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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Really? Really? Is that what you got to come up with now? What does the Yankees or being a Yankee fan have to do with any of this? I applaud your attempt on trying to switch gears here after you realize you have been proven wrong and ended up looking bad in the process. Well ok, if you want things announced we will do it your way. I announce that from here on out your posts will be moderated. That means when you make a post it will not automatically show up in the forum as soon as you click on the "post" icon. It will be read first and if it is determined that IF it has nothing to do with erixixxx, suspensions, bannings, mods being removed from the site, perceived modders rights, the New York Yankees, Yankee fans, Major League Baseball, Mvp Baseball, 2k Sports baseball, The Show 14, any other baseball video games ever made, favorite foods, favorite drinks, favorite movies and favorite TV shows your post will be approved. There. I announced it. And now we can put this thing to rest.
  2. I'm sorry, we can't help you and we won't help you. That's because you "found" an online copy of the game. That is not allowed around here and we do not give support to people who have obtained the game this way. I understand that Mvp 05 can be pricey to obtain from places like eBay but there is nothing that can be done. Let me show you the rule and that will be that. · No warez or cracks or links to such content. Help, requests or posts that discuss circumvention of copyright measures are forbidden. This includes linking to illegally obtained software, movies & music files - posting about it, and suggesting obtaining it. Thank you very much.
  3. Never thought of that Jim.
  4. I am hoping for the exact same thing. But I am going to hold my breath every time he lands on that ankle hard. And who could not love this guy's screen name? Snodgrass1912? That's because of the pressure the fans and press put on the team. What these SOB's really need is a few rebuilding years. Yeah but that only goes so far.
  5. Hey, you're welcome. Now you are having trouble quoting someone, like I did just now to your post? I will let Trues know. He knows it all.
  6. Roadranger, please try to start the game in administrator mode and let's see what happens.
  7. You know what I said about reme? The same goes for you too. Hey, forget this! It's Opening Day!
  8. Where did this reme guy come from? He's smart, he's logical, he makes sense. Wow! Thank you for being a contributor to this website and becoming an active member here too. Every community forum needs people like you. Now on to your post: Exrxixxx is not going to have his mods removed here. He's never requested this so it's not going happen. In fact, the guy has not contacted us since he got banned back in December. I don't expect him to either. No one sends us an e-mail when they know they have no grounds for an argument. And you have no idea how right you are when you said his efforts here are not doing exrxixxx any favors because I have no idea if he is in contact with him or not. He says he's not but I am inclined not to believe him. My advice to get exrixxx back here is to have him tell adam31 to cut out this crusade for him and if adam31 is not in contact with him I would still cut it out because he is not helping his favorite modder at all by what he is doing. And my advice to exrixxx personally is do not even attempt to create another account because that one doesn't have a 90 day ban. Trust me, I am all for getting this guy back when his time is done so this can be all over.
  9. You're right. There is really nothing else that needs to be explained to him and I imagine that everyone who has been following this topic would agree too. Your cliffnnotes version is 99% accurate. No one (meaning me) wrote him an e-mail letting him know he was suspended from here and to ask him why he created a second account. KC, the reason why that happens is that there are a lot of bannings each day in here and we do not contact the person to let them know we caught them. They find out all by themselves when they try to log in here and can't. At the same time he didn't contact us about this. He had you ask about it and zzcool asked about it too. Now you said you keep in touch with him outside of here. Did you ever ask him why he had to go out and create a second account? I mean this guy's been a member here since 2005 and has never done anything close to getting a 24 hour ban. Then on December 31st he created a duplicate account and he was treated like any other person who would do the same thing. Right again. And that's what I keep asking myself. Why would someone - someone who was practically anonymous in here- suddenly decide that he has to defend exrxixxx as if we are mistreating him?
