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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Hello to all our forum members, I have some news about this thread since the last time I was here (February 28th) and that is this will be the last time this thread will be updated. If you have questions in here you can still post them but to announce any further rule changes concerning length of suspensions or having me plead to you to come forward to inform us of any duplicate account you may have ends today. Today a major rule change went into effect concerning the duplicate accounts and the length of the ban you will serve if you are caught having one. The rule previously was that the first offense was a six month ban and the second offense was a one year ban. To me six months is a long time to serve a ban. A six month ban brings you into October. I don't want to have to wait that long especially if I am here to get the latest mods and I wouldn't want to think about a one year ban. That's just how I look at. From now on if you create a duplicate account to get more downloads each day or if you already have one and it has not been discovered yet you will be permanently banned from the website. No six months. No year. You're done. Your account gets suspended for good and then we forget about you. If you are thinking that this is unfair then you don't understand what we are trying to do. The majority of you guys that come in here don't even have to spend one second thinking about this because it won't affect you at all. The phony accounts here have been getting out of control. I see people making four or five accounts in one day a lot. Two days ago one guy made eight of them. Contributors and modders are the two groups in here that have no reason to make another account but they do. Three days ago we had someone sign up and then he became a contributor. Today he made another account. Now he got his money back and he's gone for good. That's how serious this is taken. Before I go there are two things you can do to help. A. If you know someone that wants to join the website tell them that if they are thinking about having a couple of accounts to forget it because they will have a very short stay here. B. If you have a duplicate account you must come clean. It's better for all of us if you let us know because if you don't and the next time you try to come back here again you will find you are unable to and that means I found it and then it's too late. Thank you. Any questions? Please go ahead.
  2. Thank you Homer. I felt the same way. I really miss these guys.
  3. I love this quote by Joe Girardi as he was explaining why Derek Jeter was not playing for two games: "I have to manage him with a focus of winning games and keeping him healthy, not being a farewell tour," said Girardi, who has Dean Anna at shortstop against the Red Sox. "I wasn't hired to put on a farewell tour." Damn right.
  4. For eight months this thread has been updated once a week to show everyone here the wonderful work the modders on this website have done. Newer people to the website were shown some of things that are available to them in the download section and for members that have been here for many years this thread brought back memories of the modders featured here and the fine work by them during their time here. This week highlight our last group of modders. Including the three modders for this week, a total of eighty-five modders will have been covered in this thread and it is my hope that each one of them know how much their work was and always will be appreciated here. The modders have always come first and that is something that Trues originally said when this site began way back in February, 2004. With the popularity of Mvp and later on 2k's baseball games modders knew they could come to this website knowing their work would not be taken or used in any way without permission from them. Not every person who has made mods has been singled out to be put in this thread. Please do not think that because someone did not make this thread it means that they were being ignored. I spent many hours going through the download area looking at all of the contributions. At the same time I did ask for anyone out there to nominate someone if they wanted to but no one did. Therefore I am satisfied with everyone who made this thread. A special thanks goes to Jim825 who had the idea for the behind the scenes section that has been done each week since December. It really was a pleasure showing the work that they did because those guys are probably the most anonymous modders we have here. And here we go for the final time. This week we recognize and thank two cyberface modders who made many of the faces for the modern conversion mods, although one of them was a real jerk. (You'll have to continue reading to see exactly what I mean. Trust me.) Our behind the scenes modder is another person who contributed to the enormous job of cyberface making in Total Classics. Thr33nil Thr33nil was another in the long line of cyberface creators we have been fortunate to have here. A lot of his work can be found in the Mvp 2006, 2007 and 2008 mods. He made many cyberfaces and among his best work was Boston pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka back in 2006 that