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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Nice image of the Cubs - White Sox game tonight. Ryan Kalish of the Chicago Cubs hits a triple against the Chicago White Sox in the 3rd inning at U.S. Cellular Field on May 8, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois.
  2. I sure did, The guy did a good job and I hope his arm is ok.
  3. I can see the Yankees retiring Joe Torre's number. But does everyone think that Paul O'Neill, Rich Gossage and Tino Martinez deserve plaques in Monument Park? And next year Bernie Williams will join them. I'm all for it just as long as Jorge Posada never gets a plaque.
  4. Good question. But I'll tell you something, this guy's been releasing these quality portraits for years now and he does a hell of a job. He doesn't post that much because of the language barrier but his work speaks for itself.
  5. For those who do not believe that the Yankees scored five runs in the first inning the YES Network will be re-broadcasting the game at 9:00 am and again at noon today. I have to see this for myself.
  6. What the hell is up with the Phillies? I tend to notice teams that are doing worse than the Yankees right now.
  7. Personally I do own this game but I do know you need to provide more information than this. What OS do you have? What mods have been installed? There could be other factors with the 2k game that I don't know about but giving more information about your problem is always helpful when trying to solve it.
  8. Don't say or do anything religious. Eventually you'll want to go home.
  9. Those two people you are talking about are modders on this website and around here that means a lot. Constructive criticism is always welcome here like suggestions or questions about the mod to the modder himself. Not every mod is for everyone. We all get that. But don't put down someone else's work because it doesn't match up to your expectations. Either try another roster or wait for an updated version of the roster or if none of those is what you want you can make your own roster.
  10. I'm so glad I was asleep when Captain Millions grounded into that double play to end the Yankee threat.
  11. Your best bet is to install portraits with the TiT program (Total Installer Thingy.)
  12. Now that the Yankees are out on the west coast tonight I don't have to worry about a book. They'll put me to sleep by the 2nd inning.
  13. Version 1.31


    This All-Time roster differs from the Dream Team roster that I also uploaded because this roster features the best players from each team since they began play.
  14. Version 1.5


    This Dream Team roster set includes the top players from each organization since 1950. Players whose careers ended before 1950 were not included in this set. The readme file goes up to version 1.3 but this is version 1.5.
  15. Christy Mathewson The dominant pitcher of his era and one of five all-time greats originally inducted into the Hall of Fame, Mathewson looked like the classic American hero: tall, blond, and blue-eyed, with a reputation for clean living and good sportsmanship that was often held up as a splendid example for the nation's youth. While those virtues were surely exaggerated, his pitching skills were not. He retired with 372 wins (fourth all-time), 78 shutouts (third), and a 2.13 ERA (fifth). The son of a gentleman farmer, Mathewson attended Bucknell University, where he was class president, an excellent field goal kicker, and, of course, star pitcher. Leaving Bucknell in 1899 to pitch for Taunton (New England League), he advanced to Norfolk (Virginia League) the following year and went 20-2. The Giants bought him for $1,500, but returned him to Norfolk when he lost his first three decisions, declaring the deal cancelled and demanding their money back. He was then drafted by the Reds for $100 and traded to the Giants for sore-armed Amos Rusie who had not pitched since 1898. Reds' owner John T. Bush was about to buy the Giants and wanted a promising pitcher when he got there. In 1901 Mathewson won 20 games with a 2.41 ERA for the Giants, but manager Horace Fogel still did not believe his young star would win consistently, and had him practice at first, shortstop, and in the outfield. John McGraw arrived in mid-1902 to quickly put a stop to such experiments, and from 1903 to 1914 Mathewson never won fewer than 22 games. Mathewson's pitching was marked by intelligence, good mechanics, and outstanding control (he walked only 1.6 batters per nine innings), but he also had a magic pitch. Today's screwball, he called it his "fadeaway," a reverse curve that broke in to righthanded batters. Thrown with an extremely unnatural twist of the arm, he rarely threw more than a dozen a game, but the threat was always there. Combined with his other outstanding pitches, it made him one of