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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Home plate umpire Tim Timmons motions for Asdrubal Cabrera, who was on third, to take his base after Detroit Tigers relief pitcher Al Alburquerque balked with the bases loaded in the 13th inning of a baseball game, Wednesday, May 21, 2014, in Cleveland. Ryan Raburn, right, turns toward the dugout to celebrate. The Indians defeated the Tigers 11-10.
  2. It takes the Yankees 13 innings to earn a sweep against the Cubs.
  3. Another five star job! Thank you.
  4. Homer's new portrait upload should be just fine.
  5. *** works best with MVP08 and MVP 12 Total Conversion ***
  6. Another excellent job! Thank you.
  7. I think this looks fantastic. Would you do me a favor and play a game in it and post some more screen grabs?
  8. Very much appreciated Dennis. Thank you for this fix. Since I never used the Marlins I had no idea anything was wrong.
  9. Jaxen, here is the Ryne Sandberg cyberface that daflyboys was talking about.
  10. Thanks a lot. These look great as always.
  11. Updated to 5-18 ...It doesn't seem to matter if Mozilla releases a new version of their Firefox browser because one thing you can count on before you start it up for the first time is that Adobe Flash is going to crash at some point. ...I don't know if the Yankees are the unluckiest or the most unconditioned team I've ever seen in a long time but I am getting fed up with finding out someone on the pitching staff won't be pitching for awhile due to some sort of injury. C.C. Sabathia's gone now for fifteen days, which should actually help come to think about it. Who the hell really knows what's going on with Michael Pineda and Ivan Nova's going to be watching HBO for the rest of the year. We are in the middle of May and three of the five Yankee starters have fallen off the map. By the All-Star break so will the rest of the team. ...Don't tell my wife but I have been madly in love with Misael Morgan for awhile now. I think if we were the last two people on earth I might have a chance with her. But if that doesn't happen, forget it! ...A lot has been made in the media about the St. Louis Rams drafting Missouri defensive end Michael Sam and the reactions that people have had about it. Not everyone was happy about it and I get it. I'm not gay and I have no understanding of that lifestyle but that is how Sam is and that's really all anyone needs to know about this. There were some things I didn't like about this and it had nothing to do with whom Sam decides to spent time with when the doors are closed. As long as someone came out supporting Michael Sam everything was just fine but if anything was said that wasn't supportive of him that person was treated like a pariah. As a nation we tend to look down on countries like North Korea with their smothering human rights practices but as the months and years go on we are losing one of our biggest freedoms of all and that's the right to say what you think. People in that country already know what that's like but we are learning fast. Miami Dolphins cornerback Don Jones was fined and suspended by the team because of comments he made about Sam on Twitter. His suspension consists of not being able to participate in all team activities until he completes educational training for his Twitter comments. The Dolphins went on to say that they were "disappointed" in the comments that Jones made. The hell they were. They were disappointed and upset because they had to do some quick public relations work because one football player had the cajones to post something that a lot of other players felt the same way about. Right or wrong I agree with Jones. The last thing I want to see on TV is two men kissing. That's why I've never seen Brokeback Mountain. Two women are a different story. But that's Sam and that's what he's about and I'm fine with it. People should lead their own lives. But not everyone approves and the people who oppose it should be able to freely say it and not have to worry about going through sensitivity training or apologizing twenty times. That's what our freedom of speech is about, to be able to speak your mind. It sounds so simple but like most things around us we will only miss it when it's gone. ...And then, maybe there's still hope: ...I pay as much attention to Charles Barkley as I do to Red Sox fans who get upset, but last week if I had the chance to I would have shook Barkley's hand. When Barkley was asked about the women in San Antonio, Texas during a recent NBA telecast last week he could not contain himself and decided to have some fun. He described the women there as a "gold mine for Weight Watchers" and that San Antonio was a place where "Victoria is definitely a secret." All this was tongue-in-cheek and was meant as a joke and if you don't believe that then here is a webpage that you can go to so you can see for yourself. After Barkley said all this the usual happened. People got upset, they wrote letters, they called the network and told them to make Barkley apologize and in most cases they get their way, but not here. More often than not the offender parks themselves in front of the camera the first chance he gets while looking like a kid who who just caught playing hooky and apologizes and asks for forgiveness for their "insincere" remarks. Barkley? Hell no. He told them he was only joking around and if they were waiting for an apology hell would freeze over. Who knows, maybe hell did freeze over because someone did not retreat from what they said just because other people didn't like it. Way to go. At least someone can speak their mind. ...A husband and wife team that run a Christian outreach group in Daytona Beach, Florida were fined $746 by the police because every Wednesday they went to a local park and along with volunteers fed homeless people. The reason for this is that there is a city ordinance that bars individuals from serving food in public. Along with the fines the group was also banned from the park for life. This must be Daytona Beach's way of combating crime. Muggings, shootings and drug activity still go on but they sure as hell got the feeding homeless people situation under control. ...During a soccer match in Genoa, Italy between Napoli and host Sampdoria a woman interrupted play as she ran out on the playing field wearing only a big smile and a very small bikini. Like everyone else that does this sort of thing she ran around for awhile but it took her some time to be caught because the security people were fighting each other for the right to tackle her to the ground. ...Kim Kardashian and her no-talent fiancé Kanye West will be getting married in Florence, Italy later this month. All I want to know is what the Italians did to them that got them so mad that they decided to get even with them by getting married in their country? ...Vegas oddsmakers has Germany, Portugal and the