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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Yankee4Life

    Odd Issues

    You got this entirely wrong. This mod is a simulation of the 1941 baseball season and it tries to duplicate it as much as possible. When you play the game you play in the same stadiums that the teams played in 1941. The rosters in the game are the same 1941 rosters. The uniforms in the game are the same as the ones worn in 1941. Same for the music chosen in the game. You do not play as Ted Williams or as Joe Dimaggio or even as Bob Feller. You choose one 1941 team and play them against another 1941 team. Try the St. Louis Cardinals vs. the Brooklyn Dodgers. They were in a close race that year so the teams are evenly matched.
  2. Here's a story about the girl right here. She's a lucky girl and I hope she recovers quickly. Thanks, I'll try this.
  3. Updated to 2-9 ...It was reported that 111 million people tuned in to watch the Super Bowl and that figure gave this game the distinction of being the highest rated television show in history. All that means is that last Sunday night 111 million people had nothing else better to do. I've become a different sports fan since I have grown older. Years ago I would watch everything to see who was going to be the league champion. I even watched the NBA. But not now. I didn't watch a pitch in last year's World Series, which almost sounds sacrilegious coming from someone who is a big baseball fan. I don't even know how many games it took to decide it. I found other things to do. Same thing with last week's NFL Championship Game. I knew I would see all the commercials the next day on Youtube, so I didn't have to worry about watching it for that and the game was such a blowout that of all the 111 million souls that watched that game only 90,000 or so were glad of the outcome were all in Seattle. Outside of the state of Washington with the exception of Colorado no one cared. There must have been a lot of pizzas consumed all across the country that night because the only question that was on the majority of people's mind in the third quarter was how many points the Seahawks would win by. ...I was so happy to hear about that sixteen-year-old girl who went skydiving and fell 3,500 feet to the ground and miraculously is still among the living. This poor young girl suffered injuries to her liver, pelvis, spine, lower back, ribs and teeth. Good Lord. Almost half of the injuries she got from that fall I have myself and they were given to me without having to jump out of a plane. She is doing so well now that last week she started walking with assistance and her doctors are are hopeful for a complete recovery. She received skydiving lessons from her parents for her sixteenth birthday and I have a feeling that whatever she gets next year it is going to involve staying on the ground. ...In probably the most pointless bit of news coverage last week, Kim Kardashian went back to being a brunette after spending the past five months as a blonde. Brunettes across the country were upset when they heard this news because they figured they had her in their camp long enough. No word yet if this move was Kanye-approved. ...There's a strange thing that happens to me occasionally when I use the shoutbox in here. Sometimes when I finish writing the post that I want to send to it I get kicked completely out of my browser. It's almost like Firefox is telling me they didn't like my post. I'm just curious to know if the same thing has happened to others in here. ...Last week Dennis Rodman offered to take the place of Kenneth Bae, the American who is being held hostage in North Korea. Bae as you may or may not know is a Christian tour operator who was arrested there late in 2012 because North Korea said he imported "inflammatory" material into the country. In other words he was giving away bibles and religious pamphlets. By the way this is what bugs me about this the most. North Korea owns the distinction of being the country with the most severe persecution of Christians in the world. If you are a Christian in that country, there is a good chance you are in a prison camp right now. And that's where Bae ended up as he was sentenced to fifteen years of hard labor. He should have known this before passing out the King James bible on street corners. This is the guy that Rodman says he will willingly trade places with. Without a doubt this is a magnanimous offer on Rodman's part but it was difficult to really take him seriously because he said this at a press conference at the rehabilitation facility that he is currently staying. It could be someone slipped him a few bottles of scotch before he met the press. ...If you have forty-five dollars burning a hole in your pocket and you happen to be hungry and in South Florida you can buy yourself a specialty pizza called the "Everglades Pizza" that features Burmese python meat on it. And if that isn't enough alligator sausage and frog legs are also included on the pizza. What a way to kill a pizza. Somehow it is fitting that an idea like this originated in Florida and what even makes less sense is that the guy who owns the pizza shop buys the snakes frozen from a wholesaler who imports farmed