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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Why can't you just temporarily disable your virus program and then install TiT?
  2. This week we look at a modder that made Phillies fans in here very happy and a modder who has contributed so much to the MLB2k12 series with his work. Our behind the scenes modder is someone who contributed many cyberfaces for the season mods that we have here and with the help of another modder, created one of the most downloaded stadium mods on the website. Kjuggs If you take a look at the list of mods that Kjuggs has uploaded to the website you'll see that most of them have been made with his favorite team, the Phillies, in mind. His unique Phillies concept uniform (listed below) is one of the best fantasy uniforms that has been made for the Phils or any other team for that matter. Orioles Splash Screen. MLB Team Select Logos 2012. Phillies Concept Uniform. Phillies Channel 17 Overlay. MLB Network Overlay. Picklebrad Picklebrad is a very talented stadium modder for the 2k12 baseball game but that is not all he has contributed to that game. He has also made some very good cyberfaces and different sky settings (listed below) for that game. His Total MLB Experience mod which is also listed below for your convenience has been downloaded over 5,000 times and is practically a must-have if you own MLB2k12. For 2k12 Alternate Sky Textures. PB's Total MLB 2k13 Experience. All updated stadiums combined with adjustments made by other modders. Tim Lincecum (Short Hair.) Yankee Stadium 1.0. Oriole Park at Camden Yards 1.0. Behind the Scenes Y2K Y2K created many cyberfaces that were used when the game first came out including a Randy Johnson one that put the default EA one to shame. His complete listing of cyberfaces and mods are right here. As popular as his cyberfaces were it was the teaming up he did with Hyman to make the 2005 edition of Yankee Stadium. It was downloaded over 6,800 times and it included all the ads that were at the stadium at the time along with many other improvements.
  3. What I can do is let the site owner know about this. He's the one that can help you with something like this.
  4. If this has anything to do with posting Dylan's schedule then we can't do it. That mod is his.
  5. Updated to 3-16 ...A small town about a half hour away from where I live made national news last week for all the wrong reasons. Two twenty-year-old college students at the state university in Brockport, New York were charged with torturing and injuring a black Labrador retriever when they picked the dog up and held him upside down and forced him to drink beer from the tap during an off-campus party. One of the idiots took a photo of the dog at the keg and posted it on his Twitter account and that is how they were caught, proving once again that Twitter is a cesspool of stupidity. Both participants were issued appearance tickets to appear in court and the dog was taken away to an animal shelter where he'll be able to drink water instead of Budweiser. The more I hear about the things people do to animals and other people the more I prefer to be around my dogs. ...Don't Shoot the Messenger, Dept: I admit that each year when the day comes that I have to get my taxes done it really isn't something that I look forward to. Apparently this fifty-three-year-old Missouri man felt the same way - and then some. This guy was so upset about the result of his taxes that he pushed his tax preparer to the ground and tried to choke him since obviously it was his fault that he had to end up paying Uncle Sam. Besides getting a tax filing that he evidently was not expecting, he now faces a third degree assault charge. He must have to pay a good chunk of change to have gone nuts like that. ...Don't forget now that this Saturday is the first Major League game of the year as the Diamondbacks and Dodgers go at it down in Sydney, Australia. It will be on the MLB Network on the 22nd starting at 4:00 am (1 am in the west.) I miss baseball and I love baseball but I am not getting up at 4 am to watch any game because at that hour my pillow does not like to let me go. If this is something that you plan on doing then my hat's off to you. ...There was an incident last week that happened in a neighboring town at a bowling alley of all places. Police were called to break up a fight that when it was all over thirty people were involved. During the scuffle one guy got a direct hit in the head with a bowling ball and as for the guy that hit him witnesses swore that it was the only strike of the night that he got. ...I usually do not hawk any products in here but there has been one program that I have been using for years now that has really helped me with the spam mail problem that we all seem to get. Mailwasher Pro is a nice utility that lets you preview your e-mails before it gets on your computer. So if you want that e-mail you download it to your e-mail program and if you don't you set up a filter so that it never gets on your hard drive. The reason why I am bringing this up now is because in recent weeks I have received e-mails letting me know that my long-lost brother has been found (I only have a sister) and that my homes in San Francisco and Chicago are now in the process of being foreclosed unless I act fast. I don't think for one second that any of you guys in here are gullible enough to fall for nonsense like this but it's nice to know something like this is around. ...General Motors is doing a recall this month about a problem with the ignition switches of some of their popular models even though they knew ten years ago that this problem existed. To explain what the issue is in as few words as possible is where the key is inserted and turned to start the car, it could easily be moved out of the "run" position