was almost a perfect likeness of him (see below.) No matter what face he was creating at the time his work was the same quality on every one of them. This is one of the reasons why those three mods were as popular as they were. Daisuke Matsuzaka cyberface. Alex Gordon cyberface. Adam Jones and Jeff Clement cyberfaces. Rafael Soriano 2X cyberface. J.J. Putz cyberface. The_Jerk (also known as khinske) Some long time regulars know this modder a lot better as khinske but for reasons known only to him he changed it to The Jerk, which explains why I referred to him like that in my introduction. It didn't matter what his name was because the bottom line was that he knew how to make cyberfaces. His work, just like Thr33nil's, was a part of the first three modern day total conversion mods here. Featured below are some examples of his best work that he uploaded and I am sure that if this is the first time looking at any of these you will agree that the likenesses to the actual person is uncanny. C.C. Sabathia and Bartolo Colon cyberfaces. Jeremy Bonderman, Joel Zumaya, Craig Monroe and Curtis Granderson cyberfaces. Brian McCann and Dan Uggla cyberfaces. Rich Harden and Nick Swisher cyberfaces. Francisco Liriano and Johan Santana cyberfaces. Behind the Scenes Cankey It is very hard to imagine how different Total Classics would have been without the proper uniforms and cyberfaces that were put into it to make it as realistic as possible. A lot of cyberface wizards were needed before the completion of Total Classics. You must consider that there were 120 teams that were made for this unbelievable mod and each team had 25 players on it. That's 3,000 faces. Not all the players were given cyberfaces but a good number of them were and it took people like Cankey and the others mentioned before him to complete this huge part of the mod. He did not release many individual mods and many of cyberfaces were not even uploaded separately from Total Classics but his work, along with everyone that worked on that great mod have not been forgotten. Thank you again to all the modders!
  5. What the hell is wrong with Cervelli now?
  6. I bet everyone on the team that day is going to be praying for a rainout.
  7. I have not experienced that problem yet but every time I try to go into a full court press as I am attempting to do a 7 - 10 split I get kicked right out of the game. I wonder if it is because I downloaded Mvp 18 from a torrent site? Oh, and before I forget whomever made the roster really messed it up big time. What the hell? Joe Montana is not a shortstop. Everyone knows this!! He plays third base. And who made Wayne Gretzky's cyberface? Since when did he ever have a beard? Zero stars out of five. I'm sorry.
  8. Updated to 4-13 ...As a long time dog owner this is the time of year that I dread the most because it is my job once the snow is finally melted to go out on my deck and pick up my dogs calling cards (if you get my drift) that they left on my deck since it first snowed back in December. Many times the snow was so high they could not get off the deck to go on the grass and from the look of my deck right now I wondered to myself if any of them bothered to step off the deck and do their business on the lawn. It is not an easy job to do but I always get it done. The main thing to remember is to watch where you walk when you are doing it and incidentally that brings me to something that I have noticed about dogs over the years. Have you ever noticed that your dogs never step into what they did? When I call them to come in they come running and they get close to stepping in it but they never do. They leave that for me. ...I read an article last week about former Detroit Tigers pitcher Denny McLain. McLain is remembered for being the last thirty game winner in baseball, a feat he accomplished back in 1968. That's not what this article was about though. During his playing days he would drink a case of Pepsi every single day. That's twenty-four cans of Pepsi - daily. I imagine his locker at Tiger Stadium was right next to the bathroom since he drank that much every day. After his playing days his weight got completely out of control and over the course of time he eventually weighed close to four hundred pounds. He spent a lot of time in a wheelchair because the extra weight put too much pressure on his knees. Last year he elected to have weight loss surgery and has lost a remarkable one hundred sixty-two pounds, which is the equivalent of four small children or one order placed by Prince Fielder at Sonic. All kidding aside that is one hell of an accomplishment. ...I did a little research of the players that the Yankees lost last year due to the team not offering a contract to them or in Robinson Cano's case, greed. Joba Chamberlain is making a nice first impression in Detroit and is showing their fans why they hated him in his last couple years in New York. He has a record of 0-1 and has only pitched two innings and has given up five hits, three runs (all earned) with a 13.50 ERA. I wish him continued success. Phil Hughes is doing his damnedest to make everyone forget that he was once a sought-after prospect and at the same time making the Minnesota Twins wonder what the hell they were doing when they took a chance on him. Hughes has not won a game