  10. This week a modder who supplied some very useful tools for people who wanted to create some mods for themselves in Mvp and a 2K modder who has created some excellent looking overlays for that game as well as portrait sets. Our behind the scenes modder is another member of the Total Classics cyberface team. MarlinsMS_35 For people who have had the desire to create their own uniforms for the game MarlinsMS_35's popular jersey template has been a very useful tool to have. Since its initial release it has been downloaded over 2,000 times and all you have to do is take a look at the three jerseys that he released here you can see why this was a go-to utility for anyone wanting to do this kind of modding. Kennyess' Bat Template. Kennyess' Jersey Template. Kennyess' WBC Team USA Jerseys. Florida Marlins Concept Jersey. Team Turducken Jerseys. Raidersbball20 For owners of MLB 2k11 and 2k12 Raidersbball20's mods have been a welcome addition to their game for the past three years. It is very easy to see that his overlays, portraits and uniforms are very popular as they have been downloaded plenty of times. Raidersbball20 probably has the distinction of having the most detailed tutorial ever because the portrait packs for 2k11 and 2k12 that he released he created tutorials on how to install them into the game and posted them on youtube for people to watch and follow along. I do not own these two games but I watched one of his videos and I learned that there are a few more steps to install portraits in this game and his videos were very clear and detailed and explained everything. I am sure the 2k users here really appreciated this extra step that he did so they could use these mods. For MLB2k12 AL/NL Greats Portrait Pack. Orioles New Logo Overlays. MLB 2K14 Logo Updates. Rogers Sportsnet Overlay v2. MLB 2K13 Overlay 1.1. Behind the Scenes Jscand Jscand was another contributor to the wonderful cyberfaces seen in Total Classics and the first season mods here. This behind the scenes section each week was created for people exactly like Jscand because he has been a member here practically since the website began and while he is not an active member any more his work in these mods stand out as well today as when he first made them.
  11. I have no faith in that team right now until they actually show me something.
  12. Sabugo this scares me because everything you said is probably going to happen.
  13. Really, I'm getting quite tired of this. You don't play either game any longer so I have to ask exactly why are you here when you clearly are getting nothing out of this site? There's not many baseball gaming sites around that you can upload this stuff to and if you look at it this way if you do upload erixixxx's stuff someplace else you are not doing it with his consent. Secondly, no matter where you decide to do this someone on this site is bound to be a member there also and they'll come back and inform us that you took someone else's mods without permission. Then two things will happen. Someone here on the website, me or somebody else, will contact the administrators of that site and we will inform them of what happened and why you did this and your work will be removed. The next thing that will happen is that you will be permanently removed from the website. That is something that I will do myself. Now I am not trying to threaten you or give you a hard time here. This is something that I don't want to happen and I'll be very happy if it doesn't. No one wants this. I'm just asking you, pleading with you if you wish, to not be concerned about this at all. Erixixxx will be back here. No one wanted him gone in the first place. Did I explain this well enough to you? I hope so.
  14. Where would he upload them to anyway? And besides if there is any other gaming site out there they would still respect the modders rights like we do here. This guy does not know what he's talking about.
  15. With that being said, knock yourself out. Debate about anything you want.
  16. When I pause the game I just hit the escape key on my keyboard.
  17. No, the official fan threads are gone. They were removed when the site was reorganized.
  18. Especially in the playoffs! If you want to say they suck, then go right ahead. They have done nothing to prove otherwise. Well I am not too sure about what you are referring to but if you want to talk about as a Cub fan how much you dislike the White Sox then go ahead. It's well known that White Sox and Cub fans don't really care for each other. No big deal. Just do me one favor? Help me out when I attack Robinson Cano.
  19. What are you talking about? This is a baseball website! Talk about anything you want.
  20. That is really what this whole discussion is about. Why him? And why is he so worried about one person, someone who may I add once again did this to himself? Your "stand" is what I question here. Who says erixixxx has no voice? He's never contacted me about this or the website. I'll tell you why that's so. Because he knows what he did and he got caught. I didn't want this guy banned. No one did. But his actions warranted it. I really think I have covered everything here. Thank you everyone for your comments on this. I'm not going to tell you to stop talking about this because you guys can talk about anything out here in a respectful way.
