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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Makes perfect sense to me. Let Jeter go over and kiss his *** if he wants to because that son of ***** would probably do it anyways but the Yankees should ignore him and not welcome him back at all. He chose to leave, he did it, now get lost.
  2. Oh hell no. Before I'd use that logo as my avatar I would legally change my name. Google this: KC. Then click on images. They have some pretty nice logos there to claim as your own.
  3. He said he is updating the face packs. We are not going to rush the guy to do anything else.
  4. Thank you. Much appreciated.
  5. Homer what roster do you recommend to be best used for this facepack you released? There's been some new ones for the 2014 season.
  6. Yankee4Life


    This latest post of mine was sent from my desktop keyboard.
  7. I'm confused here. Are you a Jays fan or a Royals fan?
  8. And he did it against the right team.
  9. And that's how you should play any dynasty. If you start to feel rushed because you want to complete it then chances are you won't. You just pace yourself. And you are right, bhurst has been doing his for years!
  10. This looks great and the screen grabs look wonderful. It is still hard to believe that 2k makes this.
  11. Has anyone noticed that the Red Sox have two Japanese pitchers on their team just because the Yankees do?
  12. This is the debating thread so I'll ask this here. Jacoby Ellsbury got a nice greeting on his first trip back to Boston last week. This week Seattle comes to town along with Robinson Cano. Do you think the Yankees should show some video highlights of his and give him a nice welcome back to the Bronx? I say NO and HELL NO. Let the PA announcer say his name like he would any other player and that is that. This pri** deserves nothing else.
  13. Look! Toronto beat the Red Sox. They usually lay down for those guys.
  14. Yankee4Life