yet and to his credit he hasn't lost one yet either. He's pitched ten forgettable innings so far this year and has surrendered twelve hits and eight runs (all earned) with a 7.20 ERA. Also in those ten innings he's pitched he has given up two home runs. Fans sitting in the bleachers at Target Field this year should expect to see plenty more this year from him. All I want to say about Hughes is that I am thrilled to see him in another uniform. Curtis Granderson's gone but still stayed in New York when he joined the Mets but he is still playing like he is a member of the Yankees and by that I mean lousy. He's hitting .135 this year with one home run, three runs batted in and twelve strikeouts. Mets fans should be aware that he won't be doing much better than this all year. Robinson Cano has a pretty good average (.324) but aside from that he's hardly holding up his end as the most feared bat in the Mariners lineup. No home runs, three runs batted in. ...Just a few days ago I started watching re-runs of a show called Time Trax which was on TV twenty years ago. It must have been in syndication because I've never heard of it until now. I am watching it because it is a complete take-off from Quantum Leap with some changes added here and there. On the whole it is not a bad show and it ran for two seasons. I even looked into getting the series on DVD from Amazon but both seasons are sold at a very high price since they are manufactured on demand, which is a nice way for the video industry to sell titles not previously released on disc for a high price where they fill individual orders by burning DVD-R discs instead of pressing mass-produced DVDs. That means instead of a DVD set that should be below the twenty dollar mark is selling for $34.99 on Amazon and as far as I am concerned it can sell for the same price for a long, long time. ...Leave it to David Ortiz to cause a stir when the Red Sox visited the White House last week during a visit with President Obama. Ortiz, who believes he can do anything he wants, took a picture with Obama as he was holding up his Red Sox jersey that the team gave him. It looked innocent enough but Ortiz had a secret agreement with Samsung, the maker of the phone he was using, to get Obama's face plastered on the internet via a high-quality photo from their phone. Even before the Red Sox went to the White House Samsung announced that Ortiz would be tweeting and sending photos on their behalf and that is precisely what he did when he snapped the photo with the President. Naturally once Ortiz got wind that a photo taken with the President is frowned upon when used for commercial purposes he denied that it was part of his new endorsement deal. For anyone who has watched this guy over the past decade this isn't surprising at all. When he's caught doing something either he lies his fool head off or finds someone to blame and since he couldn't point the finger at Obama or Samsung, who were the people who paid him very well for this, he had to resort to lying. I just hope that very soon he finds out for himself that there is a big difference lying to the White House as compared to a group of sportswriters. ...There is a guy who runs a website called Tater trot tracker.com. What this guy does each day is view all the home runs that were hit and then times how long it takes for the batter to round the bases and tap home plate. This sounds like a complete waste of time to me but even here after I looked around for a bit I ended up learning something. David Ortiz set the record for the slowest trip around the bases with the home run he hit against the Rangers on April 9th when it took him 32.91 seconds to complete his journey around the bases. It goes without saying that this happened in Boston because Ortiz wanted everyone to see what he did, even the people that were returning from the concession stands to their seats. He strolls around the bases and shows up other teams and you rarely hear anything about it. He's lazy and doesn't know the first thing about hustling and when you put him next to some other well known lethargic players like Soriano and Cano he makes them both look as fast as Rickey Henderson was. I’ll never understand why this guy can get away with stuff like this. ...A man whose mother is a resident of the East Neck Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, a nursing facility for older people is suing the Center after he found out that they hired strippers to perform for their patrons and if that wasn't bad enough a picture was taken of his eighty-five-year-old mother having a good time and stuffing money in front of one of the dancer's underwear. Parts of his complaint are so preposterous that it is almost laughable and I think that a lot of people today would probably end up agreeing with him, which does not say much for society as a whole. He argues that his mother was "placed in apprehension of imminent, offensive, physical harm" just because there was a man dancing in front of her. Granted, in an old age home exotic dancers are not an every day occurrence but for anyone to say that any of the residents were placed in harm's way because of it is crazy. It's clear that the man's attorney has a way with words and is trying to make this woman sound like a victim who was taken advantage