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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. You won't have to worry about me because I am probably more afraid of those things than your wife is.
  2. Hahahahaha! Hey man you better hide your copy of that game before she grabs it one night and places it for sale online!
  3. Well, that's not a problem. But remember to search for your questions first because a lot of the questions you may have probably have already been brought up and answered. There is a lot of information out in the forums.
  4. I like Solarte and Betances and Warren. These young players deserve a chance and I wish the Yankees had more of them. You've been paying attention.
  5. Oh, one more thing. Every so often people on this site sell their game but that hasn't happened in awhile. Keep looking at eBay, maybe you can get it cheaper.
  6. WHAT!! You don't own the game??? And I liked you! Yeah mmeyer, that's the best place to get Mvp for a decent price and if you think $63 is expensive do a search for this game at Amazon and let me know what you find. Ebay has this game for sale a lot and even for that price it is a bargain considering the amount of mods available for this game right here.
  7. Yankee4Life

    2K12 Mod Tool

    Please don't bump your posts. You've been here long enough to know this.
  8. Yes I did Jim and I had to go back and see what got him so riled up. That was the extent of it and anyone that wants to know what I was talking about will have to go back to the April 27th edition of this thread. I don't know why that had to be brought up now Jim but since it has I better get something straight right now. This is a thread where anyone can come and post any random thought they have. This isn't my private thread. It gets updated on Sundays and that is how it has been for almost nine years now. The things I write are my own viewpoints and opinions about things - right or wrong- and my own observations that I see throughout the week.. I completely get it that I may be the only one who agrees with me on some things. My intention is to write things down as I see them and maybe provide a laugh along the way. If you ask anyone in here who the most critical person of the Yankees is they'll say it's me and I wouldn't argue the point. I think they are the most overpaid and underachieving team in the majors and I don't even want to get into how I feel about the individual players on the team. But when I talk about them no one says a word. It's ok to put down the Yankees and when you can get a Yankee fan to do your work for you that's even better. But have the same person make a comment about the Red Sox and all of a sudden we have a problem. And it wasn't even insulting. I don't know what GoRedSox expects when he comes in here and reads what I write because it's never going to be anything positive about the Boston pro sports teams. That's how it is and that's how it's going to be unless I get amnesia and start to believe I am a Boston fan and when I get my memory back and someone tells me what I was doing I'd jump off a tall building. My friendly advice to GoRedSox34 is to not read this thread anymore if you are afraid I may say something about a ballplayer you happen to meet. I don't care who you meet. If he plays for the Red Sox he's not a favorite of mine. Live with it.
  9. Robertson, that young catcher Ryan, Ellsbury's been doing ok. There's some others. I'd have to go over the roster.
  10. Now the no good SOB has an excuse as to why he has been terrible all year. Damn this. The season's over for the Yankees. Bunch of overpaid has-beens.
  11. What I would suggest you do is search the forums because people have had this problem with Windows 8 and they have found ways through it. Searching these forums can provide a wealth of information.
