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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. This week we look at one of the first audio modders we had on this website and another modder who has made a lot of good looking cyberfaces for 2K11 and 2K12. Our behind the scenes modder is another of the talented people who contributed their time and talents to Total Classics when it was starting out. 63Impala Among the cyberfaces and portraits that he created here, 63Impala was one of the first modders here to work on the game's audio. His contributions can be found and heard in the Mvp '06, '07 and '08 mods. And if any of you have multiple mods installed on your system you may want to check out how good the portraits he made for the EA Legends and Heroes teams, which are listed below. Mvp Legends Portraits. Mvp Heroes Portraits. Rogers Centre Audio. Requested Audio Version 1. Detroit Style Detroit Style created many impressive cyberfaces for the MLB2K11 and 2K12 game that have been downloaded over the years. With four pages of downloads to his credit he created many of the most popular players for the users of that game. The featured cyberfaces below give a glimpse on how talented he was. For MLB2K12 The MLB Experience (overlay.) The ESPN Experience (overlay) v1.1. Steven Strasburg. R.A. Dickey. Yu Darvish. For Mvp 2005 MVP12 Portrait Pack v2.0 Behind the Scenes Kapnkirk13 One of the most visible aspects about any mod that has been released here is the uniforms that are put in it and Kapnkirk 13 was a big part of the uniforms process in the making of the Total Classics series. He did have a a few mods posted on the website but two of them are offline. This mod right here gives you a good idea of the things Kapnkirk did to improve the look of the uniforms during the time he was active here.
  2. No, don't worry about it. You didn't do anything wrong. It's not a problem at all. You'll be surprised at how often this happens. If you want to just go over to that thread and ask your question, but there is one thing you need to be aware of. The guy that made that roster is Japanese and that is his primary language.
  3. Updated to 3-23 ...Rolando McClain is trying to get back in the NFL after abruptly retiring last year for what he said were personal reasons and partially because he was arrested more times than he made a tackle last year. Soon after he was signed by the Baltimore Ravens McClain was arrested for the third time, this one for disorderly conduct and also for resisting arrest. Convinced he was being picked on he told the Ravens he was quitting and now he wants to come full circle. It is amazing how fast you can change your mind as soon as your money runs out. ...Not to long ago a pit bull attacked and mauled a four-year-old little boy from Phoenix, Arizona so bad that the child received injuries that, according to his doctors, are so severe that they will require months and possibly years of reconstructive surgeries. The pitbull responsible for this was taken away and at a hearing that is scheduled to be held later this week a judge may decide if the dog is to be euthanized. But just like most things these days if you create a Facebook page and post a convincing sob story you will get people to support what you are saying and that's what happened here as over 40,000 people have joined in a campaign to save the dog's life. The people that want the dog to live are not saying they value the dog's life above the child's. But at the same time maybe they should take a very close look at the damage this dog did to that boy's face, a face that never is going to be the same. It's easy to show mercy towards a pit bull when the child that he hurt is not a relation to you. I love dogs but my love does not extend towards this breed of dog. You can't them and then when you realize that you really can't trust them it is too late to do anything about it. ...I found out last week that this upcoming summer there is going to be a wedding in my family and that I am going to be invited to it. I am the kind of person that does not feel snubbed if I am not invited to the wedding reception. In fact if I could make a deal with anyone who is getting married not to invite me I promise I will still send a check. That's how much I don't want to go to these things. Towards the end of the week I got a minor scare when I was checking my e-mail. It was from the wedding party and the first thought I had was that I was going to be asked to be in the wedding but I quickly dismissed that because I realized that no one would be dumb enough to do that. Well, it wasn't that. What I got was an e-mail that was sent out to all the married guys and it contained a question. As a married man what advice would you give to the soon-to-be groom? Immediately you want to tell the guy to run for the hills and if I wanted to be brave and actually write that I would have a wedding party full of women mad at me. Besides, why should this guy get let off easy? I don't even know him. It didn't take long for me to think of something to tell him that would really help and at the same time keep me out of the doghouse. I told him that if there are errands to be run he should go out and do them by himself because if he does that it will take a lot less time and it will save him thousands of dollars each year. For example I had to go to the supermarket last week to get bread, a bag of salad, some salad dressing and tomatoes. I asked her if that was all that she needed and she told me that was all she wanted. So the next day I took a drive and got bread, a bag of salad, some salad dressing and tomatoes - and that was it. I was out so fast I could have left the car running. Do you think I could have got away with that had she tagged along? She would have found twenty more things to get while we were collecting the four things we came there for. I learned this lesson the hard way and if this guy who is getting married stops to think about it he'll realize I was right. ...There have been some stupid things written about President Obama since he has been in office and I'm not talking about anything that Sarah Palin is given credit for. I recall one time in the past he was criticized for swatting a fly during an interview and some people complained. Last week his name was brought up because the daughter of his former pastor was convicted of laundering thousands of dollars from a state grant for a Chicago-area job-training program. What she did had nothing to do with Obama but they still found a way to associate him with it. I hope for his case that no one in his kindergarten class is facing jail time because they'll find a way to make him an accomplice. ...Although