of. He stated that for eighty five years this woman was a traditional Baptist and a hard working woman who now was defiled. The way this guy made it sound this old woman was beaten and not given food or water for days instead of hiding a few bucks inside the only piece of clothing this dancer had on at the time. The picture of this woman does not show her afraid of anything or even backing away from the dancer. Instead she is leaning forward giving him the money. This is just another instance of a case not being a case until a lawyer convinced the client that there was one. I'm just curious about one thing. I'm wondering if there were female dancers available for male residents there because if there were I know where I am going if I cannot live on my own. ...Police in Lufkin, Texas responded to one of the most unusual calls that they ever had last week when a woman contacted them to complain about the quality of the marijuana she had purchased from a dealer after she decided the quality of her purchase was substandard. She told the unbelieving police officers that she spent forty hard earned dollars to buy the stuff and all she received was "seeds and residue." Before contacting police she went back to the dealer to object about what she spent her forty bucks on but the dealer was uncompromising and told her all sales were final and besides she didn't have her receipt with her. To make matters worse for herself the woman pulled the small amount of marijuana from her bra when the officer asked if she still had it. After she did that she was arrested for possession of marijuana. Her bail was set at $500. The only thing that surprises me here is that this didn't happen in Florida. My dogs are smarter than this woman. ...During baseball's opening week last week there were a lot of televised day games so I decided to take advantage of it and I went out to get lunch and a drink so I could have it while I was watching baseball. I went to a convenient store that had pretty good sandwiches and when I was going to get my drink I saw something that made me look twice just to be sure I read it correctly. These people had diet ice right by their other fountain drinks. I always thought ice was ice and that was it. How the hell do you make it diet? Of course when I told my wife what I saw she didn't believe me. So I told her to get in the car and I'll take you there so you can see for yourself. Well, she saw it and I told her to take a picture of it because I was going to write about it in this week's random thoughts because I figured you guys wouldn't believe me either. ...It was in the 70's here last Thursday and I went outside for a little while without my coat on and I felt out of place. I kept on waiting for the temperature to drop, the wind to pick up and the clouds to turn gray and sure enough the next day that's what happened. There's a better chance of you winning some money on a lotto scratch-off than having two nice days in a row around here. ...Usually when you are facing disciplinary proceedings from a college it means you have been accused of doing something they didn't like such as pulling a prank that went over the line. But for one Yale University student it was quite different because they were threatening to kick her out because she was too skinny. Weighing in at ninety-two pounds soaking wet Yale accused Frances Chan of having an eating disorder when she was really just genetically thin and for the past few months she has had to have weekly mandatory weigh-ins where a Yale Health clinician told her to gain weight or pack her belongings and go home. Stuffing herself with ice cream, pizza and anything you could grab out of the vending machines she was only able to gain two pounds since this began last December. Fast-food delivery places were double parked in front of her dorm and the drive-thru people at McDonalds all knew her by site. And still only two pounds. We all should have this problem.
  9. Yes Dennis, that is what happened. Let's just say the original poster had an identity crisis and had to have a few registered accounts here to figure out who he was.
  10. Please go to this thread right here for continued discussion concerning the Player ID List. Oscar Morales is taking over the list from kyleb. Thank you kyleb for all you have done here and all your other contributions as well. EDIT: Ignore this post. We were going to have a second thread for this but Trues fixed the problem.
  11. I've been a Yankee fan all my life and that comment is probably one of the most accurate comments about these Yankee - Red Sox games. The games drag on. Both teams play like they better not make a mistake or else every newspaper in Boston and New York and ESPN will analyze it and replay it over and over again. ESPN treats these games like they are more important than all the other games on the schedule that same day, which to me is horse****. These games were even slower when Francona and Torre were managing. What the hell, they didn't have anywhere else to go so if the game gets done at midnight, so what? I have nothing against the Yankees except for some, well maybe a lot, of the players they have on the team. But they stall and waste time just like Boston although you can not beat the Red Sox when it comes to wasting your time.