  12. Updated to 5-11 ...Last Monday Montreal Canadiens goaltender Carey Price reported that his two Labrador retrievers were missing from his home. They were eventually found and returned to him at his home later on in the day. The first thing I thought of when I heard this was that some Bruins fans found out where he lived and stole them. ...Lady luck was with me on Tuesday when I had to get our car looked over at the dealership where we bought it. The place is kind of far from where I live and for me to get there I had to be right in the middle of the going-to-work traffic that particular morning. What made me go to bed early the night before and wake up at 5:00 a.m. the next day was that something called a "check engine light" was on in the car and my wife thought the wheels were going to fall off as well as the roof and if that happened "how would I get to work?" Not wanting her to walk to work or at the very least thumb a ride I told her I'd take care of it for her. The terrifying check engine light ended up being nothing to be concerned about. It ended up being something else that was making that light go on and I wish I could explain exactly what it was here so I could let all of you know but I was just nodding my head in the unconscious way that people do when something is explained to them that they are never going to understand. This was only about a ten minute job to do but I ended up waiting there for an hour and a half because there was some part on the car that had a factory recall and if I had the time they could have taken care of it that day. I did and they did and once that was finished they explained again exactly what the hell they did and I began nodding my head again like I knew what they were saying. The lucky part? This repair, if it wasn't ordered by the factory would have cost around $600. I'll take that kind of luck any day. ...I thought being traded to the Rangers and playing in their bandbox of a ballpark was supposed to help Prince Fielder put up better numbers? ...Mariano Rivera's new book The Closer: My Story went on sale last week and naturally the writers had to do their best to stir something up out of nothing. They made a big deal about a Rivera statement when he said he would take Boston's Dustin Pedroia (oh no!) over ex-teammate Robinson Cano because Cano did not display "the red-hot passion that you see in most elite players." I don't know why they latched on to this comment to try and make something out of it. All Rivera did was take the diplomatic way of saying that Cano was a lazy SOB. ...Speaking about Rivera, one day before his book came out he was busy outside of Yankee Stadium because a street nearby the ballpark was re-named after him. River Avenue and 161st Street in the Bronx is now known as Mariano Rivera Avenue, thanks to the unanimous vote by the city council. I'm sure that after Jeter retires he won't be happy unless they re-name the Bronx after him. ...Jose Fernandez of the Miami Marlins is having an outstanding year so far and I'm very curious to see if he has another good year like his rookie year in 2013. He's been pretty healthy so far and outrageous as this may seem it got me to thinking if he was playing for the Yankees instead of the Marlins he'd of had Tommy John surgery by now. ...I read an article about some guy in Minnesota that got a ticket because he drove around a pothole because he didn't want his car to drive over it, which makes perfect sense to anyone who lives in these cold-weather states. Salt eats up the roads and come spring time it's almost like driving around a mine field. If the cops around here started giving tickets for this I'd have had my license taken away years ago. ...Who says kids don't listen to their parents anymore? When there's a problem the knee-jerk reaction is to blame Obama but in this instance it's Mrs. Obama. School kids are blaming the First Lady for the noticeable lack of appealing lunches they have had to have because of the new standards mandated by the Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act, a law that Michelle Obama was very active in getting passed. What these junior Palins and O'Reilly's out there fail to realize is that Congress and the Department of Agriculture approved the new standards for school cafeteria meals and not Mrs. Obama, but as their parents can tell them it is much more fun blaming them anyway. ...I have been following that story of the two hundred Nigerian girls that were abducted a couple of weeks ago by yet another Islamist militant group that is trying to make some kind of a statement. You got to hand it to those people because they never seem to run out of terrorist groups and they always seem in competition with each other to see who is the worst. And everything they do is in the name of Allah and they make it sound like Allah sent them registered mail so they know what to blow up or who to kill or in this case, who to kidnap. This is supposed to be a peaceful religion but whoever is still believing that line is just as nuts as those people. The only peaceful Muslim is one that doesn't have a gun in his hand yet. I'm hoping that all of these young girls get rescued and are able to go home where they belong but these people who have them have never cared if they lived or died and if given the choice they'd take the latter, which is just fine by me. All of these militant groups should be lined up and be given the same send off. ...North Korea took the gloves off last week when they called President Obama a "crossbreed with unclear blood" and went on to say that he had the "figure of monkey." Until now I was unaware that the Republican Party had offices in North Korea. ...I went on a little trip the other day that I have been putting off for quite a few years now. I took a ride to where an old ballpark by the name of Silver Stadium used to stand and where I spent thousands of hours as a kid watching baseball. If anyone's interested, I found a link that has a lot of pictures of the park over the years right up to the very end but aside from the very old ones from