into the "off" position and when that happens the power braking and steering and the airbags can stop working. At least thirteen deaths occurred because of this before GM conducted an investigation and finally did their recall. GM blames a series of internal miscues for the reason why it took so long to recall these cars which when put in another way meant that the big shots who run the place kept on passing the buck with this problem and hoping it would go away. Maybe if we are lucky ten years from now they will let everyone know what they found out during their internal investigations. ...In case anyone missed it there was an election held in North Korea recently. Or at least it was something that those people call an election because head nutjob Kim Jong Un was elected to the highest legislative body in North Korea unanimously, since there was no one else on the ballot. The North Korean voters have no choice who to vote for since there is only one candidate's name on the ballot but they have the choice of voting yes or no if they approve of the choice of candidate. Thanks to Jon Un's election staff they helped the people say "yes" when it was their time to vote by pointing guns at their heads and issuing other threats that were just as bad. Who wouldn't have voted for him? All they had to do is remember how well he treats members of his family. ...Rashard Mendenhall retired last week at the age of twenty-six from the Arizona Cardinals because he said he just didn't want to do it anymore. If a baseball player retired at the age of twenty-six you would wonder what the hell was the matter with him but when a football player does it you really can't blame him. Mendenhall said that it wasn't a physical issue that made him retire but maybe those head injuries that he's seen other players have could have got him to thinking about it. This reminds me of when Napoleon Kaufman retired from the Raiders after the 2000 season to enter the ministry. He never looked back and his life after football has been just fine. I wish him well. ...A minor league catcher for the Red Sox named Jon Denney was pulled over recently for driving with a suspended license and had he just kept his mouth shut while this was going on I would have to look somewhere else to find something to talk about as far as my favorite punching bags were concerned. Denney told the police that he was a Red Sox player and he didn't care what they were going to do because he had money and would make more money than they would ever see. He went on to say that after he is arrested he would be out in no time because of who he played for and that he made three million dollars a year. Red Sox officials must be besides themselves right now and probably can not wait until he makes his way up to the major leagues because with an attitude like that he will fit in well with everyone else. ...The next time you see someone unwilling to help their fellow man and you want to let them know what you think about it hold up a minute and read this and when you're done maybe you'll change your mind. A Colorado man named Ray Ortiz is suing the city of Boulder and his rescuers for $500,000 because he was trapped in a submerged car that he says is their fault. Back in September Ortiz was driving his car on a flooded road that he says the county should have closed. You know, to prevent people like him from driving on it. That's why the city of Boulder is getting sued. He is also suing the first responders because they did not realize that he was trapped in his car until they pulled it out of the water after it went off the road and into a creek. Here is the part of the story where this man's luck was extraordinary. He found a small air pocket in the back of his car where he stayed and waited to be rescued two hours later. Despite admitting that he is lucky to be alive he is suing the rescue workers because he feels they should have known he was down there. It's pretty clear what is going on here. Some lawyer got to this guy and convinced him to sue for a half million dollars and even if they settle for half as much he'll still come out way ahead. The city of Boulder is going to have lawyers also and they are going to ask this Ortiz guy why didn't he simply put his car in reverse when he saw that the road he was on was becoming a body of water? This man should be thanking his rescuers and sending them coffee and bagels where they work instead of slapping them with a lawsuit. So the next time you see someone who doesn't want to get involved maybe they have a good reason not to. ...I always find it intriguing on how the mind works or to be more specific, your memory. I witnessed something last week that made me think of something that happened to me in the service because what I saw for this one guy was the case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and in my case the exact opposite. My brother-in-law had to go on a business trip recently and I went with my sister to pick him up at the airport on his arrival home. We got there about twenty minutes before the plane landed and suddenly had to use one of the restrooms. I walked into the closest one where we were sitting and some little kid must of had one hell of an accident in there because there was urine and you-know-what on the baby changing station and all around it. I turned around and walked out, suddenly deciding that I did not have to go that bad. A few other people after me walked in and then walked out soon afterwards. When one guy came out one of the airport workers was walking by and he let him know what the situation was in there. This guy had to be a supervisor or something like that because the next thing I hear is a loud whistle as this guy was collaring the first employee he saw as he made him grab a mop and some other equipment to clean up the restroom as