  12. I wouldn't stay up late to watch this ****
  13. As a friendly reminder to everyone, tonight the Red Sox visit Yankee Stadium for four games. Please have a comfortable pillow nearby if you plan on watching the first three hours or the first four innings, whatever comes first.
  14. No. MLB has their own timetable on when they decide to release the pressbox photos.
  15. This roster set is for MVP BASEBALL 2005. Try again.
  16. No. Don't even try it. It's because the cyberfaces from the 2008 mod will not match up to the players on this roster. You have to keep in mind that there are a lot of players who were active in 2008 and are not playing today.
  17. Cheers for Adam Jones concerning his comments concerning the idiots who run out on the field during games.
  18. Good catch. The modders that made this are gathering up all the reported errors that people have found in this mod and at some point in the future they will release a new version.
  19. It hasn't even been a week yet and we have two key players on the disabled list, our worthless SOB first baseman and our closer. You know why I hate Teixeira? Because he had all his good years playing for other teams. As soon as he got to the Yankees and got his 22 million a year (that's a joke in itself) it's like he started to shut it down a little at at time.
  20. This week we thank a modder who created some very good game audio as well as uniform accessories and a modder who made some excellent fielding cams for the game. Our behind the scenes modder had an appropriate screen name to fit his cyberface making abilities as you will see for yourself. Rossmac7 Among his portrait and audio making skills, Rossmac7 made some very realistic first baseman's gloves (listed below) and shin guard accessories for batters (also listed below.) His additional work on Mvp baseball 2006 - the first ever modern total conversion mod we had produced three mods that I have listed below that improved the total look of the game. First Baseman's Mitts (black and brown) Generic (no logo). First Baseman's Mitts (black and brown) Easton Model (Easton Logo). Red, White and Blue Batting (USA) Shin Guard. Blue and Red Batting Shin Guards. Sweet Caroline 7th inning stretch audio. The mods listed below are exclusively for Mvp 2006 and should not be included in any other total conversion mod. Mvp 06 Overlay. Mvp 06 updated loading screens in 2X. Update of Umpires Uniforms to Mvp 06 logo (fixed). Thasainted40 If you desired a different view when you were playing in your favorite stadiums the fielding cam views made by thasainted40 really did a fine job. If you are curious to see a total listing of the ballparks he covered please click here because there are a lot more than the ones featured here. Most of these mods were made before everyone used the Total Installer Thingy by Krawhitham and that's why he tells you to use BigGui to install it. Mvp Fielding cams Volume 1. Mvp Fielding cams Volume 2. Great American Ballpark Fielding cams. Yankee Stadium cams version 1 fix. Fenway cams version 1. Wrigley fielding cams. Behind the Scenes FacetoFace I don't know if a screen name ever fit a modder so perfectly as FacetoFace, creator of cyberfaces for Total Classics. If you have noticed something over the past weeks a lot of recognition to the behind the scenes modders are to cyberface makers then you are correct. A lot of these modders did not release many individual mods and FacetoFace was one of them. Fortunately he did have one upload, a Roger Clemens cyberface that will give you an idea how talented he was.