the 50's and 60's these photos do not do the place justice. As I said I have been pushing this off because it's hard to go back to a place that you loved so much knowing that it's gone now but one day last week I found myself driving towards there and this time I didn't turn around and I'm glad I didn't. 500 Norton Street was a famous address around here for anyone who followed baseball but now it's the address of a neighborhood community program that handles matters such as complaints about landlords, a place to anonymously talk about drugs or violence in the neighborhood and a place to go to get permit applications for things such as awning and shed installations. The building where all this goes on has a couple of plaques on the outside of it letting people know what used to be there, which I thought was a very nice touch. But what's behind this small, compact building is what really caught my eye. There's an open field with still some of the greenest grass you'd ever seen and you can tell they do a good job keeping the grass short. It's not as short as infield grass but it still looks good. The playing field where the ballpark once stood is now home to three businesses: a machine shop, a sign making shop and one that gave me no clue as to what they did. I imagine that open field is for future tenants to build as they see fit. Every kid who spent time at this ballpark had a nice story to tell about it. I won a ten-speed bike once on kids night that got my sister so jealous she ended up riding it more than I did. The players I saw, the autographs I got, you can't replace that. I have so many fond memories about that place that you wouldn't believe half of them. The last year they played ball here was in 1996 and many people believed that they could have continued playing here but there was a big push to get out and modernize. A guy that does reviews of minor league ballparks gave a very accurate one as to why the ballpark is not there today. I finally asked someone if they didn't mind if I walked around that open field for awhile and the woman said to feel free to and to take my time. I got the feeling that I wasn't the first one to ask this person this question. While I was out there walking around I was trying to picture in my mind where everything was. Now third base must have been right around here. That means the box seats and grandstands were not too far behind me. I don't know how right I was but I had fun doing it because as far as I was concerned I was on hallowed ground. Seeing greats like Stan Musial, Mickey Mantle and Hank Aaron make guest appearances here and being able to watch players like Ron Guidry, Dave Righetti and Cal Ripken, Jr before they made it to the major leagues is something that the bulldozers and wrecking ball could never take away. That's what made it worth coming here today. As I was taking the long walk back to my car I saw something out of the corner of my eye laying on the grass. A plastic bottle. I picked it up and threw it away. ...I had the MLB Network on late Friday night and they were doing live look-ins in Texas because Yu Darvish had a no-hitter going against the Red Sox. When David Ortiz hit a pop up into short right field that fell between the Rangers second baseman Rougned Odor and right fielder Alex Rios it was ruled an error and the no-hitter wasn't broken up. When Harold Reynolds saw that play in the MLB Studios I thought he was going to fall out of his chair because of the call. He kept on calling it the "worst call in the history of the game." He must have forgot about the perfect game that Armando Gallaraga was robbed of four years ago. I haven't seen so much bluster come out of a baseball commentator since the days Joe Morgan was announcing for ESPN. Even when Reynolds was pointed out the rule that explained why Rios was given an error on the play he still kept it up and insisted it was a hit. If any of you saw that instant replay you'll see that Rios did his best imitation of Alfonso Soriano and completely misplayed the ball. It was an error and the call was right. All of the MLB Studio announcers agreed with the call except of course for Junior Joe. And people wonder why I don't watch the MLB Network more often. ...Finally, Happy Mothers Day to all your mothers. Wether they are still with you or not, if they live five minutes from you or five hundred miles, a phone call and an I love you is worth more than a nice bouquet of flowers. Happy Mothers Day!
  13. How the hell and why the hell do the Yankees have Aceves again? What are we going to do, keep him for awhile and then let the Red Sox have him back?
  14. Well, he was surrounded by winners and I admit I was a fan of his in the early part of his career. Yeah, it made him go out on a bad note. That's why I don't think - and I am hoping that it never happens- that he does not get a plaque in Monument Park. And just watch, as time goes on and this does not happen, Posada will cry about it. The Yankees never should have signed him to that last four-year contract that he had. He was done. The SOB.
  15. I'm waiting for someone in here to request updated rosters for this game.
  16. San Diego Padres starting pitcher Ian Kennedy works against the Miami Marlins during the first inning of a baseball game Thursday, May 8, 2014, in San Diego.
  17. Baltimore Orioles starting pitcher Ubaldo Jimenez delivers to the Tampa Bay Rays during the fifth inning of a baseball game Thursday, May 8, 2014, in St. Petersburg, Fla.
  18. I've hated Posada for years now. He was a terrible catcher and he was a rally killer because he always grounded into double plays at the worst possible times. And to top it off during his last year on the team when he was hitting below .200 he got dropped to ninth in the lineup and he threw a fit and refused to play. NoMaas had a very funny image of the incident.
  19. I don't think that had anything to do with why he sucks right now. I seriously question the drive of any of these players once they get these huge, guaranteed contracts.
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