Netherlands as the early favorites as the country where the divorce will take place. ...Red Lobster sold for 2.1 billion dollars! Must be nice to have that kind of cash lying around. I just hope the new owners don't take away those hot cheesy rolls that they give you before the main course comes. ...I saw a video on youtube about a guy that had no arms but still was able to play table tennis by holding the paddle in his mouth. I've got two arms and once I hit the ball so hard that it broke in two (ok, so it was kind of cracked before I hit it and all I did was finish the job) but this guy was more than holding his own and if I played against him I'd lose every time. It's impressive what some people can accomplish when they really want to do something. ...Law students at the University of California, Davis (which is west of Sacramento) have submitted an application to practice law to the State Bar of California on behalf of a man named Hong Yen Chang, who they claim was denied his chance to practice law solely because he was Chinese. This by the way happened way back in 1890 and these students want to do something about it now. Better late than never I say. Summer break's coming so they need something to occupy their time. Chang's application was turned down by the California Supreme Court because of a law at the time called the federal Chinese Exclusion Act and that barred Chinese natives from obtaining U.S. citizenship and California law prohibiting noncitizens from practicing law. I'm no lawyer but I can see why his application was denied all those one hundred and twenty four years ago and if Chang were around today and wanted to practice law it would not be an issue at all. He was given a wrong deal because he was a victim of the times that he lived in and nothing can be done about it now. You can not re-write history by campaigning to California's State Bar to give a posthumous law license to a man who has been dead eighty-eight years now just like you can't fix all the other injustices that happened over time to others. This is why when I hear about things like this going on I write it off as a huge waste of time. ...I've been playing a lot of High Heat baseball recently ever since Trues made a place in the download section for High Heat 2004. I've been alternating between the '02, '03 and '04 games with the 2003 edition being my favorite. There was one thing about this game that it didn't take me long to notice at all after playing just a few. Back when Mvp 2005 first came out we had threads in here that were about how bad the announcers were in that game and that Krukow and Kuiper were the worst part of it. They weren't kidding. Those two got annoying very quickly especially with those 'Big Boy' comments. But the two announcers that are in the High Heat games are no better. Every ground ball base hit is a "SMASH!!" and they seem to give up on the starting pitchers way too early. In one game I got my first two batters on via singles (smashes) and the announcer says "he's being pounded." After two batters? Next game, same thing although it was said this time in the second inning after I drove in two runs with an RBI double. It took OTBJoel years to finish his Legends of the Booth mod for Mvp. If he were to do the same thing for High Heat it would take him a month. ...David Ortiz must have been burning the phone lines at the MLB offices in New York because the ball that he hit in Texas last week off of Yu Darvish during his no-hit bid that was originally ruled an error has now been changed to a hit thanks to the constant crying and complaining he did. I knew that Bud Selig and everyone that works for him are more than willing to do back flips just to make Ortiz and the Red Sox happy but to be willing and then actually changing a rule that was clearly in the rule book just so the call can be in his favor is pathetic. ...And people in here and people that I know at home wonder why I have a white-hot hatred for that guy. The guy gets away with everything. He complains about his contract all the time and the media hardly says anything. Years ago when that report came out about the 103 players that took steroids he was on it but only Alex Rodriguez's name was made public. At the first game at Fenway Park after the Boston bombing they asked Ortiz to say a few words to the crowd - a crowd that included many small children- and during his speech he swore and nothing is said about it. Even the FCC said it was ok. Can you imagine Rodriguez addressing the Yankee Stadium crowd and saying "F***?" We would still be hearing about it. This is why I can't stand the guy. It has a lot more to do than the uniform he wears. ...Patriots fans had a pretty bad week too last week when Aaron Hernandez was indicted for the murders of two men in a drive-by shooting in July of 2012. This means that Hernandez is now charged with three murders and for the first time since he was arrested last year they are starting to believe that he won't be returning to the team. ...Finally, the Boston Bruins, the National Hockey League's classiest team. After their game seven choke against the Montreal Canadiens last Wednesday night they will be spending their off-season perfecting the water bottle toss and toning up on their poor sportsmanship skills. ...What a week!!!
  12. Version 3.0


    This set contains the complete minor league system for all 30 teams. There is not a fake player in this set. This is a very detailed roster set. Please read the readme file that is contained in this mod.
  13. We do not make mods for hire on this website. That being out of the way, good luck in getting this editor. Sounds like it would really help for that game.
  14. I'm sure it is but I am not paying a high price for what they are asking for this game.
  15. I don't check the overlays for 2k12. I don't look at the mods there because I don't download and use them myself. I approve them when they are submitted but after I do that I don't see the mods again. The only thing I have really paid attention to with 2k12 is the graphical improvements that some guys are trying to do.
  16. And if your next question is if he is banned the answer is no. He just hasn't been here. And how you know about him? He was here before you got here
  17. Well, they make courses. A lot of them. This website has a ton of them. 207 pages worth.
  18. 107 downloads

    This file will update the logos for the Miami Marlins, the San Diego Padres and the Toronto Blue Jays. Follow instructions in the game's Zap file.
  19. 155 downloads

    This uniform update is for all the MLB teams in High Heat 2004. Back up your uniform files in case you want to go back to the default ones in the game.
  20. 89 downloads

    The crowd tables and sounds have been converted to stereo with this mod. I tested it out and it sounds great. Check the readme file for a full description.
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