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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. And the same to you. Before I go I should give you a brief explanation as to why I think this modder worded it that way. Before TiT came out if you wanted to install a uniform you would do it via EAgraph or use Fuzzone's Mvp Studio. This modder does not participate that much in the forums even though he has been here longer than most of the regulars here now. He only has ten posts and that's because he's Japanese and getting around this forum is tough for him, I could be wrong but my guess is that he is not familiar with TiT and still installs his stuff the old way. Like I said, just my guess. Yyhmst is a good guy and he makes good stuff.
  2. You should still be able to install this with TiT.
  3. Thank you. Those are two good books that you mentioned. I've read them both a few times. Feel free to give a review of any more books any time you want.
  4. I wish you luck with this and I hope this is a successful league. I'll be rooting on in the grandstand since I don't have the game or a PS3.
  5. Yeah, that's right. Andy borrowed from that mod to complete his.
  6. Also check Total Classics Phase 10. There are some mid-90's teams in that.
  7. Kyleb, have you thought of checking out the 1998 mod for some of these cyberfaces? That could help you a little.
  8. You know Jim there was something I wanted to tell you all those years ago and you just reminded me what it was. Go play your game and see for yourself that the mods you do make you lose track of time when you play them. Thank you again.
  9. And there are some people today who still wouldn't mind seeing that happen.
  10. Mvp can run on Windows 8. Other people have done it. But I have never heard of that controller. I'll check in here tomorrow.
  11. That's true. I've been installing and uninstalling mods for ten years now. I still make mistakes. We all do. Which reminds me of some very good tips I can give to the both of you. After you download the mod that you want the first thing you must do and I really should say you have to do is read the instructions on how to install it and use it. That right there will help you a lot. Granted there are some mods out there that do not have any instructions or if there are instructions they are not that good. If so, make a thread and tell people what you downloaded and ask for help. Secondly, before you install the mod back up the files that you are replacing. This is very important. After you do this for awhile it becomes a habit.
  12. Play a game in Wrigley with the wind blowing out. You'll go nuts. And remember, in 1984 there were NO NIGHT GAMES! Thank God for that. What a comeback those guys had in the playoffs. I was at Pearl Harbor at the time and I thought some Cub fans were going to jump in the Pacific. Fortunately no one did.
  13. Good work Matt. I sure wish I would have thought of it. Just remember, everyone was new to this and how to install mods. It is not something you will learn in a week but you will get more familiar as you go on.
  14. Ok, I will try to get things started here before the real experts see this. Here is what we need to know. A. What version of Windows do you have? B. What kind of controller is this? The name and the model is what I am looking for. It sounds to me that whatever it is it does not work with Mvp 2005. I use a Logitech Dual gamepad and I bought it on Amazon. I bought a used one because I wasn't paying fifty bucks for something like this. The used ones have much more reasonable prices and I have not have one single problem with mine. I also have another controller that I use when I am downstairs and no one is home so I can blast it as loud as I want. It is called the Saitek P880 Gamepad and I have had that one since the game came out. When you extract a file you are uncompressing it. These files in here are either in .ZIP, .RAR or .7Z format. These are all compressed files. First work on getting this controller issue fixed.
  15. Go check out the game I played starting with this post. It was a wild game at windy Wrigley and I also used the Montreal Expos, who also had a solid team that year.