quickly as he could. So I'm watching this and for some reason it takes me back to something that happened to me when I was in school for the Navy at the San Diego Naval Base. I went to school at night, from 11 pm to 7 am in the the morning. Then we'd go back to the barracks or out for awhile before we got some sleep. It took time to get used to but it was a nice schedule. I noticed that all my time in the service that the Navy was obsessed with keeping things clean and I never figured out if this is how they really liked it or if it was just the perfect way of keeping everyone busy all the time. I didn't mind because I always kept things clean even before I joined up so it was not much of an adjustment for me. One night we were assigned to clean a section of the school that used during the day. I was in a room by myself in the back cleaning and where I happened to be you could not see me if you were standing out in the hall. That's when I happened to overhear a Chief and a 1st class Petty Officer talk about how they were going to organize a major cleaning of our barracks as soon as school let out at 7 am. They said those guys usually walk back to their barracks after they are done with school and the ones that go back will be doing the cleaning. Now I don't mind cleaning but only up to a point so after I knew that those two were gone I got the hell out of there and went someplace else to work. When school let out that day they didn't give anyone a clue as to what was going to happen but since I had the heads up I went off the base to have breakfast and stayed out until noon when I knew that everything was done. Nothing happened to me when it was time for school the next night except that they kept on calling me a lucky SOB. No one ever knew. Right place, right time. And a dirty restroom in an airport reminded me of this. ...For any of you who have ever wondered how it must be to live in the Northeastern part of the U.S. just consider what we had here last week. Last Monday and Tuesday it was nice. We got a little taste of spring as the temperatures started to go up a little and by Tuesday it made it up to 62 degrees. It was a welcome change from the single digit temperatures we were having not too long ago. I ran a few errands that day and people were driving around with their windows down and one guy went as far as taking his convertible out for a spin. Then Wednesday came. It snowed so much that it was officially called a blizzard by the weather service. That's what usually happens when you get over twenty inches of snow in one day. Everything was shut down and I don't know how many times I looked out the window looking to see if the plow guy came. The next day I found out that he came by twice but you could have fooled me. Wednesday was also the last day that it snowed and the next three days we had nothing but sunshine. We came full circle in a matter of seven days last week around here. My advice to any of you who are thinking of moving east because of your job or if you want to go to school in this part of the country or for any other reason, think again and then keep on thinking until you decide to stay right where you are.
  6. Here you go, here is the latest Mvp roster out there. This is the spring training roster that was recently made. I hope this helps you.
  7. BaseUp! Rosters is the name that the modder called his roster set. That isn't for androids. In fact no mods here on this website are for androids. I hope this clears this up for you. Post if you have more questions.
  8. I obviously was and I'm glad you picked up on that. Now if Dylan Bradbury was still around he would be the person to ask about creating schedules. Of course he has made his schedules for Mvp Baseball but he still had to have a way to do it.
  9. Have you actually tried to look for one yet? There has been a link for one on the main page for a couple of days now.
  10. I want everyone to know that this guy is a Sneaky Bastard. And as a ten-year veteran here too I have to agree with every word you wrote. There may be disagreements from time to time but everyone here is welcome all the time. One final thing. You are always welcome to post. Always!
  11. That's it then. ESPN has a different camera crew and they are not under the orders of the management of the Yankees.
  12. No Sabugo, it is set in stone. On the Yankees you can't have a beard but a mustache is allowed. Ron Guidry for instance had one his entire career. Also your hair must be a certain length too and trimmed. That's just how they do it. I don't if you had access to the YES Network but when Burnett was pitching they never showed a close-up of his arms. You know how sometimes they have the camera on a pitcher to show his grip on the ball? Never with Burnett. That was partly because of his tattooed arms and partly because they knew as soon as he threw the ball he'd be giving up another hit and the camera would be on the opposing team running around the bases. I won't either because the way I see it this is a mod that I will never use because I don't have 2k12. I like Mvp too much to try this game out. However I think that when a mod is made it should be as accurate as possible. I mean if I was a stadium modder and I was updating Wrigley Field for example I would try to make it look like Wrigley as much as possible. I wouldn't get rid of the ivy and in place of it plaster advertisements for my website on the walls instead. That's not the real Wrigley Field.
  13. Good news! I just got confirmation that the 2014 schedule for MLB2k12 will be released in October. Ok, now you guys know.
  14. I'm telling you Mac you can lose yourself in baseball books. Two books you may like are Baseball in '41 by Robert W. Creamer and Luckiest Man - The Life and Death of Lou Gehrig by Jonathan Eig. You won't go wrong with either one of them.