python from Vietnam. What the hell for? There's thousands of them in Florida right now. And my wife thinks I am crazy because I like anchovies on my pizza. ...I'm surprised with Spring Training in our sights now that players like Ubaldo Jimenez and Nelson Cruz haven't been signed yet. I'd have at least thought that the Yankees would have given Jimenez a shot considering the stiffs they are going to be throwing out this year. A.J. Burnett is also without a contract but with him I understand why. ...Clay Aiken's career in recent years has been headed downward faster than an elevator that has broken loose from its cables. This probably explains why he announced that he will run for Congress in North Carolina as a Democrat as he attempts to unseat the Republican incumbent whom he says has been "changed" by being in Washington since she's been there. It's too early to tell if he actually has a chance in his political venture but if he really wants to be elected without breaking a sweat he should go to San Francisco. ...Oh come on. You laughed at that. ...Caught between a rock and a hard place Dept: For the past week or so residents of Central New York (which includes myself wether I like it or not) have received what has appeared to be a bit of clemency regarding the winter weather. We had over a week when it didn't snow at all and people were able to shovel clearer paths around their homes and lay salt down in every direction to reduce the ice build-up. Even the ice and snow accumulation on the roads disappeared and driving around town became a lot easier. That's how it was until last Wednesday arrived. Mother Nature must have noticed that we were beginning to get a little too comfortable and to fix that we were hit with thirteen inches of snow in a twenty-four hour period. For you guys who live in an area where the white stuff is not a yearly occurrence, thirteen inches of snow in one day is a lot and it causes problems. For example, where are you going to put all of it? We have a plow guy who comes by and does our driveway. We pay him a yearly fee and he comes by when needed. Well, I needed him last Wednesday and he was no where to be found. The weather was so bad that my wife got out of work almost two hours before she usually does and because the driveway was not plowed she got stuck. We're friends here so I can let you in on something. My wife is a terrible driver. I can safely say this because she doesn't read my stuff. But this time with her getting stuck it was not her fault. The only vehicle that could get up my driveway was a snow plow truck and the guy that is supposed to take care of mine was God knows where. So there I was at the end of my driveway taking turns trying to dig out the snow around the car and giving the car a push. Both tasks by the way I failed miserably. There was no way she was going to get up that driveway unless the snow started to melt or wait until April, whatever came first. That's when our luck changed. Well, sort of. While I was busy digging away and getting nowhere a snow plow driver was driving down the street and stopped at our house. He wasn't the guy who we pay to do our driveway but he said for twenty dollars he will plow our driveway for us. I told him I will let my wife know what he said and while I was walking to the car to tell her he knew that we were going to do it and so did I. My wife made a little fuss, mostly out of habit, and then agreed to have him plow the driveway.What else were we going to do? So after backing the car into the street we got our driveway plowed and her car made it up the driveway were it belonged. It took the guy only a few minutes to clear out all the snow. There went twenty dollars but then again what choice did I have? ...I never cared for Curt Schilling as a player or as a commentator on ESPN. And even after all this time I still believe his famous bloody sock was not really blood at all. No one's ever going to make me think otherwise. But then last week I read that he was diagnosed with cancer and any feeling that I had towards him in the past basically because he wore the uniforms of teams I disliked suddenly became very unimportant. We've lost too many people to this disease and Red Sox player or not, I am pulling for him every step of the way. ...D.J. Law, a high school football star from the state of Florida made news last week by signing with three schools on college football's national signing day. Ole Miss, Utah and East Mississippi Community College all received signatures from Law but it was unclear as to what school signed him first. This could end up being a moot point because his high school grades are nothing to look at, in fact they are down right terrible and if he wasn't a football player he would have a tough time getting into Kiddie Kollege. ...Not so fast, Dept: One of the things that I enjoy doing by myself every so often is going to Staples to walk around and look at the newest laptops and tablets for sale along with everything else they've got there. I think I've been down every single aisle in that store and I never get bored doing it. I know I'd have a lot more fun walking around at Best Buy but that store's too far from me so I go to Staples. Well, last Thursday I made one of my trips