baseball's rare masters. He could breeze through a game on 75 or 80 pitches, often holding something back for what he called "pitching in a pinch" (the name of his book). Mathewson was only 14-17 in his second full season, but led the NL with eight shutouts and posted a fine 2.11 ERA. The following year he won 30 games and led the league in strikeouts, feats he would repeat in 1904 and 1905. In the 1905 World Series, Matty turned in one of baseball's best postseason performances, shutting out the Athletics in Games One, Three, and Five, allowing only 14 total hits, as the Giants took the Series 4-1. In 1906-07 Christy's brother Henry pitched three games for the Giants, going 0-1; until Gaylord and Jim Perry broke their record, Christy and Henry held the record for wins by brothers. Mathewson's finest regular season was 1908, as he led the league in wins (37), ERA (1.43), strikeouts (259), and shutouts (12), but the Giants finished a game behind the Cubs. Between 1911 and 1914 Mathewson won 98 games to young Grover Alexander's 96, but when Matty slipped to 8-14 in 1915 Alexander won 31, and the mantle of the league's best pitcher was passed. In 1916 he was traded to the Reds, where he won the one game he pitched before leading them to two fourth-place finishes as manager. When he retired, Matty had won the ERA title and the strikeout crown five times each and had led the NL in wins and shutouts four times each. Off the field, public reputation aside, some found him brusque and stand-offish, others said he had a swelled head. He was also known to break a contract, once signing with the Philadelphia Athletics before changing his mind and jumping back to the Giants. Still, he lent considerable prestige to the players' unionizing efforts in 1912, and while managing once suspended Hal Chase for "indifferent playing." He was also one of the few to publicly state he thought the White Sox were throwing the 1919 World Series. Enlisting as an Army captain in 1918, he served overseas and was gased in a training exercise, thereafter suffering from tuberculosis. He coached with the Giants in 1919-20, but spent much of his time upstate, fighting TB. He served as part-time president of the Braves in 1923, and died two years later at the age of 47.
  16. Terry Moore A popular and classy centerfielder with speed and a strong arm, Moore was considered among the league's best. Underrated because he was overshadowed by more colorful teammates, he was captain of two Cardinal World Championship teams (1942 and 1946). As a rookie in 1935, he hit two doubles and two homers in one game, and a few weeks later went 6-for-6 in another. He was an All-Star from 1939 through 1942, a stretch during which he hit .295. Moore put together a 20-game hitting streak in 1942 and entered the military that fall. He seemed to have lost his batting eye, but not his fielding flair, when he returned in 1946. He was kept out of the lineup by an old knee injury. He had nine consecutive hits and rebounded for a .283 average in 1947. Retiring after 1948, he was a Cardinals coach in 1949-52, and again in 1956-58 after managing the Phillies for part of 1954.
  17. At least Sabathia's consistent. He sucks in every game he pitches.
  18. I'd have told the batter to pick the left or right side of his head because that is where the next pitch was headed to.
  19. 68 downloads

    From the readme file: This changes players images inside the game menus of HH04. First save your original menus.mf file from Zap folder somwhere so you can have it back anytime. Than copy downloaded file menus.mf into C:Program FilesHH2004ArtZap folder and overwrite the old one.
  20. 43 downloads

    This is a completely different file from the mod uploaded here. From the readme file: JimTheUmp's High Resolution Night Skies v. 1.1 NEW in this version - The blood red sky from version 1 is now a dark blue sky made to simulate ambient city lights. No changes were made to the other sky. The two files in this folder will replace your night skies in High Heat 2004 with original high resolution creations by JimTheUmp. If you experience choppy play or any reduction in game performance after installing these skies, it is recommended that you restore the original default night skies. These skies, however, have been tested on a low-end graphics card (GeForce2 32MB) and they have not adversely affected performance. TO INSTALL: Copy and paste both files into your HH2004>Art>sky folder, replacing the originals when prompted. You will be replacing the two night sky files that came with the game. Make sure to back up those files, or you can simply restore them from the CD when you want the default night skies back.
  21. 93 downloads

    This mod contains hi-resolution skies for daytime, night and sunset. Please read the instructions on how to install and of course, back up your files first.