  21. Again I don't understand why all of a sudden that you think someone like him needs to be defended? You've been here for ten years now. You have seen for yourself how long it was that there was a no download limit and then one was put on. It was removed after awhile and then put back on solely because this was and is a good way to pay for server costs. You said before that you don't play Mvp or 2k anymore. Because of that why should you care how many downloads you can get? You've been here ten years now and you have downloaded 1.55 GB worth of mods over that time. All for free. And in return the only thing you have contributed here that anyone really noticed is your crusade to get your favorite modder back in here even though you don't use his mods anymore. Yes it is our right to continue using anything he posted to our server. His intention was to post these mods for everyone in here and that is how it is. Did anyone (you mean me) contact him to ask him if we could pretty please use his mods while he had to be sneaky and create another account? Not for one second. Maybe you could do that since you are so bent out of shape about this and then come back in here to let us know what he says. After ten years here you are so concerned about one modder after all the modders you have seen come through over that time. Why does this guy who only has nine mods uploaded here so much better than any other modder because as you well know over this time other modders have been banned from here for the same reasons and you never once voiced an objection. But to erixixxx you did and that is what makes me so suspicious. Consider this: Adam31: Joined Mvpmods March 1, 2005 Exrxixxx: Joined Mvpmods March 1, 2005 I don't believe in coincidences.
  22. As I explained to him previously I was the one who banned exrixixxx from this website and as I also said before I would do it again. I was not the one who told him to make a second account and the day that I came across this I was very surprised since he already had modder status and that means that he can download as much as he wants every single day with no limit. So why he did this is something only he can explain. I don't feel bad about this at all. If he does it again I'll do it again. I was just doing my job. Maybe when he gets back after his six month ban he can tell everyone here why he did what he did. That is true. Each mod here is part of the ownership of this website although each modder is responsible for maintaining their download, like if they want to upload a new version of the mod for example. This is so true. The sad fact is that people get banned from here every day and if you guess a duplicate account is the reason you would be right 99 times out of 100. You asked a hell of a good question reme. I have no idea what business of this or the reasons why he should have to defend exrixixx when he was clearly in the wrong.
  23. Why? Why his in particular? I won't name any other names but there's been some modders who have also made the same mistake and created one (or many more) accounts. What makes this guy so special in your eyes? This shows how much you know. For many years this website was free and anyone could download as much as they want. And for conflict of interest I have no idea what you mean. Your infactuation with that guy honestly has me scratching my head. It's not your concern. Please keep it that way.
  24. Updated to 3-30 ...This is it! Opening Day, or rather night. Baseball even screws this up thanks to that unfit commissioner we have because Bud Selig is the kind of guy who could ruin a perfect sunset. Anyway, this is the day when I consider winter to be officially over despite whatever the temperature is outside. Tonight it will be the Dodgers visiting San Diego at 8:00 pm, 5:00 pm for you lucky SOB's who live on the west coast. Monday and Tuesday is when the real fun starts with thirteen games on the 31st and nine on Tuesday, April 1st. And away we go! ...If anyone is friends with JoeRudi26 on Facebook send him a message to see if he's ok because when he sees all the live games on the MLB Network starting tomorrow the guy's going to be holed up in his house and the only time he'll open up his door is when Pizza Hut gets there. ...Those of us who are lucky to have DirecTV will get a free preview this week beginning tomorrow of the MLB package that they have. It runs from March 31st to April 6th. I'll have baseball overdose before this week is over. ...I wonder what the people of Detroit were thinking when they turned on the news on Friday morning and heard that Miguel Cabrera got a ten-year 292 million dollar contract extension from the Tigers? The same people who can't put two nickels together are going to be expected to cheer on this guy for the next ten years even after he breaks down years before he contract ends. ...Among the things that I will be looking at this week is how the expanded instant replay is going to work and how long is it really going to add to the games? It goes without saying that the Red Sox are going to be the first team to benefit from an overturned call. There's an old