    2014 facepack

    Thank you so much Homer.
  15. I see what you mean. So they would have to get that particular face and then re-assign a number to it so it would work in this roster.
  16. Forget it Homer, don't respond. The guy had a few personalities on this website if you get my drift.
  17. Updated to 4-27 ...One week ago on Easter Sunday a man dressed as Jesus Christ went to the Boston Garden to watch the Bruins playoff game with the rest of the great unwashed in the stands. When he was first shown on the Jumbotron he was given a nice hand by the crowd but that didn't last long. By the second period Judas Iscariot's men dressed as security guards surrounded the Son of God and escorted him out of the arena as the Garden serenaded him with a shower of boos. Who was this guy kidding? Boston fans weren't fooled for one second. They know damn well their God looks exactly like David Ortiz. ...It must have been one hell of an Easter. Even before the city of Boston showed what they are really made of a redneck couple down in Tennessee made for some hilarious news when one accused the other of not being a very good driver and if it wasn't for some quick reflexes he could have been a victim of road rage. As they arrived at Easter service last Sunday the husband in this amusing tale complained to his wife that she was driving erratically with him and their daughter in the car, didn't pay attention to traffic rules and even made some up on the way. When mass let out he was not looking forward to the return trip home and figuring that he would have a better chance of making it home safely even if a blind person were driving, refused to get in the car with her. As he was walking away and wondering how he was going to get home his wife got in the car and drove off in the direction he was walking and then slammed on the gas and hit the curb right in front of him, causing him to jump back into the trees to avoid being hit. Any thoughts of a peaceful Easter dinner at home were now gone. She was later charged with aggravated assault and was booked in the county jail on a $1,000 bond. I can't wait to hear what these people are going to do on Memorial Day. ...I've tried but I just can't figure out those new Sprint commercials with the hamster as the father. And there's also that stupid blond kid who is doing a Heidi take-off but for some reason only speaks French and has cartoon birds all around her. Yeah I get it, they're selling the Sprint Network. Somehow. But like this? ...Has anyone seen those new baseball caps that have an LCD screen so you can change the logo on the cap or change it to a picture of your favorite player instead? The cap sells for seventy-five dollars and comes pre-loaded with twenty images of your choosing. Included on the cap is a small USB port that allows you to connect your hat to your computer or tablet so you can add or remove images. This cap would serve no purpose for me because I can think of twenty Yankees that I'd never want featured on any hat I was wearing. I can see it now. The next time someone is held up and is forced to hand over their expensive shoes they'll have to hand over their cap at the same time. ....What the hell is it with these younger players in the game today and why do they make it so easy to hate them? Bryce Harper is a conceited, arrogant punk that acts like he's already too good for the game and he's got that type of face that every time you see it you want to punch it. Yasiel Puig? Forget it. He's in his own world and the only person he listens to is the guy in the mirror and that sure as hell isn't Don Mattingly. Jackie Bradley, Jr. hasn't done anything yet but it's only a matter of time considering the environment he's in. I can't imagine what the younger players five or ten years from now are going to be doing. Whatever it is they'll probably make these guys tame by comparison. ...Kyle Farnsworth is the closer for the New York Mets? You know that's not going to end well. ...The next time I hope to hear about Carlos Gomez is when some pitcher beans the SOB in the head and maybe after that he'll stop being such a poser. ...Cheers to the Florida man who caught an 805 pound mako shark last week and then brought it home, cut it up and cooked it for the community that he lived it. The shark was so big that it fed 250 people. It's about time we eat one of these things because usually it's the other way around. ...Just a few weeks ago Rolando McClain announced that he wanted to play in the NFL again and Ozzie Newsome, the General Manager of the Baltimore Ravens gave him the opportunity to come back and work with the team during their off season conditioning practices. He did, but his comeback only lasted one day until he decided that he really didn't want to play football anymore and his heart wasn't in it and this time he really means it. Any Raider fan who watched him play towards the end of his brief career in Oakland knew this already. What a big break this is for Newsome. As a fellow Alabaman he gave him another chance but McClain must have forgot how much work is involved in being an NFL player and when it all came back to him that's when he decided to walk away for good. By the time training camp opens in three months McClain will be a distant memory and one less problem the Ravens will face this upcoming season. The next time this guy makes the news is when he trades in his football uniform for an orange jumpsuit. ...One of the first things a lawyer is taught is not to ask any questions that you don't know the answer to because you might get a response that you don't expect to receive. It's a common sense rule not just for lawyers but for anyone but as we all are well aware of common sense is not shared by everyone. Take for instance a fifty-nine-year-old German man who was visiting Austria recently when he got the bright idea to walk into a police station in Salzburg and asked the police if they "had anything" on him. It must have been a slow night because the police asked him to take a seat while they checked their records. Like finding some money in a pair of pants that you haven't worn in a while, that is how the police felt when their database showed that the visitor who walked in from the street was in fact a wanted man. In fact he was in high demand because a Vienna court had previously issued an arrest warrant for four counts of fraud and embezzlement and were very desperate to get in touch with