  22. Updated to 5-4 ...Last week it was discovered that a new bug was found in Internet Explorer, Microsoft's version of web browsing done the wrong way. This bug would allow hackers to remotely execute code on your system that would permit them to install programs and compromise your data. All this would be done without your knowledge of course because if these guys couldn't do all this stuff without you knowing about it half of the fun is already taken away from them. The attacker could eventually gain full administrative access to your computer and that would give them the free path to change settings without you even knowing what they did or even when they did it. Microsoft is currently working on a fix for this and for all I know they have a patch available now for download to prevent this from happening. People who do not use Internet Explorer at any time have nothing to worry about and Microsoft couldn't help but scare XP users one more time when they said that XP users who use their browser are more at risk of attack and they will not receive a patch to fix the issue. Anyone who is using XP and insists on using Internet Explorer to do their web surfing is already asking for trouble and this was before this latest intrusion was identified. It's like trying to get a sun tan in the middle of the freeway. Eventually you're going to get hit. ...I don't believe that there is any amount of money in the world that will get me to eat yogurt. ...I read last week that ESPN is worth around $50.8 billion. I'd of never guessed that much for a network that practically ignores hockey unless there is a fight and only thinks there are two teams in major league baseball since that is all they ever show. ...I've been watching a show on FOX the past couple of years called The Following and it is probably one of the most disturbing shows that I've seen in quite a long time. There's violence in it but if you can find that on most shows on any network you can think of unless you only watch the Christian Broadcasting Network. It's not the violence in this show that makes me so uncomfortable but rather the complete willingness to kill others and if need be, themselves if that's what it calls for and the blind sided faith that the followers put into the man (Joe Carroll) that they have devoted their life to. Sure, it's a TV show. It's written that way and it's just acting and I get that but this happens in real life too and there is no director yelling "cut" at the end of the day. Jonestown back in the late seventies and Heaven's Gate are two that come to mind right away. What all of these have in mind (including the fictional television character) is that these people were all lead by charismatic leaders that made you feel good about yourself when you did what they wanted you to do. Eventually Joe Carroll is going to get caught and he'll continue to live in reruns but what worries me is if there is someone out there taking notes. ...Michael Pineda, et al, Dept: So many things have been said about Yankee pitcher Michael Pineda ever since pine tar was discovered on his person while on the mound at Fenway Park pitching against the Red Sox. How he had the nerve to do this against the Red Sox of all teams is unthinkable and unforgivable especially when you consider the Red Sox pitchers have no use for pine tar and don't even want to be within fifteen feet of the stuff. Boston questioned Pineda when they faced him in New York about the exact same thing so it should make you wonder why he would even attempt it when he got to Fenway, a place where every close call goes Boston's way and they don't let you forget it either. The answer is that Pineda was not aware of any pine tar being on him until it was detected by the home plate umpire. Come again? You have to keep in mind that this happened in Boston, a place that encourages the people that work out on the field between innings or during pitching changes to become part of the action. Think back to the 2003 ALCS. This was some time after when Manny Ramirez tried to pick a fight with Roger Clemens on a pitch five feet away from him. Things started to calm down and then the Fenway Park groundscrew staff who were assigned in the Yankee bullpen decided to attack Jeff Nelson with a rake and a pick ax. That started another fight. Why? Because they were losing the game. Let's jump ahead eleven years. The Red Sox believed that Pineda got away with something in New York and they were fit to be tied. Especially Jerry Remy, who has more important things to worry about these days. Boston was waiting for him in Fenway and like finding a coiled up snake in the bushes, Pineda didn't know what bit him until it was too late. Who watches what happens on the field between innings at Fenway Park before they cut to commercial? No one? I do. There are security people that come out on the field and stand in front of each dugout to prevent anyone with the idea of running out on the field to do something to thing again. These people are occasionally in the Yankee dugout and what happened was one of them purposely bumped into Pineda and put some pine tar on his next. The Yankee pitcher was sweating so much that he didn't even feel it. Could I be wrong about what happened? Could be, but my point is that I put nothing past the Boston Red Sox. The end result? Michael Pineda was ejected and suspended ten games and as an added bonus the Red Sox won the game. What a productive night! ...Carlos Beltran, whom I've been a fan of since he joined the Yankees and not before, is upset with Major League Baseball because