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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Hey, word to the wise here. First you wait until people who can actually help you see your thread. Second, don't bump your threads for any reason. Third, don't take that attitude with anyone in here because if you continue then I promise you that you will be ignored but this time on purpose. I do hope we understand each other from here on out.
  2. I don't understand. Why should I know him?
  3. There's always something with these horse**** Yankees. I got better things to worry about then that team.
  4. Updated to 4-20 ...I hope that everyone is enjoying a very happy Easter and that wherever you are it is a nice day outside and there's a good ball game on TV. ...Last week during the Red Sox - Yankee telecast on Sunday Night Baseball the ESPN cameras were roaming the stands between pitches hoping to catch some fans holding a sign that said how much they loved their network or yet another Jeter will you marry me sign. They got really lucky in the fourth inning when they caught some guy in the box seats fast asleep while the game was going on. They poked some fun at him but what ESPN didn't realize is that there were many more fans like him all over the country sleeping through that game too. ...Last week after watching the Baltimore Orioles ball girl make a great play on a ball that was hit down the left field line that she thought was foul, the Boston Red Sox purchased brand new gloves for their first and third base ball girls at Fenway Park and gave them instructions to go after every ground ball hit by an opposing batter because they figured that would eliminate triples and cut off a few more runs. They never miss a trick. ...If you don't remember who Nick Johnson was or even if you've never heard of him just look at Francisco Cervelli and that is all you need to know. ...I will be one of the first to agree to the fact that Jackie Robinson was an exceptional man and as good as he was as a ballplayer he was even better off the field with the way he inspired people to be like him and understand what he had to endure. But I do have a problem with Major League Baseball putting on the brakes to make sure everyone is watching just so they can pay tribute to him each year when Babe Ruth, someone who one could argue did more for the game, is ignored year after year. Ruth helped baseball recover from the 1919 gambling scandal by single-handedly capturing the public's attention for the sport for the entire decade of the 1920's. But his uniform number is not retired across the board like Robinson's is and I have never understood why. ...A Utah man took his two sons camping last Tuesday at the Sandthrax Canyon in Utah for a little father and son time but while they were there Dad made a wrong turn and managed to get them lost for a few days before they were rescued by a search team in a helicopter. The father's excuse for getting lost was that "everything out there looks the same." You don't say? You know why that is? Because everything out there does look the same. All there is is dirt and rocks and then when you turn around you see more dirt and rocks. What the hell did he expect? Road signs? Directions that say next mountain one mile? You know what would have helped too? A compass. At least they were found and are home now but I'll tell you one thing. I'd never want to travel with this guy anywhere because he sounds like the kind of guy who would drive to California and end up in Michigan. ...FOX broadcaster Joe Buck got married the week before last to former NFL cheerleader Michelle Beisner, proving yet again that a big bank account does wonders for your looks. ...Back on the sixth of April Sony announced that it has sold more than seven million PS4s worldwide, covering more than 72 countries/regions. The only reason why that bothers the hell out of me is that I'm not one of the seven million. ...Frazier Cross, a deranged seventy-three year old man shot and killed three people outside of two Jewish community centers near Kansas City, Kansas including a fourteen-year-old boy. He didn't know any of these people and they didn't know him. He shot them because they were Jewish, which in his mind was a good enough reason. This was a man with a life-long hatred for anything Jewish and anything he saw wrong in this world was somehow the fault of the Jews. All his life he has been involved in the hate movement against Jews and even went as far as trying to run for U.S. Senate as a write-in bid four years ago. You would think that in all his seventy-three years that he would have run into one person of Jewish persuasion that he thought was a pretty nice person but apparently not. I won't try to find the words that attempts to understand the workings of a mind like that but rather I will take that time to reflect on the three lives lost that never should have been. ...Do you know what I really like to know about this? Why the Jews? Why are they a magnet for something like this? I'm not Jewish and that's why I'm asking this. Growing up there were Jewish kids that we played with and I never had the urge to give one of them a left hook as a greeting. Jews have contributed to all facets of our society. Brilliant doctors, inventors, leaders, actors. The list goes on. They're people and I don't understand the instant resentment that they seem to attract from people who view them only as a target of hate. Maybe we'll never know. ...During a recent trip to Lake Placid, New York a man from New York City began to have severe stomach pains that got so bad he had to check himself in the emergency room there. The doctors there told him that he needed an emergency appendectomy and he informed them that they had to be mistaken because his appendix was removed in 2013 so they had better look again. After convincing him that his appendix was still alive and kicking the man consented to the surgery and once he recovered from that ran straight to the first lawyer he could find to take his case which wasn't hard at all. They found out that during his first operation that a three centimeter yellowish mass was removed instead of the appendix and that he was never notified of this. This ought to be one interesting court case if it gets that far. You can't expect the doctor to remember to do everything now, can you? ...Kids Nowadays, Dept: Back in February a Pakistani family that was angered by gas cuts and price increases became violent and began throwing stones at police and gas employees from the inside of their home when they arrived to try to collect bills owed to them. A minor scuffle took place and the result was that the entire household was arrested when one of the victims complained that the whole family had beaten him up. The entire household was placed under arrest and booked, including a nine-month-old baby boy who happened to be in the house