him. Like I said, not everyone has common sense. This guy had better like Austria because he's going to be there awhile. ...I watched the Wrigley Field 100th Anniversary game last Wednesday and the Cubs really did a great job making that day special for everyone. Those vintage uniforms worn by each team added a nice touch to the day. The first thing that came to mind when I saw them was that I hoped Dennis James was watching. It was nice seeing former players like Ernie Banks, Billy Williams and Ferguson Jenkins there being cheered by the crowd again and by Sammy Sosa not being there it made the day even better. What kind of person tells a team that he wants them to retire his uniform number? That's an honor a team gives to a player and not something that you demand but Sosa never was smart enough in the first place. I hope the Cubs never cave in to him. As for the game? Damn. Half of the people in mental institutions around the country are in there because they were fans of the Chicago Cubs and the ballclub slowly drove them crazy over the years until they finally snapped and after this game was over there had to be a few more check-ins. Thanks to Pedro Strop the Arizona Diamondbacks turned a 5 - 2 deficit into a 7 - 5 victory and that sent everybody home with the usual miserable feeling after the home town fans walk out of Wrigley. Strop's got a live arm and if the strike zone was three or four inches off the plate he'd be a sure-fire Hall of Famer. And yet he almost got out of it. He threw seven straight balls to start the ninth and on the eighth pitch he got what appeared to be a double play ball and that would have bailed him out but when Starlin Castro bobbled the ball you could have picked up your seat cushion and walked to the nearest exit because Cub fans knew what was going to come next. Somehow that was the fitting way to end the day. Happy Anniversary Wrigley. ...I can understand anyone's desire to go to Hawaii since I was lucky to live there for a few years and never wanted to leave. But if I had to get there the way this one kid did last week I think I would have stayed home. A sixteen-year-old boy hopped a fence in San Jose, California and stowed away in the wheel well of a plane that was headed to Maui. He survived cold temperatures at 38,000 feet and a lack of oxygen for a the entire 5 1/2 hour flight all because he got into an argument with his family. The kid was unconscious for most of the flight and didn't even recall it when asked about it later. Hawaiian Airline officials kept on saying that the boy was lucky to be alive to survive something like that. The kid's name is not being released because he is a minor and also because he is an idiot. I happen to think that someone who is sixteen should be able to make better decisions than this and not resort to running away, especially the way he did it. He really was lucky to be alive but that luck just might run out as soon as he gets back home. ...Someone asked me last week if I was worried about the Yankees because Ivan Nova is out for the season and it getting Tommy John surgery. It's hard to shake someone's original perceptions of you because I haven't given a s*** about these players for years but I used to for a very long time and even though I keep telling people that they still think I am going to go in a panic because something like this happened. Ivan Nova is going to be fine and he will continue to give up home runs in video games that he is in until he returns to the Yankees in the second half of the 2015 season. They've got people in Triple A that are able to step in. Spending time thinking about this is the last thing I am going to do. ...I'm not a bad fan. I'm still a Yankee for life. But watching what this team has done on and off the field (mostly on it) since 2010 has made me more dissatisfied with them as time went on. ...I say all these things and I feel this way but when I think about it it is not really the Yankees that have me so annoyed but rather baseball itself. I don't know how much money the SS (Selig Society) put in to making that enormous instant replay room in New York but even with all the modern technology they are using there blown calls continue to be made. Umpires at Tropicana Field lost track of the count in the fifth inning when Yunel Escobar was at bat. There must have been some hot girl in the stands or something because they had to use instant replay to get the right count and they still got it wrong. Escobar should have walked but was called out on a questionable pitch. They use instant replay as a crutch now and it hasn't helped the game in any way as far as I can tell. This could be why I am so disinterested in the game now. I still love it and always will but now when I hear the news about a Yankee starter who is going to be gone for a long time my lack of concern about it bothers even me.
  18. No. If I had any idea I would have responded in this thread days ago. Since I didn't know I didn't say anything. I know this is not a bump.
  19. Don't bump your posts. If you don't get any response that does not mean that you are being ignored. It means that the people that have read your post here realized that they could not help you out and didn't respond. What would you rather have, twenty responses in here that say I don't know? If I knew I would have said something!!! I don't know what other website you went to to ask this question but that has nothing to do with this site right here. Don't bump your posts again.
  20. I'd call that a steal. I was going to do this once a month but there was no interest in it so that was that.
  21. Hello akigour13....no I am not The Baseball Historian. I'm not familiar with him or that TuneIn program. I love these old radio baseball games because they almost take me back to when they were first played. During the winter I would listen to these while I was surfing the internet. One of my favorites was a 1934 game between the Yankees and Tigers.
  22. Yankee4Life


    I don't have a phone that does that but I'm glad this is on the site now for people who can take advantage of it.
  23. Then spend some time - and I don't mean just five minutes- in the download section and you will see for yourself that the mods we have there make a difference.
  24. Yankee4Life


    You mean this Tapatalk thing will let people view the website better when they are using their phones?
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