I am not an owner of the Playstation 4 I happen to be a big fan of Sony in the console gaming department simply because they are not Microsoft. Sony has sold more than six million PS4's since the launch of the system back in November of last year and that is more than the Xbox One and the Wii U by Nintendo combined. I have nothing against Nintendo but anything that gives Microsoft a kick in the gonads is all right by me. ...In Flagrante Delicto*, Dept: It was nice outside during the early part of last week so my wife and I went outside and brought one of the dogs with us for a short walk. While we were walking there was this lady who lived down the street who, because a lot of the snow has melted in the front yards, was working in front of her house and she had on a very tight pair of jeans and was bending down picking up stuff. My wife caught me looking and of course had ask me what I was looking at. I knew I was busted but I had to think of something and fast. "I thought it was a lawn ornament left over from Christmas" I said, which was all I could come up with her staring me down. It wasn't enough. *Latin for "while the flame is still burning." It's a fancy way of saying someone was caught red-handed, like me. ...Ryan Braun is getting ready for the start of the season as the Brewers head north soon from Arizona. He said he didn't seem worried about what the fans around the league were going to say to him because he knows it will be severe at times. It probably will, especially in Arizona where they really have a special bond with him. That should have been all that he said but he had to continue. He said that he would perform like he always does because he wanted his work to speak for himself just like every artist should. Wow. Move over Van Gogh and Picasso. They are going to tear him apart this year. I can't wait until he gets to Philadelphia. And some of you thought that Alex Rodriguez had the market cornered with saying stupid things. ...The PS4 continues to get cooler and cooler. Last week Sony unveiled a Virtual Reality headset that is currently under development for their latest and extremely popular console system. They call it Project Morpheus and this headset will give players a high-definition, 3-D view of games and motion-tracking technology that allows players to pan their view around with the movement of their heads. It is still not known when the headset will be available for sale and also how much it will cost but if I were a PS4 owner I would start saving some money for this right now. ...Can you imagine if this headset was available when those Dead or Alive Volleyball games came out just a few short years ago? I'd have been in that game for so long that they would have had to forward my mail. ...Here's a nice little story that will either make you laugh or shake your head or both. Back in December a twenty-year-old college student hailed a cab in Chicago because she was supposed to meet some people at a restaurant that was less than two miles away from where she was. Once she got there she asked the cabbie if she could pay with her credit card and when she found out she could, she gave the guy her card. The card swiper in the cab was not working at the time so they used a phone device called The Square which is an application that allows merchants to charge customers through a mobile device. Her card was accepted through that and being the courteous person that she is, she told him to add a two dollar tip to it which is pretty nice considering the entire ride lasted a few minutes. So, the girl signs her name and goes on her way and thinks nothing more of it until she received her charge card statement the next month and found out that the cab ride which she thought cost her at least twelve dollars was actually $787.33. The first thing the girl and her mother did was contact VISA to complain about the charge but they told them they couldn't help or do anything because the girl had signed off on the transaction. The Chicago Police couldn't do anything about this either since a crime was not actually committed, although with the Chicago Police even if a crime was committed they couldn't do anything about it either. At first the cab driver was not helpful when he was contacted about this but as soon as the complaint reached Chicago's department of Business Affairs he suddenly became very helpful and tried to refund the money but was unable to since all he had left was the last four numbers of the card. This story does have a happy ending as the Business Affairs people got in touch with the people that ran that phone app and they are going to send her a check for the entire amount that she was charged. It was a hard lesson to learn but I am sure that she will be looking at every card transaction a lot closer now for the rest of her life because chances are she won't get bailed out like this again. ...Best wishes to Reds reliever Aroldis Chapman, who was hit right above the left eye by a vicious line drive off the bat of Kansas City's Salvador Perez in a spring exhibition game in Arizona last Wednesday. If you have not seen the video of this yet here is the link to the ESPN article that has a video of it. Believe me, it is something that you only want to see once. Chapman had to undergo surgery where they placed a metal plate above his left eyebrow and it will remain there permanently. This is probably going to confuse the hell out of TSA officials for the remainder of his career. The Reds team doctor said he could start to throw off a mound in about six to eight weeks and maybe get back out on the field near the end of May. That's all well and good but I don't imagine that throwing on the sideline or in the bullpen is going to bother him. It's when he finally gets back on the mound that the real test begins. And don't forget about Perez, the guy who hit the ball. This is going to affect him too. I wish them both well. ...I am surprised but at the same time grateful that this does not happen more often. Sure there's been some similar injuries to pitchers over the past few seasons and there's been even more close calls. And how about the college game? Those jokers make the pitchers face hitters holding aluminum bats. Talk about an accident waiting to happen. ...Richie Incognito, everyone's favorite teammate, has expressed interest on joining the Oakland Raiders because he thinks that by becoming a Raider it would fit his personality the best. The Raiders, to their credit, have not said they felt the same way about him but you never know. It's still early. I know one thing for sure that if he does go to Oakland no one on that team is going to let him know what his twitter account is.
