to take the cinnamon roll that caused all the commotion in the first place. Stick it in the microwave for ten seconds. Works wonders. ...Come to think of it something like this happened to me once except that there was no drama involved. It was a few years back and I was at a McDonalds and I bought a coke, fries and a double cheeseburger. When I placed my order I asked them not to put pickles on the burger and they said it wouldn't be a problem. When I sat down the first thing I did was open up the burger to see if they took the pickles out and sure enough they were right there like they were waiting for me. All I did was take them out and set them to the side. With an attitude like that I'll never be newsworthy. ...There seems to be a problem these days with schools as they seem to look the other way when bullies are involved even when the parents go to the teacher or administrators to report the problem. And the zero tolerance policy they have towards them looks great on paper but carrying it out and doing something about it is another thing. But as soon as a parent stands up for their kid and deals with them first-hand then just watch how quick they act. There was this mother in Santa Rosa, California who is now facing charges because she grabbed a twelve-year-old boy by the throat when she confronted him about bullying her daughter. The school took photos of the red marks on the boy's neck before calling the police, who in turn arrested the woman on a charge of felony child abuse. Arguments can be made pro and con about this but the way I see it is this is a mother protecting her child because the school won't. I don't have kids myself but I know I'd do the exact same thing except maybe squeeze harder. ...I'm no fan of tattoos. I'd never get one and I don't feel that I am missing out on anything because I don't have one but now if you ever need to be fitted for a crown you can have your tooth tattooed to anything that you desire. No thanks. I can hardly sit through a teeth cleaning without squirming off the chair. ...If the Yankees have any chance this year in winning the American League East Division they should try their best to stay out of Chicago because they seem to be snakebit every time they play there. ...Lately I have been forcing myself to go out for walks in the evening so I can build up more strength in my knees. I do it at night because it's finally starting to get warm around here but it still cold enough at night for people to stay outside on their porches or decks to pass the time away. It was during one of these walks that I started thinking about the times I spent with my friends on these cool nights that kept everyone inside and the things that we used to do then would never be tolerated today. We used to play a game where we had let's say six people. We'd split them up and one team would stay in one place for five minutes while the other guys would run off to God knows where with the goal of getting back to the agreed upon area. Sometimes I wonder to myself why I even think of something like this that happened those many years ago. Anyway, we would hide on top of garages. There was a set of houses where you could easily jump from one garage to the other until you covered all five of them. Picture some kids doing that now. We would hide inside of garages too. We knew the people who never locked their garage and we would open the doors and hide from the people who were looking for us. There was this old guy who always kept his unlocked and he had an impressive collection of tools that we never touched. Hiding out there was one thing, stealing was another. Give that a shot today and see how fast someone will press charges. I remember one kid who hid in a dog house in someone's backyard. It took us an hour to find him because while he was hiding he fell asleep in it. Maybe this was the beginning of my knee problems because if you got back to the safe area without being touched you were ok but if you were spotted you would be tackled to the ground before you got there and that happened to me a lot. And here I am, years later doing my best to walk in the same cool night with no one around remembering a time not so long ago when it was the easiest thing to do. ...Last week police from sixteen countries raided 359 homes and arrested eighty people suspected of peddling virus software believed to have infected hundreds of thousands of computers. The software was called "Blackshades" and it is a dangerous piece of malware that can let you control other people’s computers by recording keystrokes, having access to private information like credit card numbers and even being able to see you without your knowledge via your computer's webcam. Blackshades was very popular as it generated more than $350,000 in sales and along with the storage drives that were seized the FBI also confiscated quantities of cash, illegal firearms and drugs. This wasn't reported where I live but that doesn't mean that someone doesn't have it or is affected by it. The FBI even managed to arrest the owner and operator of this organization and I'm sure that as soon as he was picked up people started to get nervous because it probably won't take him long to start singing a few bars. ...There's a lot of unrest going on in Iran right now and this time it has nothing to do with blowing something up or chopping off someone's head. Those fun activities have been put on hold right now after the scandalous way an Iranian actress named Leila Hatami conducted herself at the Cannes Film Festival when she went up and greeted the head of the festival by giving him a kiss on the cheek. As soon as the Islamic republic's deputy culture minister was revived with smelling salts after witnessing this on television he went off on Hatami and accused her of maligning Iranians with her actions. It's a good thing she didn't shake his hand and wink at him too. The deputy culture minister continued to denounce her as he went on to say that "Iranian woman are the symbol of chastity and innocence" Yeah, sure they are. Buy them a few drinks and they're like anybody else. ...Lawyers representing the family of guitarist Randy California, who has been dead for seventeen years now, are suing to try and prevent the release of the Led Zeppelin IV reissue when the time comes because they want to make sure that the guitarist's name is given a writing credit on 'Stairway to Heaven.' This song is now forty-three years old and the family claims since California's death in 1997 it has taken this long to save up enough money for an attorney to take their case. Wouldn't you think that if the claims by this family were strong enough some lawyer would have taken the case because of a potential multi-million dollar settlement? Something doesn't add up right here but the only thing that does is someone trying to lay claim to this band's signature song before the album is remastered and re-released to the public. ...In an effort to keep her family from learning she had dropped out of school a twenty-two year old woman phoned in two bomb threats because she believed by doing so the graduation ceremonies at her school would be canceled and her relatives would not notice that her name was not on the list of graduates. That is what usually happens to someone when you haven't been at school all year. The girl's mother gave her thousands of dollars this year to use for school and was unaware that she was using the money to buy tokens on Google Play. The two bomb threat calls were traced back to the girl's cell phone number. Police will always admit that their job is made so much easier when crimes are committed by people like this who have their brain turned off when they are doing them. ...Stephen Drew is back with the Boston Red Sox after signing a one-year ten million dollar contract. This signing made the Fenway Faithful happy while the rest of baseball couldn't care less. Drew signed for four million dollars less than what Boston offered last year. I don't know what other skills he has besides playing baseball but after he retires he should never think about becoming an investment counselor.
  18. Thank you very much!!
  19. You're right, I'm sorry. I meant to say avoid a sweep against the Cubs.
  20. I would have to say it is. I downloaded version 1 and 2 of this mod and they both installed flawlessly. Give it another shot.
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