there and I picked up a few things, one of them being compressed air so I can keep my keyboard and mouse clean. When I was cashing out I was asked by the cashier to show my ID. I asked her what for and she told me no one under eighteen was allowed to purchase compressed air. After assuring her that I was over eighteen and proving it by letting her see my driver's license she told me that minors were not allowed to purchase the compressed air and when I asked her why she said she didn't know. And I still don't. When I got home I was going to google it but I got involved in something else and forgot to and then when I remembered to do it I realized that it really wasn't that important anyway. My guess is that someone under the age of eighteen did something with these cans of air that they shouldn't have and either harmed themselves or someone else. Whatever did happen the result is that we now are treated exactly the same as if we were buying a six pack of beer. Oh well, no big deal. Now if they start carding people for buying printer paper then we'll have problems. ...Alex Rodriguez raised the white flag last Friday afternoon after he dropped his lawsuits against Major League Baseball and the Players Union. No explanation was given for this and as I write this none has been provided although I suspect we may here something next week if not for any reason but to give him more media coverage. He even informed the Yankees that he was not going to show up for spring training but that's only because with all the time he has been spending at hearings and meetings with his lawyers he misplaced his glove and still can't find it. So, no working out in Tampa this year. My guess is that he woke up one day and realized how pointless this all was to let it drag on as long as it has been. Dropping these suits are the best things he has done in a long time. This was an expensive lesson for him. He loses twenty-five million dollars in salary for 2014 and about ten million dollars goes to his lawyers that did nothing but give him terrible legal advice. So now he goes home and accepts his punishment. He should have did this six months ago. ...Oh yeah, the Winter Olympics started. I don't care. ...Finally, R.I.P. to Baseball Hall of Famer Ralph Kiner.
  4. I think I can help guide you in the right direction and this time I am well aware that you are a 2k user and not an Mvp one. I apologize for that again. Obviously you are asking if these uniforms can be made and with the uniform modders in here I wouldn't doubt that they could fill this request. All the times I have requested uniforms I have also provided a picture of the uniform I am asking to be made. That is a big help. For example if I ask if someone can make some of the alternate Cubs uniforms that they will be using this year I will provide a photo of the uniform I want. That's what you should do with the Giants uniform you are referring to. I'm trying to picture that uniform right now and I can't do it. By the way thank you for posting this in the correct area in the forums.
  5. Thank you. I'll take your word for it. I never heard of her.
  6. LINK REMOVED. I suggest you read the rules of this website. And if you already have read them I would try to read them closer. · No warez or cracks or links to such content. Help, requests or posts that discuss circumvention of copyright measures are forbidden. This includes linking to illegally obtained software, movies & music files - posting about it, and suggesting obtaining it.
  7. You were listed in here too Fuzz some time back.
  8. Yankee4Life

    Odd Issues

    I believe this may be a cyberface issue. Don't quote me now because there are people in here that are way more knowledgeable than I am about these things.
  9. Yankee4Life

    Odd Issues

    Ok, you have the mod installed. That's out of the way. I believe someone had a similar problem last week and I believe it may have been a cyberface issue. This may not be what the problem is here and honestly I am stumped right now.
  10. Yankee4Life

    Odd Issues

    Did you start the game as an administrator?
  11. Yankee4Life

    Odd Issues

    Mvp 08 is fine but why settle for that? Something is wrong with your download for Mvp 13. I use Firefox. Never had a problem once getting anything from here. No. Updated rosters coincide with updated cyberfaces. Here is what I mean. Johnny Damon was on the Yankees in 2008. That's where he is in the 08 mod. He's gone now and another player has replaced him and Damon's cyberface number has also been replaced by whomever took his spot. You'll have problems using a new roster in the 08 mod.
  12. The schedule is perfect as always. I am just happy that Dylan is here again. Thank you.
  13. That's all I can tell you. There are a lot of pages of datafiles to choose from. There's bound to be something that you will like.
  14. This question has been asked for almost as long as this site has been around and I will tell you the same thing I have told others before you. A datafile that one person might prefer can be the same datafile that the next person doesn't care for. This is something that you have to find out for yourself by trying different ones and then settling on one that you like the best.
