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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. And just when I thought I was starting to like the guy.
  2. Oh don't get me started! I occasionally try to convert people over to MVP in here because of my dislike of how 2K made that game and taking away the baseball license from EA, although EA is not innocent either. If you had Mvp you'd love it and I promise you that Carlos Moncrief will not bother you one bit if you had that game. Our roster makers know how to put these bums in their place.
  3. Seriously I could not resist making a joke about this. I even had to google to find out who Carlos Moncrief was since I honestly never heard of him. I hope you can get this fixed and I sure wish I could help you but I don't own 2k12.
  4. Well that's good. We always need more of them around here. Enjoy the website!
  5. None of these guys have actually played a major league game yet, correct? Or if they have it has only been a handful of them. There is no set formula to rate these guys. Basically you have to wait until they get enough time in the major leagues to see how good of a player they are because a formula is nothing but a scientific guess.
  6. Windows 7 is a good version of Windows to have. I don't mind upgrading but I don't want to lose the ability to play these games. I miss the old DOS games and those were useless until I got them to work with DOSbox and now I am playing them again too. I would love to have a laptop that had Windows 3.1 on it. I wouldn't care if it had internet connection. Just a CD drive and I'd be all set.
  7. This is why I keep my XP laptop because on that thing I have no problem running HH2003 or 2004. Two good games that I always go back to.
  8. This is the perfect guy to replace Soriano on the Yankees.
  9. Beautiful! Glad you got it to work.
  10. There a blast from the past. Good job Homer!
  11. Another one for me was Wade Boggs. It was September 2nd, 1981 and it was the last day of the International League season. Not a lot of people were in the ballpark that early at Silver Stadium even though it was a really nice day. As I mentioned in the first post, the visiting clubhouse was down the first base line and underneath the stands. I'm standing near the dugout on the first base side just waiting for someone to come out. The only people out on the field were groundskeepers*. I was just about to leave to get myself a cold one - yep, a Coke with plenty of ice. But then I saw a ballplayer walking slowly in my direction. It was Boggs, the 1981 International League batting champion. Well, young Y4L put his Red Sox hating ways on pause and asked Wade Boggs for an autograph. I got it and we ended up talking for about ten minutes before he had to get ready for the game. It was a pleasure. And then fifteen years later he rode on a horse to celebrate the Yankees 1996 championship. Every time the YES network shows that clip it reminds me of the time back in Silver Stadium when I got his autograph. Other people that I got were Ken Boyer and Frank Robinson, both former players who managed the Triple A Red Wings. * One time I even got the head groundscrew man to sign my book because when I was a little kid I thought he was the one who owned all the baseballs and I kept on asking him for one.
  12. I'd have loved to been able to get Doby's. And the same goes for Lombardi that dcstadium got. Another one for me was George Steinbrenner. It was on July 5th, 1976 and it was my first visit to Yankee Stadium. We were standing at the player's entrance watching them walk in and I saw Chris Chambliss but I wasn't fast enough. Then Steinbrenner arrived and I asked him to sign and he gladly did. I was pretty happy for the rest of the day even though the Yankees lost that day.
  13. I won't tell you anything about that book except that you will enjoy it a lot. Have fun!
  14. I have to say that is a very good likeness of Mantle.
  15. A few years back there were some Korean guys who took the mods for the 2k game and tried to pass it off as their own.
  16. Looks good! Makes me almost wish I had 2k12. Almost.
  17. That's partially true. A group of rogue Ukrainian modders stole all his uniforms and stadiums that he made and have been trying to pass it off as their work. This is why he's been so preoccupied. I hope he does not mind me letting everyone know this.
  18. Ok! Now's here's the part where we get out of the way so you can download like crazy!
  19. Who the hell is Reggie Williams?
  20. I run mine on a XP laptop that I own. I hope you can get it to work.
  21. I guess this doesn't just have to be about getting a baseball player's signature. Anyone really. So the question is what is the best autograph you were able to snag and the details? I'll start off. 1. Hank Aaron. It was near the end of the 1986 International League season and Aaron came to visit the pennant winning Richmond Braves who just happened to be playing at Silver Stadium in Rochester. The visitor clubhouse at that ballpark was down the right field line and under the stands. I was there early just trying to get some autographs and another guy was with me. We saw Aaron go into the clubhouse and we looked at each other and said did you see who just went in there? We then agreed not to say a word about it to anyone else there because if we did there would have been a madhouse. So we shut our mouths and waited. Finally after about twenty minutes Aaron came out and he signed for the both of us and immediately after that a swarm of people came by him. That's when the ushers shooed everyone away and we both knew we had a once in a lifetime opportunity and didn't blow it. 2. Mike Torrez. You may think this would be an odd choice and you are probably also thinking that I broke out in a dance in front of him laughing about the 1978 playoff game. Not even close. I shook his hand and said thank you. He asked me "for what"? And I told him that I can understand his name is mostly linked with that famous playoff game but I wanted to thank him for what he did a year before that. You see, in the fifth game of the 1977 ALCS at Kansas City Torrez came on in relief of an ineffective Ron Guidry in the third inning and pitched 5 1/3 innings of scoreless baseball and by doing that the Yankees shut down the Royals the rest of the way and were able to win the game and pennant in the ninth inning. That's why I said thank you and I after I said it I could tell it meant a lot to him.
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