saying that goes there are only two things that are certain and that is death and taxes. Well, there's another one and that's all of Major League Baseball bends over for the Boston Red Sox. Don't be so quick to send out the arrows after that last comment because I've had more anti-Yankee posts than anyone here ever since they forgot to show up for the 2012 ALCS against Detroit. Another thing I want to see is if the new rule concerning catchers collisions will still cause collisions... Very curious to see the reaction Milwaukee gives Ryan Braun on Opening Day there. Will they let him have it or are they going to have short-term memories and treat him like a returning hero? My guess would be the latter...I hope Yasiel Puig is a one year wonder because I can't stand that guy...I don't want to see anyone injured but if Robinson Cano happens to get spiked while turning a double play I promise to only watch the replay of it ten times and that's it...Am I worried about the Yankees? I can not shake the feeling that all they did was spend an enormous amount of money over the winter without fixing much. I can't include the Masahiro Tanaka signing here because it's his first year and no one knows how he will turn out...That all being said I am thrilled that baseball is back. It's the sport I care about more than all of the other sports combined. ...What the hell is David Ortiz going to whine about now after the Red Sox caved in and gave him a brand new contract because he suddenly could not live with the one he signed for that paid him fifteen million dollars a year? You can see why he was upset. They were paying him sweat shop wages and were getting away with it. Ortiz is happy now, at least for awhile and if the Red Sox are lucky maybe for the full season. ...I have seen a lot of articles about the demise of Windows XP next month and from what I have been reading they seem to have been ghost-written by Microsoft themselves. There hasn't been many positive things that I have read about this system even though it has been probably the most stable of all the operating systems out there. They are doing everything they can to push Windows 8 on you and if you don't have enough horsepower to run it they are trying to push you to buy a new computer. Good move because everyone can dish out over $500 just like that to buy a new one. ...No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, Dept: Last week a Virginia Beach, Virginia sixth grader saw one of her classmates cutting his arm with a very small razor during class. After observing this for a minute the girl walked over and took the razor away and threw it in the garbage. There were no teachers around while the boy was in the act of cutting himself so the girl took it upon herself to step in and help because if she didn't this kid could have ended up hurting himself seriously. In another era she would have been given an award by the principal in front of the school and big deal would have been made of it, as it should have. But that was how things were. What happened this girl, Adrionna Harris, was the exact opposite and it ended up with the family seeking the help of a local TV station just to get the school system to return their calls. That's because the next day she mentioned the incident to a guidance counselor and before you could say "time for lunch" she was given a ten-day suspension with a recommendation for expulsion. When the girl's parents learned about what happened they tried to contact the school but their calls were not being returned and that is how it stayed until they decided to contact a local television station that airs a segment on their news program where they go out and investigate problems sent in by viewers. By a remarkable coincidence as soon as the media got involved the school began returning the phone calls from the Harris family and a meeting was set up the next day to go over her suspension and expulsion. This ended up being just a formality as Adrionna Harris was allowed to return to school the following day since the school district was very upset about all the bad publicity they were getting locally because of the news coverage and on social media where they were as popular as Mel Gibson at a Bar Mitzvah. ...No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Take Two, Dept: There's a little schoolgirl in Colorado that is suffering from a rare form of childhood cancer and because of that she has had to undergo chemotherapy and by having those treatments it has caused her to lose all of her hair. As you can imagine, this in turn has made her a target of some mean comments from some kids at her school so her best friend decided to do something about it. She showed up at school the next day with a shaved head to show her support of what her friend was going through. That didn't last long because the school told her to go home because her baldness violated their dress code. If they could have got away with it they'd have sent home the little girl that had cancer too. And just like that little girl in Virginia two thousand miles away that I talked about in the post above, once people heard about