  15. This week another Mvp uniform modder who showed great imagination with his concept uniforms and a modder who has made many cyberfaces for MLB 2k12 for almost two years now. Finally another nod to a modder whose work was mostly behind the scenes. He is a guy whose many cyberface contributions to Total Classics can not be ignored FightingBillini FightingBillini was known for his particular brand of uniforms but not everything he did was based on concept uniforms. His green pinstriped White Sox uniforms that they wear in September to celebrate six months to St. Patrick's Day have not been attempted by any other uniform modder since their release and it is not hard to understand why because he really nailed this rarely seen uniform. It's sharp and looks great in the game. His other uniforms listed below are of the same quality. White Sox Halfway to St.Patrick's Day Uniforms & St. Patty Day Concepts. Four concept St. Patrick's Day uniforms included. Cleveland Indians Late 90's Uniform Set v 2.0. City Names Road Jerseys. Road jerseys using the city names instead of the team names for St. Louis, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Los Angeles Angels and Philadelphia. This mod was made a few years before the Orioles decided to put their city name on their road jerseys. Scottybilly For almost two years now Scottybilly has been quietly releasing some top notch cyberfaces for members here who play MLB 2k12. He has been so consistent at it that there are now ten full pages of his work uploaded for 2k12. The improvements he has made in that game are a distinct upgrade than the default 2k versions and the good news is for owners of that game is that he shows no signs of stopping. 2k version updated Cyberfaces final version. Philadelphia Phillies Cyberface pack 1.0. Miami Marlins Cyberface Mega-pack 1.0. Tony Gwynn Jr. Cyberface Final version. Josh Reddick Cyberface 1.0. Behind the Scenes 69Yanks Another cyberface modder who helped make Total Classics what it is today was 69Yanks. His version of a young Frank Robinson (which can be seen when using the 1961 Reds) is a good example of the type of faces he made. Some of his faces and other mods were uploaded separately but most of his work can be found on the player faces that make up Total Classics.
  16. Thanks. I watched the game for only a few minutes and hardly at all during the season with the way Oakland plays.
  17. Not bad at all! One question, what does Legion of Boom mean?
  18. Obviously you are not suspended since you made this post. EDIT: Also try to log out and then log back in.
  19. Once again this is superb work as always! Thank you Dennis.
  20. Updated to 2-2 ...No matter how cold it is where you are keep this in mind while you look out your window at all the snow around you. It's February and that means spring training. Never have two words sounded so good together. ...But first things first. I think the sooner this Super Bowl is over with the quicker it will be that people will stop talking about it. Since I do not care about either team and since I also happen to think that Peyton Manning does not walk on water, I will be watching very little of this game. Let me put it another way for you. I'll be watching The Puppy Bowl longer than I'll be watching this game. But I will not leave you without one of my scientific predictions. I'm betting all my peanuts and popcorn on Seattle. Who is going to argue with a coin flip? ...You may want to think twice about watching the game because Madden NFL 25 is saying the Broncos are going to win which is good news for anyone who has placed a bet on them and for Papa John's franchises across the country. ...Carlos Zambrano's major league career was built on failure, temper tantrums and fist fights and that's why for me it was always funny to read about or see a news clip about his latest meltdown. I've almost put him out of my mind because he hasn't played in the majors since 2012 but last week during the Venezuelan Winter League championship series he showed that even without being in the major leagues he was still the same old Carlos. In the sixth inning one of Zambrano's hot dog teammates hit a long home run, the kind where you know when you hit it it's gone and the only question remaining is how far? Well, this guy was doing his best Alfonso Soriano imitation by standing at home plate admiring his work and the opposing pitcher did not like that one bit. The very next batter got hit in the ribs and the dugouts emptied and the only guy who ran out on the field looking for a fight was Zambrano as he was taking swings at anyone that was near him, teammates included. It was not one of his best fights because none of his wild swings made contact with anyone. Makes me almost wish that some team (except the Yankees) would give this guy a shot this year because with Rodriguez gone we need someone else to laugh at. ...I happened to notice one day last week the lady next door shoveling her driveway all by herself so I called my wife over to the window and I asked her if she thought if the woman was feeling ok. I had my fingers crossed hoping that she would blurt out what I wanted her to say and sure enough she did. "How am I supposed to know that!" she replied. "Just look at her" I said to her, "she has to be delirious because she's outside shoveling and she didn't send her husband