  16. Total Classics 1984 Continued Total Classics 1984 between innings. Overlay for Total Classics 1984
  17. I love updating this thread because it means that another total conversion mod was released. This time it is the 1984 mod which you can download by following this link right here. The same modding team that produced the 1958 mod and the 1941 mod are responsible for this one too so you know right there that mod is going to be good even before you install it because Jim825 and DennisJames71 were behind it. Personally I do not think there is enough I can say about the contributions these two modders have given to this game and the best thing that they can get from all the work they have done is a thank you and maybe some feedback. Sadly this hardly happens and since I've touched on this in the past this is all I will say about it here because this is all about the 1984 mod and what is in it. As always, installing these mods onto your hard drive is extremely easy. Please have a clean (or fresh) and unmodded version of Mvp baseball available and all you have to do is direct the installer as to where you want it installed and you are finished. The 1984 season is all set and ready to go. One thing you have to say about Jim and Dennis is that they pick seasons that have stuck out for one reason or another. The Dimaggio streak in 1941, Ted Williams' final average, Brooklyn's first pennant in twenty-one years made for a great mod. And the 1958 mod that had for the first time ever two California teams and the only reason why that happened was because the National League turned their backs on the city of New York. But, 1984. What a year. The Detroit Tigers played like they were competing against single A ball teams all year. By winning thirty-five of their first forty games they effectively ended any race for the AL East crown for the remainder of the year. Not until 1985 did teams in that division feel like they had a chance. That is how dominate Detroit was. With the acquisition of Rick Sutcliffe at the trading deadline the Chicago Cubs really took off and won the NL East division, their first ever. Sutcliffe went 16 - 1 for Chicago and won the NL Cy Young award. Not bad for someone who for the first few months of that year was in the American League. In New York twenty-three year old Don Mattingly of the Yankees and Dwight Gooden, who was only nineteen, were just getting started. As with every single season mod I have played the first thing I notice is the music that is chosen for that mod. That is very important for me. What For example, say if you are going to play a game in the 1941 mod and as soon as you get in to it you hear Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple. It doesn't belong. The proper music for any mod is very important and the music they picked here was perfect. Pat Benetar, Van Halen, Huey Lewis and John Cafferty, just to name four. The top artists of that year. Now you are ready for some baseball, 1984 style. The uniforms were made by Dennis James so that means they look even better than the actual ones worn thirty years ago and if you take a look at photos of the Seattle Mariners and Oakland A's players at this time you will agree. You'll also get a chance to play some games in beautiful Tiger Stadium and classic Yankee Stadium. There are many old stadiums in both leagues that are not around anymore but still stand strong in this mod and thanks to Dennis James they all look great. I played an exhibition game at Wrigley Field in Chicago between the Expos and the Cubs and like we will be seeing very soon when the season opens, the ball was flying out of that ballpark and a lot of runs were scored. I almost didn't want the game to end because it was so good and the Cubs just held on in the ninth to beat Montreal by a run. The overall appearance in this game is wonderful. The overlay made by Trues is a carbon copy of the graphic that NBC Sports had during that time. Nothing flashy or overdone. All it did was tell you the score, count, the inning and how many were out. What else did you need to know? Like I do with other mods that I play I have a baseball reference book nearby when I am playing because I am always asking myself "whatever happened to..." and then I pause the game and look up the player. That's what I asked myself about Leon Durham, the big first baseman of the Cubs. He had a hell of a year that season but was out of the game for good five years later. This is one thing I personally recommend to people who enjoy playing these mods. Final verdict for this mod: I am forced to settle for five stars here even though this deserves many more. Thank you Jim and Dennis and every single modder who contributed to this. Welcome to Total Classics 1984!
  18. That's good to know, for how you got the game and now having the game work for you. You will love this game. Have fun.
  19. You got extremely lucky. I'm happy for you. Ok, the Mvp 13 mod is fine. You should be able to overwrite the roster that is in that mod with the 2014 one with no problem. As far as the schedule goes there are more steps to it as Dylan explained only because of the Houston move to the American League.
  20. Just curious, how much did you pay for this game? Now what total conversion mod did you download? We have a lot of them. You overwrote the new rosters to the DATADATABASE directory? And what new rosters did you get, the latest one by Yyhmst? Same for the schedule. But did you also read the instructions for Dylan's 2014 schedule?
  21. I don't know man, it sounded like you did everything right to me.
  22. I want everyone to know that these two guys are geniuses in what they create and bring to this website. Consider looking at it like this in that you are in fact getting a brand new game as part of your Mvp collection for free just for being a member here. And all that you should do in return is give this mod a rating and say two little words that many people in here still would not say even if a gun was pointed at their head and that is thank you. Each modder in here should be thanked for what they do but that is sadly not the case. So thank you Jim825 and DennisJames71 for making this great game even better. And thank you to the rest of the modders who contributed to this mod. You are appreciated and valued.
  23. Keine Sorge, diese Menschen können nichts tun
  24. Thank you. You do good work.
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