  21. Updated to 4-6 ...Last week lameduck Commissioner Bud Selig said that major league baseball's revenue could top nine billion dollars this year. And in case you just skimmed over that I said billion and not million. Huge difference. I think it's great because I want this sport to be successful despite who's running it. But wouldn't you think with all the money these people are raking in that they could at least let the fans listen to the games on the internet for free like they used to? ...My quick observations on baseball's opening week: Instant replay is going to be a nightmare and wouldn't it figure that the first team to get screwed by this would be the Chicago Cubs?...Robinson Cano's inaugural at-bat as a Mariner saw him ground out to shortstop in the first inning. Did he run all out down the line because it was his first official appearance as a Mariner? What do you think?...Jose Reyes, who seriously challenges Cano as the laziest player in the game couldn't even make it out of the first inning during the Blue Jays opener in Tampa when he came up with another accommodating injury that will keep him out of the lineup for awhile. Reyes was more than happy to sign that $100 million contract but he never actually said he was going to earn it...Ryan Braun got a standing ovation by the hometown Brewer fans who treated his return to Milwaukee as if he had nothing to do with missing the second half of the season last year. If Braun had played for Boston they'd have given him a parade...Yasiel Puig couldn't be bothered to make it to Dodger Stadium on time for Opening Day so he had to sit it out. That guy is getting to be more trouble than he's worth...And the Yankees just couldn't get through the week without an injury. Good going Teixeira you son of a *#&#;%&. ...In an article published by Fortune Magazine, Derek Jeter was named one of the top leaders in the world. In fact he placed eleventh in a list of twenty. As much as I am a fan of his even I have to question putting him on a list like this. As captain of the Yankees he holds that job six months out of the year and that's it. He's never had to make a leadership decision in December for instance unless it is deciding what to get his family for Christmas and whomever he's shacking up with at the time. But he's a top leader in the world. And yet for nine years this leader couldn't get Robinson Cano to run to first base. ...One bit of good news besides the return of baseball last week was the announcement that Chelsea Handler will be leaving her show on the E! Entertainment network when her contract is up at the end of the year. I tried to watch her show a few times when I couldn't sleep and it was just awful. The show is called Chelsea Lately and if you haven't seen it you are not missing much. She is a foul-mouthed mean obnoxious woman who thinks she is funny but isn't. What she mainly does is insult and put down other celebrities about anything she can think of. Some of you older members in here might say that wasn't that the same act that Don Rickles has been doing for over sixty years? No, because Rickles got laughs and you knew when he was insulting someone like Sammy Davis, Jr or Frank Sinatra that he didn't mean it and he always had a smile on his face when he was doing it. Not this woman. When she is ripping into someone you know damn well that she means it and she enjoys it at the same time. I found other things to watch on TV late at night when I couldn't close my eyes. Somehow I don't think E! is going to mind once her final show is completed. ...Believe it or not, Dept: A man by the name of Christopher Miller was just released from prison early last week after serving a fifteen year sentence for robbing a shoe store back in 1999. Most people would celebrate being free after all that time by treating themselves to a nice dinner or spending time with family. Something like that. Not this guy. He made a beeline to the bus station in Atlantic City, New Jersey with a ticket to a nearby town that just happened to be the same one where he committed his crime all those years ago. While he was walking around taking in the sights he came across the same shoe store that he robbed back in 1999 and he figured with all the pointers he picked up in prison that this time he could knock off the place and get away with it. Inspired, he walked into the shoe store and demanded money and then became very angry because the employees told him to get lost. Miller had to improvise quickly so he figured if these people are not going to give me the money he was going to do the next best thing and that was taking the cash register, which only contained $389, and get out of there as fast as he could. The police were called and Miller was caught just two blocks away from the robbery. The police later said that they were surprised that he got that far because cash registers aren't exactly easy to carry around. After he was taken to the police station and booked Miller was asked why he hit the same shoe store for a second time and he replied that the first time he robbed them all those years ago he told them he'd be back. When he gets out of jail again he will be an old man. May as well give it another shot. Third time's a charm you know. ...When I saw the commercial for that new Taco Bell breakfast waffle sandwich with an egg and bacon inside of it I had to wonder to myself what exactly they were thinking because sounded to me like the most disgusting thing sold by these fast food places since the bacon sundae by Burger King. ...Last week I called my pharmacy to get a prescription refilled. It was something that I expected to be a quick and easy process. Give them your name, date of birth, prescription number and when you want to pick it up and then that's it. I was told by the person on the other end of the phone that my health provider wants me to get ninety day supplies of whatever I have to be filled. I told them that it was fine and I was expecting that because that is how it's been since I had