  15. Yeah, it's not the worst thing that's ever happened here. Far from it.
  16. No, because if people see this thread then maybe they won't make one of their own because this topic has been brought up a lot recently in here. I hope it gets fixed soon.
  17. Why did you make a separate thread about a question you asked before in another thread? It makes no sense and please refrain from this in the future.
  18. It sure was but I think it really described the friendship those teammates had and how the friendship lasted for the remainder of their lives.
  19. This week we look at a modder who created a very popular set of uniforms when Mvp first came out and a modder who basically did a little bit of everything. More on that later. Our Behind the Scenes modder is another in a long list of people who helped make the season mods in here look better with the cyberfaces that he contributed. Umachines Not long after the release of MVP in February of 2005 Umachines began to create the very first full, redone, updated and improved uniform set made for this game. Unfortunately all of his individual mods (or packs as he referred to them) are no longer available for individual download with the exception of the one I have listed below. The reason for this is a lot of the mods up to a certain point in time in 2005 were not transferred over during the many server changes that have happened here. I am someone who downloaded his work when it was available for download and believe me this guy knew his stuff. A lot of his later work can be seen in the popular Mvp Caribe series, which is a big reason why that mod is so popular. Toronto Blue Jays Pack 2005. This is the only individual uniform pack made by Umachines currently on the website. World Series 05 Special Pack. Special updated uniforms for the White Sox and Astros. LVBP- Full and Retro Pack for Mvp Caribe. LVBP is the Liga Venezolana de beisbol profesional, the Venezuelan professional baseball league. For MLB2k9 2k9 AL East Caps Set 1.2. This is one in a series of six covering all thirty teams. For MLB2k11 All Star Game Special Set. Big Shmooz Big Shmooz was a modder who dabbled in many things. He made roster sets, cyberfaces, portraits and a very good datafile (listed below.) But what he was mostly well known for was saving time for thousands of users by compiling the uniform sets of the top three uniform makers during that period and packaging their uniforms up into one big download. This was so popular that the uniform set made by Umachines was downloaded over 32,000 times and Moser316 had his set downloaded over 25,000 times. KCcitystar had his uniform package downloaded over 6,500 times. You may wonder why there was such a low amount for his as compared to the other two but you have to keep in mind KC was the only modder of the three to upload his uniforms in one file. That's how KC's TotalMLB got its start. Big Shmooz Umachines Uniforms Models.big. Big Shmooz Moser316 Uniforms Models.big. Big Shmooz KcCitystar Uniforms Models.big. If anyone is interested in trying any of these mods out I recommend two things for you to do to for it to work properly. First you will need a fresh install of Mvp and secondly you will need Ultimate Rosters v 8.61 because that roster is required for each one of these mods. You can download that roster set right here. What made all three of these mods so popular was that Big Shmooz did all the downloading and installing of each set of uniforms that these three modders uploaded to the website and installed them into a copy of the game that he had and all the end user had to do was download this one file and they would have the complete uniform set. Needless to say this was very convenient. Big Shmooz datafile. Another popular choice for those looking to experiment with different datafiles. Behind the Scenes Cornny Cornny was a talented Taiwanese cyberface modder that created some of the most realistic cyberfaces that were part of the game. He mostly concentrated on Asian ballplayers and Asian mods but not all the time. His Johnny Damon cyberface he made after he joined the Yankees was spot-on. Same for the Daisuke Matsuzaka that he made. His full listing of his mods can be seen right here.
