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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. This thread has been re-opened.
  2. Gee Homer, if it was bigger I'd use it as my new desktop. No Fiebre, you got them all. You know, just by us posting here right now shows you how well Trues has run and maintained this site.
  3. Hahahahahaha. You guys are going to have fun with this game this year.
  4. It is because of people like you to along with many others like Dennis James and Jim825 and Trues and I think I better stop right there because I'll forget people. I think I will just say it is because of people who contributed their time and talents that made this website great. I feel fortunate to have been here for the entire ride.
  5. It was a pleasure. You've done a wonderful job. And I've got a trivia question for this tenth anniversary thread. When this site opened up ten years ago who was the second person that was put on the staff ? If I asked for the first one it would be too easy. Hint: He did a lot of behind the scenes work. He played in the MVP league that we had here many years back and also was a member of the now defunct High Heat board.
  6. This stuff is excellent. All of you guys are talented. Dennis, I liked that A-Rod one. Do you have one where Ortiz is banned?
  7. There is no need for the both of you (jeferomer and junior1617) to post a screenshot of Jed's status on here. This does not concern either one of you and it never has. So with that being said I ask you not to do this anymore.
  8. There is no need for the both of you (jeferomer and junior1617) to post a screenshot of Jed's status on here. This does not concern either one of you and it never has. So with that being said I ask you not to do this anymore.
  9. No. He also does stadiums and he has contributed to the Total Classics series many times. He's one of the most valued members of this website.
  10. That someone you are talking about is Dennis James. You got to check out his stuff. He's made some wonderful uniforms and stadiums over the years.
  11. You did five of them. Cleveland Municipal Stadium, Safeco Field, Olympic Stadium in Montreal, The Metrodome and Baltimore Memorial Stadium. The last one was with Sean O.
  12. This week we stop to recognize and thank two popular roster makers who during their active years on this website produced rosters that were so good it was hard to choose which one to use. And in our Behind the Scenes section we note the work of another cyberface creator from the Total Classics series. Totte Many people do not know this but Totte was not the creator of the Ultimate Roster set. He took it over from two modders named llcmac and HypnoxXx and the rosters were originally called the llcmac - HypnoxXx rosters. Later on they changed the name to Ultimate Rosters. Here is the page for the very first Ultimate Rosters. The link is long gone now but that was the first that anyone ever saw of the Ultimate Rosters. Totte took over for the original two modders after they did not want to do it anymore and he made this roster set his own. He was on top of every transaction and you could be sure that if someone got traded the next version of his rosters would show the player on his new team. His last uploaded roster, version 8.1 has been downloaded over 45,000 times. That's how good his work was. Ultimate Rosters v8.1 Plus Edition. This is not a file that anyone should download and use now because it is out of date with all the personnel changes made in baseball since this was released. If you want to see how good the Ultimate Rosters were you can download the Mvp 2006 mod or the Mvp 2007 mod because both of these mods have his rosters in them. Default Contract Values. This is a decoded version of the contract.csv file that can be found in the progress.big file. This was designed to see if any modder would be able to crack the issue of having players being paid way too much money. SwinginSoriano Swingin' Soriano was the creator of the Epic Rosters which was another roster set which was made during the same time the Ultimate Rosters were around. These rosters were just as good as the ones Totte put out as they were downloaded over 32,000 times and it came down to personal preference as to which one you decided to use in your game. I personally would alternate the rosters and never once had an issue with any of them. His pitching motion videos and batting stance reference tools (listed below) were invaluable for users who wanted to edit their rosters. Batting Stance Reference Sheet. Great file to have while editing rosters. Each and every MVP Batting Stance as a large picture, with both right and left handed stances. This file is in .pdf format. Swingin' Soriano's Pitching Motion Videos. Pitcher's windup reference videos. Batter Walk Up / Music Ditties. Behind the Scenes Terminator Korea Another modder who contributed his cyberface making skills to Total Classics was Terminator Korea. When you consider that Total Classics eventually expanded to 120 teams you could imagine how many people were needed to create cyberfaces for each team. His resume of mods is three pages long and much of his work can also be found in the Mvp 06 - 08 mods.
  13. I do not speak Spanish. I made that previous post using Google translate. Whatever it is you are saying really should be kept out of the forum area. Have a very nice week.
  14. Por favor, mantenga esto de los foros. Please keep this out of the forums.
  15. Evilselig: Tokyo Dome. Seibu Dome. And garfield8 has made a lot of Japanese team uniforms. Scroll down until you get past the Mlb2k12 stuff and then you'll see his Mvp 2005 work.
  16. Yes there is. Let me do some research for you. I know I got them.
  17. They have to be in .zip, 7z or rar format. That is explained before you do the upload.
  18. The reason why he said this was because this program is more associated with Mvp Baseball. Do a search for the TiT program for 2k baseball and download it. It is in the 2k download section.