out to do it." The punch I got to the ribs was worth it. ...Speaking of her,well God love her but she can up with some crazy ideas every so often and it usually has something to do with me. She works as a medical secretary and because she has that job she has no problem giving me medical advice or diagnosing my latest ailment, both of which drive me nuts. It's no secret that my knees have seen better days so her latest suggestion to me is to try acupuncture. Sure I will. And right after that I'll head off to the zoo and put my hand in the mouth of a lion. I have heard some positive things about this procedure but I just can not picture myself in a room with someone who is going to put needles into me because I can not get past the fact that it's a needle and that means it's supposed to hurt. ...Not that it matters one way or the other to me but I don't understand why the Cleveland Indians are giving Jim Thome a statue at Progressive Field. I got nothing against him and I think he was one of the better players in the game and I always held my breath every time he was at-bat against the Yankees but why give this guy a statue now when they were going to build him one if he resigned with them after the 2002 season? Give him a day in his honor because I think he deserves that but nothing more than that. On a smaller scale you can compare it to the Yankees deciding to make a big fuss over Robinson Cano when he retires. That's not going to happen. ...The Red Sox (who else?) have reassigned popular sideline reporter Jenny Dell that worked for them on their NESN telecasts after they found out she was dating one of their players. Dell, a stunning brunette, has been dating Boston third baseman Will Middlebrooks for almost a year was canned when a photo of the pair was made public around New Year's Eve. Why it has to be their business as to who this girl decides to date should be entirely up to her. It's not like what she does has any bearing on the game at any time. Her job is to look hot and tell the viewers what the game time weather is and to let them know if someone is in or out of the lineup and at the end of the game interview the player who got the game-winning hit before runs off to the clubhouse. Maybe David Ortiz threw a fit when he found out she was with Middlebrooks because he wanted first dibs on her. ...The Yankees have someone similar in Meredith Marakovits, a gorgeous blonde who talks before and after all Yankee games, usually about nothing important. Watching her every day on the Yankee telecasts was the highpoint of the Yankee telecasts last year considering how well they played. And she got extra air time because she was the one who gave us up-to-the-minute updates on all the times Derek Jeter hurt his ankle, which meant she was on TV as much as Michael Kay. ...I don't want to get off on a rant here (with a nod to Dennis Miller, who made that phrase famous) but when I read about the twelve-year-old boy who was attacked and killed by a crocodile in Australia last week it just got me really mad because it all could have been avoidable. The incident happened in Australia's Northern Territory. Not being familiar with it I looked it up and I found out that it is the least populated area of Australia's eight major states and territories. There may not be a whole lot of people there but the crocodile population more than makes up for it. That being said I do not understand why four boys were allowed to go swimming in a water hole at a National Park when a eight to nine foot saltwater crocodile attacked the group. One boy fought off the crocodile after it had bitten his arm and then the animal turned his attention to the younger boy as the crocodile took a hold of him and swam off with him. This all boils down to one word: Why?? Wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that the people that live around there would have a better knowledge of these extremely dangerous animals and have the common sense not to be in any area where they even might be? People in that area have already been warned about swimming in that area because one year ago a teenager survived an attack from a sixteen-foot crocodile, so either these people have short memories or very thick skulls. What I don't understand is why these animals are protected in many parts of the world where instead they should be hunted and killed on a regular basis? And F*** that animal rights crap. Hundreds of people die each year because of these animals so their rights are out the window as far as I see it. Kill as many as you can and make leather handbags out of them. Maybe if that is done consistently for the next twenty years or so there won't be another grieving family out there somewhere mourning the loss of their child. ...Safest House on the Block, Dept: Police in Santa Ana, California arrested a schoolteacher last Wednesday after at least three hundred living and dead pythons were found in plastic bins inside his home. Along with the snakes, mice and rats were also found after neighbors complained of a rotten smell that was coming out of the house. The smell was so bad that not even Jehovah Witnesses would go there. The fifty-three-year-old teacher was arrested for neglect in the care of animals and refusing to use the boxes of Renuzit that his neighbors bought for him. ...Familiar readers of this thread have no