he believes that they should provide translators for Spanish-speaking players for each team when they are being interviewed by the media. All I've got to say about that is why?? Is this really needed and why should baseball or individual teams be expected to provide a Spanish translator? Take a look at any roster in baseball and you will see a lot of Spanish speaking players that can help out if needed. A quick glance at the Yankee roster shows six people including Beltran that speak Spanish and English. Of course one guy may be more affluent than the other but the point is there are many people in every clubhouse that can lend a hand in case a language question comes up. Stick to hitting the ball Carlos and leave the thinking to people who have brains. ...After being fed up with watching C.C. Sabathia put in another poor outing for the Yankees and as soon as I was positive that he turned the game over to Seattle for good I decided to turn the game off to watch a movie but as it turned out the movie that I watched was just as bad as the Yankee game, if not worse. It was a movie called Her and all that I heard about it was that it was a strange movie but the hype didn't do it justice. Joaquin Phoenix was in it and as messed up as he is in real life that's how he was in this movie so that meant he just had to be himself. He nailed it. He plays a soon-to-be divorced guy who purchases a new operating system that has artificial intelligence with a female voice and personality and over time he and the operating system end up falling in love with each other. Obviously this OS was not created by anyone at Microsoft because if those guys made it the relationship would have never got off the ground. In the end Phoenix can't even hold on to his OS because she runs off with other operating systems (I still don't know how this happened) to continue to find out and learn about themselves. And that's how it ended. Almost immediately after the credits started rolling I remained seated, only half paying attention to the screen and the only thing that came to mind was that I wasted two hours of my life watching it and if I can get just one person to avoid this movie just by what they read here I've done my job. ...The next time Sabathia pitches I am going to have a book at my side so I can go to that as soon as he falls apart. ...Before last week if anyone asked me if I had ever heard of Donald Sterling I would have said no. John Sterling, yes. Donald Sterling? No. I am not a big basketball fan and it has been over twenty years since I watched an NBA game, which should give you a good idea how important the NBA is to me. Just like anyone else who turned the TV on or was on the internet I heard bits and pieces of Sterling's conversation with his girlfriend and the first thing I said was "he's done." And being banned for life from the NBA insured that he was. I'm not defending the man at all but something about this entire mess doesn't seem quite right. As I understand this whole thing began with a tape recording from a conversation between him and his girlfriend and the girlfriend, this V. Stiviano person, swears that she is the one who did not leak the tape to the press and no one's calling her a liar for that. And is that tape authentic? I believe it was Sterling on the recording that was released but could the tape been edited to make him look as bad as possible? Keep in mind this woman who says she didn't release the tape is being sued by Sterling's wife for 2.8 million dollars for targeting her husband. And why is this woman walking around town now with a visor covering her face if she's done nothing wrong? She better stick to her story because it is illegal to record a conversation in California without the consent and knowledge of both parties. Again, I'm not doubting that these were Sterling's words and the trouble that he got into was of his own doing. I just think he had more than a little help on the way. ...While I was in the supermarket line the other day I was behind two people that were obviously doing their shopping together and while they didn't have that much stuff they were taking a lot more time then you would expect. It's not like their cart was overflowing with items. When it was my turn to pay the cashier smiled and apologized to me because those people didn't know how to pay with their card and they ended up paying for their groceries five times in a row. Don't ask me how. All I want to know is how do I usually end up being behind these kind of people when I go to the store? ...From India, with love, Dept: Last Friday started out very interesting for me. Or maybe I should say annoying. The phone rang at 8:20 am and when the phone rings that early in my house that means something's wrong or my wife forgot something that she had to bring to work. Instead it was someone with a thick Indian accent telling me that they detected something wrong with my computer and they wanted me to go to a web page so they could fix it. He also said something about working for Microsoft but I couldn't understand everything he said with that thick accent. To best describe how he sounded just walk into any 7-11 and ask the guy behind the counter how much something is. When I informed him that my computer was not even on at the time and that he woke me up he tried to backtrack and said that they detected something last night "in the evening sometime." He couldn't even tell me what time they detected the intrusion on my computer. Maybe they were from Microsoft after all.
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