  19. Updated to 2-16 ...Last weekend a new business opened up in Los Angeles called Dumb Starbucks Coffee that so far has become a hit with the people that have visited the new coffee house. Starbucks however is not happy about this especially after sending one of their spies to check the place out first hand. He then went back and reported that the coffee there was better than what Starbucks sold and it was also cheaper. What's more is that the employees were nicer too. Once Starbucks found this out they huffed and they puffed and informed Dumb Starbucks to cease and desist and to stop using their trademark and at the same time wanted to know where they got there coffee. What got them even more upset was when they learned that this was all just an elaborate parody set up by a comedian named Nathan Fielder. But they still wanted to know where he got his coffee. ...Gabby Giffords drove a car last week. This was her first time in three years after she was shot in the head in January of 2011. This amazing and inspiring even went skydiving before she did this. She's braver than I can ever dare to be and I don't mind admitting that. She's more of a hero to me than someone who wears a pinstriped uniform and makes millions of dollars a year. ...For about a week I must have seen five different articles a day that were written after Philip Seymour Hoffman died. I read some but bypassed most of them because I really wasn't that interested in it. I knew nothing about him except that he was an actor and from what I read a very good one. What got my attention the most is that he was born and raised in Fairport, New York, a small village that is about a fifteen minute drive from me. The only knowledge I have of drugs is what I read in the papers when a celebrity dies from them. John Belushi, Chris Farley, Whitney Houston. All I know about those people and the others like them was the end result. I've never been around drugs and don't plan on it either and my limited knowledge of heroin is that it is an addictive drug and that it killed Jim Morrison, one of my favorite singers. When I read that Hoffman was found with five empty heroin bags and about sixty-five more bags that were still unused I said to myself that this guy was playing Russian Roulette with all the bullets still in the gun. Sure I feel bad that a human being died. He was a man whose work entertained a lot of people but he could not stay away from that stuff. He'd of had a better chance of living if he decided to have his lunch on some train tracks instead of having all those heroin bags in his possession. What stood out from all those articles about Hoffman was something some lady said who recently lost her son in the same way Hoffman died. She wondered what made his death more important than her nineteen-year-old son. Good question. ...Even though you should pay attention to those flight safety videos when you are in your seat and about to take off, many people hardly pay attention or don't pay attention at all. The good people at Air New Zealand came up with a great idea to make stop what they were doing and pay attention. They hired Sports Illustrated models to act out all the safety procedures for the flight while wearing bikinis by a pool. There's nothing like someone like Chrissie Teigen showing you the proper way to fasten your seat belt. No way will this video or anything of its kind be shown on American flights because people are complaining about this already and saying that it is too "highly sexualized." In other words women that do not look like models are complaining about women that are models that are once again getting all the attention. They're right of course. Who'd watch the video and pay attention if it were Mama Boo-Boo in a bathing suit instructing you to stay in your seat and have your phone turned off? ...What a way to go, Dept: Last week a Pennsylvania couple drove into a garage and found a nice out of the way place to park and as soon as the coast was clear they warm each other up by removing their clothing if you get my meaning. Those parking garages in the winter time can be a pretty cold place so before they started they kept the engine on to keep the car warm and in the result of doing that they both died from carbon monoxide poisoning. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that these people were married but not to each other. I think when they wanted to 'rock each other's world' this isn't what they had in mind. It's no wonder that they didn't stay at a Holiday Inn. They weren't smart enough. ...Anyone that follows baseball does not need to be told about the wacked out salaries that are handed out to players that are not worth the money or deserving of it. Alex Rodriguez, Albert Pujols, Josh Hamilton. You name it. But what the Phillies did last Wednesday showed a move made more out of desperation than a move made to improve the ball club. How else can you explain giving A.J. Burnett a one-year contract that will pay him sixteen million dollars? Burnett also happens to be thirty-seven years old and is coming off a losing season (10-11) with the Pittsburgh Pirates. And he gets sixteen million? All I can say about this can be summed up in one word. Why?? I wouldn't give this guy sixteen dollars to pitch for my team. Well, at least he's in the right city to be booed in. ...And still Ubaldo Jimenez does not have a home. ...Masahiro Tanaka started throwing down in Tampa last week a few days after his press conference in New York. From what I read he has a nice, easy delivery. It would be something if this guy lives up to his press clippings because the Yankees need something to go their way. And the first pitching coach that tries to alter his delivery or anything like that should be fired on the spot. Look how well all the tinkering did for Joba Chamberlain, A.J. Burnett and Phil Hughes the past few years. Those idiot coaches can cause more damage than an arm injury. ...Some guy in Japan was dressed as an iPhone and was planning on waiting outside his local Apple store just to get his hands on the iPhone 6, which has not yet been announced and if it does, will not be available