what the school did they quickly went back on their original decision only because they were overwhelmed with bad publicity for doing something stupid that they never should have done in the first place. There's no sincerity about it when they have to reverse their decision only because of the people who have heard and read about it were outraged over their lack of common sense. Wouldn't it be something if one time a school somewhere in this country would reward the children that have the courage to act like this instead of using them as disciplinary examples? What's going to happen next week? Is some kid going to be expelled because he walked on the grass? Don't laugh - I wouldn't put it past them. ...Evelyn Lozada and her fiance, outfielder Carl Crawford of the Los Angeles Dodgers welcomed a healthy eight pound baby boy to their family last week. This is the reason why Crawford did not make the trip to Australia with the team when the Dodgers opened up the season with Arizona as he stayed behind to be with her. The Dodgers were nice enough to grant him paternity leave even though there is an 80% chance that the kid Lozada popped out isn't his since half the NBA and NFL players could lay claim to the baby before Crawford started sniffing around and won the prize. ...L'Wren Scott, who was Mick Jagger's girlfriend for the past thirteen years before she committed suicide last week in New York City, left her entire nine million dollar fortune to him according to provisions set in her will. Despite the loss of a loved one this was a fortunate turn of events for Jagger, who before the reading of Scott's will was attempting to get by on the last 300 million he had left to his name. ...You would think the Tampa Bay Rays would be more upset with pitcher Alex Colome for being suspended by Major League Baseball for violating its drug agreement in one of the oddest ways possible. Colome tested positive for something called boldenone which believe it or not is a steroid developed for veterinary use that is used on horses. While Colome gallops off to serve his fifty game suspension the Rays realize that no matter how stupid this was for him to do it's still never going to overshadow anything Alex Rodriguez has done because as far as steroids go he's done them all including the ones for cattle as well as horses. ...Ask anyone you know and they will tell you that having a crocodile as a pet is as smart as jumping out of a plane without a parachute. I'm so scared of these things that I don't even like to look at pictures of them. The ones that don't feel this way learn the hard way like this idiot in Russia that made international news last week. On a recent trip to Africa this guy wanted a souvenir to bring back to his comrades in Mother Russia so he decided to buy a baby crocodile instead of a t-shirt and a hat like a normal person would. Africa had no objections to him buying this and bringing it home since they had enough already and were glad to see one go. Like everything else this little crocodile grew up and in its present state it is now six feet long and weighs a solid fifty-five pounds and it has also taken over one room in his two-room apartment even spending time on the couch, presumably watching Animal Planet. The owner, whom I have no sympathy at all for is trying like hell to sell this thing to anyone dumb enough to buy it but has had no offers as of yet. Go figure. However the guy does own a cat but that can change at any moment if the crocodile has anything to say about it. If I were the cat I would run out the front door the first chance I get because in that place three's definitely a crowd. ...Buffalo Bills owner Ralph Wilson died last Tuesday at the age of 95. Football fans in western New York loved him because he refused to move the Bills even though several offers were made over the years that would have allowed him to do so. It was Wilson's wish to sell the team after he died and although I am not a Bills fan myself, I see many of these fanatics every day during the football season and I would not know what they would do if they didn't have the Bills to fill their lives. R.I.P. ...Any week when a brand new total conversion mod comes out on this website is a good week and the release of the 1984 mod really made it a good week. Thank you Jim and Dennis. What an unbeatable team! ...For some reason a kid from Norway took his receipt that he got from McDonald's last week and had it tattooed onto his right arm. It was too bad for him that he was really hungry that day because the tattoo went from his elbow all the way to his wrist. It was a good thing that he wasn't buying for someone else that day or else they would have had to continue it on his left arm. ...If he had any thoughts of becoming a manager at a Burger King some day he can forget it. ...Since he began hosting the Tonight Show Jimmy Fallon has been a hit. I just wish I could stay up late enough to actually watch him. ...Enough talk. Let's play ball!
  25. <sigh> To each his own! Dennis, I can use TiT to install that cyberface of Parker, right?
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