Really? Really? Is that what you got to come up with now? What does the Yankees or being a Yankee fan have to do with any of this? I applaud your attempt on trying to switch gears here after you realize you have been proven wrong and ended up looking bad in the process.
Well ok, if you want things announced we will do it your way. I announce that from here on out your posts will be moderated. That means when you make a post it will not automatically show up in the forum as soon as you click on the "post" icon. It will be read first and if it is determined that IF it has nothing to do with erixixxx, suspensions, bannings, mods being removed from the site, perceived modders rights, the New York Yankees, Yankee fans, Major League Baseball, Mvp Baseball, 2k Sports baseball, The Show 14, any other baseball video games ever made, favorite foods, favorite drinks, favorite movies and favorite TV shows your post will be approved.
There. I announced it.
And now we can put this thing to rest.