this health plan. Then I was told that this ninety day supply would cost me twenty-five dollars. I was just about to tell them to go ahead and fill it when the lady told me to let her check to see how much a thirty day supply would run me for. I did some quick math in my head and I figured that a one month supply would cost me a little over seven dollars. I wasn't even close. A one month supply for the same pills was only going to cost me one dollar. I told them I didn't understand that at all. If a thirty day supply is one dollar wouldn't it just make sense that a ninety day one would cost me three dollars? No matter how I tried to convince this woman she was having none of it so I was forced to settle for the thirty day refill. They may not know how to add but I do. ...Every day we have a lot of people that visit this website from all over the world such as Latin America, Europe, Asia and Canada and I've always wondered what these non-citizens of the United States think of our country's school system after I hammer them for the stupid things that they do, which seems to happen on daily basis. Well, here's another one that they can talk about in the pubs in London and this one happened in Florida, which should not surprise anyone. A little five-year-old kindergartner was preparing to eat her meal during her school's lunch period but before she did she stopped, bowed her head and was about to say a prayer of thanks. Before she had a chance to say Amen she was cut off by a teacher who was in the lunch room and she informed her that she was not allowed to do that at school. The little girl told the teacher that it was "good to pray" which in turn prompted this reply that really set everyone off when she told her "no it's not." That did it. The parents pulled the kid out of school and are now home schooling her where she can pray at all her meals from now on without being censored. The school is denying that this entire incident ever took place because they said they were informed that it happened during the week of March 10 and they are just hearing about it now and besides, since you are dealing with young children there is quite a bit of an "opportunity for miscommunication," which is a very polite way of saying that the kid doesn't know what the hell she's talking about. The school also says that the parents never contacted them about this and the parents deny it, saying they sent them several emails. I give the school a little bit of credit here since they didn't suspend her or expel her or send the kid to counseling or even call the cops. But why did a little girl reciting a prayer to herself make them uncomfortable? Well, I suppose you got to look at it through the school district's eyes. This kid is probably going to be the kind of child who holds doors open for people and says please and thank you and they're just not used to dealing with instigators like that. ...I'll tell you one thing if that kid was reeling off some Muslim prayers before she dived into her sandwich the school would have cleared the room to give her privacy because they wouldn't want to feel insensitive towards her and avoid a lawsuit at the same time. ...If Mike Francesa, Craig Carton and Boomer Esiason had their way they would string up New York Mets second baseman Daniel Murphy because he missed the team's first three games of the season because he was with his wife in Florida as she delivered the couple's first child. That's what they are mad at him for and they really let him have it on their respective radio shows last Wednesday. It's not like Murphy is staying home until the All-Star Game. He gets three days to be with his wife, which is the same amount of days any Major League player gets for paternity leave. It is going to be fun to watch these three idiots fall all over themselves after they are forced to apologize. Especially Dr. Esiason, who said that he would have told his wife to have a Caesarean section before the season to avoid any conflict with opening day. I don't know how many women's groups are out there but by the next day one of them must have put pressure on WFAN radio where Esiason has his radio show because he was falling all over himself apologizing to Murphy, his wife, the newborn and all other women that he may have offended and if he could have thought of someone or something else to make amends with he would have done that too. ...While on the subject of know-nothing loud-mouthed radio hosts I see that Chris Russo has resurfaced on the MLB Network. He was partnered with Mike Francesa on a New York radio show called Mike and the Mad Dog and this show was broadcast live on the YES Network and all he ever did was scream and yell about everything. He hated everything except the San Francisco Giants. The only thing different now is that he's calling himself Christopher Russo. It's the same skit except that he's the number one guy now. Trust me, you'll hate him. ...All of these radio guys that try to be controversial or do a lot of screaming and yelling do not compare to a guy I used to listen to in the 70's. During those years baseball was not on TV every day like is now so I used to listen to out of town games on the radio every night. One night I was trying to pick up something and I came across a talk show and since it was nighttime, it came in very clear. Whoever this guy was he was furious at the New York Yankees for something. He was yelling at George Steinbrenner, Reggie Jackson, Billy Martin, the Yankee announcers, the Yankee ushers, you name it. If you can try to picture me at a Red Sox convention and that was Pete Franklin's radio show out of Cleveland. Oh, did he hate the Yankees. And he would yell at callers if they asked a question that he didn't like. I was hooked and I listened to him as much as I could depending on if I could get a good signal. This was a radio show worth listening to because he was entertaining and he had a hell of a following during those years.
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