  4. No, I have this file. Daflyboys told me to give this to people who wanted to use it to make rosters. This isn't a file that everyone will have access to. If you would like it just let me know.
  5. That's right. The file's called MVP Files and Charts for BaseUp Rosters and it's pretty detailed and helpful.
  6. How could you tell? You're blind. Damn, do all of you know how long I have been waiting to see this guy make a post just so I can this? Ok, moving on...
  7. Exactly what is REDitor and how much does something like this cost?
  8. Yankee4Life

    Kc Royals

    Go read about the 1985 season and then come back here and let me know what you find.
  9. I think the response that Jim825 gave you hopefully answered all your questions. However there is something I don't understand. You have been a member here for quite some time, since March of 2005 to be exact. That's a long time so you had to have seen a lot in in here even though you were not an active poster. The point I am trying to make here is that with all the time that you have been here you already should know that nobody profits from another person's work in here and that includes everyone from the owner of the website down to the latest person who has just joined up today. For someone that has been here for nine years and could still make an accusation like that is insulting because by now you should already have known better not to even ask a question like that. I find it very odd that someone who has not made a post since May of last year would suddenly make one asking why another person was banned and you made him sound like this website was built around him and that the only reason why we are here is because of all the mods that he has contributed here. All nine of them. Since Jim was kind enough to explain this to you this one time I will do the same thing. Exrxixxx was banned from here because he made a duplicate account. I know this because I was the one who caught it and I was the one who banned him and if he does it again I'll do the same thing. Accounts are caught here and banned every day. That is a sad fact of what goes on here because 95% of them could be avoided. But this guy's banning has been openly questioned by three people now and I wonder why. I even had one guy send me a PM on his behalf telling me that exrxixxx was sorry for whatever he did and would like to come back in here. Yes I believe he was sorry. He was sorry he got caught. Now I hope that combined with Jim825's explanation all your questions have been answered. If not you are now kindly asked to take it to private messages and keep it out of the forum area. Thank you!
  10. You need help? Yes you do. Let me answer your questions one by one here. You see a download that you would like to have and all you have to do is click DOWNLOAD and you will get it. You only get two downloads a day so choose wisely. If you want more then I encourage you to look at the Subscription packages here. This thread right here and this one right here will be helpful to you. As of yet there are no plans on a 2014 mod but the Mvp 13 mod is very good. It has updated faces and rosters and uniforms, etc. To my knowledge there are no Youtube videos on how to do the stuff you are asking and I am 99.9% sure I am right because no link has ever been posted in here for it. Now about those disks, it is the second one that you use like someone else said. How long ago did you download this game?
  11. The difficulty level is something that is your choice. Usually beginners start out at the lowest and work their way up as they get more used to the game. Use the difficulty level that you are comfortable with. As for sliders, there are a lot of them to choose from. Mvp 13 is realistic already but if you try other datafiles you will see that the game play will change a bit. This all boils down to how you want it.
  12. I'm very interested in what you guys are uncovering here. Would it be too much to ask if you could post some gameplay video when this is all done? I'd love to see this.
  13. Take your time and read that other thread closely. And good luck.
  14. That's it! If I am understanding right you are trying to play the game from a fresh right-out-of-the-box install? I understand why you are having problems. The rosters from when the game first came out until now are completely different. Look for example on the Yankees. You'll see Randy Johnson, Mike Mussina,Gary Sheffield, etc on the roster. Now you just installed a new roster and this roster is based on the 2013 season. You have an incompatible roster and cyberface problems because of it. If you noticed when you downloaded that roster that it was for Mvp 08, Mvp 12 or Mvp 13. Any other mods it will cause problems and that is what happened to you. Here is what you should do and it is very easy to do. 1. Start over. Install the game again right out of the box. THEN DO NOT TOUCH IT AT ALL. I'll explain what I mean. 2. Go to this thread right here to get instructions on how to install multiple mods. When you read that thread you will learn how to install as many mods as you want and you can do it easily if you never touch your fresh copy of the game. 3. After you make a copy of your out of the box install go and download MVP 13 and then after installing that, apply patch # 2 and then install these rosters. Then you will be done.
  15. You don't understand. When I say what mod are you using I meant what season mod are you using? Is it the Mvp 13 mod or Mvp 12? Or is it something else? There are a lot of mods to choose from.
  16. Ok, that is a good roster. It doesn't crash. Now what mod are you using with this?
  17. Ok, ok. Let me think. 1. What mod are you trying to play? 2. Besides the patch and the new roster you put in the game did you add anything else?
  18. Ok, first tell me what version of Windows you have.
  19. Try starting the game in administrator mode.
  20. And you clicked OK to overwrite every file?
  21. Did you overwrite the files in the DATADATABASE directory?
  22. Try patch # 2 and just to test something out, use the last roster set that daflyboys uploaded.
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