  20. Updated to 3-9 ...This past off season the Mariners made the biggest news by giving Robinson Cano a ten-year, $240 million contract to play second base for them but somehow Cano thinks that he now has the right to tell the Mariners what free agents they should go out and get. General Manager Cano wants the team to sign Ervin Santana and Kendrys Morales. The money involved in signing the two of them should not be a problem mainly because it won't be on Cano's dime. Spring training is only a couple of weeks old and already he is telling the front office how to do their job. What a helpful sort of guy he is. Pretty soon he'll want to start managing the ballclub too. ...Giancarlo Stanton is a pretty good outfielder for the Miami Marlins and probably one of the few decent players left on that team after Jeffrey Loria sent the rest of them to Canada during the 2012 off-season. To be truthful that is all I knew about him until I saw a picture of him that was taken about a week ago that made me realize immediately that this guy is an idiot. I've attached the picture here so you all can see for yourself and maybe after taking a look at it you'll also agree that he's an idiot. Now I don't know if this is an alligator or a crocodile. Does it matter? Look how close Stanton is to this thing. Those things are pretty fast and had it turned around and saw someone behind him the crocodile would have had a quick and easy lunch and the Marlins would have had one less outfielder. ...Did anyone happen to see that 75-foot putt that Paula Creamer sunk to win the HSBC Women's Championship in Singapore ? It was a thing of beauty and it could not have happened to a more nicer woman than her. This clip is sure to make the top sports highlights once this list is compiled at the end of the year and despite what happens between now and then this is always going to be a highlight people are going to stop and watch whenever its on. I have never seen anyone make that long of a putt. I made a fifty-nine footer once but that doesn't count. That was on the computer. ...There is something that I do not understand about people who post pictures of themselves on the internet doing something that if they stopped and thought for one second would realize that what they are doing in not a good idea. The quintessential of this is the female soldier who for reasons known only to herself decided to get in her car and hide out in it just so she would not have to salute the flag. She uploads the picture and lets basically the entire world know what she is doing and tells them to save their comments because she doesn't care, only she used stronger language. If she didn't feel like saluting she could have got away with it without anyone knowing about it but what she did was the equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot and just in case that wasn't enough, shooting yourself in the other foot just to be sure. The chain of command at the Fort Carson, Colorado Army post where this soldier is stationed have not commented much what she did and only said that they are aware of it and are looking into it. Now I have a question for all the ex-military and current military members on this website. When the Army makes that kind of comment that only means one thing: she's screwed. In the Army it's called the stockade. The Naval term is brig. No matter what branch of service you are in you want to avoid these two places although for this woman that will be impossible. Maybe the next time she takes a picture of herself she'll be doing it behind bars. ...It seems that the Red Sox's "Boston Strong" logo was actually stolen, Boston style. That's when they take want and not worry about it. You see, there is a charity down in El Paso, Texas that actually trademarked “B Strong” seven years ago and they are now considering taking legal action against the Red Sox in an attempt to reclaim sole possession of the logo. This particular charity provides financial assistance to multiple organizations in the El Paso area and was formed in honor and memory of a young boy who died tragically in a skiing accident. Now it seems to me that since this organization had this logo for all these years now that the legal team for the Red Sox would have discovered that it has already been in use and that a trademark was on it. What I think happened -and it would not surprise me at all if it did happen like this- is that the Red Sox lawyers told the team to go ahead and use it because they are bigger than some charity from a small town in Texas. The reason for this lawsuit is that the "B Strong" logo in Boston has taken away attention and potential donations from the charity in Texas and the worst part is that the Red Sox have sold that logo on T-shirts and other merchandise and the money that they made from those sales were given to different charities but not the one in Texas. This tells me that the Sox knew what they were doing ever since the first day they slapped the Boston Strong logo on the Green Monster at Fenway. Can you imagine if this was the other way around and the Red Sox trademarked that logo first and a small town organization decided to use it? They'd have their lawyers on the phone threatening legal action until they made sure they scared them real good. ...Last week the Cleveland Browns announced that they will be getting new uniforms sometime before the 2015 draft and according to Browns team president Alec Scheiner these uniforms are going to be "cutting-edge." This isn't the first time I've heard this term used and I've never understood what it meant. What is cutting edge and what does that have to do with uniforms? Well whatever it means here the Browns are going to keep it under wraps until a year from now when they have their grand unveiling. Then they can mark up their replica jerseys 15% because they're cutting edge. ...Why is it that the lousy teams like the Browns and just recently the Buccaneers seem more concerned with their uniforms rather than the players that wear them? After this season Tampa Bay is going to have another losing record. They'll just look different doing it. ...The entitlement that some kids have sometimes borders on the ridiculous and if you don't agree that after reading this that this girl does not deserve a slap in the head (or more) then I really don't know what else to say. An eighteen-year-old girl in New Jersey is suing her parents because she has claimed that they threw her out of their home and cut her off financially. Don't you just hate it when that happens? She is suing them