for sale until later in the year. He got in line this early because when the iPhone 5 was released he was not the first person in Japan to get one and that almost made him want to jump off the nearest bridge. I've heard of people doing stunts like this before just to get attention. Six months before the last Star Wars movie was made two fans camped out in front of a movie theater so they can be the first ones in line when the movie came out. I've always wondered if they made it and who they think they were fooling. For six months they were going to sleep outside with a bathroom no where in sight? That's what I think happened with this Japanese guy. After going into the Apple store to ask an employee about information about the next iPhone and getting no information about it he quickly decided to pack it in and go home. Besides, those three iced teas he drank were starting to get to him. ...Storm Clouds a' Comin', Dept: One week ago today Michael Sam ,who is a star defensive end from Missouri, announced in a press conference that he was gay. Since he is eligible for the NFL Draft in April the NFL immediately issued a statement saying that they support Sam and several teams like the Giants, Packers, Patriots and Lions went as far as saying that if he ended up on their team he would be welcomed by them. You have to give them five stars for coming out and saying exactly what they were supposed to say because privately Michael Sam is going to be as welcome on any team like a breeze would be coming out of an outhouse. The PC police are going to be watching this close. They'll be waiting to see if his name slips in the draft. If it does it has to be intentional. They'll be watching to see what teams pass on him and when they do they'll be all over them. The team that drafts him will get the most attention. If this guy for some reason does not make the final roster to start the season it will be because he's gay. And if he does make the team and is traded or released at the end of the season it's because privately he was a distraction. It won't have anything to do with if he can play in the NFL or not. What's going to hurt him is the media circus surrounding him now because it's tough enough making the transition from the college game to the pros. We'll see. ...Among the other things that I get for my wife on Valentine's Day I always buy her a card and mail it to her. Little does she know after all these years when I pick the card out I have never read the inside of the card yet. All I do is turn it around to look at the price. I must be doing something right since she's loved every one of them. ...Even though you know it is coming and are preparing yourself for it, it is always hard to accept the news of the retirement of a ballplayer on your favorite team especially someone who has done so much to help them be winners. When you hear this news for the first time you almost put yourself in denial mode. Maybe he'll change his mind. That's what I said last year when Mariano Rivera had his press conference in spring training and that's what I said last Wednesday afternoon when I read that Derek Jeter said that he was retiring at the close of this season. But then I thought about it and it made me wonder if this decision was partly based on the current condition of his ankle. I remember just a few years back when he was asked about how long he wanted to keep playing he mentioned that he foreseen himself playing until he was forty-two. That was before the ankle injury. Last year the problems caused by the ankle never really went away and he had the entire off season to work on and strengthen it. Maybe he is still not 100% and since he never says anything when he's hurt, is not saying anything about it. That's how I see it and if it is true or not it is not going to change the fact that the face of the Yankees for all these years will be leaving soon. ...Also, get ready to open up your wallets so you can buy some official Derek Jeter retirement souvenirs and memorabilia. It'll be the same stuff you can buy right now but it'll be marked up 40%. And what's the over and under going to be for how many times a game Michael Kay will remind everyone that Jeter is retiring? ...I finally used some of the money that went towards my Amazon gift card that I received for Christmas and purchased a show called Amazing Stories. This was a show that was only on for two seasons in the mid-1980's and it was produced by Steven Spielberg and it had a lot of famous actors on each week like Sid Caesar, Loni Anderson and Dom Deluise and up-and-coming actors like Kevin Costner and Kiefer Sutherland. I still don't know why it was only on for two seasons but if any of you remember this show it is still enjoyable to watch even to this day. ...We lost a lot of people last week. Shirley Temple, Sid Caesar, Ralph Waite and in baseball Jim Fregosi. R.I.P. to all of them.
  20. Don't tell me...Dennis is going to find a way to mod this game too.
  21. Man this looks really nice. You do know that you are driving people nuts in here talking about this game? :D I told my wife I wanted to go to Korea to play a baseball game and she looked at me like I was nuts. They don't understand. ................................................................................................................................................................................................. For everyone who is following this thread evilselig was a more active and daily member here during the early years of this website. He made five excellent stadium mods for the game that people were blown away with. Due to all the server changes the mods that were uploaded during the first few years of the site are no longer available for download. This includes all of evilselig's work. Luckily I saved all five to DVD for posterity. I really appreciated your work then and now.
  22. Yeah I kind of thought that maybe that wasn't it. I thought I'd just throw that out there. It is puzzling when it's working one day and the next it isn't and you know you haven't done anything differently to it.
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