while this was going on. Taking the Barney Fife philosophy of nipping it in the bud to the next level, the police arrested the boy and accused him with attempted murder along with the rest of his family. The police charged the infant with planning a murder, threatening a police team and interfering with state affairs. While being fingerprinted at the police station the child began to cry uncontrollably and it was unclear if he was tired or hungry, in need of a diaper change or was just upset at the fact of being caught by the police so soon after beginning a life of crime. The police may have a hard time bringing him in again for questioning because the family quickly sent the child away to an undisclosed day care facility in another town until the heat dies down. Hopefully this will give the kid the much-needed time to regroup and plan another assault on the police. If there was any leftover doubts as to how backwards these people really are this incident should confirm it once and for all. But at the same time they have to be doing something right because we constantly give them money. ...I wonder if this kid will be tried as a minor or an adult? ...And I thought our justice system was bad. ...I turned on my XP laptop last week and contrary to reports from Microsoft about the sky falling down I was able to whatever I had to do to get around like I always have. I've got Malwarebytes Pro installed on it along with a good ant-virus program. If I am going to be on it for a period of time like if I am playing High Heat or Larussa baseball I will just disconnect from the internet. Microsoft does not expect you to think. ...After reading the ESPN The Magazine article about Yasiel Puig and how he escaped from Cuba I am further convinced that he is nothing but an immature, selfish SOB. ...Now if I were a resident in the city of Portland, Oregon I would be looking for sales of bottled water and stocking up on it for awhile because the Portland Water Bureau was forced to dump thirty-eight million gallons of drinking water because security cameras caught three teens hanging around one of their facilities around 1:00 am last Wednesday and one of them leaned over the side of the reservoir and urinated into it. Why they were hanging around a water facility in the middle of the night is unknown and if the kid really had to go that bad he could have went to the nearest tree and taken care of business and some dog would have had something else to take notice of the next time it was sniffing around there. Instead this guy gave the business to the city of Portland, who had no choice but to get rid of all that water. I don't blame them at all for doing what they did but if I were them and they were going to empty the reservoir anyway I'd have done a few things first. I'd start out with giving this kid an empty water bottle and I'd tell him to fill it up with water and drink it. And I'd have him do it again and again until his bladder was full - you know, just like the first time he was by the reservoir. Then I'd get another plastic bottle and this one would be big enough for him to relieve the pressure in his kidneys and I'd instruct him to you-know-what in the bottle and then I'd fill it up with some water, close the lid, give it a couple of shakes and then make him drink from it. Why not? Oh I know, too harsh. Everyone has rights, even the idiots that do things like this at the expense of others But wouldn't it have been something if they took this kid right back to the scene of the crime and conveniently turned the security cameras off and made him do this? Something tells me that the next time he has to go he'll find the nearest men's room. ...Last week, Malcolm Young, the guitarist and co-founder of AC/DC along with his brother Angus has left the band after forty years due to illness and has returned home to Australia and if any of the rumors are to be believed he will never rejoin them on the road again. Any time I hear news about this band it immediately brings me back to when I first heard of them when I was in high school. They had this little guy who wore a pair of shorts and a school kid's uniform and played a great guitar while at the same time never once stopped moving his head. Bon Scott was the singer at that time and after all the time that has passed since he died in 1980 the albums with him in it were the best that they ever made. Hells Bells, the first album made after Scott's death was a big seller but something besides the change in lead singers wasn't the same. A lot of things did remain the same like Angus Young still dressing as a young schoolboy even though as the years went on he began to look more and more like death warmed over. The albums after that didn't sell so well and as the years went on they started sounding less and less like AC/DC and more like a band that I never heard of and didn't want to. This is the most I've thought about AC/DC in a long time and I just hope that whatever is wrong with Malcolm Young he recovers from it.
  5. Probably so but that lazy SOB will get hurt again soon.
  6. I agree 100% Take away Pineda and Tanaka this horse**** son of a ***** team has done nothing.
  7. Yankee4Life

    Video Problems

    I was thinking the same thing.
  8. I don't know about anybody else but I need a translation.
  9. If that's the case can you imagine if he wanted to download one of the season mods we have here? He wouldn't get it until 2035.
  10. You see, I can't be concerned about any other team because this group of overpaid, prima donna, pampered and spoiled group of ballplayers take up enough of my time. Not all of them are a bunch of SOB's but a good number of them are. Damn I miss Donut!
  11. You've been here six years and this is your first post and you posted in a six year old thread. I can safely say this does not happen every day.
  12. I can't help you there. I don't own that game. I'm sorry.
  13. Using the 1975 mod, Chicago (AL) vs New York (AL) at Shea Stadium.
  14. I am not exactly sure but you should look in the download section for MLB2k12 and familiarize yourself with what is there. You have unlimited downloads so have fun and enjoy yourself.
  15. The good thing about today's rain out is that no Yankee got injured. I already hate this team.
  16. You know something sabugo? I couldn't have said it better myself. KC has been making quality uniforms since the days of Triple Play baseball. He always makes this game better than the efforts that EA puts in.
  17. The thing is I really do like Cervelli and I think he can really help the team. The trouble is he gets hurt too much and it's way beyond frustrating. He's the kind of guy who would miss three months if he cut himself on an apple peeler.
  18. Yeah I saw that a few years back when Captain Fabulous was in Trenton.
  19. How about if I pay you ten bucks not to make these?
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