for immediate support, current private-school fees and future college tuition. In other words, everything. Mom and Dad claim that their adoring daughter moved out on her own free will because she refused to abide by their rules. They said that they want her home but she is demanding that they pay her bills even though she doesn't want to live at home under their rules which are in part having her think long and hard about continuing a relationship with a boyfriend that may be a bad influence, being respectful and abiding by a set curfew. Wow, after reading that you can see why she left home. Who can live under conditions like that? It has been a few months now that this girl has not lived with her parents but it's not like she's been out on the streets. Not even close. She's been living with her best friend whose father just happens to be a lawyer and he has been bankrolling her lawsuit and just to turn the knife even more, part of the lawsuit is that the girl's parents reimburse him for the legal fees, which are now over $12,000 and climbing. How do you like that? This guy wants them to foot the bill for a lawsuit directed at them. I think right about this time I would have been fuming. Basically what this girl wants is for the court to tell her parents to support her financially in every way while she still does whatever she wants to do. Just when you thought that the Gimmee generation couldn't do anything more to make themselves look more pathetic they end up proving you wrong by pulling a stunt like this. I hope this girl gets smacked in the face with a huge helping of reality and then after that get smacked the old-fashioned way. ...No matter what this won't end well and that's what I feel bad about the most. I just know if that was my kid that was suing me for all that money I would not feel the same towards her ever again despite winning or losing the case and it would be more about her total lack of regard towards me than the dollars and cents part. I really feel for these parents. ...Hold that Eulogy, Dept: When a coroner down in Holmes County, Mississippi received a phone call from a hospice nurse about a seventy-eight-year-old man who passed away and then another call from a family member of the man to confirm it, he thought no more about it since calls like this are very common in a business like that . The coroner and a representative from a funeral home drove to the deceased's home to collect the body for funeral preparations and while they were there, checked the body for a pulse before they put the man in a body bag for his ride to the funeral home. Once they got there they brought the dearly departed to the embalming room to prepare the body for viewing. What happened next was something straight out of The Twilight Zone. Right before they were to start work on the body, the bag moved. Then it moved again. Then his legs started to move like he was trying to kick his way out of the bag. Now either this guy was the world's heaviest sleeper or someone made a mistake because this man was breathing and he wanted out of that bag. The coroner immediately called an ambulance and after hooking him to monitors they confirmed that he was in fact breathing. Why they couldn't tell that just by looking at him I don't know. They had to depend on a monitor to confirm what they were looking at. In a way this story almost reminds me of the guy in Brazil who showed up at his own wake and scared the hell out of his family. Can you imagine what the family of the deceased-and-now-alive-again man were doing after the coroner drove off with the body? Phone calls were made to people in town and around the country letting them know what happened and many tears must have been shed because of the loss of their loved one. But wait...hold that Kleenex! They get a call from the funeral home to inform them that they couldn't embalm the body because all of a sudden he started to breathe again and that people that are alive usually do not like to be embalmed. Then all the phone calls that they made to let everyone know of the poor guy's passing had to be re-made all over again this time to tell them that his condition improved and they were not going to believe by how much. And I guarantee you that after they heard this news and the shock of their relative being alive that they had to forget to call someone back to let them know he's still alive. As for the man himself, God knows what's going through his mind after he found out what happened to him but I think one thing's for certain. For the rest of his life every time he falls asleep he's going to pray that he wakes up in his room and not in the morgue. ...I'll tell you what the state of Massachusetts avoided a huge problem last week. First a guy who was caught taking Upskirt photos of women avoided any jail time when his lawyer exploited a loophole in the law and was able to get his case dismissed in front of the top court in the state. Soon after that the sale of cameras in Massachusetts tripled. But that did not last long as the state's legislators quickly got together to write a bill that banned this kind of thrill seeking behavior and was immediately signed by Governor Deval Patrick. Now these people who engaged in this stuff have two choices to make. They can focus their interests on something that won't get them arrested or if they still insist on taking pictures of women in compromising positions they can always apply for a job at the TSA, since they have the law behind them when they do the same thing. ...R.I.P. to Doctor Frank Jobe who passed away at the age of eighty-eight last Thursday. Jobe was the brilliant surgeon that performed reconstructive elbow surgery on Dodger pitcher Tommy John back in 1974. That surgery today is known as Tommy John surgery and it has saved the careers of many ballplayers over the past forty years. ...Daylight saving time arrives this weekend so if you are up right now as this is posted turn your clocks ahead one hour. ...Finally, Yogi Berra's wife died last week. She was living in an assisted living facility in New Jersey because of complications of a stoke that she suffered earlier this year. My condolences go out to the entire Berra family but what stood out for me was how long these two people were married. Back in January they celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary and how many people can you say have done that?
  21. Go ahead and try it. And when your game crashes you'll know why.
  22. Baltimore at New York, 1958 mod.
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