doubt realized how resistant to change I am regarding any changes made in baseball. Interleague play, instant replay, expanded playoffs, you name it. Whatever Bud Selig approved idea that has been churned out of Baseball's executive offices I have immediately hated because I believe these things were done just for the sake of making a change and it always took something away from the game. But in the rare instances when they are not messing with the tradition of the game or thinking up new ways to squeeze another nickel out of the fans they spend some time looking into the safety of the game. Not a lot, but just enough to give the impression that they care. Last week they approved a new protective cap for pitchers that in theory is supposed to provide some head protection against line-shots off the bat. There has been too many pitchers over the past few years who have been hurt this way and if this can help a few of them then I am all for it. Whether the pitchers choose to wear this new cap is up to them but at least now they have an option. I can't argue with that. ...Despite repeated promises from Amanda Knox to the Italian judicial system that she will not kill anyone ever again, she was found guilty last Thursday along with her former boyfriend for the murder of Meredith Kercher, their twenty-one-year-old roommate. And to show how much they believed her the court sentenced her to 28 1/2 years in prison. It took the Italians awhile but they finally fit the punishment to the crime. As soon as the court made its ruling the first thing that was brought up was if she would be extradited to Italy. Even Knox herself wondered that too and expressed hope that the United States would refuse to do so if Italy should ask. She did seem very worried about the possibility of this happening and stated that they would have to catch her and pull her back kicking and screaming. I would not be surprised to find out sometime in the not so distant future that she ran off to Dubai, a country that has no extradition policy with this country. ...Knox should try look on the bright side. Now she can write another book. ...I've always been someone who has held open doors for other people, men and women alike. It's a nice thing to do and it's also a nice feeling when someone does it for you. That's why I do it. But I will tell you right now that one of my biggest pet peeves is when people don't thank you or acknowledge you in any way after you have done this. I usually don't say anything when this happens except stew on it for a few minutes and then go on with my day but last Friday at 7-11 was a case of one too many. I was going out of the store and this girl, who by my best guess was at least fourteen, was coming in. I held the door open for her and she made her grand entrance into the store without so much glancing at me. Before I walked completely out of the store I turned at yelled back at her "you're welcome!" in a loud voice. The store clerk, who was standing by the register and saw the entire thing, immediately started laughing uncontrollably. It was only after that that I got a response from her. "Oh yeah, thanks," she said. I should have never said a word.
  21. This month marks the tenth anniversary of Mvpmods and in honor of that I am going to be posting a baseball audio book once a month for the rest of the year. You are encouraged and welcome to download these books and I hope you enjoy listening to them as much as I did. Audiobooks are fine but nothing beats having the book in your hand. That's personal opinion of course. The book of the month will remain online for the entire month and then will be removed when it is time for the next one to be uploaded. This means when July comes you want to go back and get the book that was uploaded in April, it will not be there. Enjoy the books! February Book of the Month: The Teammates - A Portrait of a Friendship. Written by David Halberstam and read by Tate Donovan. 2003 Unabridged, 5 CDs /6 hours. The Teammates is the profoundly moving story of four great baseball players who have made the passage from sports icons -- when they were young and seemingly indestructible -- to men dealing with the vulnerabilities of growing older. At the core of the book is the friendship of these four very different men -- Boston Red Sox teammates Bobby Doerr, Dominic DiMaggio, Johnny Pesky, and Ted Williams -- who remained close for more than sixty years. The book starts out in early October 2001, when Dominic DiMaggio and Johnny Pesky begin a 1,300-mile trip by car to visit their beloved friend Ted Williams, whom they know is dying. Bobby Doerr, the fourth member of this close group -- "my guys," Williams used to call them -- is unable to join them. Doerr is back in Oregon tending to his wife of sixty-three years, who has suffered a second stroke. Acclaimed author David Halberstam has given us a book -- filled with historical details and first-hand accounts -- about baseball and about something more, the richness of friendship. LINKS Removed on March 1st. I hope whoever downloaded this enjoyed it.
  22. I don't know who this guy is but he looks like he was just told that McDonald's closed five minutes ago.
  23. This is not the thread to ask this question. Send him a private message or go in his thread and ask him.
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